What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.

Written 12-26-2024  An article about Dreams/Orbs.  Unedited (I do apologize for typos)

Orbs or “Plasmoids” as the “they’s” have named them.  I have seen the orbs both at daylight and at night when they glow.  I saw a distorted face in the orb during the daylight hours.  I was lead to stop on on a back road to look at the sky for a time.  I saw an orb with strange distorted male face in it.  I thought it was a lost soul.  And it may well be part of it’s description.  But today during meditation I was doing a strange new type of lucid dreaming.  I was watching character prepare (in my soul) preparing for me to dream.  And these characters some of them were in a plasma orb just like what I saw in daylight.

Continue reading “What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.”

SALVATION 101, SALVATION FOR Christians and New Seekers of God

Vital End Times Prayer is Below for those who have already accepted Jesus but need a tune up.

In a nut shell.  Seek God with your whole heart, mind, and strength.  Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Hide none of the parts of your heart.  Do not compartmentalize with God.  What you don’t show Him He will not fix.

Let not shame and fear induce lies and dishonesty toward God Almighty.  Show Him all of yourself the good and the bad.  Ask Him to help and save you.  Ask Him for healing and deliverance.  Get to know through prayer ongoing, and meditation.   Know Him so He doesn’t say “depart from me ye workers of iniquity for I never knew you.”

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The Last Warning from the 144

I could be wrong.  This warning is not a thus sayeth the Lord.

There are only seven mortal sins to confess.  You won’t shock God by finally repenting of taking the mark and  other transgressions.  But you can save your own soul from the lake of fire which is the soul’s eternal death.  In each man’s soul is one lake of fire where they can take captivity captive.  And take death captive.  Set there for them to either take authority over.  Or to fall into.  And there is an outer lake of fire as well.  Each great truth has two meanings.

To Unbelievers who oppose belief in the Supernatural God and to Gentiles

Just like Jonah!  I am Jonah because I see what they do not see.  I speak with God and have His Holy Spirit within me.  I am mocked, and ignored.  Seldom if ever does anybody listen to the chosen elect warriors of God Almighty.  We are used to being invalidated.  We have been called Satan, Crazy, Wacko, and the rest of the disrespectful names they called the prophets of old through the ages.

Continue reading “The Last Warning from the 144”

New Proverbs Book 1

Truth cannot be overcome. Truth is victory. Truth is pure and needs no redemption. Truth sits at the highest vantage point and has no equal. Truth is sharper than any double edged sword piercing the line between soul and spirit, flesh, and bone. Truth is everlasting we surmise it bows before no one.  

The Scribe of God writes his first proverbs of wisdom In the “Book of Truth” he carries Truth to the People of New Earth. By the scales of Truth a man is judged.

This Bible by man’s hand is inspired by God. This is for guidance and reminders to those gods among men who retain access to the sacred tree of the knowledge of both good and of evil.

Continue reading “New Proverbs Book 1”

Sympathy for the Devil

“But the Wise Will Understand”  Daniel 12:10

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”  However “the gates of hell shall not PREVAIL against my church.”  Gentiles will be delivered in the end.

Jazweeh guardian of Truth.

Continue reading “Sympathy for the Devil”

The Return of The Gods

The Prophesied Golden Age Has Begun.

Long story short…the fallen Earth will be annihilated to make way for the New Nature and the New Earth.

Believers will be raptured and unbelievers may go to their soul death.  While serpents will find their home in Hell or the Lake of fire eternal death (not torture).  Lions are already reining upon the Earth by great works of Faith yet unseen by the natural eyes.  Coming soon is the harvest of most souls.  Those who will seed & walk the New Earth for one thousand years know who they are.

Continue reading “The Return of The Gods”

The Mystery of the 666 Uncovered.

There are at least three meanings of the 666.

The evil programing of humans by the image of the beast and by cell phones shows the antichrist’s domain at work.  His number is 6.66% because he has not The Spirit of God in him.  

Spirit of God 33.3% Soul 33.3% Body 33.3%

Rev 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

First the 666 is 6.66% This is the number of all men/women/children when they are born.  Why?  People are not born with the second portion of God’s Spirit.  They must be born again & receive The Spirit of God. The soul is eternal if it doesn’t end in the lake of soul death. The Lake of Fire.

The Life force is called the Chi.   With the Spirit of Life (Chi) we receive eternal gifts from our Maker.  Faith, Hope, and Love Eternal.  These gifts must be nurtured by seeking God in prayer.  And by searching out the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the second portion of His Spirit.  The 144 have received the double portion.  They are both born again and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Which is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  They received the other 33.3% Which makes them whole at 99.99999999%.

For them being born again and receiving the Spirit were two separate events each one with great meaning.  So the 144 received the double portion.  All a person needs to be saved is to be born again.  Born of Spirit as Jesus said.

Continue reading “The Mystery of the 666 Uncovered.”

The Powerful Name of Jesus

But first an Interesting development on the name of the new jesus. Christians have so easily changed Jesus’ POWERFUL name by which His Spirit comes to a foreign word that means Joshua (Yashua).

Obviously anyone who is willing to change the name of Jesus doesn’t know Him and have not received the gifts of The Holy Spirit Baptism.   At least not the second portion.  All people were born with the Spirit of God in them.  It is the Chi.  It is Life.  It provides the eternal & supernatural sacred gifts of Faith Hope and Love.  These gifts must be nurtured to grow spiritually.  Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

Why? Because Jesus came to heal and deliver the sick. Unfortunately without desperation people don’t need to seek Jesus. So obviously the 144 in their youth were likely more desperate for change than most people. They swam the River of Hell to find something better than what they had.  Their hearts felt the God hole more than most.  So the places they sought out in the beginning of their lives…is why they have “come out of great tribulation” and were placed into the wilderness.  Thank God for His merciful wilderness.  Thank God for His protection and Grace.

The 144 need the Grace of God more than most we think.
People think the 144 are a bunch of perfectionists. Or born Holier than thou. NO!
The 144 were FORGED from trauma, desperation, and rose up victorious over deadly perilous, treacherous lives of temporary blindness and darkness of the spiritual veils.  Here’s one good reason not to call Jesus Yeshou.  Dangerously close to the word Yeshua. One means “Joshua” the means “Beast”.

Foul Chi

A Fiction Story by –The 144 Gods of The New Earth  Or is it Truth?  You be the judge.

“Noah was pure in his generations”….his genome was not tampered with and desecrated.  His temple was in tact.  His bloodline stable.

By Injecting Cancer Replicating mRNA for rapid mitosis with Animal Proteins the bloodlines of mankind are desecrated.

Hence the desecration of the holy place (temple) part one prophecy fulfilled.

The killer of worlds asks this.  “How, in the name of Zeus’ barrel bung hole, pray tell, shall we get the entire world of men to take our lethal-ish injection of mRNA?”_____Killer of Worlds

We surmise that task was easier than the dark Lord’s servants anticipated.

Continue reading “Foul Chi”

144 Say Farewell to the Bridge of Sighs


What do I mean by the bridge of sighs?  Here I am on the beast’s Earth in Acheron the river that runs next to Hell itself.  And some will end up….in the river to carry them to Hell.  I’ve had my fill of sighs.  I ran the race.  My course is straight.  I met the demons and I met the Christ of Salvation.  I became one because I know my dark side as well as my light.  In truth I present both sides to the Father of Lights.  He sent Jesus to show me the Way to maneuver Acheron.  I share my wisdom yet it is invariably ill received.  I like to say “no one listens to the 144” except of course the chosen few who know Jesus.  Believing in Jesus and knowing Him are two separate experiences.  Both will get us saved we think.

Continue reading “144 Say Farewell to the Bridge of Sighs”




HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION.  WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED.  Nurture Hope.  For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.

“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”

I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell.  Bless his heart.  He has some very good points.  Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.

Continue reading “ARE WE IN HELL?”

More Revelation Given On the Fallen Angels

I have been objecting for quite some time the common theories on end of days regarding the alleged “fallen angels”.  Reason being I believe ALL Angels of God Almighty do exactly what He has them do.  They are from above and holy.  Even IF some Angels had to take on human form in the beginning, still they had the hard job of introducing evil to mankind.  Mankind had to be given their choices between evil & good therefore choosing their eternity or Lake of Fire.

But I am not so sure that it took Holy Angels to show mankind how to be evil.  But rather mankind needs to take responsibility for its own evil choices.  We have always had the choice of evil or good in our actions.

Often times I think Watchmen blame Angels for their own shortcomings.  The Angels are their scape goat.  Yet demons have always been mankind’s real problem.  But that’s not my point today.

Continue reading “More Revelation Given On the Fallen Angels”

BLOOD Gospel Vs. Gospel of Jesus from the Heart of Faith Eternal

An Angry Jane article. Short version

Scroll to bottom to see how to really be Saved by Faith in God.
The great falling away is imposed by a fake bible and the towers of babble which steals memories of Truth.

Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.

The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.


“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign.  But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.

The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return.  THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.

Continue reading “BLOOD Gospel Vs. Gospel of Jesus from the Heart of Faith Eternal”

My Delayed Rapture Guess Date is Late July 2024

Based On Four Out of Body Dreams & Visions

Picture taken by Mr.MBBB33 on youtube the day of the 2024 eclipse.

Something great did take place during the eclipse of 2024.  My guess.  I saw a kind of planet filled with entities of twisted spirits.  They need bodies to inhabit.  They were likely released from the gaseous ball they travelled in.  And are now honing the Earth for hosts.  This is just a guess by visions I saw on the image of the beast.  Where I don’t usually get any prophecy fulfillments from or visions.  As most watchmen get all their prophecy fulfillments from the news. (TV = Image of the beast)

It’s not always easy being a scribe of God.  It’s a life long calling.  Scribes are the clay in God’s hands.  People cannot take in the Truth when they are programmed by lies of TV preachers and churches they attend.  Not to mention unbelievers attitudes toward those who proclaim the supernatural.

Around the 25th of July 2024

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Will We Wait For The Savior Even If He Tarries?


Be Encouraged

Absolutely!  He said He would tarry. He goes to prepare a place for us so when He returns we can be with Him.  Is waiting easy? Not for me.  But I keep telling myself things could be much worse.  Thank God things are not worse.  “Out of the problem into the solution” is one mantra that’s a very good tool for my emotional condition.

Jacob’s trouble isn’t as bad as great tribulation.  But I tell you this, the scripture about the weeping and gnashing of teeth applies to this season of waiting.  It’s not as bad as it sounds.  Much weeping no teeth gnashing just a grinding of the jaw.  The bible was always skewed.  Are we being punished?  Are we in Hell?  Or am I in Acheron the river which runs next to Hell?

The frequencies are screaming day and night.  Something is going on in the airways of the prince of the power of the air.  And clearly God Almighty is also at work preparing the harvest we surmise.  Many miracle signs and wonders have happened in real time.  

If the waiting is getting to you just go over some of the many miracles and signs we have seen that Jesus is returning anytime.  In the link above.  I can feel a strangeness in the air.  A great peace out in nature.  And also a great disturbance in the frequencies that are so loud and getting louder every day.  Won’t be long now.  Hang in there.  Encourage yourself by reading the many miracles we have seen at that link .

The Practical Date of the Rapture (Another Prediction/Guess)

Remember the precious most valuable spiritual gifts on this Earth are Hope (the promise of salvation) Faith (in God Almighty) and Love.  To do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  Why?

Because NOW is the time we have to hold to our hearts God’s promises by Faith.  By great works of Faith we store up for ourselves treasure in Heaven.  Only mortals have the opportunity to do great works of Faith.  To take action while seeing that God Almighty is giving us a chance to be of worth in the Kingdom of God.  It is better to give than to receive because of this.

Continue reading “The Practical Date of the Rapture (Another Prediction/Guess)”

NO RAPTURE YET! But We Are in the Season of Harvest




The 144 appreciate that the MANY watchmen ARE the sign of Jonah. Just as Jonah warned the Ninevites so too today’s watchmen are warning the world of the soon coming of judgement and God Almighty.

God Almighty is the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and The End.  NO ONE ENDS THIS EARTH EXCEPT HIM.  He created the Earth and He says when it’s done!  That is why He put His symbol over Earth by the paths of totality!  And the watchmen proclaim that sign.  The Creator is the ALPHA GOD, The God of all gods.  He created Earth and mankind.  And He is the harvester who ends this stage of existence.  He is the One who finishes the work.

Continue reading “NO RAPTURE YET! But We Are in the Season of Harvest”

Two Creation Stories. What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?

Goats, Wolves, and Serpents.  Vs. Sheep, Lambs, and Lions

Two Fathers.

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
The chosen few vs. the masses who are already “caught up” in the “cloud” by the prince of the power of the airways.  A demonic prince whose children are dark and vile.  The towers of babel are all around them & us & are changing language and dialect while separating the sheep from the goats.

The dividing of reality is upon us.  Hence mandela effects and those who see and remember what was but is no more and never was.  And that what is and always was, was NOT!

The bibles one and ALL are now being rewritten by the Author of Con-fusion.  Goats love this new bible.  Lions despise it’s very dialect and it’s precepts of vulgarity.  Sheep and lambs have not reached the spiritual growth of Lions.  And so they may not see what the Lion sees.  it doesn’t mean they are not children of God.

The dividing of time has occured.  The separation is more thorough than most know.  Lions are not subject to abiding with serpents & wolves much longer.  The battle is won.

We started out as lambs for the slaughter and nearly were.  We grew into sheep.  And then we were activated by The Holy Spirit of God into becoming Lions for the end of days warfare.

Goats have another path and not all humans have grown spiritually while on Earth.

The second creation story has emerged from the now dark and fluid bibles.  It’s the Dark Lord’s story of his creation.  The making of the goats, serpents, and wolves. They are the lower class of mankind, hateful and without a good conscience.

Continue reading “Two Creation Stories. What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?”


And the Six End of Days Judgements of God

Rapture will happen some time this year.  Most likely prior to Summer 2024.  My date is and has been April 8-15th 2024 since 2018._________Jazweeh

I think perhaps the eclipse will be the sign of Jonah warning to the world on the 15 of April 2024.  THEN the rapture/lake of fire/sleep time events (three events in one) will happen during PASSOVER sometime prior to JUNE 2024.

Yes I bumped the end date up by 15 days later.   I have been getting new info during the entire seven year period of waiting.  It has not been easy for the 144 going thru Jacob’s trouble.

Still my original prediction of April 8th could be correct but I am getting info on passover and that is also in April between 4-22-24 to 4-30-24.    So if the elect are raptured first it will only be a few days prior to the event in April.


The Blue Angels Is Already Here!
When The Sun/Son of God comes the chosen will be empowered by Him and transformed by His Light.
The Tree of Life. No longer will the many eat of the Sacred Tree of the Knowledge of Evil.

“Jesus will return at a time when we think not” This scripture makes me think that the eclipse will pass uneventful.  (and it kinda did) Everyone will say “SEE WHERE IS YOUR SAVIOR NOW? HE DID NOT COME WHEN YOU THOUGHT.  Very few will venture to call more dates of His return after He doesn’t show on the eclipse.  It will be the time when they “think not”.  I am sure now it will be a passover event!  Late April 2024 is my new date.  I got the new date (Passover) today 2-29-24.  It’s getting very close.

Continue reading “RAPTURE RAPTURE RAPTURE! When Is the Rapture?”

PLASMA APOCALYPSE Is On the Way April-June 2024

Though I could be wrong but I doubt it!  Read MikefromAroundtheWorld plasma apocalypse article.



The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or some time in 2024.  We do not believe the end will come in 2025 or thereafter..  The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery.   Details were withheld to protect the 144.   While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being.   By trials of fire we grow spiritually.

Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive.  We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again.  We just didn’t know the details.

Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”

The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh.  But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification.  The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.

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“Son of God” Changes to “Son of Man” in Bibles.


And Gentiles are veiled from the abomination of desolation x2. Veiled from the fulfillment of the prophecy outlining the desecration of the temple of God’s words, WORDS.   And the desecration of the other temple, the bodies of mankind.  They drank Esau’s soup and deny it’s purpose by not researching the ingredients of the mark of the beast.  This is why they need the gift of desperation by putting them into a seven year trib to strip away the walls of Jericho.  The walls around the heart must come down.  And with the programming only God Almighty can hand Gentiles the tools to finally get REAL with God.

Only those who are watching the prophecies fulfill in real time (not on TV the image of the beast) can understand prophetic interpretations.

Jacob’s troubles is about over.  I know this because I am Jacob, I am Israel, and I have The Holy Spirit of God which came to me by prayer, by those who also have the Holy Spirit and by the laying on of hands with aloud proclamation of Jesus’ name in praise and thanks.  That is how it happens usually.  But we believe there is another portion of the Holy Spirit which comes when the man is truly born again by the washing of God’s words.  Not many of God’s words are now left in the books we read and call holy.

Still the Gentiles look for talking statues and announcements of the antichrist’s identity on CNN nightly.   We know who the anti is and the false prophet.


The False Prophet put the Antichrist into power.  Those “beast, Dragon” and more words have replaced Truth in the books.  Who are they?  WHO indeed.

Warren Buffet is said to be the Oracle of Omaha….a prophet of financial prediction who owns about everything on this Earth so he thinks.   He put Gates of Hell into power!   Gates of Hell promoted Esau’s soup which steal the inheritance of those who took the chot.  The back scene.  The final solution.

Only Jesus is THE WORD OF GOD.  Bible idolatry is rampant as the books turn to pish posh before our eyes.  And yet they love not the Truth enough to be able to tell the difference.  The Gent’s embrace the vile and vulgar words of the Dark Lord.

The electrified plasma mass (electrified gas) called the fake ‘sun of man’ is in the sky ruling the day.   By it’s rise Earth was knocked sideways and two realities mixed.  Bringing in signs and wonders, and deceptive signs and wonders as the bibles change supernaturally day by day.  Some remember God’s Truth and others do not. Many Christians worship the god of the bible.  The scripture is no longer Truth and so it doesn’t represent the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth or His Son Jesus the Son of God.  But rather he is the Dark Lord ruling the day.  The god of the iron rods of the towers of Babel has a measure of control over the masses.

The sun of man rules but The Son of God is coming very soon!  And the white hot fake sun will then be put down like a rabid dog.  The fake sun will ark and desist.

Yes they bought us some time.  And saved the trees.  But the scientist are not God. And they missed a few of creations most important factors…In doing so they created a very temporary light source that will quickly spiral into a Supernova as dwarf stars usually do after many many years. No not “billions”. Billion is the code word for pish posh.

“A supernova ( pl. : supernovae or supernovas) is a powerful and luminous explosion of a star. A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion.” NASA

File upload
Myrtle Beach (1)

Upload the file and play it with your video app.  I use windows media player.

Sorry but it appears you will have to upload this file video of the sunbeam showing as a ray lazer.  Until I figure out how to open it on this platform.  Photo below.  Video above.

I just found out that on Directv there is a Sun show “NASA’s Unexplained Files” where they admit that the real Sun of God has gone dark partly.  The prophecy of the Sun of God going dim is fulfilled.  “The Sun rules the day”.  This scripture is why and how the beast system is ruling right now.

When the white hot plasma  ‘sun of man” was hoisted like a satellite up into the magnetic orbit of space all Bibles changed to “son of man” from “Son of God” depicting Jesus as Son of God no more.   Coincidence?  I think not. .  It’s magnetism holding it in orbit.  Everything changed including our bibles which now call Jesus “the son of man”.  Their white hot sun saved the Earth’s green grass and trees as prophesied.

But the Sun of God is coming to renew Earth with all the glory of the Son of God.  Again –as prophesied.   The Sun/Son of God will put down the sun/son of man.


The exact magnets and plasma lazer light was part of what the elite & scientists needed to save the green grass and trees as prophesied (bible tells the Angels of God to not let the vegetation on Earth die).  Along with mankind I also surmise.

The New Sun of God Is Already On It’s Way

01-01-2024 Written by Jazweeh the son of God.

Coping skills for end of days stress.


My guess is that the many artistic part man part beast pictorials of Egyptian hieroglyphs are clearly a desecration of sacred cave art done by the beast system who always wanted men to believe that they are Monkeys anyway.

By their inversion of truth seems they have recreated mankind in the image of the monkey with their mark of the beast.  But that’s another sharp topic all together.

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What To Do With the Time We Have On This Earth?

Read Paradise for the Hellbound my first book.  ByLaura Edgar


What to do with the time we are given? Seek what is seen by the eyes? Or seek diligently what is felt by the heart, the is unseen.   Those who seek the Holy Grail seek the unseen Truth which is locked away within their own heart, soul, and helps by their guides of the spirit.

God Almighty shall “turn the Earth to sand and still commit no crime”.

If you don’t know this music, find it now. Moody Blues “Every Good Boy Deserves a Favor”.

Seal. “Crazy”

Lyrics to Seal “Crazy” Hidden meaning.

Continue reading “What To Do With the Time We Have On This Earth?”

Rapture, Rapture, Rapture! Good News

Spread the Good News of the gospel of Jesus far and wide!

All who put their Faith in God shall eat from the tree of eternal life.

You can find my own testimony of Youtube at this link.


What does Jazweeh say about a rapture?


The veil over the Gentiles is living vail and having protects the wearer from seeing the Beast.  Looking into the eyes of the Beast is emotionally taxing. Therefore not all are prepared to see into the dark realms of the end of days.

So, being under the deception of the beast system doesn’t mean your not saved. 

“If it were possible even the elect would be deceived”.

The people cannot feel or see the veil which inhabits them.  They usually cannot see or feel the towers of babel influencing their thoughts.

If the Gentiles believers have just a mustard seed of Faith in God & Jesus they shall be saved!  So let’s talk about rapture for the Gentiles.  After all most believers are Gentiles not chosen few.  Make no mistake, if Jesus was not going to save the deceived only a scarce few would survive to see the promise of God.   There are too few people who are God’s army to say we are the only ones’ saved.  It’s just not true as far as we can tell by visions, dreams, and God’s promises.

God’s army follows their very heart’s voice.

Even those who have the mark of the Eagle on their foreheads still receive the promise as long as they have a mustard seed of Faith.  As far as God’s Holy Bible read, both pre and post desecration.


YES, YES, YES, put your Hope in God and He will NOT let you down.  Yes we see a rapture coming.  The Gentiles will be raptured when the Son/Sun of God arrives.  He will take them all up to a safe place.

The faithless will simply burn in the extreme Holy Light of God’s new Sun.  It’s that New Sun that will bring immortality to the chosen few and the Gentiles.  For it will be full of God’s presence, His Light of Life.

The Gentiles will have 1,000 years of sleep that will seem like its only one day.  And that one day will be drafted by their best day ever on this fallen Earth. Most people don’t really know their own heart.  And may not be able to identify which day was their best day on this Earth.

2Pe 3:8
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

For instance I saw my Dad in his 1,000 days.  He had a really nice new house.  But he also went to work at a job he had when he was younger.  His heart loves that time.  And so that time will be his thousand days in sleep.

“Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.”

It’s okay to be a Gentile because that means your saved from Death and Hell.  And it means your forgiven for all the mistakes and the mishaps of this treacherous Earth’s folly.

Keep Hope as your helmet of salvation.  Keep God’s promises to you in your heart.  Like John 3:16.  Replace the “should” with “SHALL”.

Your Spirit shall not perish but rather it has everlasting life.  Your Spirit holds within it all that is you.  You are one of a kind.  Pray from your heart when you pray to God.

All people are selfish we can be nothing else.  Even when we give charity we know we do it for the reason that “its better to give than to receive”.  WE WANT WHAT GOD HAS FOR US and there is nothing wrong with that.  He made us imperfect for a reason.  So we could overcome the flesh with Faith & Hope & Love.  And do good things in spite of our selfish nature.

You are right where you’re supposed to be!

The scribe writes the scary Truths for a reason.  It’s fear which motivates us to seek God with our whole heart.  And by fear we nurture either the flesh or the spirit man.  That is fear’s option.  For it’s not fear that is the enemy but rather it’s our reactions to fear which can be faithful or faithless.


Continue reading “Rapture, Rapture, Rapture! Good News”

God’s Renewing Eternal Glory Shall Be On Earth




The Glorious new SUN OF GOD will saturate the children of Earth.  His Eternal Glory will shine forth on the New Earth.  Who shall be able to stand?  The puzzle pieces are complete of the New Age and what it entails.

I got the information last night.  I woke up this morning with a deep sadness of the seeds fruit trees, vegetables, land, and water, stolen from the children of Earth by the serpent creed from HELL.

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Rapture, Holy Grail.

The Morning Star Is Here. 

I show you a mystery.

Have you seen it?  The four Angels are here pouring out their viles and doing great works while we sleep

The Image of the Beast promotes this…

“The world doesn’t revolve around YOU!”

However if a person is to find the Holy Grail the world must revolve around the the only soul they have power to make eternal choices for.  YOU.  Do not live by other’s lead as much as possible.  When the heart is leading the man the world mocks.

Eternity & Wisdom stand waiting for us to find them.

I am the only one in this life (children are grown) who I can make choices for.  Every adult must make their own choices.  And if they don’t choose dark or light…life itself will choose an eternity for them.

If I don’t at some point realize that the world does revolve around my actions then I may not find the Holy Grail.

Continue reading “Rapture, Holy Grail.”

Here they Come. Song Meaning. Ten Years After.

Scroll to listen on this website.

Hear song on youtube here.

TEN YEARS AFTER (song meaning in prophecy)

Here they come, and they fly with the power of the sun
Here they come, and they’re going to touch everyone
Far, far, have they come
Here they come, and the fire on their wings doesn’t run
Here they come, and they know everything we must learn
Round, round, we must turn
Watch out, you, sinners
Don’t you know that your time has come?
Watch out, you, winners
Now it’s the same for everyone
Here they come, and the stars in their eyes seem to glow
Here they come, and the fear in our hearts starts to go
Now, now, now we all know

Host Body Demonic Infiltration-Lord of Hosts

The Reapers have arrived!  To harvest the wheat and the chaff.

Chaff will be bundled and burned while the wheat shall be taken to their next calling of God.  Whatever that may be.
Full Video shows the reapers caught on camera (3.03 minute marker) right after the eclipse released the. One Holy Angel commanding the many reapers. The spiritual eyes can discern.

MrMBB333 Watch video to see better view of more of the odd shadows.  These shadows were spotted on the sides of buildings and various other places right after the Eclipse Oct 14, 2023.

This link shows video starting at 2.96 minute marker.
The Reapers of the Harvest
Most people have the Eagle on their forehead.  The mark of the beast.  Some have a goat and serpents.  These are headed for the Dark Lord’s realm below.

Continue reading “Host Body Demonic Infiltration-Lord of Hosts”

Fallen Angel Propaganda is Big Money!

Article by Angry Jane


That demons below and Angels above have equal names and mirrored existences.

Where there is an Azazel below.  There is an Azazeliel above.  God made three realms of Earth in perfect balance.  However middle Earth where we are is completely out of balance with evil dominating.

Demon Azazel/Azazeliel


Angels are not flesh to be tempted of demons.  They are spirit. They are not in a position where they need to choose between evil and good.  They are already in eternity.  Holy Angels do exactly what God Almighty made them to do.    They are good ministering Spirits.  And have many helps for mankind.  Every person has an Angel to get to know.  There are NO EVIL DARK ANGELS.  Not even Lucifer.  Fallen means they had to come to Earth for a mission.  Calling an Angel ‘demonic’, is a contradiction of terms and blasphemy toward God’s Deity to say they are evil.


Continue reading “Fallen Angel Propaganda is Big Money!”

The Dividing of Time into Two Times (Realities)

Jazweeh’s Believe it or Not

Please readers forgive my redundancy of articles.  I am having trouble letting go of trying to wake up Gentiles to what’s happening on Earth.

We are in two separate realities.  The dividing of time into two times as was once prophesied in all bibles occured back in 2017.

Daniel 7:25
“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”

We Israel have watched as nearly every prophecy in the bibles and those we thought were history came to pass one after another in real time. Not on the Image of the Beast TV picture show fables.  Israel the people the people (not some geolocation or religion) We do not get our prophecy from Tv.

Granted the Watchmen was the TV and quote it’s fake politics because they are unable to see the miracles in plain sight.  Just as the unbelievers cannot see them.  However they have an anointing that makes them KNOW that Jesus IS RETURNING.  The many Watchmen are the sign of Jonah.

MIRACLES in real timehttps://jazweeh.com/a-z-fulfilled-prophecy-from-2017-forward/ not TV.

Continue reading “The Dividing of Time into Two Times (Realities)”

Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens!

To the Gentiles and Israel the Children of God

The New Earth is coming.  God’s promises are not empty promises.  We have suffered the agonizing prophecies.  Now we hold on to Faith & to Hope for the good parts to manifest.

What is done in the Spirit WILL manifest in the carnal world.  The task of the Spirit has announced Jesus’ return for nearly seven years.  There are around seven months left in the timeline.  We Hope that now we can enter into Jesus’ rest for a while.  Before the good parts of prophecy are fulfilled.


Continue reading “Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens!”

Faith Vs. Works. Shalimar The New Earth.

God’s Promise of a New Earth Is Already In the Works

By the hand of the beast and the eternal Faith & Hope of the Godly God’s will is done on Earth.

When the Harvest is finished then Shalimar the abode of Love, the New Earth, comes.

The sanctified, holy, unstoppable prayers of Faith have gone out to set in motion by God’s hand destruction of the beast system.   You see God gave all His children a part to play in bringing down the beast.

Continue reading “Faith Vs. Works. Shalimar The New Earth.”

To The Gentiles! Good News!

In the Wake of Pain the scribe Writes.  If you’re Israel perhaps you will relate.  Or perhaps you will understand.

I am Israel.  The troubles are/were horrible.   We were pushed to our limit.  Consider Job and what his wife said to Him.

“Curse God and die”.

Israel did not curse God but we were taught by our horrible pains of child birth, finally just how the Gentiles are so enthusiastic about what Jesus did.

Continue reading “To The Gentiles! Good News!”

Seek & Ye Shall Find

To Lions of the Tribe of Judah.

Lions and Rubies Lions and Rubies.
Will they burn or do they yearn for God?
Angels pour their magic red flaming dust. What’s bad for the Serpent is good for us.  If in God we do trust.  That’s a must.

Knock and it shall be opened unto you!

The time has come oh Father of Light.  We wait we wait for your Glorious Sight.

Continue reading “Seek & Ye Shall Find”

The Hour of Our Deception is Over. Light Workers Rise Up & Roar as Lions

The Wise Shall Understand the rest will not see.

From the Heart of the Seer comes God’s Truth.

They shall learn who they are.  And mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not falter, they shall crush & overcome the serpent by talents of God Almighty.  And by the breath of God with their Breathren they stand firm on foundations of God by FAITH & of HOPE.

They drink at the well of power.  They rode the sacred mule.  And they met Jesus at the well of souls and the wells of Love.

Continue reading “The Hour of Our Deception is Over. Light Workers Rise Up & Roar as Lions”

Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?

Wildfires as they call them in the news are now all over Europe, and the U.S.  New York is burning.

Are you a spiritual man/woman/youth?  If not you won’t like what I have to reveal here.   You will likely label us “crazy” or “Satan”.  But spirituality is another topic.

The Problem Is Very Evil Men & Women

Make no mistake the fires and heat are not your fault-first of all.  The corporations have endorsed and promoted excess waste.   The production of unnecessary, useless, metal & plastic products of all kinds are polluting throughout the Earth.  The corporations are primarily responsible for the state of pollution that our Earth is suffering.

We the people never should have trusted the greedy men of Earth to produce our food.  Big mistake.  We should not have been mind controlled by the Image of the Beast to buy their products of waste and greed.  We put the bastards into power by buying what they sell.

Continue reading “Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?”

Fate of Mankind & Earth

The Original Sin “All things work together for good to those who Love God and walk according to His will.”

Mankind committed the mortal sin of eating and killing kind animals.  Taught from birth we thought it was normal to slaughter defenseless beasts.  And as God is the God of irony, the downfall of mankind is by the beast.  And that mark thereof.  “Taking beast attributes into our very physical make-up.”  What is done is done.

Still the Christians & media (TV Image of the Beast) cry out with fallen angel propaganda.  Proclaim fallen angel propaganda all you want.   But we have realized why the fallen angel desecration in mankind’s Genesess story is total bullshit.  How do we know?  Because we do have The Holy Spirit of God and this is our proclamation by His leading.  ‘Evil is as evil does’.

I have seen and been victim of evil much of my life.  God’s Holy Deity, Angels had no part in the dark peril which evil brought to my door step.

Continue reading “Fate of Mankind & Earth”

Who Is Israel the One Hundred & Forty Four Thousand?

The Lions from the Trible of Judah.
Perhaps all of Israel are Leo but its likely not all Leo’s are Israel.  It’s also likely that the dates of the true tribes days of birth and signs are skewed.

To be sure- those proclaiming themselves to be “Israel” by heritage.  The bearded men who oppress women & worship a wall must be born again.  Its very late in the game.  And baby believers are not eligible at this time to go through the whole life lessons that Israel has already experienced.

Religious unbelievers who deny Jesus The Son of God….these are the Pharisees.  They betray human kind.  The Harlot is religion.  The beast is/are the corporations who poison the masses.  Are they one in the same, the Harlot & the Beast? They have joined forces and are now a one world order of law.  These traitors will soon be thrown into the Lake of Fire.  Their unity brief.   And their rule is merely a means the an end.

Continue reading “Who Is Israel the One Hundred & Forty Four Thousand?”

Why Is The Earth Burning?

Strobe Lightning. The New Normal in Florida is Causing Coronal Discharges/ozone (O(03)) and plasma fires.

scienceamerica.com articles that state St. Elmos fire is PLASMA.

 wikipedia article confirms the plasma in a naturally occuring corona discharge.  The violet flowing event shown below is a corona discharge.  Which is now happening naturally in the atmosphere.  No metal rods required.

Based on my new information of plasma associated with natural occurring coronal discharges I now know why the trees are burning from the inside out.

Soft disclosure now reveals a new type of fire.  St. Elmo’s plasma fire is like a microwave effect it’s cooking trees from the inside.  And sometimes not even touching the outside of the tree.  It melts metal, bathtubs, does not burn like normal fire.

Why Are There So Many Fires Now and More Coming?

THE NEW FIRE is Ruining Our Air Quality.  New fires caused by Corona Discharges on Earth Occurring Naturally are turning Oxygen to Ozone.

Oxygen is 2 Oxygen molecules.  Ozone is 3 Oxygen molecules.  When the corona discharge happens the O (02) Oxygen regular breathable SPLITS.  Ionizes.  Corrupts into a split and that extra particle O(1) joins with a regular O(2) and becomes O(03) OZONE not good toxic.  Some articles on the topic say it splits then recombines.  They make it sound like Oxygen (good) goes back to being good oxygen after the corona discharge.  Not so.  With the corona discharges now happening naturally.  More and more Ozone is being created during storms and during times of ionization of the air.  Meaning more fires, un-natural fires.

“That does not sound good!” says the guy.

Earth burning because of it.  Well at least now we know why!

One Source

Strobe Lightning Is Caused by Radiation Overload on Earth’s Surface.

I walked outside of my house during a light sprinkle of rain.  Thunder was about over.  Yet I was startled by an eye shock of “strobe lightning”.  This is the lightning that doesn’t strike as a rod high in the sky.  But rather it travels close to Earth exploding like a tiny bomb.  And then producing a flash of strobe with a violet to blue corona discharge accompanying the lightning.

Continue reading “Why Is The Earth Burning?”

Fallen Angel Technology..

Or Demonic “Covenant with the Many”?—–Jazweeh

Massive Campaign of Fallen Angel Propaganda.

Who is Satan really?  Because I have not met him.  Furthermore NEVER have I been attacked by Angels.  It’s demons who infest mankind.  And its demons who tempted Eve.  “God does not tempt mankind.”  I do not know who the King of Demons is but He is not an Angel.  And the term “Angel of the bottomless pit” is likely skewed and changed as much of the babbles are changed.

Continue reading “Fallen Angel Technology..”

Soon The Holy Spirit Will Leave this Earth (2023)

This may be Jazweeh’s Last article if hosting for websites can’t be paid by June 7th.  Donations are accepted.  I can only assume that if God is letting these sites go….then my job is over.  Unless a miracle comes since I thought I had another 60 days to go on Earth.

Farwell Readers no money for hosting. Unless I get some donations. (unlikely)

The Last (Third) Trump Call Is Next.


Judging from the end of days events and miracles very few people will go in the rapture.  And far less people will notice the rapture or miss those who are gone.  On the most part we surmise that its most likely that nobody will even notice the raptured have gone.

Why won’t they notice?  Because the strong delusion has the minds and memory of most Christians.

Continue reading “Soon The Holy Spirit Will Leave this Earth (2023)”

Are We Really in End of Days?

Here are two of the scripture changes that show we are in fact in the end of days.


“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”  (CRUSH is missing)  Putting the serpent on equal footing with the Lion. A lie.

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”  Jesus left the books.  He is the Lion of Judah who left the sheep to their choices.

Continue reading “Are We Really in End of Days?”

Dearest Readers


This website is full of articles which are listed in the sitemap link.

Link is here and in the sidebar.  I am moving the new important articles to a new site that doesn’t have so many pages filled up.  When wordpress.org websites get full they tend to slow down some.  So a new site will accommodate bunches of new Truth.  I will be using first fatherswords.com and then for the more unconventional articles theatreofthegods.com for the coming Revelation prophecy fulfillment articles.  Both sites are “https” which means secured/encrypted.  Browsers now may make you put that in yourself.  And the homepages always have what they scare people away with…”insecure content”.  So if you fear viruses add in the https so you get the secure version of the site.  As opposed to just http insecure version.


The Deterrents (detourants) to Finding Your Holy Grail Scroll

All things work together for the good to those who Love God.

The Holy Grail is one’s spiritual purpose in life.  Not just your calling because God grants several callings during human life.  But rather once the prodigal son comes home he can walk in the will of God continually.  Finding purpose in each day.  And spiritual fulfillment is attained.  When the man gets toward the end of his mortal road God will likely show him his coming immortal pathway.  And even show him his next calling after mortality puts on immortality and the corrupt puts on incorruption.

From those who came to Earth to help the lost and blind humans.  We came to Earth ignorant of the lessons we had to learn.  We came to try to prompt men to save their souls by seeking out The Savior. Being subject, now, to the same rules as Earth dwellers we barely got our own souls saved  in the process.  Even for reincarnated lighted beings being on Earth is risky, due to the treachery and lethal traps of this current Earth & system of deception.  We are the Children of God Almighty.  Here is what we learned by following our own hearts.

Continue reading “The Deterrents (detourants) to Finding Your Holy Grail Scroll”

You Probably Have The Forehead Mark of the Beast

Already.  Few will repent in these end of days.  This article is written for me not the Gentiles who are swimming is delusion.

The mark

This article is written so the lost will be without excuse.  And so I show obedience by warning the lost.

Regarding other people I say “Live and let live”.  I also say “they have a God and I am not it.”  I do not believe in the Christians creed of getting others saved.  Each man must seek God with their own heart in Truth.  Otherwise all that man has is intellectual belief in a God they do not know.  Nor does Jesus know them.  The man must be born again.

Continue reading “You Probably Have The Forehead Mark of the Beast”

Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture

The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.

Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus.  So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation.  The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”.  He lights our paths to God.  By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man.  And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.

Continue reading “Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture”

The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

Continue reading “The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split”

Have you Experienced Jacob’s Troubles?


Jacob has CRUSHED the head of the serpent.  Not “bruised” its head.  Genesis 3:15 the lie from the wicked sitting in the once holy bible.  Or do you remember it as always being “bruise & bruise”?  “Jesus shall crush the head of the serpent and bruise His heel in the process.”  (please realize this should say crush and bruise if it magically changes after I type it….unfortunately that’s what hapened to much scripture, it changed magically on the book shelves.)

Today-I will not “curse God and die”.  Troubles have come and gone through the last six years.

By Jazweeh.

If you too have been enduring Jacob’s troubles know that we are in God’s hands.  He will not let us go.  But for me, I have need of patience, and other good character.  Trials of fire are upon me.  I want out of them.  Every trial which Jacob experiences in this time he goes to God with.

Continue reading “Have you Experienced Jacob’s Troubles?”

Cure for Electrical Imbalance Tremor Diseases, Parkinsons etc.

Best to read all of this.  However primary solutions are numbered at bottom of page.

Use Prayers to finally see Truth.  Keep an open mind.  This article requires emotional processing.  Looking into the face of evil is not easy.  Admitting that we have a lethal enemy afoot is not something easily dealt with emotionally.  Denial is the go to solution for Truth we cannot handle.  Anger is the failsafe.  Blame is dysfunctional.

Disclaimer medical.  The authors ARE NOT DOCTORS OR OTHERWISE medically trained in any way.  We do not claim medical advice here.  We claim we had a dream that gave us an alleged non-medical, non-chemical treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.

An uncommon sense article.

Remember this mantra.  “OUT OF THE PROBLEM INTO THE SOLUTION”.

“All things work together for the good to those who Love God.  God makes a way where there seems no way.”

Why They Don’t Teach Us About the Dangers of long term exposure to Electrical Currents in School.  Same reason the lie about the Earth we live on.

Continue reading “Cure for Electrical Imbalance Tremor Diseases, Parkinsons etc.”

Fake Sun or Fresnel Lense?

UPDATE VIDEO BY JeffSnyder2 Youtube Channel  Thanks Jeff this video gave me the missing puzzle piece to my theory of the Sun.

  1. Sun Went Dim as prophesied.
  2. Mankind used Fresnel lenses and maybe parabolic mirrors & fractaled lenses.
  3. The chem trails to balance light sun energy so it doesn’t fry Earth like a magnifying glass does.  See video.


A Fresnel Lense is a magnifying glass shaped a certain way.  Onion style for instance so it intensifies the magnification.

Related Article

Continue reading “Fake Sun or Fresnel Lense?”

Way Over Yonder That’s Where I’m Bound

I met a man once who told me wisdom.  He said by Truth “Jazweeh, God & the here after are not so much about what you can get from it and from Him or Them, but rather it’s about what you take & add to the kingdom itself.”

I knew the moment he said this to me that it was not only Truth but profound Truth that was stolen by the ages of men.  I also knew what I take to the

Continue reading “Way Over Yonder That’s Where I’m Bound”

Slavery Young Girls & Young Boys

Wrath of God Event in Turkey fulfilled Article 2019 Prediction by Jazweeh Here

Fulfillment of the wrath of God event in Turkey as retribution financially unto the bloodlines of those who slaughtered God’s people the Armenians shows us that God is not tolerating any more slaughter by evil men. Why? End of days is here. New Earth is on its way. All evil strongholds are being put down now. God’s children will soon be safe from greedy evil bloodlines which hold no reverance for God. Those days rampant evil with no consequences are ending now.  And the earthquake is to show us this.  That is why God gave Jazweeh the prediction in 2019.  As confirmation. Jesus is here but He is coming in a way they think not.  Many will die.


STOCKS & BONDS.  Judgement is Here.

When Joseph was thrown into slavery by his own family because of the brothers fear of losing power he rose up in power because of the fearful actions of his brothers.  God’s irony is unequalled.

The Oracle Proclaims

Babylon the baby-lawn.   The people who hold up slaveries stocks and bonds will fall into the very chains they forged for the innocent.  The slave owner the false prophet & antichrist who stamp the minds of men with their unclean labels at birth shall burn in the lake of fire.  Just as those black & red labels are being seared and cleansed away from God’s children.

The Dead Cry to God Almighty

The dead cry out from their graves.  By years of bondage & slavery unto death.  Enslaved by powerful money men in New York & on Wall Street.   New York is the hub of White and every other color of kidnapping & slavery.

What of the milk cartons.  For so long the truth was right in front of the many.  millions stolen away.

Oh sure google writes, that slavery was started “stocks & bonds” in New York/Babylon using black innocents for muscle slaves.  But that’s not the modern billion dollar slave market.  That slave story is the lie to cover the Truth.

Come now, we who think with a clear mind know the real money for the wicked is in young pretty virgins and young pretty virgin boys.  The price of young women will always trump the price of boys.  In most cases men prefer pretty girls.  God help them all.  Their karma is coming for them.   The blood of slaves cries out as a testimony.  Straight from the dirt from the soil of ages and ages of slavery to bondage.

Strippers Are Often Targeted

Strippers who are not under the protection of their employers are prime candidates for falling into the slave market.  The market.  Stocks/Bonds.  Why trade lettuce when you can prosper off of the lives of the helpless who cannot defend themselves? ($arcasm).  Just hand cuff, throw into a transport and put into conditioning camps.

Payback is a Mother Fucker

What is coming for the evil men and women who play a knowledgeable part & prosper from the slavery of the innocent?  They say “what can I do against the beast of ages?  I cannot help these slaves I am only one person”.   “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

And so not even a prayer to God is uttered by those who take part in slavery stocks and bonds.  Death bed confessions are too little too late.  He’s coming for you.  He is gathering his armies now.  And no science, no weapons, no deception, no lies, no coin, no mask, no covering, no irony, can save the strong  man. The straw man is burned.  Nothing can hide them from the judgement of the Sun & Son.  Ban de sol ley.  The army of Sun rises.  The Ark of the Covenant approaches.  The towers of time fall to nothing.  Water does not lie.

Field Stocks

How does all this “stocks & Bonds” equate to legal stocks etc?  The false prophet who put gates of hell into power makes false financial predictions and has for years.  That part of bonds & stocks is all fixed by inside info.  [War on Chinese Buffet] is the false prophet figurehead.  And Gates of hell is his puppet.  He gave the foundation all his money.  And yet he still has his billions.  Odd.  Enter mark of the beast right arm.  False prophets MAKE PREDICTIONS.

Continue reading “Slavery Young Girls & Young Boys”

Apostle Paul’s Curse. Thorn In His Side

What Was It The Thorn in Paul’s Side?

Ever have ingrown toenails that grow into your toe naturally? (big toe)  Paul likely did. Inevitable the doctors always make it the patients fault by blame.  “never trim sideways” they will ignorantly proclaim by their med. books.  They were never taught in their school of drugs how to cure the thorn in the side of the toes.  The sideways growing toenail grows directly into the flesh.

Continue reading “Apostle Paul’s Curse. Thorn In His Side”

We Laughed At Death and then We Met Him

Friends readers I am a real person. I call myself “Jazweeh” the Seer.

May I tell you a story of what it is to die?  And how to escape Death itself.  Death bows before me for one reason.  I have the keys to Death and to Hell.  I can go in and out as I please in Spirit.  Jesus Himself gave me these keys.

Pearls of Wisdom

The first time I died I did not know Jesus.  That’s right, the big bad “J” word that religion/Legion WILL DETOUR YOU FROM if you let it.  The church has one purpose, no two.  To show you how hypocritical they are and to make sure YOU don’t find the keys to Death and to Hell yourself.

Continue reading “We Laughed At Death and then We Met Him”

To The 144,000 One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand

To The Chosen of God & The Tribulation Saints

What is written in your Bibles about the Lion who lies with the Lamb?  Isaiah 11:6 now reflects that it is the wolf who abides with the lamb, no longer the Lion.  Jesus is a Lion.  “Out like a Lamb, in like a Lion” was once prophecy written (removed from all bibles by deceptive signs and wonders.. Covered up by the strong delusion).

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

NO! The Lion of Judah CRUSHES the head of the serpent. Yes.  What’s this “bruise, bruise” B.S.?  The evil one attempting to put the serpent on equal footing with he Lion.  It ain’t happening. Not in my heart!

Jesus was crucified as The Lamb of God but His return is something quite different.  He returns as a roaring Lion.  Evil is the serpent but Jesus & His Lions CRUSH (NOT BRUISE) CRUSH the head of the serpent.  These bible changes are unacceptable.  They are supernatural and few remember.  Few see the blasphemy of the desecrated bibles.

At the second coming of Jesus He is no Lamb.  And neither is His army on Earth as a lamb, anymore.  The children of God are now Lions.  Just as Jesus left the lamb in the bible to the wolf (because of their choices by free will they chose the beast weather aware or unaware.)  So too the Lions who walk as Jesus did on Earth are leaving Earth to the wolves.

Shall I write to you as one who is writing to a brother or sister who has already been through the end of days processes for the chosen few?  Or shall I write to you as someone who may have gone through the process unaware?  Or am I writing to those believers who are left behind?

Who are the 144?  Who are “those who go before the throne of God”?  God’s army are the 144.  His human army on Earth who battle in Spirit by His words.

They sing the new song that others cannot learn.  How?  They have the higher languages of God abiding in them.  By the baptism of The Holy Spirit gifts were given unto men.  So as to accommodate mere humans with the spiritual weaponry of God Almighty.  Of course the powerful and mighty gift of tongues is the most desecrated and mocked gift of all.  But without it, God’s words do not flow as perfect from human lips.

This gift of tongues is fluent and not to be confused with utterances that are very good but limited to words of praise & worship.  The full gift of tongues allows the calling out of angels.  Both warring angels and end of days tasked angels who have one purpose.  Just as the angels pouring the viles upon Earth.

Those who call out the angels also can see them in the sky.  The Angels of God came with the viles pour out the end of days events.  The 144 can communicate with them.  And God trusts these 144 with His work on Earth.  Mankind is included in God’s plan but if a man cannot fathom the supernatural how then can he carry out God’s miracles on Earth?

The Revelations from Jesus to us, are so powerful for those who believe we can barely contain the knowledge He pours out in the days of the great revealing.  The 133 are those who go before the throne.  They have The gift of eternal Love.   That Love plays out in ways they are lead to engage in.  Love toward God and His children means gifts of charity toward the needy.

The personality of a warrior who must also be as a child before God is quite a balance. We do not know if all those with the eternal gift of Love are also warriors by supernatural gifts.  But often these titles 133 & 144 are both on the child of God.

Many religious people proclaim their belief in a supernatural God.  Yet, when confronted with the prospect of true miracles of God in real time, they run.  They run as if these miracles only occur remotely to….perhaps Mother Theresa and the Saints of old.   If someone in real life talks of miracles happening they are usually called crazy and dismissed as being mentally touched or worse.

As Ostrich they bury their heads in the ground.  They cover their ears for they lack the emotional stamina it requires to walk in two worlds at once.  Zion & Carmel.

God gave men spiritual gifts.  For instance crushing free flowing demons in real time….Some see demons and other dark entities.  Seeing spirits would be considered insane in todays society.

I have yet to see a woman cast a demon out of another human.  Of course a woman can resist some sins and demons will leave after a while.  Such as lust, sloth.  These can be expelled by resistance. Other demons of oppression require deliverance prayer from the preacher.  Men are one’s who receive this gift of casting out demons.  They also receive the gift of healing.

Prayer and the laying on of hands is how supernatural gifts are received.

Bible Worship

Idolatry.  Why on Earth Did God Mention it So Often in the Bible

Some Christians worship the Bible itself without realizing it.  Often they worship and praise the bible over God Himself.  The Bible is now competing in idol status along with Hollywood movie stars or sportsmen icons.  Father showed me back in the early 90s that the bible would be a juggernaut of idolatry to many proclaiming Christians in the end of days.  They call the bible by God’s name.  The bible now proclaims itself to be God as prophesied.

Jesus is filling His children and transforming them.

Many shall be purified and made white, clean. 

This prophecy is happening now as a natural process.  Once 2017 came the chosen few began a lifestyle change.  They stopped eating dead animals.  They stopped many processed foods.  They began using purifying essential oils.  They went from start to finish cleaning up emotional wreckage of the past.  That means forgiving and addressing their trauma issues.  It means some behavioral changes and sin eradication.  They are not who they were 5 years ago.

In the twinkling of an eye

The chosen now see the twinkling of the eye prophecy within their own eyes.  The prophecy is literal.  With visions of a star white and bright twinkling from time to time in their inner eye meaning only they can see it.

The Mark of the Beast

The chosen see the forehead mark.  It’s likely obvious to all if they look.

The Seal of God

The chosen also see the seal of God on themselves or others.  Few others.  It’s either Jesus or a cross.

Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed

This is our Hope.

The dividing of time a time and two times.

The few now see two realities due to the Mandela effects and the sign and wonders with the deceptive signs and wonders.  This means some see the M.E. and other say they are crazy.  Those who see the M.E. have a greater chance of seeking God in Truth.

Jacob’s trouble

The five years since 2017 have been troubling for Jacob (Israel) the chosen few.  This is NOT about geography.  God looks upon the heart.  By our choices we step into one of the templates that God prepared for all people on Earth.  Goats, wolves, and serpents.  Lambs, Sheep, & Lions.  All people will choose one of these templates by their choices in life.

Israel-Is as corrupt as the rest of political entities.  

However “Israel” stands for the chosen few.

Those who go before the THRONE

Are the 133

Some have gone through great tribulation in life.

Many lessons had to be learned by the 144/133.  All the 144 have died at least once already.  Hence the second death.  There lives have included the walk of the prodigal son.  With much seeking and sin.  Love covers a multitude of sin.  He who sinneth much Loveth much.  To him who much is forgiven is all the more grateful to God.  To seek God early in life due to the feeling of separation from God manifests in ways you would not expect.   The 144 have suffered attacks all their lives.  Emotional pain means alot of self destruction was likely.

Desperation prompts seeking of solutions.  God is the solution.

The simple shall not understand the prophecy but the wise shall know.

Christians just do not see the fulfillment of prophecy.  “A greedy & adulterous generation shall seek a sign but the only sign God will give them is the sign of Jonah.”  And He gave it.  In June 2021 a man was swallowed up by a whale…not all the way into the stomach but yes in the mouth of the whale.  AND SURVIVED.   The Revelation 12 sign is only understood by the woman herself of Rev. 12.

Who is she?  She is the intercessor.  Who did she birth?  She travailed in deep groaning prayer to birth God’s army on Earth for end of days.   She knows the burden of travail by supernatural prayer of intercession.  Years on end.  Deep gray groaning prayers.  All the 144 are both the child and the warrior. Hence “man-child”.

Signs in the skies

We see the angels.  We see the sun change to white.  It is changing so drastically that it will create an electrical ark and go black we think.  Clouds have changed.  Stars have changed.  Moon on its side.  Smiley face moon.  Many of the signs are covered by the strong delusion.

The four Angels

Are here and pouring pouring pouring the viles.

Trials of Jesus

The chosen are the woman at the well.  They are the woman who grabbed Jesus’ hem of garment.  They are the many who saw His miracle of the fish.  They experience in real time what Jesus taught.  And His walk they walk.

What I do ye shall do also and greater shall those who follow me also do.

dreams and visions

They are now many.

The prophecies, the last trump, the abomination of desolation, the strong delusion.

Repentance Life’s realizations, All things work together for the good to those who Love God.

Amos 8:11 &12

Zion & Carmel

The Revelations of Jesus are so powerful for those who believe we can barely contain the knowledge He pours out in the days of the great revealing.

Continue reading “To The 144,000 One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand”

200 Million Man Army? Pale Horse Rides Video


Video not for sensitive people or children.  Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations.  So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations.

Pale Horse Rides
Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.  We at Jazweeh than Mr. Stew Peters for leaving the embed codes on the vital video below from Rumble to freely post and share here.

Population Numbers?

Who knows how many people are REALLY on this Earth.  The beast lies like hell.

The Beast system 200 million man army prophecy interpretation theory is to control the minds and actions of the many people on Earth.   It’s likely there are only a chosen few number of people over 200 million on all the Earth.  They say billions because they want us all in fear or dead, or in the hospital as a kash kow.

If each person on Earth doesn’t have one child each with two children per couple then the population can’t be maintained. It decreases.  And these days many people don’t want children.

Supernatural Bible Changes to All Bibles

Revelation 9 depicts the huge army as one in the same as the Locusts from the pit.  That’s new.  Revelation 9 is neither written directly, correctly, or articulately.  The book is erroneous at best & lies like hell, it is as unstable as a broken toy race car. Bibles were holy until the Lord God Almighty took His seal of Daniel security off the book before 2016. Now it changes daily on the shelves. But the strong delusion covers the supernatural bible changes. And the passive blasphemy is disguised quite well for readers who already have preconceived notions of what the book should be.

Locust from the Pit

The only reason I am now connecting the Locust to the 200 million man army is because of the prior chapter Rev. 9:16 describes an un-named “army” out of the blue.  With no explanation or prior context.  The only connection is the prior chapter with it’s references to “horses & Locust”.    The bibles were holy & articulate.  Now the bibles are for those who cannot see and who use preconceived notions to interpret them.

Jazweeh’s Vision & Experience

However I had a revelation that the beast does have such an army…Granted the Locust have already ridden on the backs of the wing of abomination to arrive at their destination. Men’s faces.  While the winged rat perches on their heads.

As I said before I heard the creatures wings and I felt it’s suction cups.  I felt it’s vile attempt to infest my head.  And I slaughtered it as God taught me to do.  He also supplied all the weapons.  And God Almighty provided me armor.

The Locust is painless as I have said before.  But it connects to the mark of the beast in those who do not have the seal of God.  Just like the book said it would.  “Face of a man hair of woman”.  Is not its appearance but rather that is wear it lands and sets up residence.

Seeing these creatures is not a pretty sight.  And God will deliver those who repent.



Dearest Readers The Scribe Bids Thee Farewell!

My Faithful and Loving Readers

You are no average people.  To say one believes in God and to really know God are two very different events.  Those who crave the supernatural have God in them fuller than most.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.”

Father says “Will I bring unto labor, travail, and pain without bringing forth the birth?”

No He is neither done with us or this Earth.  Why did God allow this evil Earth to endure?

So the children of Earth could choose their eternal God and eternal Homes.

“We are saved from death and hell by Faith.  Faith is the substance of things Hoped for and the evidence of things not seen with the eyes.”

“Store up for yourselves treasure in Heaven where moth doesn’t eat and rust doesn’t corrupt.”  Nurture your Faith with Hope.  Visualize your paradise and it will be so.

So much I didn’t write.  So much I could have shown you but didn’t.  Some were not ready.

With God all things are possible.

Be not restrained by the confines of status quo shaming and notions of what is kool.  Imagination is your canvas.  Freedom of thought is your power.  Paint it.  Paint it.  Hope and Faith with Love are eternal supernatural greatest gifts.  Gifts given so you can form your next life’s canvas.

Process your emotional issues then let them Go.  The things that we do not express and let out have a way of consuming us.  Binding us up in chains to compare our insides with the outsides of others.  Shame, guilt, remorse, resentment, and fear if not released by TRUTH in writing, speaking, screaming, sharing, crying, moaning, groaning if necessary.     If not overcome these poisons will affect our perceptions throughout our lives.

Clear the wreckage of the past and it clears the way for the canvas to paint the afterlife with color and with Love.  By Truth & expression of Truth we are set free to Create.

In meditation one finds self.  By meditation the issues will surface so they can be remitted to dust.  By the hearts voice.

Guard over your heart for out of it flow the wellsprings of Life.

My job on this Earth is nearly finished.  All secrets & mysteries that I am given are revealed.  My calling is nearly fulfilled.  I have shown you the enemy the beast.  I have shared the solutions of God, Truth, and of Faith & Love.  The rest is up to you.

I have work on The New Earth.  But not before the old earth burns.  I will leave Earth very soon.  The words I leave behind will endure but perhaps under a different name.  The scribes words will endure.  But I do not know how God will play that out.

God makes a way where there seemeth no way.

Farewell my Job is finished

Why Watchmen (YouTube) Can’t See That The Great Tribulation Is Now

What Three Statements Are Said Most on Youtube by Watchmen on the Wall?

  1. “It’s Not the Mark!”  (they took it therefore they must proclaim its not the mark).
  2.  AND…”We are NOT IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION!”   They insist on pre trib rapture therefore they cannot look at the great trib, the beast, the pale horse.
  3. There is a Rapture and lets argue about WHEN.  Pretrib-Posttrib, pre-post, pre-post!  The rapture debate is the Christians distraction giving them someone to hate.

Continue reading “Why Watchmen (YouTube) Can’t See That The Great Tribulation Is Now”

Fiction or Fact? A Bedtime Story of Horror.

Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables.

mundo diobolico

Diabolical World

lume diobolică

عالم ديوبوليكال

диоболический мир

diobolicheskiy mir

diobolský svet

saoghal dioblach

dibolisk värld

A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast.

What is the game which those who are in power are playing?  What if you could listen to their darkest secrets and know what plans they have for the human race?

What if…those plans were far, far, more diabolical than you thought possible for one race of men to unknowingly impart upon another?  What if those in charge of many things that are powerful & controlling were into evil sorceries and witchcraft?  What if magic is real?  What if your caught under a spell called…  Its a fairly important pre-requisite to know and see the through the strong delusion to get the big picture of the spiritual condition of our world now.  see link.


Continue reading “Fiction or Fact? A Bedtime Story of Horror.”

Primary Reason for Christmas Is Mind Control

Decoding of The Christmas Program.  (please read at minimum the final paragraph).

Predictive Programming- To put a movie, ad campaign, show, media, on TV (image of the beast) radio or any large public platform.  The narrative of the TV campaign is to invite a specifically geared common subconscious reaction.   They anticipate by knowledge & experience how a majority will react to the TV program of the mind.

Example- The news advertises a run on the banks and the crashing of the financial system.  The common reaction is to move our money somewhere safe.


Continue reading “Primary Reason for Christmas Is Mind Control”

Image of the Beast is the TV & Cell Phone

The Image Reaper sows its discord.

Its always better to admit one’s questionable behavior patterns to God rather than hiding from guilt.  Burying guilt and shame makes for a rough ride through life.  A spiritually attuned human knows his own shortcomings.

“Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another so you will be delivered.”  Prayer by my readers about my TV watching is welcome.

Continue reading “Image of the Beast is the TV & Cell Phone”

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

What to Do When Everything Around You Is Crashing to the Ground?

The Beast is crashing the bankers system.  While God Almighty is crashing the Beast’s system.  Oh yes.  Let the O.W.O. do their reset. Let the one world order usurp their authority over the Harlot ($religion$) and smite the once corporate restrainer.  She was the lesser of two evils.  Watch the beast’s O.W.O. crush the bankers to dust.  They have worked out their details already…world wide.

Your Not Alone.

Continue reading “The Waiting is the Hardest Part”

What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube

Important Video

FINALLY I believe I found some Truth on Youtube.

If Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.  They were deceived, cunningly.

The forehead mark is a spiritually given mark of which man has not control over.  But the right arm was mentioned in script also before it was altered.  A second mark.  Just like there are two abomination desolations.  Two desecrated holy places.  One is hidden.  The other is told of in this video. He knew what the mark is. And then overnight he started calling it “money” he says now that money is the mark. What happened to him? A man who does countless videos of an absolute conclusion. Then overnight he sings with the rest of the watchmen “Its not the mark, its not the mark.” Maybe he is right.

Continue reading “What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube”

Dream Walkers Succubus, Incubus, Invade Our Dreams

Lucid Dreaming To Stop Dream Invaders


I doubt if the example of sigil has any spells over it.

Magic on Earth is Reigniting.  We have moved into the age of Aquarius where anything is possible.  Yes we had magic before but now it’s more accessible and more powerful than before.  Hence there are alot of Succubus and Incubus travelling the sleep realm.  (solutions below)

You are the one in powered to control your dreams.  Nightmares are often due to dream walkers who pay sorcerers for certain medallions or Sigil, magic symbol with elite spiritual Siphon symbols.  With the right enchantment they quote the spell and have power to delve & control the narrative of random sleeping dreamers.

Why Do Dream Walkers Invade Dreams?

Continue reading “Dream Walkers Succubus, Incubus, Invade Our Dreams”

From Slavery To Freedom & Power by Ending Curses Upon Mankind


Curses Upon Mankind are Rampant but are Ending!

But those days are at an end.  Here is what I see.  First God showed me the Beast in all it’s vile dictatorial control.  It showed me the greed and the methods by which the Beast hoards all that is plentiful upon the Earth.  Land, Knowledge, Magic Knowledge, History in Truth, The power of the human mind over all things, the devices of oppression such as the money system that makes us believe we are not born into Egypt and slavery.

The days of the curse are now ending.  Nature does things slowly but very very thoroughly.  All these changes I write about are gradual.  The curses that have plagued mankind for eons are now coming to AN END.  The Light is here.


You Were Crafted into A Slave by Evil Greedy Men

Yet He who the Son sets free is free indeed.  Now is the time for our freedom to come to fruition.  But first the child must see what it’s being set free from.

People who have to work for other people to receive just enough “money” to eat and survive are owned by those who pay them a wage.  That employer owns the man/woman/child who works for them all the hours of the work day.

Continue reading “From Slavery To Freedom & Power by Ending Curses Upon Mankind”

My Dear Readers Times Are Hard

Beware of Angry Jane’s bad language.

Written By Jazweeh & Angry Jane.

To ALL those WHO BESOS REPRESENTS. You stoled what was the little piece of the American pie that the little guy had. We had Mom & Pop stores. And we sold on Etsy our crafts and our hand made items of QUALITY. You can run but you cannot hide from Almighty God. He’s coming. In a Way you think not. Your greed for power is on display for all to see.

And when Amazon steals ALL IT CAN STEAL from God’s children.  (The Beast) THEN My God WILL return and CRUSH not only his monopoly but his soul in the lake of fire with those he represents. ____Angry Jane

Perhaps this figure head of a guy. The alleged CEO will help me out a bit. The dark greed & power mongering that he represents have Billions maybe Trillions. While CRUSHING every small business & Mom and Pop Etsy Shop seller purposely.  It all started with their Covid bullshit.   

Continue reading “My Dear Readers Times Are Hard”

70s Music Is The Prophecy In Rock Generation

Good News!  Return of Jesus Prophecy.

The 70s Rock period was chalk full of prophecy.  “TWENTY-FOUR BEFORE MY LOVE AND I’LL BE THERE!” From song “Roundabout” by band Yes.  (song decode below)  What??  Before 2024….perhaps 24hrs before the event in 2024.  

Also “twenty four before” in the Roundabout song may have a second reference made to the bible scripture “Four and twenty elders” (baked in pie).   It is a supernatural bible change. No it doesn’t say ‘baked in a pie’ that’s my sarcasm.  “They turned unto fables” scripture reference.  The fable & rhyme of “Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie”.   Is a mocking scripture pointed at the elders of God calling them blackbirds.  Also I just read now the scripture says the “fell down”.  Of course mocking.   The white wash denial says “fell down” doesn’t mean fell down & went boom.  The scripture is a typical passive aggressive insult to the elders of God.  Click on picture to enlarge.

Anyway since the word “before” is in the songs sentence “Twenty-Four before my love…”  Twenty four backwards is four and twenty.


Of course the word “roundabout” is now in the KJVB.  And multiplying on going.  Now some other youtubers like JayDreamerZ are beginning to look at the possibility of Jesus’ return in 2024.   On the day of the eclipse of the Sun April 8th, 2024.

Chris Squire Framed Art Prints | Fine Art America

Song Lyrics by “Yes”.   Album “Fragile”

My Commentary is in Pink.  Song in white.

I’ll be the roundabout the words will make you out ‘n’ out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley

Continue reading “70s Music Is The Prophecy In Rock Generation”


Return in 2024 Around April 8

What I saw when looking with my back to the sun in the outer reflection of my sun glasses holding & pointing glasses behind me.

If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me.  There is only one reason for humanity on Earth.  We must all choose our eternal homes.  All must choose.  Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home.  How??

By our choices and actions toward others.  By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope.  And by our words.  The links below will tell the human which one they are at present.  All Lions were once goats & wolves.  We do not know if there is time to change identities.  Time is late.

Goats, Wolves, Serpents.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions

An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines.  The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster.  A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)



“Laser” is NOT how Lazer is spelled. But then In Comes The Modern Day Tower of Babel.  Soon there will be no international communication to be had.  All language is changing magically in the minds of the many.  Changing to babble.  Have you read the bible lately.  It seems the scholars were apparently 10 year old who flunked out in Spelling Class.  But I digress, as they say.  If you never click “add to dictionary” when writing on a device then your simply not living.  (joke).   And you may not be mandela affected” either.

Seems the only one who can see the bulbs in the sun by using the reflective side of sunglasses -method is me.  Both my brother and JeffSnyder2 the plasma fire extraordinaire youtuber, neither saw the light bulbs in the sun that I see.  Well Brothers, I am a seer after all that may have something to do with it.  So I wrote an entire article on the sun simulator with pictures and commentary proved by a method of sight that nobody can see other than myself, so far.  That’s okay.  The sun is by far changing.  It’s white hot.  And it now causes glowing clouds or the real sun is now setting in the west behind said glowing clouds.  And perhaps the bible prophecy of the sun going dark already happened we just don’t know it because the smart guys already put up a new fake sun while we were sleeping.

“The sun’s a deadly lazer BUT not any more cause we put up a blanket” says the Beast!

Check out Jeff’s “sun deadly lazer” video on youtube.  JeffSnyder2

In The End of Days the Love of Many Shall Wax Cold. Why?

Question Everything  Holy Moses I have been deceived.

What Is Spiritual Love?

Love means-To treat others with care, consideration, and respect regarding ones neighbor as ones self.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.  This is the defining ‘Love’ the spiritual kind.

Meet Judas of Greed and Selfishness.

Did Judas really try to hang himself?

Continue reading “In The End of Days the Love of Many Shall Wax Cold. Why?”

Precious Readers A Prophecy Dream of Sukkot

The Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Booths).  A Jewish Old Testament Holy-day.

Apparently God does have some connection to this Jewish Event.

Otherwise He would not have given me a dream of a booth.  I had no idea what the booth meant until I researched the word.

I don’t normally put alot of credence in the Jewish holidays.  I am not religious.  However, I had a dream of a Booth covered by a soft & cozy blanket of protection.

My Recent Dream of A Booth by Laura E.

Begin Dream-I was sitting in a booth with this pretty actress who I saw on TV in real time some years passed.   Carla Gugino played in Snake Eyes w/Nicholas Cage.

Coincidentally I found her name on a prayer list for rock stars.  

But then I found her name on mrprofile.net listing her religion as “JEWISH”.  My oh my such a coincidence?

Continue reading “Precious Readers A Prophecy Dream of Sukkot”

New Prophecies Revealed. Towersss of Babel. Covenant With Many Demons.

Revealed in this Article.  The Truth.  What was the Tower of Babel?  Or was it “TOWERS” OF BABBLE?



19/06/08 CATERS NEW

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

The famine of God’s words is here now.  Amos 8:11 & 12

Continue reading “New Prophecies Revealed. Towersss of Babel. Covenant With Many Demons.”

The New Earth Is Approaching

And We Shall Not Call It “Jeru-Salem” Nor Israel.

Father says “Shalamar”!  The Abode of Love.  This is the Earth He planned for His children once all souls have chosen their eternal homes.  Free will shall always flourish on God’s Earthly plain.  The darkness shall be put down, finally by God’s chosen few.

And this is why darkness fears and hates The Children of God so fiercely.  But the time of darkness’ rule is nearly over.  It’s on.

By 2024 the New Earth will have been Created.  This is our belief/prediction/understanding.  More on this at the article link below.

The Goats No Longer Have Access to God’s Powerful Words

Yes The New Earth Approaches.  But in the mean time “mean” time “Everything Broken”  Bob Dylan the Prophet

“Broken lines, broken strings,Broken threads, broken springs,Broken idols, broken heads,People sleeping in broken bedsAin’t no use jivingAin’t no use jokingEverything is broken
Broken bottles, broken plates,Broken switches, broken gates,Broken dishes, broken parts,Streets are filled with broken heartsBroken words never meant to be spoken,Everything is broken
Seem like every time you stop and turn aroundSomething else just hit the ground
Broken putters, broken saws,Broken buckles, broken laws,Broken bodies, broken bones,Broken voices on broken phonesTake a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’?Everything is broken.
Every time I leave and go out someplaceThings fall to pieces in my face
Broken hands on broken ploughs,Broken treaties, broken vows,Broken pipes, broken tools,People bending broken rulesHound dog howling, bull frog croaking,Everything is broken
Video link below.

They Laid Their Crown (Minds) at the Alter of The Beast

I Will Not Tell you of the Lambs to the Slaughter Without Explaining Also the Lions First.

Disclaimer.  This is what I feel in my Spirit written below.  I am a scribe of God.  I hope I am not wrong about any of these end of days scenarios.  I pray God I make no mistakes with the visions of the hereafter that I have within me written here.

Continue reading “They Laid Their Crown (Minds) at the Alter of The Beast”

They are RELIGION/LEGION And they are Many.

How Religion/LEGION Molds Men’s Hearts & Minds by trauma.

Narrator-Twas another night before Christmas and the children did say
“Our hearts have been broken, NO SANTA THIS DAY!
We trusted our loved ones we believed in their drool when they told us the stories of glad tidings and yule.”
“”we meant it not, it was a game, a ruse we say, for fun proclaim!

Continue reading “They are RELIGION/LEGION And they are Many.”

Financial Help With Hosting Is Needed

Paypal Link

If I can’t get the funds to pay hosting and domain renewal (Domain renewal is around $27 one year.  Hosting is about $20 a month or $145 for 6 months twice that for a full year.)  If I can’t pay it I must assume that God is about to take me in another direction other than writing for Jazweeh.com.

The writer and developer of Jazweeh.com is facing domain renewals and hosting renewals.  Point blank I have not been this financially baron in years.  I am asking for help if anyone can afford it.

Thank you so much for your kind attention.  Here’s the link to Jazweeh paypal.

Hosting Fees are Due. Rare Request for financial Assist.

GoDaddy Hosting is Due for this website and others. Please donate if you can. I have never asked before but I don’t know what else to do right now.


For transparency sake here is Laura E the writer/developer/and producer of all the Jazweeh websites.  Long time ago.

Laura E

More recent photo


A-Z Fulfilled Prophecy from 2017 thru 6-2022

End of Days Proof

White Horse
If you want to ride……don’t ride the white horse!

Just as the Old Testament showed the Israelites being untouched by the plagues of Egypt so too the Children of God are untouched by God’s wrath of end days plagues of disastrous degree.  However, we are not untouched by the many evils of the day.   Evil that the beast system created in their halls of diabolical, dark, authoritarian diadems.  We pray Jacob’s troubles are over now since we do see the Great tribulation starting in weather.

The large hail and corona discharges now occurring in nature show the new fire is coming.  Fire that burns on water.  Violet flames of St. Elmo’s’ flames are coming unto Earth.  Ozone happens when the occurrence splits the oxygen atom.  Air is turned to fire.  When we see the fiery hail we will know the new science behind it.

A THRU Z prophecy below. Scroll

Now we allow me and mine to show you GREAT MYSTERIES of present day prophecy fulfillments.  From 2017 forward.  Only God’s chosen few can see what is.


Continue reading “A-Z Fulfilled Prophecy from 2017 thru 6-2022”

Adriana Tellez. Teacher

Gaslight Awareness Videos on YT by Adriana Tellez

Adriana is wise beyond her years.  She sees the beast clearly and repels its status quos.  I applaud her courageous choices to expose the beast system’s methods of invalidation and attack on the children of God who follow their hearts.

Every Child of God should be schooled on the invalidating and attacking passive aggressive behavior of the beast system goat servants of hell.

The goats hate ANYTHING that is not in line with status quo.  Free thinking by Children of God is attacked by the goats.

Continue reading “Adriana Tellez. Teacher”

I Thought of You

Shooting Star. Bob Dylan. Oh Mercy 1989
Some say Bob Dylan is a prophet. Others say he traded fame for his soul.  By making a deal w/the devil.

“Oh Mercy” is one of my favorites.  Next to Van Morrison’s hymns to the silence.  Especially song “Be Thou my Vision” & “Just a Closer Walk with Thee”.  Anointed praise and worship music.

Continue reading “I Thought of You”


Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.

Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.

They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight.  Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight.  They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.

Recipe of Jabba.   


Is It Possible for Humans to Trust God Entirely

Confusing Faith With Trusting God

See the Armor of God Vital to Spiritual Growth

Part of becoming whole.  Spirit 33.3%  Flesh 33.3% SOUL 33.3% Prior to receiving Jesus we are just flesh and soul 66.6% The number of man.

Faith, Love, and Hope, are eternal spiritual gifts.  If we trusted in God 100% He would likely take us to Heaven.  We would not need Hope of Faith for salvation because to trust 100% would mean and Faith in God is full.  Faith starts with a seed.  It must be nurtured and watered.  (See my article on salvation)

Hope & Faith Eternal Spiritual Gifts

Continue reading “Is It Possible for Humans to Trust God Entirely”

But For The Elects’ Sake These Days Are Shortened

The Knowledge The Elect Carry is Not Easy

Alabaster Box by Julie Meyer

Written by a 144.

To See clearly the end of days is Difficult 

Yet we prefer it greatly over being consummated to the Locust and it’s vail of blindness.  Most Christians are under the vail and have consummated with the Locust from the pit of hell.  If they resist the mark they shall be saved.

Continue reading “But For The Elects’ Sake These Days Are Shortened”

God Help the Christians

This is What We See by End of Days New Supernatural Gifts

In 2006 the new supernatural gift in me was given though I had no idea what it was.  It started with an odd perception.  Suddenly shapes, abstract shapes began to tell stories.  By 2017 the gift was evident.  For me to gaze upon an abstract shape was like reading a book.  God showed me prophecy by reading the abstract and those prophesies came to pass one after another.

Continue reading “God Help the Christians”

Jazweeh–End of Days Encouragement Needed



Sister website https://danaashlie.com 

https://theatreofthegods.com     Some of our guest writers posts cannot be posted on Jazweeh.  Articles stating viewpoints which straight up Christians cannot tolerate.  Christians who will not veer from the Christian script norms of bible doctrine.)

Jesus “OUT LIKE A LAMB IN LIKE A LION”  Leo from the tribe of Judah is the Lion.

Sometimes the scribe needs to be encouraged himself.

So I will remember some of the many signs and wonders God gave me regarding end days prophecy fulfillment.  I told Him very recently that “the waiting is getting to me” even though my own dates that I set (as guesses) are still pending. (DATES BELOW)

Continue reading “Jazweeh–End of Days Encouragement Needed”

Stomach Nausea & IBS Cures

The Following My Own Experience with Spirit Lead Natural Remedies Nothing More Nothing Less.  Use these as needed.  If it doesn’t work at first increase strength.

No blind studies, no test cases just a simple solution to an age old problem.  In my experience pig farma’s mad scientists have concocted NOTHING that works like these simple herbs.  After all pig farma cannot patent nature to make $$$.  Therefore they prefer robbing you and me of the knowledge and wisdom that nature’s plants hold.  God given remedies are stolen from mankind.

We are all programmed to fear plants.  It took me years to build bridges over plant fear programming.  Before your own programming into the beast system takes you here, “Oh -nature doesn’t cure anything, only the drug companies have pills that work”.  Know this…Pig Farma learned what they know from nature. And all their cures have a high price take to be sure.  Pig farma’s motto especially regarding their favorite invention- Cancers ‘to cure the ailment….slowly and by stealth you must KILL the body.’   Nature may work slower sometimes but nature is True.

Stomach ache or nausea drink organic Calendula Tea from Frontier Coop.  Use 1/8 cup with 2 cups hot water.  Again NO CHLORINE NO FLUORIDE in water please.  Well water is good.  Spring.  Or distilled.  Boil the water for tea before adding it to the herbs.  Calendula is an amazing cure for nausea.

For lower intestines’ problems like CHRONIC DIARRHEA CAUSES. A wide range of problems can cause chronic diarrhea; some of the most common causes include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis), malabsorption syndromes in which food cannot be digested and absorbed, and chronic infections USE ROSE HIPS ORGANIC DRIED HERBS.

Take 1/4 cup of rose hips dried.  Add 2 cups of hot water (NO FLUORIDE/CHLORINE) use distilled if you have to or spring water with no additives.  Check bottles for additives.

Drink the hot tea then eat all of the mushy rose hips.  This is an instant cure I have used it myself after have IBS for months on end I suspect due to eating raw fish of sorts.  Or God only knows what else caused it.  But it won’t work if you don’t eat the herb much.  Really its not that bad.  Its kind of yummy like oats or something.

Next We Wait & Watch. Private Interpretation of Changed Scripture

Wait and Watch is all We can Do.  Be Sure to check

https://mikefromaroundtheworld.com for new articles.  You may also like https://theatreofthegods.com 

“Be ye in the world but not of the world.”  I must admit I feel a little stuck.  Walking between two worlds isn’t easy.  

I got a revelation of the prophecy, call it “No PRIVATE interpretation”?  And yet that’s EXACTLY what the 144 are getting from the books.  Jesus was clearly talking to His elect and He was giving validation after validation after validation.  The deeper meaning of scripture.  Scripture that ironically only we remember.  Lion and lamb is gone.  Wolf now dwells with the lamb.  It was not always sooooo.

Do you remember the scripture was at the appearing of Jesus He would land one foot on Mount of Olives and one foot on Mt. Carmel.  Exact distance of 144 kilometers.  This 144 changed on google maps to exact hour and minutes.  Zion & Mt. of Olives

One foot in spirit one foot in the natural. Mt. Carmel holy, Mt. Olives

What does the Mount of Olives represent in the Bible?
Image result for what is Mount of Olives represent in, Israel
It separates the most holy place, the Temple Mount, from the Judean Desert to the east. We know it to be the place from which Jesus the Messiah ascended into heaven (Acts 1:11), and where He will one day return.

Well these prophesies are not as they seem or they simply have double meanings.  Meaning of this is that the 144 God’s army in the last days shall have one foot in the spiritual realms and one foot on Earth.  If your 144 you know what I am talking about.  To see what is means to be alone on this Earth.

Even the Christians cannot see what we see as God’s spiritual army on Earth.

Continue reading “Next We Wait & Watch. Private Interpretation of Changed Scripture”

New Sun & New Nature Are Coming Very Soon!

But Not Before the Old Earth’s Nature Departs

End Days Prophecy must be discerned by Spirit for those who know Jesus first hand.  They are given the interpretation.

The elite all snug in their bunkers have done their best to provide for mankind.  But their best is often godless and twisted.  Nevertheless it seems that since 2012 we of Earth have survived by the fake sun the elite or someone provided.  It is an LED Grow Light and it puts out alot of toxins.

Continue reading “New Sun & New Nature Are Coming Very Soon!”

Theatre of The gods.

Adriana Tellez. A sweet spirit of encouragement.

Are you the chosen few.  Some chosen have already died once and come out of great tribulation in life?

Ye shall not suffer from the second death.  Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.   See the Sheep, Lion, Lambs articles in the menu.

New Earth Prophesies. The New Nature. Familiar Spirit Pets

Today I Woke at Dawn to the Birds Loud Singing

Have you noticed everything is louder now?  Clanking dishes are nearly too loud to endure.  Motors in vehicles are annoyingly loud.  Even the birds singing echoes through the window much louder than ever before.  Sound has changed has it not?  Few notice.  Few notice.

New Earth Youtube Channel covers many prophesies of the end of days.

The morning birds are beautiful in their singing.  My cat is vicious toward small animals.  She or he I call “Cat” because she adopted me rather than me her.   I drove her/he far away, but she found her way back amazingly.  She was determined to live at my home.  I suppose she is  She eats small animals.  Stalks them in trees enthusiastically.

Continue reading “New Earth Prophesies. The New Nature. Familiar Spirit Pets”

War Pigs. Here’s to you Joanne-ah

May Ye Rest in Peace

JoAnne L. Laura C. & Mark R.
Michelle B. Jeanne C. JoAnne L.

Black Sabbath – War Pigs Lyrics

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death’s construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait ’til their judgement day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig’s crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
Oh lord yeah!

My childhood friend Joanne L. loved to listen to Black Sabbath.  Her viewpoints and ideas at the age of 12 were that of a wise old woman.  She died young in a car wreck.  Her mother somehow new it would happen constantly hovering over her daughter.  Powerless to save her from fate.

She proclaimed atheism staunchly.  Oddly I always believed in God with Faith.  Jazweeh had a vision of her in a timeloop room.  We sent a msg about Jesus.  But we doubt she would understand it.  Still God is good to all of mankind.  We believe JoAnne is at rest.

Laura C.


The Creation of Man. By Our Choices Do We Grow

But God Was Not Done With Us

God created man and Earth in seven days…but He wasn’t finished with our creation process.  All men while on Earth by Faith, must choose their eternal home.  By our choices we inherit the kingdom of God.   And by our choices we choose a darker realm.  Balance of all things is vital.

Thrones of God Are Not Magnificent Chairs of Gold…

At least not the one’s written of in 20:4 Revelation.  I Jazweeh saw the thrones of God and ascended up unto a place of the Loving Doves and the Powerful winged Lions of God.  Where the Dove & the Lion meet as one so too shall ye go forth as guardians upon The New Earth.  But first the Regalia.  Some call it the “Wedding Supper of The Lamb of God”.


Continue reading “The Creation of Man. By Our Choices Do We Grow”

It is Science that Now Need to Learn from the Spiritual Teachers

Dearest Readers.  I am posting articles at https://theatreofthegods.com you may want to check out.  ______________Laura E.

Science Cannot Conceive of What is About to Take Place.

Dear Mr. Science,

Greetings to you.  I greet you and yet you are the arm of much that is vile upon the Earth.  In the name of “curing Cancer” you have made more death so 1/3 of the Earth screams out by torture of your prolifics for hire.

White Angel Flies Now. With the 3 others pouring out the viles of supernatural change.
Blessed is the blue star Hopi prophecy.
Lake of Fire
Earth’s Aired Environment Transforming.


Continue reading “It is Science that Now Need to Learn from the Spiritual Teachers”

End of Days Stress

For the 144/133 A Day of Repentance

Article for those who can see the mark of the beast on the foreheads & The Seal of God.  What we see also on our foreheads is anything that we put before Faith in God.  Do not condemn yourself.  You have not that right.  We do not have to stay in error.  We are not perfect.  For God is perfecting us gradually.  He knows what we need.  We are likely headed for transfiguration.  Most of the 144 have gone through a deep cleansing period since 2017.  We have addressed our emotional issues.  And repented of anything that brought us guilt.

Jesus & the Pyramid. I knew exactly what it meant.

End Times Stress

For us in the end of days we likely have some fear.  We know it’s close to Jesus’ return.  We fear we may mess things up and miss the high calling.  After all our track record isn’t so good considering our long prodigal son walk.  God saved us from hell on earth.

Continue reading “End of Days Stress”

The Four Angels & Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse

War, famine, pestilence, death, Let it Rip Great Father of Lights!

(the writer often just writes “man” meaning “mankind”)

By God’s Holy Spirit of Truth I pray all my words are accurate for they are for the trusted few.  The few who shall retain the knowledge of both good and of evil.  While from others The Great Sacred Tree departs.  The many need not the knowledge of evil where they go.  Still God’s holy judgement shall awaken it for a time so they can see themselves in a light of Truth, finally.


Continue reading “The Four Angels & Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse”

The Fourth Angel Brings Fire to the Earth (Jazweeh Predict. Fulfilled)

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Rapture is Emanate.   Father will not suffer His children to be harmed but rather they shall be transfigured or raptured.

Sidenote: Mike from around the world also speaks of red dust problem.

Folks, fulfillment validation UPDATE this article was written 2-1-22.  I could not figure out the red dust.  I thought men would be turned to red dust.  Now Paul Begley reports "Red Dust invades middle east 5-20-22 thousands hospitalized"  Looks like Jazweeh got another one right.  She heard this "red dust" prediction straight from the angel above."  Red dust is Iron Oxide from the Red Kachina.  Planet X.  Nibaru.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina refers to the same angels as the four angels in Revelation.  There are four here now.  Only those purified (we think) can see the wings and brilliant light and color of the flying winged angels. To others they appear as a planet.  However the Red Kachina appears to the Seer as a planet most of the time.

Continue reading “The Fourth Angel Brings Fire to the Earth (Jazweeh Predict. Fulfilled)”

In The Beginning God Created The Heavens & The Earth

What is predestination?

How can we be predestined and still have free will?

God made the earth and man.  Then God set down templates for the end of the age.  There were six templates of which mankind of free will would choose, could choose only one.  By his choices in life man chose his spiritual template sealing his relationship to his Creator.  And sealing his eternity.

Continue reading “In The Beginning God Created The Heavens & The Earth”

The Blue Kachina is The Phoenix Bird

Representing The coming of the New Earth!  The Red Kachina Brings with Him Vials of Fire Supranaturalle.


For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida.  It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights.  It has wings as an angel.  And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars.  Today I figured out what she is.

I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix.  There is a dividing of time in play.  Two realities at work in one place.  Literally two Truths.  (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)

Continue reading “The Blue Kachina is The Phoenix Bird”

What’s Next as the Future Rolls Out 2022?

I Conclude Coe Vid Is an Environmental Injury not a by Russ.  Injury due to sun’s UV=corona discharge=splits the Oxygen molecule=harmful ozone on earth’s surface =same symptoms as the vid.

Air Now Ozone Map

Stratospheric aerosol injection

Seems the elite may not be as evil as we Truthers suspected.  They do have a thread of compassion apparently.  At least for Earth itself if not for humanity.


refer to caption and image description

Chem Trails/Geo Engineering Atmospheric Aerosol Injection

If you follow the truth threads you have heard of chemtrails and seen the many chemtrails in the sky.  We, many of us

Continue reading “What’s Next as the Future Rolls Out 2022?”

It’s Too Late For Big Pharma-Prediction-Vision

What Will Become of Big Pharma?

In a word GOD’S JUDGEMENT.  Make no mistake, He is on the way.  Jesus is returning but not in the way you think He is.

Hide and watch all ye of the top tier of corporate America, hide and watch. What is coming you well know because the elite of the elite have stolen for themselves the prophesies of old.  Has daddy dollar showed them to you son of perdition?  Has he told you of the fulfillment of most of them already?  Therefore making the impending consequences unavoidable?

Continue reading “It’s Too Late For Big Pharma-Prediction-Vision”

The End of Days Hopi Prophecy

As Passed on to Robert Ghost Wolf  With thanks to Jackallis.com for the prophecy.  I see several of these prophesies already fulfilled.

By Chief Dan Evehema, re-posted by Jazweeh.

Hopi Traditional Caretaker

My phone took this vortex photo on its own. The phone was not spinning to make such a funnel of humidity. Now was it viewable to my eyes. I never saw it.
The Blue Kachina flashes red blue and clear bright light in the south east to western sky. I have seen it in the morning so bright in broad daylight in the north west. For 5years I have watched this star. My own spirit guides told me of the blue star and I researched and found the Hopi prophecy in 2012 or 2014. It arrived in 2017. Seems NASA is finally admitting its existence. But they won’t tell it’s true path.

The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old.

Continue reading “The End of Days Hopi Prophecy”

Four End Times Out of Body Dreams

After I Received The Holy Spirit Baptism I Had 4 Dreams

Not all are the hand or the arm.  There are many gifts of the Spirit.   The scribe of this article, Jazweeh is 62 years old.   She has sought out God from the time she was young.  She fell many times and got back up.  Faith is how we are saved.  Faith in God.  Do not build unfair comparisons in one’s mind to belittle your own walk with God.   Wisdom comes with age.

It takes years to build this kind of relationship with Jesus.  To receive such a well rounded understanding of God’s Love & Grace moreover to believe in what is the supernatural.  Baby Christians are not expected to be all that.

Jesus is Lord & He promises that if He is sought with one’s heart He can be found.  Seek & ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you._______Laura E. Editor

(Feel free to skip to the interpretations.  But you may not get much out of it that way.)

This happened in the early 90s approximately.  How I know I was out of my body?  Well let me tell you this. If any man quotes Apostle Paul by saying “in the body or out of the body I do not know”.  Then be certain they were NOT out of their body.

When I was out of my body I KNEW IT.

Continue reading “Four End Times Out of Body Dreams”

The Three Baptisms- Fire, Water, Spirit

Why is the Number of Man 666?

Florida Beach Island

Just because the book of Revelation references the antichrist having the number of 666?  NO!

I am here to inform all who read that we all have the 666 branded on us until the divine presence of God in us is activated by prayer, meditation, seeking God with our whole heart.  To have the divine presence activated is a step toward being born again and taking in the three baptisms.

33% Body(flesh) + Soul (eternal soul) 33% = 66.6% Holy Spirit  99.9999999%  Man after he receives by his choices the three baptisms of spiritual birth.  Spirit, Fire, Water.

Continue reading “The Three Baptisms- Fire, Water, Spirit”

What’s Coming in the End of Days?

We Know Something is Coming…but what?

I could be wrong but this is what I am getting about the future.______The Sympathetic Dreamer.  It’s all prophesied in the sacred books way before I saw it in visions.

Not all shall sleep but we shall ALL BE CHANGED.”

Death & the Apocalypse by fire

The Lake of Fire (eternal death)

The Rapture of the chosen few (new bodies to seed Earth)

The imprisonment of the evil who survive underground (by Holy Angels)

The 1,000 years of sleep & or the seeding of the New Earth

The meek & the Saved shall sleep for 1,000 years

The few chosen shall seed the New Earth

Judgement after 1,000 years of sleep.


Jesus Arrives in 2024 but not in the way that people think.  All will go to their appointed places.  This will be the rescue of mankind and the destruction of the enemies of God.  Those who don’t respect God and The Earth shall be dealt with at judgement.  Grace will be applied to those who cried by repentance.

Continue reading “What’s Coming in the End of Days?”

Evil Is As Evil Does


Why Greedy Men Took The Feminine Out of The Family God Head-Spiritual Five.

Evil is as evil does.  Why oh why would God not have a Mother God if we are made in His image-and we are?

Doesn’t it make sense that the feminine would also be reflected in spirituality just as the male is?  Of course it would.  Why would that be evil?  Are all women evil?  All men good?  No.

There was a time when men oppressed women greatly.  And in some countries women have few rights (we are told).  Women are not lesser in God’s eyes than men.

Men are the strong arm of the family physically.  To deny that is folly.  Without women the hand of empathy is small in families.  Women are nurturers.  Women are care takers of the innocent.  Women have a strong place in the 5 part spirituality of the family.  To call the Mother God ‘evil’ is a mistake.

She is not evil but rather she is humble and prefers not direct worship.  She says “get up, do not worship me but rather respect me and see me as being part of”.  This is what The Mother God says to me anyway in my visions…”respect all deities.”

Mankind Chooses Hell over Heaven by Their Daily Choices

Evil wicked men would not be comfortable in Heaven would they?  Hell no.

What if Satan is doing exactly what God ordered him to do by tempting mankind with evil?  What if Satan is still and always was obedient to God’s will?  I believe he was and is.

This is the deception.  What if the so called fallen angels had the hardest job of all spiritual entities.  To bring evil to the earth so mankind could make their choices?  Somebody had to do it.  Eve had to eat of the tree of both the knowledge of evil and of the knowledge of good.  Furthermore if evil was not in the land how would we humans choose our eternal homes?

All men are exposed to both evil and good, truth and lies, kindness and trespass, to steal or to give, to protect or to attack, to smile at or to send scorn, to bless or to curse.

The deception is that God lost control of His creations.  Not so.  Angels are perfect in their obedience to God.  Angels do what they are assigned.  They have free will just as mankind does.  But they also have enough knowledge to know that defying God is detrimental to their own peace.  They see what we cannot.  Karma. Action-reaction.  Every action has a spiritual reaction.  Every spiritual action has a carnal reaction.

All men have choices but ultimately we and only we decide where our eternal home shall be by our choices.

God doesn’t punish men by sending them to Hell, they choose hell by their hearts condition.

Faith is the key.  Once we are transformed faith is no longer the great powerful force that it is now.  Great works of Faith, are mighty and echo throughout the chambers of eternity.  Love, Hope, & Faith these three are eternal.

All of mankind have been given a measure of Faith.  But where he puts that Faith, that is they key that unlocks his eternal home.  Does he grow his faith and in what?  To put faith in God requires prayer.  You have not because you ask not says the preacher.

Ask for more Faith in God.   Ask for the things that are good and spiritual.  Ask for the things that are eternally beneficial.  Granted, they don’t come easy usually.  Challenges come with spiritual blessings or carnal blessing for that matter.

You know not of the challenges of a rich man. It is harder for a rich man to enter The Kingdome of Heaven than it is for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle.  Be careful what you pray for.  And when God says no, it could be for your own good.

Evil Is as Evil Does

Not “evil is what the preacher says it is”.  If the preacher can label things ‘evil’ that are not evil he can label you and I or any  God given blessing as being ‘evil’.

Continue reading “Evil Is As Evil Does”

When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints


When is the Rapture for the 144,000?

Long Story Short…Late July 2022 is the rapture date for the elect chosen few.  Who are they?  If I tried to categorize the elect I would fail.  Because some are active 144 in the spiritual army of God but others who will be raptured are 133, those who go before the throne.  These are people after God’s own heart.  He knows them and they Him.  Not all of the chosen few are long time spiritual workers.  They could be babes in Christ.

Continue reading “When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints”

When Will Jesus Return?

Coincidentally? The Eclipse of 2024 outlined in the video below, will occur (according to source) exactly on the day that the Jewish Passover Festival is celebrated, at which time the Hebrew People were freed from the bondage of slavery in Egypt.

The Date of Jesus’ Return Shall Likely Be Either…

Between the days of 04-08-2024 thru 04-18-2024 according to predictions by Jazweeh.

Signs & Wonders Is Hell Real? Bible Changes. Patience of the Saints.

Short answer—YES.    But Hell is not like the preacher presents it AT ALL.   The Patience of The Saints

Hell is much like Earth with it’s comings and goings and people.

In this article by Jazweeh are analogies of Heaven & Hell.  They are informed spiritual theories not “thus sayeth The Lord”.  None of the predictions on any of my sites are ‘thus sayeth the Lord’. Rather writings are based on my many years of seeking out the things of God and becoming the clay in His hands.

Continue reading “Signs & Wonders Is Hell Real? Bible Changes. Patience of the Saints.”

To The 144,000 The Time of Sorrows & Purification is Upon Us

White Horse


But first the purification.  The purification of the 144 is both physical, emotional, & spiritually.

For the good news skip to the bottom “THE NEW EARTH.  Rapture?”

Do Not Lose HOPE in your trials of fire Brothers.  For After the Trials of Fire Comes The Great Peace (& mature temperance with humility & Love) of God that Surpasses All Earthly Understanding.

“Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning….joy cometh in the morning the morning.”

Continue reading “To The 144,000 The Time of Sorrows & Purification is Upon Us”

Each Man Has His Own “Restrainer”

The Conscience of a Man Tells him Good from Bad

The Holy Spirit who comes by way of Jesus’ name and by transference during prayers and the laying on of hands is how men receive supernatural gifts of The Spirit.

As it stands, all of mankind has a conscience except those who are sociopaths.  Sociopaths have no hindering guilt or shame to deal with.  They can murder without consequence to their mental or emotional condition.  They are the best serial killers and the best hit men no doubt.


Continue reading “Each Man Has His Own “Restrainer””

Trials of Fire are Looming. “Let Her Cry” & “Drops of Jupitor”

The Chosen Few are going through a severe cleansing that involves a sort of…emotional purge of sorts. Where we are going we cannot take such life long issues of pain and fear. This process is a hard one. Its different for many. It requires emotional triggers for processing by groans that are too strong for tears or words to harness.

Continue reading “Trials of Fire are Looming. “Let Her Cry” & “Drops of Jupitor””

Wormwood Prophecy? Volcano Worming it’s Way to Babylon?

New York City =Babylon by it’s very description

Wormwood = A star falls from the Heavens causing disaster.

Revelation Chapter 8 Wormwood Prophecy, Chapter 18 Revelation Babylon Prophecy.

La Palma of the Canary Islands worming it’s way to the Atlantic.  It’s a full 3,000 plus miles away from the eastern U.S. coast.  But if it’s Wormwood prophesied in Revelation then it will create havoc and a lake of fire.

Continue reading “Wormwood Prophecy? Volcano Worming it’s Way to Babylon?”

A New Revelation on The Woman of Rev. 12 & The Man Child

Angry Jane  And the one became three-The egg = yoke, white, & shell.

Who Are the Woman & Child of Revelation 12?

After my month long fight with the vid. I had a revelation.   I know that the woman of Revelation 12 is the intercessors of God with the gift of prayer in higher languages.  They do travail and receive great burdens to pray.  Few know what the gift is like & that’s why nobody is putting it together.

Continue reading “A New Revelation on The Woman of Rev. 12 & The Man Child”


Solutions to Anxiety and Panic Attacks

What I Learned in School Today-Mind Control

  1.  You are bad & wrong and know very little about anything.   “Different” is bad. This heart level child trauma induced at early ages makes the masses put on a mask of their choice.   They hide their true self so people will like them and they will be in style, kool, liked and loved in spite of being so, so BAD & wrong.  To act like everyone else means ignoring one’s own heart, letting intellect take over.

Continue reading “MIND CONTROL EXPLAINED. Why Am I Broken?”

America? Tru News Article

Put Those Who Don’t Comply with Instructions from the Image of The Beast

ANY Christian minister who says “The back scene is not the M.O.T.B” is not your friend.  Why?  Because even if I had not been given the word “zebra” as a confirmation from God that the back scene is in fact tmofb… I would still never tell anyone that “this or that is not the mark”.   Because what if I was wrong?  Then I am leading people blindly to the death of their own soul.  Its better to say “this thing is the mark” and be wrong–no harm done.  But when I say its not the mark and it is…bad idea.

If a preacher says this or that is not the mark they are encouraging people to take “this or that” because people assume “well, the preacher said it’s not the mark and he should know, right?” Anyone who cares for the well being of the masses would not advertise ANYTHING as NOT BEING THE MARK.


Continue reading “America? Tru News Article”

Protection-Blood or Love? And What About the Armor of God?

Edit.  The Blood of passover protected the Hebrews from loss.  It showed God’s Spirit of Death that those with blood on the post’s first sons where not to be taken (killed).  The symbolism is that Faith in Jesus saves us?  Or our loved ones from death.  Perhaps the Loved one’s of Judah will be saved by the Faith of the Lions, Lambs, and Sheep.

The Armor of God is our protection in battle.

This article is very long.  Take it piecemeal if you need to .  But it has the substance of both the problem (anxiety, fear, self loathing, bondage to sin etc.) and the solutions to life’s challenges.  Solutions to depression (anger without enthusiasm) anxiety, & panic attacks.  It takes work to beat the programming of the beast especially because the problem is both intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.  But we can learn healthy emotions and learn to let ourselves off the hook.  We were not taught emotional health.  We were taught actions contrary to healthy instructions.  We can become who we really are in God and live free of the voice that beats ourselves up.

We must give prayer and meditation a chance as prescribed. I will not tell you anything that isn’t tried and true in my own life.  We should work all the 12 steps to our advantage.  Step one can be anything we want it to be…”I am powerless over my own sin and my life has become unmanageable”  or “I am powerless over anxiety attacks and my life has become unmanageable”.

Continue reading “Protection-Blood or Love? And What About the Armor of God?”

The White Flame Is Now Upon the Earth


I do know the white flame has gone out I just don’t know what the effects on people and on earth will be from it.  _________________Jazweeh

A Wizard’s Prophecy of Three Days of Truth & Darkness starting now.

by Johanne Strondale

The White Flame Burns on Earth for 3 Days

The scribe Jazweeh

The White Flame is Three Days of Truth

The vail is lifted for three days.  It began at midnight 8-11-21.

For those who love the lie and bind it in defense to their hearts for protection & comfort they will be stripped of its effect.   And those who by denial protect themselves from fear will be emotionally struck naked for three days.  They shall see deep inner truth about their own hearts.  They shall know they need God desperately.  The masses will either run away or run to God.  The white flame may cause men to curse God or to draw near to Him.

Continue reading “The White Flame Is Now Upon the Earth”

Possible Cure. Prevent Corona Virus Wuhan Prevention Given by Spiritual Revelation

Corona means crown.  Link for the emotional solutions to fear tactics of the beast.

I am NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR OR NURSE.  THIS IS A SPIRIT LEAD PREVENTION [TO AN UNAMED VIRUS THAT IS COMING]edit.  If this corona virus is real the cure may be for it.

So, this Coronavirus is sponsored by “The Crown”.   And inspired by the disobedient god Kronos.   Your guess is as good as mine just who the crown really are.   DO NOT GO TO HOSPITAL IF YOUR NOT SICK.

Sidenote I had to edit this article the title was misleading and article was not cure on my vision that the cure is for an un-named virus.

In short:Clove tea or clove shots 3 times daily and inhale pine steam once a week or every ten days or so. 

The cure in my article here “cure for Coronavirus” vision was given for “a virus” or “plague” UNNAMED I do apologize for the leading title that was not forthright.  Because I have not confirmed the clove and pine cure as being for corona virus.  However these cures will fend off most colds and lung irritations as I have proved them myself. And at the same time if there is a Virus the vision may have been for Coronavirus.]

Continue reading “Possible Cure. Prevent Corona Virus Wuhan Prevention Given by Spiritual Revelation”

Are You Jesus’ Breathren or a Bride of Christ?

Christians Most Relate to Being a Bride of Christ

But the 144 and 133 those who go before the throne are His Breathren.  We His breathren were with God from the beginning.  We stepped into by free will, one of the 7 eternal spiritual templates of God.  Born with an empty slate our choices by free will fulfill which predestined template we are.

This is a mystery.  This is how free will and pre destination are both enacted in the lives of humans.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions, Goats, Serpents, Wolf’s and the meek.  The meek shall inherit the earth.  The evil shall inherit eternal life where they will be comfortable, Hell.  Lions do the works of Faith that establish God’s kingdom on Earth (in part).  Lambs have great Love for God they go before the throne night and day.  They may also be 144 God’s army on earth.  God’s children are not the same template as the bride of Christ.  The bride is the great multitude.  They are the sheep.

More on this article later.

Hell and Back. “They have come out of Great Tribulation” Revelation.

Jazweeh tells a part of her story through the words of the scribe.

Sheep Are The Children of God by Analogy

Let’s call us “children” instead of animals.  After all, I resent when the beast calls us cattle.  “heard immunity, heard mentality, etc.”

Jesus Repeated the phrase “feed my sheep” to the apostles in the gospels when they questioned, “what is Thy will?”


Continue reading “Hell and Back. “They have come out of Great Tribulation” Revelation.”

New Earth, Rapture, Wing of Abomination & The Locust from the Pit

Updated. New info on the Locust from Ancient Mayans.  Friends, Family, Loved One’s of God Jazweeh Has Been Given New Information

Update.  Come to find out the Mayan Ancient civilization history gives credence to their own rendition of the biblical Locust from the pit.  Very similar to the Christians story.  Mayans call it the God of terrestrial fire of the underworld.  The creature is invisible   But it can be seen once it consummates with its host.  Its a parasite carried to its destination by the wing of abomination, also invisible.  These both can be seen by spiritual eyes.

Sidenote to my readers.  EYA’s channel has been deleted.  Go to her EYA Report back up channel.

Mark of the beast (forehead) & Locust from Pit.


Continue reading “New Earth, Rapture, Wing of Abomination & The Locust from the Pit”

The Mark of The Beast Revealed-Ouch! the Back Scene

Why Did God Call it the “BEAST” Mark?

What is a beast?  An animal.  Usually one that is dangerous or grotesque.

A beast does not play well with humans or other animals.  A beast is often deadly to mankind.

No need to read this very long taxing article here is the synopsis in a glance.

Warning If you took the back scene please don’t read this article.  Because that is exactly what I am referring to when I say “mark”.  Also please realize I COULD BE WRONG.

Recipe for Dark Transfiguration

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in Satan’s image.
A small group of very smart, idiotic or diabolical scientists of various specialties
One false prophet an Oracle of Omaha bent on eugenics
One very powerful very evil and rich antichrist called The Gates of Hell.
1 cup of Molecular Mechanism of DNA Replication
A pinch of Cellular Mitosis
4 Cups of Viral vector (sars) mRNA directives to the cells nucleus and inosine (Inosine the golden key to give directions to cellular rebuild reroutes
aborted infant particular human tissue
3 cups of Cancer fast growing with its cellular mitoses & mutational ability to recreate with fast replication at the atomic levels.  Nix the necrosis.
5 tsps. of your favorite Animal (beast) Protein for mRNA directives
Add One Quantum computer solving in depth scientific problems at light speed.
1 tsp. of the steering of Cell Cycle Regulation of DNA Replication
Wield The Golden Keys (2) to the cells nucleus (no editing or splicing needed unlike CRSPR tech)
Add mass numbers of apparently faithless, unsuspecting victims.

Bake for 1-2 years.

& Witness Cellular transmutation by genomic alchemy with replication and change in organism unto species transfiguration.

For this party favor, be sure, The Mighty Creator of humankind will step in, finally.  Coming in on two mountains at once (wormwood/red-blue Kachinas) to end the abomination of His people and to bring home His children.

Continue reading “The Mark of The Beast Revealed-Ouch! the Back Scene”

The Zombie Apocalypse-Prophetess Kerry Anne Gidon


How to Catch Fish During an emergency Survival Fishing


~~You must never feel burden or pressure to give into any ministry. Your giving should only led by the HOLY SPIRIT.~



**E-mail** thomaskerryann@yahoo.co.uk





Kerry Anne’s FB link

WORMWOOD Will Fulfill Most Remaining Prophesies

By Angry Jane [still angry.]

All Has Been Revealed that Can Be Revealed to Humans

False prophet and antichrist listed below.  Popes don’t prophecy do they?

Written by Jazweeh the Scribe of God

We do not know if either the forehead mark or the Locust abomination causing the strong delusion means a soul is eternally lost.  We hope not.  We write it as we see it.  Everyone who sees the end times tribulation
have the opportunity to be Tribulation Saints making them equal by works of Faith to the 144 & 133.  Works follow Faith do not minimize the works of the Holy Spirit.  Do not minimize the greatest thing a man on earth can do...
To die so others may live is a great Love.  'Love' the eternal gift from God that parallels Faith itself.  To minimize works is to minimize works of Faith & of Love.

About the end of days of course.   I know more now than ever before.  All has been revealed and its written below.

I realized something when writing this article and listing the prophecies below that are already fulfilled...My God, its a miracle in itself that I remember all these prophesies from my in depth bible study days back in the 80s and 90s.   

After I received The Baptism of the Holy Spirit at age 30 and God gave me several out of body dreams that all pertained to this time, NOW.  So I was led in the late 80s to 90s to study study study with my paper 'Strong's Exhaustive Concordance' (yes a paper book from the 80s before Strong's was a thing) and my trusty Thayer Lexicon in Greek.  And my interlinear Greek New Testament.  And my mainstay The leather bound, name engraved, Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible in King James Version OF COURSE!  I was what you call today a "King James Only" reader.  Though I dabbled in the NIV for old testament helps.   Genesis was spelled different back then.  Genesess is how I remember it.   Makes sense that the word "gene" is in it.  The English language is changing dramatically everywhere.  ALL Books have change with the Mandela effect.

Now I have a Hebrew Lexicon of the old testament as well.   Back then there was NO GREEK OLD TESTEMENT WRITINGS NOR DID STRONG'S OVERLAP THE CODED NUMBERS.  THERE WAS NO HEBREW NEW TESTEMENT TRANSLATIONS.  However I am pretty certain that history has now changed.

We know of the many prophecies that have come to pass in the last 5 years. Here are some of the prophesies fulfilled.  Wormwood is the Blue Star/Kachina

We know about the dividing of time and that God has set apart in a different reality structure those who believe & know Jesus.

Continue reading “WORMWOOD Will Fulfill Most Remaining Prophesies”

How to Survive the Great Tribulation

The Elite Have the True Prophecies of Old

And perhaps they are warning the masses of what is to come in their own Hollywood way.

What can I say?  This is a prediction not a prophecy.  It is a vision that may or may not come to pass.  If it does you would be wise to learn of the solutions I have.  For they are the only solutions and the include a priority.  Seek God with your whole heart mind and soul and you will find Him.  Choose your daddy.

Think “Bird Box” terrifying with Sandra Bullock.  Her and her children survived a great global earthly manifestation of a spiritual scourge.  They survived because they covered their eyes and did not look at it.

Truth In Plain Sight

Continue reading “How to Survive the Great Tribulation”

Ye Shall Not Suffer from the Second Death!

Prophecy of the 144,000 & WHAT IS COMING SOON???

In spite of Revelation 21:8 that reads “the second death is the event of being plunged into the lake of fire”.  Sure for those who have died once already its the “second death”.  But what of those who have not died already?  For them there is no second death only the first and final death.

What are saying Jazweeh?

Continue reading “Ye Shall Not Suffer from the Second Death!”

Rapture Thoughts & Fulfilled Prophecies

I Think The Soon Coming (this year) Rapture of The Few Will go UN-NOTICED on the Most Part.

Why?  It’s the pattern of the end of the age.  Most people are marrying and partying and having babies and going on with their lives as if the world is the same as it ever was.

While those of us who see are experiencing great signs in the skies.  Mandela effects galore miraculous and true.  We see so many changes to our world it annoying.  I see the strong delusion and 1/2 blind Christians who seem to know we are in end of days yet as the scriptures turn vile they have memories to match the vile scripture.  Further more they no longer know evil when they see or read it.  I see the English language itself changing dramatically.

Those days will be shortened for the sake of those who see so many changes and suffer with the blind who see nothing.  This is our hardest task, to be merciful and understanding with those who are blind.

Continue reading “Rapture Thoughts & Fulfilled Prophecies”

What are the Mark & Image of The Beast? “R” Rated article

To All Christians on Youtube Who Ask…

What is going on?  Are we in the end of the age?  They will be marrying and given in marriage in the last days.  Why?  Things will seem somewhat normal why else would you plan a June wedding during the apocalypse of the soul, mind, & body. Look at these tatoos, its as if they know the locust and have mated with it willingly.   Oh wait, they have!

Hand Tattoos Skeleton Face - Novocom.top
Creepy as hell itself this looks very much like the way the locust feeds & its shape.  The locust from the pit comes by way of a wing of abomination & consummates making desolate men’s minds sucking out the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from their awareness. (scriptures below)
The Consummation of a preacher. The mark and the locust with its tails ” and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” Daniel 9:27

Continue reading “What are the Mark & Image of The Beast? “R” Rated article”

Another Prophecy Fulfilled. Man Swallowed by Humpback Whale


2021 June 11, 

A greedy & adulterous generation shall seek a sign (of the end of days) but no sign shall be given to them, except the sign of Jonah who was in the whale 3 days and yet lived.

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.”

Continue reading “Another Prophecy Fulfilled. Man Swallowed by Humpback Whale”

Rapture in the Months of Leo

Jazweeh Gets a Vision Confirmed by a dream

Have you had a vision or dream about a prayer rug?

2021 Update. It's August 22 and we are still here. Uhg. Month of Leo is soon to pass. Perhaps its best if we don't expect a rapture? Why? Because we just don't know if or when a rapture event would come. Perhaps we should focus on 2024 in the hopes of Jesus' return. We all must do what we can to keep ourselves emotionally healthy. How do we live with one foot in the hereafter and one foot in Earth's carnal realm? Hope. Faith. Keep the Faith, keep the Hope even if we have a lifetime to wait we must keep our Hope in Jesus, in God's mercy. Signs are everywhere but we just don't know what "He's returning soon" really means. Even the 2024 is just a guess.

Just a day or two ago Jazweeh went before the throne of God in a vision and asked-

Continue reading “Rapture in the Months of Leo”

I Saw Evidence of The Magnetic Pole Shifts With My Own Eyes

Father Called Me to Watch the Sun Set In The End of April 2021

Article by Ruth Edgar

I watched as the sun went down it moved so far North while moving down that I had to reset my position behind stationary trees 3-4 times.  Also I sketched what I believe God lead me to draw the path of the sun & moon on a flat bowl shaped convex earth.

Continue article to see Sun & Moon’s flat earth trajectory (we believe.)  South to North of moon/sun cycle variances could be illustrated by numerous smaller “8s” inside the large “8”.  Each total 8 cycle a 24 hour period.

Continue reading “I Saw Evidence of The Magnetic Pole Shifts With My Own Eyes”

The Fire Purification Prediction Then The New Earth

Volcano Map the Apocalypse

Map is from website.

"Map of the world showing locations of volcanoes, many surrounding the Pacific Rim and along boundaries of other tectonic plates. Image courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/find_regions.cfm.) For a more detailed map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters and tectonic plates, see Simkin et al. (2006). Image prepared by Paul Kimberly, Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program."

Jazweeh saw these visions in the sky today at sunset 04-29-2021  They pertain to the purification of Earth.

Continue reading “The Fire Purification Prediction Then The New Earth”

End Times Gifts for the Chosen Few During Great Tribulation

Brothers and sisters we now know well what was really meant by “the sufferings of Christ”.  Yes He suffered crucifixion but there was a suffering, I think that dragged on for years & years.   To watch the blind walking into a pit by their own volition is not easy.  Imagine years on end of seeing blind men walking into pit upon pit.  If you see what the chosen few are meant to see, then you will suffer by watching the blind, and blind guides sport the abomination making them desolate as they worship the wolf’s words (the desecrated bibles).

But they have made their choices.  Every one of us has the same opportunities to make the choices toward becoming the clay in God’s hands.

A note from the writer-  Brothers and sisters please think me not pomp.  I am lead to write what I must & not permitted to engage false humility...  I am a scribe of God.  It is my appointment and honor to validate what you already see by high calling.  Bless you in all your ways.  The chosen few now know who they are.  And not all the chosen are labelled "Christian"  but they all do have a heart toward God and know Him.

What are the end of days special supernatural gifts?

“They honor me with their words but their heart is far from me.”

It’s baffling to watch men honor Jesus with words while they wear the mark of the beast on their forehead and spew blasphemy from the newly changed bibles, not knowing evil from good they deceive themselves primarily.  So many.  So many.  The chosen cannot help but to feel betrayed. But we too were deceived.

Continue reading “End Times Gifts for the Chosen Few During Great Tribulation”

The Abomination of Desolation & The Consummation

Making Men’s Mind’s Desolate & the Consummation of The Beast to Mankind.  A Smile from a Vail.

Please, if you fear that you have the mark of the beast please know you can still find your own heart, and present it to God The Father by The Way of Jesus His Son.  Salvation 101
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The preacher who quoted this verse 9:27 in Daniel changed the meaning of consummation to “consume”.  As most Christians have to do, they change the English language definitions themselves to fit the twisted bibles to make some semblance of logical sense.
Not all of the wolf’s new scriptures are lies.
I had no idea this new scripture was in the book.  Matching my visions of the creature on the faces of the many.
And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.

Continue reading “The Abomination of Desolation & The Consummation”

What is Coming Spiritually & The New Earth

A Jazweeh Article-

Blessing to all who read this forbidden knowledge.

There Are Two Types of End of Days Marks

There is a mark to buy and sell that I believe is the back scene more accurately a DNA changing mRNA therapy.  This ‘buy & sell’ mark is categorized as ultimately separating a man from God.  It’s a mark by permission only meaning a man willingly takes it.   If you take the buy and sell mark the permanent mark will appear on your forehead.  The beast.

Continue reading “What is Coming Spiritually & The New Earth”

Watching My Mother Self Destruct by Detergents & Lack of Oxygen.

Far more valuable than the body is the soul’s eternal life.

Its hard to watch someone self destruct whom you have strong feelings for.  For ten years on end….I have pleaded with my biological mother to open her windows and let oxygen in the house. They live in the country where the air is clean.  But she fears lizards and snakes above all things it seems.  Her fear has made her unteachable.

Continue reading “Watching My Mother Self Destruct by Detergents & Lack of Oxygen.”

They Did Not Build their House on the Rock

Many are Called But Few are Chosen

Mathew 7:25    “And the rain descended fell floods came, and the storms raged yet the house stood.  The strong winds blew, and beat upon that the house yet it did not falter.   For it’s foundation was founded built upon The Rock mighty and immovable!”  Jesus is The Rock and The Cornerstone.  He is our foundation, Faith in Jesus is our salvation. 

There is no idol, book, or statue, that takes the place of God in our heart.  He is our Father, our Comforter, Wonderful, Counselor, Savior.  We do not lean on empty doctrines of men for our comfort.   For neither height nor depth, angels or principalities, neither things past or present can remove us from the Love of God that is in Jesus our Savior.  The Word of God is written in our hearts.  God Himself put his inspired words in our hearts.  Jesus is The Word of God. And God’s inspired words to us lift us up, encourage, and strengthen our Faith.  The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth.   

Either a man knows Jesus/God or he doesn’t.  God looks upon the heart.

My brothers and sisters who now understand the suffering of Jesus.  He suffered long before the cross enduring the company of the spiritually blind nearly all His life.  I wonder if He had even one person who He could relate to in spiritual matters.

“How long must I suffer with thee oh ye of little Faith?”

Continue reading “They Did Not Build their House on the Rock”

Night Sky Lights Up Blue Like a Huge Blue Camera Flash

Notoriously Corona discharges from extreme electrical events emit dangerous Ozone and a violet glow.  Ozone that coincidentally, causes the same symptoms as C.V.   I go out nightly for walks.  At around 10:15pm March 2nd I witnessed my second huge blue blue sky glow flash.  As if a giant camera took a flash picture with a blue light flash.   A flash that was shocking.

Continue reading “Night Sky Lights Up Blue Like a Huge Blue Camera Flash”

What is “The Wing of Abomination” & “Strong Delusion”?

The Abomination of Desolation.  Warning- Graphic Demonic Drawing Photos.  New information below.

(one of them –as the desecration of God’s words in bibles is also an abomination of the desolate type.  Amos 8:11 &12 “I will cause a famine on the earth not of food or drink but of hearing my words.  My words will no longer be found on Earth”).

I am guessing at what is to come for those with and for those without the mark on their forehead and the winged demon on their brain/head shown below.

Continue reading “What is “The Wing of Abomination” & “Strong Delusion”?”

Has Jesus Called Us to be Martyrs?

Clearly somebody has to fulfill the martyrdom end of the age prophesies.

Pre-trib rapture or post-trib rapture for the chosen few?

Written by the Irate but chosen.

Honest to God I do believe that its the end times.  I see unbelievers standing in defense of the beast & beast system.  If they come to believe in God/Jesus they may likely (according to prophecy) be martyred and hence saved.  The called to be tribulation saints.  Such as those who refuse to take the mark of the beast and are killed for it but did not previously accept Jesus as their Savior for some reason.  (likely because of religious hypocrisy and evil).

Continue reading “Has Jesus Called Us to be Martyrs?”

Mark of the Beast Explained Back Scene Decoded

Written Feb. 2021    Well we are getting several of confirmations on the back scenes side attacks. Current date 4-8-2022.   See Rumble but don’t go there if you took the back scene.  Best those who took it stay in denial.  Ater all some are seemingly unaffected.

Update on the one shot J&J back scene.

They are labeling it as not being mRNA.  I find that interesting when its still giving directives to your DNA.  And its still entering the nucleus of your cells uninvited.  And its still using DNA as its catalyst.

To learn more study “viral vector vaccines”.  Its still doing an edit and using genetic material.  J&J’s Janssen is using a rarer adenovirus subtype, Ad26, in its COVID-19 vaccine

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is what’s called a viral vector vaccine.

To create this vaccine, the Johnson & Johnson team took a harmless adenovirus – the viral vector – and replaced a small piece of its genetic instructions with coronavirus genes for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

After this modified adenovirus is injected into someone’s arm, it enters the person’s cells. The cells then read the genetic instructions needed to make the spike protein and the vaccinated cells make and present the spike protein on their own surface. The person’s immune system then notices these foreign proteins and makes antibodies against them that will protect the person if they are ever exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the future.”

How Dare the Talking Heads on TV say “the back scene will teach your immune system how to work on CV”.

“Our immune systems have quite literally taught these sinister drug company scientists how it works NOT the other way around.” Laura E

This article is choppy and very long but very informative.  It covers the back-scene that I believe is the mark of the beast written of in Revelation. Normally I would wait to publish and do more editing but this is important so I release the article as is.

CDC Covid 19 mRNA Back Scene Risks

Continue reading “Mark of the Beast Explained Back Scene Decoded”

Brothers And Sisters What About The Simple?

The simple see evil and yet they walk on into it and are harmed.

Though often the simple have grown into the wise.  Or they grow and learn to protect themselves in their own way.  They cannot handle much Spiritual Truth.  These end times are causing a great separation of the goats from the sheep.  This I see.  But goats are often unkind and do harm to others.

Continue reading “Brothers And Sisters What About The Simple?”

Cast Pearls Before Swine

You know who you are in Christ by now.

We have ever tried to share The Love of God with unbelievers who are Loved ones close to us.  And often we hoped that they were not unbelievers at heart.

But it seems many are somewhat righteous people with no desire whatsoever of seeking God.  They have no motivation to know Our Heavenly Father or to find the greatest spiritual gifts in life given by The Holy Spirit in The Name of Jesus.

(The YT EYA video below is not for the faint of heart.  Its a paradigm changer.)

Continue reading “Cast Pearls Before Swine”

“The Way” Is Closed. Jesus Is The Way

But The Rules for Salvation Have Now Changed.

Jesus is still our Savior for those who know Him and He is still here for us.  But with the new age of judgement comes a new form of salvation for unbelievers.

Please— Elect– Hear Me Out.  Jesus is Still The Way to God for The Elect who were Led by Father to Jesus.  Jesus still took the keys to death and hell so we too have the power over death and hell through Jesus (God) in us. 

After all its not the flesh side of Jesus that we worship is it?  So Jesus had flesh and a human soul.  But His Father was God Himself.  So God took the keys to death and hell and handed them to us when we accept Jesus.  And we become the clay.  God fixed us.  He fixed our heart.

But the age of Grace is past.  Now there is only one way left to salvation for unbelievers.  Now are the great tribulation rules playing out as were written.

Continue reading ““The Way” Is Closed. Jesus Is The Way”

Darkness Hits Pakistan 2021, January 9 & 10

Its Getting Real.  How to apply the armor of God

Jesus’ Chosen and His Believers are Protected by The Armor of God 

200 MILLION people without power in Pakistan.  See links at bottom for details.

We at Jazweeh.com are wondering, since the prediction for the great kickoff event for Thee Great Tribulation is January 28th 2021 could this power outage be due to corona discharge?   And corona discharges create Ozone and not the good version of Ozone.  The kind that causes corona virus symptoms coincidentally.

Continue reading “Darkness Hits Pakistan 2021, January 9 & 10”

Will Civil War Be Part of The Great Tribulation?



Democrats Vs. Republicans

If your a truther and seek truth above all things except to seek God Himself then you know that the right left paradigm is by design to control the masses more easily.  Furthermore to have an on going division for the elite is to have an ace in the hole.

The division is already set and can be elevated at any given time.  Even though the paradigm is an illusion to a point…when 328+ people believe something it tends to materialize.  Via the TV CNN vs. FOX we have our two teams.  And for the men who are conditioned by their sports team programing the whole scenario fits the purpose of the puppet masters at large.

Continue reading “Will Civil War Be Part of The Great Tribulation?”

What The Spirit Says to the Churches Today

Today is a Good Day for a Great Decree Has Gone Forth

Synopsis of this long article A Spirt Led Word from Jazweeh we believe is from The Creator.

The separation of the people is finished sheep from Goats.
Those chosen of Satan & of God are sealed.
The beginning of the end of this earth is here.
The chosen few begin to receive their improvements to body.
The Earth begins its walk of demise.
The new Earth is now on the way Shalamar.
The Great Tribulation is decreed so the great multitude will be desperate enough to seek God in Truth.

and more____________________

Continue reading “What The Spirit Says to the Churches Today”

Lies of the Church & How to Apply the Armor of God

Satan has clearly infiltrated many not all of the churches of the world since the days before the inquisition.


Please note:  The links to "Paradise for the Hellbound" below show vital scripture and topics.  However I wrote it before my grand awakening so some things will be missed like Mandela effects and end times topics, some lying wonders and vast deceptions are not listed in the book.

I am not going to list the verse numbers because these days at Blue letter bible these are easy to search.

Disclaimer:  Verses are quoted as KJV before the Mandela Effect arrived.


Continue reading “Lies of the Church & How to Apply the Armor of God”

Who are the 144,000 Elect of God?

The Testimony of The Woman of Revelation 12

Who Is The Woman of Revelation 12?

Seek God while it is still light and while He can be found.  Seek Him above all things that you do, seek Him diligently, fervently, and with all honesty and truth show Him your whole heart.  He rewards those who diligently seek Him.  But more importantly being near God is the most and only Wonderful experience the flesh can engage in.

Continue reading “Who are the 144,000 Elect of God?”

Wisdom Knocks & Is Utterly Rejected and Opposed

Wisdom calls to the many but she is ignored and utterly rejected.

Supernatural Bible Changes 

Below I have commenced to rewriting The Book of Proverbs by memory.  Why?  Because the wolf is desecrating all bibles.  How?  God has given me direction I am a scribe of God.  Some verses are new because we are in the end of days and end days proverbs are needed.  For now only the elect remember the bible before the desecration.  The Bible will soon be desolate of most wisdom and Truth.  Some popular verses will remain for posterity.  The strong delusion is that Christians on the most part do not remember the old bibles.  They are somehow being afflicted with false memories.  They are the majority.  They cannot see that the book speaks very vile and putrid lies. They only see, when reading, their preconceived notions of what the Holy book should mean by its words, not what the words do mean. For more on the bible changes see https://abominationdesolation.com for the bible change log 2020.

Before you read the new book of Proverbs below you may want to read a few prerequisites & definitions.


Continue reading “Wisdom Knocks & Is Utterly Rejected and Opposed”

How to apply The Armor of God in our lives

Evil is as evil does. NOT-evil is as they say it is. Like having long hair or wearing too many rings on your finger.  How are those thing evil?  Is someone getting hurt?  Is there a lie?  Evil is as evil DOES.

How to apply the armor of God in real-time

  1. Prayer in The Spirit.  Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit sayeth The Lord.
  2. The sword of the Spirit Jesus is The Word of God.  HIs Words are written on your heart and are sharper than any doubled edged sword piercing unto the spiritual realms slashing demons and walls of demons some call strong holds.. 
  3. The shield of a Living Everlasting Faith
  4. The belt of Truth Jesus is The Truth, The Life, & The Way to The Father, Home.
  5. The breastplate of righteousness to withstand all the firey darts of the wicked.
  6. Your feet equipped with the good news of the gospel of peace. (Your testimony of what God did and does for you.) To walk in the shoes of Jesus & of His leading.
  7. The Helmet of the HOPE of Salvation

“Resist the devil and he will flee.” We pray God to help us do what He commands. “Rejoice in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” Praise is a MIGHTY TOOL OF GOD. Praise God when you feel the worst.  And thank Jesus by name.  “Thank you Jesus”.

Continue reading “How to apply The Armor of God in our lives”

“Hijacking the Harvest” A Narrative of Lies

The Harvest is Ripe

I was hasty in my judgement of starseeds.  I have rewritten this article.

The Harlot Churches primary objective is to turn you away from Jesus & Truth and they use condemnation to do so.  “You are bad and wrong (they say) and you will be punished” says the religious beast.

Star Seeds

The star seed narrative and the ascension movement tells you different.  Why wouldn’t you be attracted to it?  It says “you are good and right and will be rewarded”.  The ascension movement is no accident.    Part of the narrative seems to be to explain away (as usual) Jesus and the Truth and to divert you from The Holy Spirit power that has stark authority over evil in the spiritual realm.

If the beast hijacked the star seed narrative just like it hijacked the Christian’s narrative, then its likely to backfire on him.  Why?  Because Love covers a multitude of sin.  To be clear a human needs God to be able to consistently show authentic Love to his fellow man. At least that’s my experience.

It is easy to Love those who Love you.  But Loving the unlovable that is The Love of God.  Love is a caring, giving, kind, encouraging, act toward another human being with no motive of payback.

To be clear. I believer the 144,000 will seed the new earth and teach and guide as guardians those the great multitude of God’s children on the New Earth during the 1,000 years of peace. But I also think that some are calling this call of God as “star seeds”. Those of the less biblically inclined group.

God does not go by man’s rules so labels are not a sign of great faith, great faith comes in many faces of Love and stepping out in Faith. Those who seed the earth will come from all walks of life. Being the 144 thousand as it is written they are the chosen few. Not necessarily Christians. Likely not Christians except for their belief in Jesus and God. I don’t know the rules. I can only account for my own Faith. God chooses whom He chooses. The elect are not religious or they would not be the elect. God’s chosen few have gifts that most Christians would likely label as witchcraft. Especially since the 2017 great activation awakening.

Continue reading ““Hijacking the Harvest” A Narrative of Lies”

Doctrines of Demons

How to tell a blind Guide Christian

They preach law not Love yet God is Love.  They will accept God sending illusions and deception with lies (as in Jerimiah when he congratulates God for deception of How own children.)  It IS impossible for God to lie.

They preach God repenting instead of seeing the blasphemy in such a concept.   They change the English language to justify their idol….the book KJVB.

Yes we had a holy place that is holy no more.  So if you cannot fathom or fear vetting the bible you won’t like this article based on Truth contrary to Mandela Effect KJVB supernatural changes.

Continue reading “Doctrines of Demons”

“The Sounds of Silence” Decoded Prophecy

The Sounds of Silence (post M.Effect. “sound of silence”) Simon & Garfunkel….”the words of the prophets are written on the subway wall & tenement hall”…

Scroll for lyrics and second interpretation decode.

Lyrics & Commentary

Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping-If you shut off emf (router,phone,tv,etc) while you sleep you will wake up with new knowledge as God Himself or His aids teach you while you sleep.
And the vision that was planted in my brain—thoughts and history are now being implanted in human brains by wifi.  False history is here and people preferred the lie the LIE.

Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Continue reading ““The Sounds of Silence” Decoded Prophecy”

The Parable of The Talents Has Become The Prophecy of The Talents

“Spiritual Talents”

Have you lost some of your usual lifelong spiritual gifts?  Fear not, for end times has its own list of spiritual gifts that do not apply to the age of Grace that is passed.  I do not speak of Love, Faith, and Hope the greatest gifts of The Spirit.  Nor do I refer to “Love your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself.”  These gifts and the commandment of Love remain the greatest.  I am referring to Spiritual helps that are gifts, like sight, intuition, prophecy, visions, dreams, healing, deliverance, knowledge, wisdom and more.

(for KJV supernatural bible changes log go here)

The parable of the talents is that there will be men(kind) who neglect the spiritual gifts God has given them..therefore Jesus will take the unfruitful servant’s gifts and redistribute among the sheep who have been fruitful.

This does not mean perfect.  We all have times of learning when we are not fruitful by our highest standards of acting on behalf of our fellows that they may be saved.

Continue reading “The Parable of The Talents Has Become The Prophecy of The Talents”

New York City Sinks Into the Ocean-Prediction

Scroll to see the #2 Dream Vision from 6-24-20

Scripture:  “Seek the kingdom of God and its (His) righteousness and all other (spiritual/good) things shall be added unto you.”

Vision #1 was a cloud sky vision

Vision from 6-19-20  I don’t know when New York will be laid waste except it will be soon.  Also I expect Jerusalem also will soon be laid to waste.

New York falls into the ocean sinking like a great sink hole.  When it falls it creates a great hole that runs so deep it becomes the door to the abyss.  Demons ascend and the locust from the pit arise.

Continue reading “New York City Sinks Into the Ocean-Prediction”

Once Saved Always Saved. Law? Faith? Grace?

Am I Saved?  Let yourself off the hook.  Let go and let God.

“Have ye come so far in the spirit and by The Holy Spirit and received the baptism thereof that now ye shall perfect yourself by the flesh & law?” _____ Apostle Paul

Faith is not faith if its not Faith.  Hope is not Hope if its not Hope.  Do not expect a legal document decree to ease your fear of death & fear of not being saved.  You must “Draw nigh unto God and He shall draw nigh unto you”.  Become the clay.  Confess your heart.  The worst of the worst.

Continue reading “Once Saved Always Saved. Law? Faith? Grace?”

Confession of a Beast. Decode Dire Straights “The Man’s Too Strong”

The Man’s Too Strong
Dire Straits

I’m just an aging drummer boy in the wars I used to play
I’ve called the tune to many a torching session

Now they say I am a war criminal and I’m fading away
Father please hear my confession

I have legalized robbery, called it belief
I have run with the money, I have hid like a thief

Rewritten history with my armies of my crooks
Invented memories, I did burn all the books

Continue reading “Confession of a Beast. Decode Dire Straights “The Man’s Too Strong””

Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?

Prophecy-“Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES”

He certainly fits the bill with “the whole world watching his slaughter”.  He was in fact a witness of God/Jesus and what God has done for Him.  Look up the “Two Witnesses Prophecy” while the book still has a semblance of Truth in it.


See George Floyd’s friends witness of Floyd’s ministry.   They called him “Big Floyd”.

Even if parts of the story are propagandized it could still be a fulfillment.  If George Floyd truly was a witness of & for Jesus as his alleged friends are saying in the video on Newsweek (link above). And if he truly was killed as we saw, in the street before the whole world then at least half the prophecy has happened.  Who will the next witness be?  Will it be a born again Jewish man according to some of the guess work about “two witnesses”.  As long as its a True follower of Jesus who is a witness killed in the street while the whole world watches then its a fulfillment of prophecy.

Update 09-16-21

One of the Two Witnesses Appeared to Me in a Vision

Long story short God brought me a healing but not a complete healing.  He did heal me to overcome.  I saw the death eagles/vultures leave my bedroom.  At three weeks sick I now can breath.  But am still fighting this unidentified lung & heart targeting illness.  

My Hopeful Vision of Healing 09-12-2021 I Saw The Witness #2.

Did not the scripture say they would walk the earth and heal?  Perhaps my healing will take a few days?

I had a vision last night fulfilling a prophecy that Jesus told us long ago.  The two witnesses.   A great peace came upon me and I slept for hours on end, maybe 12.  I had visions of a hospital chapel I used to frequent.

Was George Floyd One of the Two Witnesses?

I saw one of the two witnesses.   The man slaughtered in the street by the beast system (paid cop) while the whole world watched.  Yes he was ressurected and raised up as is written.  But from the articles I read about him, his friends say He was born again.  Before George Floyd’s murder he was a witness of God born again.   My first theory of the two witnesses was a little different.

I saw him in his transformed body.  He spoke to me from a chapel in a nearby hospital that I used to go to often to pray for myself and occasionally for the people in the prayer request book at the alter.   I prayed God’s will in the Spirit.   I remember as I would spend hours in the chapel praying….

I also finally got two revelations about the blood of Jesus.   Which I have been questioning God on how carnal fleshly blood impacts us now.  When He healed me He gave me a great dream of the Blood of Jesus to signify that it is sacred & magical by His sacrifice since He was 1/2 God in DNA.  And the healing blood and runs through my very veins as well as all children of God by their choices in life which result in predestination.  For in the spiritual realms what is now was and what was now is.  Seems retro-causality is actually a thing.  However I don’t believe it’s causing the Mandela effects.  I believe they are signs & wonders-straight up.

12 Hours of Great Peace & Free Breathing

The witness told me I was receiving from him by God a healing.  I saw a gold light beam come from the ceiling of the Chapel to my chest.  I slept 12 hours breathing freely.  I had peace great peace for 12 hours.  Then I woke and still had the same symptoms.  Maybe it was just all wishful dreaming. I hope God will finally heal me but people, lingering like this is very trying.  I wish I had better news for you.  I will not tell you “I am fully healed” unless I am fully healed. 9-13-21 20 hours later, it appears I truly am healed.  I can breath freely again and the heart weakness is gone.  

As for the vision-I thought about this.  I never would have imagined being visited by one of the two witnesses.  Even though I believed, yes, that G. Floyd killed in the street was one of them, and in S. Am a similar story, the other.  Seems the “they shall be killed in the street while the whole world watches” has disappeared from Revelation (likely), 11:8. And that they would heal many is also gone from the book.  So if one doesn’t see the bible changes and remember real script they are not about to identify the fulfilling of the prophesies of Jesus.  Especially since many of these things are happening in the spirit realm (like those who go before the throne night and day script well looks like this scripture has changed also) & not as Hollywood depicted.

Sidenote-(please I don’t want to appear sanctimonious, for me prayer is a calling, a gift.     “To whom much is given much is expected. ” The call of intercession is not for everyone.  We are not all the arm).

Has Satan Himself Come Home to Roost? Is he now nesting on Earth?

Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth

What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded?  The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.

Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now.  She and I am sure of it.  He has fallen like lightening.  It is done.  Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.

Continue reading “Has Satan Himself Come Home to Roost? Is he now nesting on Earth?”

Spiritual Reasons Behind the 6 Feet Under…I mean Apart Mandate

True Unfettered Fellowship and Caring Love Shown between Two People (not lust or fake favor given for a price) is a powerful weapon in the hands of Mankind.  Not to mention it heals the heart and binds up the tears of the Soul.

Why Is it that the evil rulers know more about spiritual power and how to bind it than the proclaimed Christians?  Simple…the knowledge is stolen and the true spiritual power is deemed “satanic”.

By Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm.

My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge.  They Send a Famine of Love/Fellowship.

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Anti-Christ and False Prophet Revealed

The Anti-Christ Has Clearly Revealed Himself as Billy-Goat Gateors whose mommy’s name is “Mary” of course.  And the False Prophet is clearly War-on the Chinese food Buffet. (I apolgz 4-code)

The Gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against the children of God.

The new bible words "Red Dragon" (a mythical character) & "beast" have purposely skewed understanding of the book of Revelation confusing the topics of false prophet and Antichrist who were identified as men prior to certain bible changes.  The book is not above reproach unless it's an idol.  The Holy Spirit of God has authority over all things made with men's hands.

I am very serious here.  And I think you know why this is my belief.  I have never been so certain nor have any two ever fit the bill so squarely.

This is not a prophecy it is a very certain educated guess.  Sidenote:  I had a dream that Obama is a serpent.  When Jazweeh tried to pray for him she saw a great black ora protecting him from all Christian prayer. This never before happened.  We just realized Obama is also supported by the false prophet and he contributed largely to his presidential campaign.  Obama is an antichrist but we think not "the antichrist" who will supposedly "save the world" with probably his DNA vexing CV shots.  Not to mention the scriptures about the antichrist are corrupt and altered, skewed with words like beast and dragon.  The word "antichrist" has been removed supernaturally from many scriptures in Revelation. See https://abominationdesolation.com for details.


Continue reading “Anti-Christ and False Prophet Revealed”

Supernatural Bible Changes Brings A Second Passover

What About Second Passover?  “I don’t think he knows about second Passover Pip.”

Words “dead body” now all over KJVB Relates to “second passover”

Term “dead body”now all over the KJVBs and the related new scripture in John & in Isaiah calls the body of Jesus unclean and that when they brought it down from the cross after the death of Jesus it defiled those who touched it. Uhg! Numbers 9:10 &

This concept of being “unclean” plays into the new M.E. second passover because those who touched dead bodies or happened to be “on a journey” out of town during the luncheon event that is now deemed a feast instead of an actual [put lambs blood on the door so angel of death doesn’t kill first born true passover event] were now all eligible for “second breakfast”I mean “Second Passover lunch”. As usual the bible changes reflect in our reality this is to “second breakfast”.

Continue reading “Supernatural Bible Changes Brings A Second Passover”

Salvation for Our Un-saved Loved Ones?

You Can Choose One Proxy Soul to Be Saved

I heard from my guides, (just men made perfect) or my angel that I can choose one Loved one who’s soul will be saved from Hell at the return of Jesus even though they do or (did) not believe Jesus is Lord.  Its a super-grace event that will reveal Jesus to one of my loved ones in spite of themselves. It passes over the free will of men for this one reason only.  And it may very well be because of this clause that Satan will be released for a season around the 1,000 years of peace.  Meaning if those proxyed do not find Love they cannot remain in a sacred place with The Spirit of God.

Continue reading “Salvation for Our Un-saved Loved Ones?”

5G Tyrany Urgent Informative Video!

Logic Before Authority

I apologize people…ONCE AGAIN CENSORSHIP STRIKES HIT YOUTUBE.  Logic before authority has had this video removed from his channel by YT.  That means its blacked out everywhere even though it was embedded on this page.

Satan is described as the prince of the power of the air…..[airways].  Now we understand why.  Because ALL wireless radiation & frequencies are lethal.  From FM to 5G.  What’s more people’s minds are being hijacked by wifi.  Their histories changed overnight and on-going.


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Main Reasons I Know Jesus Is Really Returning Soon

Please Read this Urgent Message to All God’s Children*

My name is Jazweeh and this is my recent testimony of the soon return of our Savior Jesus.

Read Testimony (optional)-Jesus is The One who repeatedly answered my cries for help throughout my life.  Jesus shows His children that He Loves them by imparting to them, comfort, healing, deliverance, forgiveness, and on-going helps.  We are valuable to Him.  Salvation is a matter of the heart not the intellect.  The flesh is at emnity with the things of The Spirit.  The intellect cannot be trusted for salvation.  We must approach God with our whole heart and become transparent and authentic before Him courageous, as little children are toward a Loving Father.  By lifting up the name of Jesus in Faith, Hope, and Truth God works in us miracles. Raise your hands in praise. Speak His name aloud.   Do not follow the new Jesus of "saved by Grace" and the changed corrupt KJVB be not a book worshipper.  It is our Faith in Jesus that produces a foundation for our relationship with God.  By no other name have I ever been healed, delivered, enlightened, changed, filled with joy, Hope, understanding, wisdom, and by no other name have I ever been given the courage to become who I really am except the name of Jesus.  Without Jesus I would still be very sick, and continue in the foundation of the lie, wearing the mask of the beast system because the beast demoralized me into the "I am bad & wrong" programming.  Prefer not the lie.

Born Again Experience

(Please know, I am no better than anyone else, of sin I was chief until Jesus molded me as clay).
Continue reading “Main Reasons I Know Jesus Is Really Returning Soon”

Joe Imbriano Telling it Like it is

Don’t follow Hitler.

Just like Windows 1.0, 2.0 3.0 4.0 and on and on making The Puppet master Bill Gates and whoever propped him up Greed is his motive. The richest entity in the world peddling his operation spy systems and peddling now his Corona Vax 1.0 then 2.0 then corona 3.0 and on and on to make Him a trillionaire by the same process he used to get rich on allegedly his operating system.

Bill Gates does nothing except it make him more powerful, wealthy, and to control the world seems to be his driving motive.

This guy may very well be the antichrist written of in Mathew 24. He fits the bill to the T.

There is no other puppet on TV whom I loath but when I see this guy…1. he may be a woman and 2. He is given up to a reprobate mind. 3. Who else has the nerve to say vaxxing people will curb population letting us know he peddles poison. Moreover THERE IS NO POPULATION PROBLEM bill gates agenda is the problem. NEITHER ARE THERE 7 BILLION ON THE PLANET. lies lies lies.

Emotional Condition of One Who Sees

The Many Signs and Wonders around us 

Hi everyone who subscribed. I am grateful for you all.  Very grateful. (forgive the redundancy of my message for those who have read many articles here already I do repeat myself from time to time.)

I want to run by you my emotional processes for sharing sake.  I learned not to hold things in by shame and I learned that my human emotions are natural and NOT “bad & wrong” as the beast system taught me they were.  I also learned that sharing my heart with an empathic listener is healing and relieves fear.

Continue reading “Emotional Condition of One Who Sees”

Richie From Boston Shill or Saint?

Richie From Boston may have the Mark of the Beast

by Dorothy Ruth Stirrum.

The fallen angel wings or goat shape on the foreheads of many men everywhere may or may not be the mark of the beast appearing supernaturally on the foreheads of men in these end times.  This in no wise nullifies the right hand mark of the beast prophesied to buy and sell the forehead mark is separate.  You decide.  See mark of beast photos here and more below.

For those who have been lied to all their lives and now see, we must vet our info we must weigh all things that we take in.  That is what this article is for, to weigh and come to your own conclusions.  We all make our own choices. I am merely presenting evidence and theory.

Perhaps its a reach?  After all there are muscles in the forehead its just a little ironic that in the photos of these men it appears as fallen angels wings with head lowered in shame, or the goat head shape.
RFB is allowed to be human. And we are glad he is human. We conclude he had a bad day.

Continue reading “Richie From Boston Shill or Saint?”

What is the Corona Virus? Finally I Got the Answer.

Famous Tom Wheeler Speech Decoded.

Search Tom Wheeler on youtube to see the 5g speech I speak of.

By listening to the insane maniac Tom Wheeler in his famous speech on implimenting 5g with no standards.  I believe the speech famous in the truth community was a call for the great exodus of the elite.  A great important message to those who have bunkers in the mounts of Gilgash and so on they call Mount Mashu protected by the gods of old from the epic of Gilgamesh.

Continue reading “What is the Corona Virus? Finally I Got the Answer.”

Strong Men Called of God?

Are JeffSnyder2 and FullertonInformer Truther Youtube channels both called of God by High calling? They both do claim Jesus as Lord and they both give testimony instead of copy and past redundant instructions and rules when they share their God.   We overcome by the word of our testimony.

I randomly found this number of page views next to both their articles/videos at the same time.

Click to see.  I apologize the photo is too small.  Both names have 144 page views next to each article I posted of theirs at that time. So sorry its illegible.  Not o mention my page view counter plugin (an app) had to be deleted and with it all page views now read “0”unfortunately.

Joe Imbriano & Jeff Snyder article videos on Danaashlie.com

To see videos of these pages go to https://danaashlie.com/jeffsnyder2-more-brilliance/

Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer/EMF SAFETY Article Links

What Is 5G?

According to several news outlets people in the UK are attacking 5G cell towers by fire because of the threat they pose to health.(Article Updated see beam forming and symptoms)

JUST A THOUGHT.  Personally I question weather those shark fin antennas on all of our cars don't serve as a target for the cell tower beams.  Obviously a cell phone makes you a target for the beams.  I was getting massive migraines during travel after they put up all those towers every.  It does make sense that the car antennas attract the ray gun beams, just a theory.  Unscrew the antenna and cover it with silver fabric or some other metal.  You could put the silver fabric in a large gallon baggie and tape it all down.  Listen to CD's instead of radio.  You can always put it back on once we figure all this CV death stuff out.  5G was implemented in Wuhan by the way.

Put on the full armor of God.

These firey anarchists in the UK claim that 5g is the cause for the Corona Virus.

Continue reading “What Is 5G?”

Logic BEFORE Authority-We are well past ever trusting the T.V. Propaganda Machine again!

Daniel Alexander Cannon carries for us a great burden of responsibility due to his own calling of God and his life experiences that make him the perfect MAN for the job of Truth before Authority!

Personally I thank Daniel Cannon for teaching me important FACTS that should have been taught in grammar school. Furthermore the indoctrination systems of the U.S. have shown its people one thing-LIES. The U.S. controllers have show and taught us how to be gravely dependent upon a power who neither knows or cares how we are. They want us in the health care monopoly system to be desecrated, decimated and invasively probed, poisoned, and cut by ignorant and thoroughly brain washed sheeple doctors.  They have stolen our real natural medicine and labelled it useless while pushing on us the pharmakeia of chemical toxins to put us all both physically and spiritually asleep.  THIS IS WHO THEY ARE.  RULE OF THUMB I learned this in AA of all places-“KNOW THEM BY WHO THEY SHOW YOU THEY ARE NOT BY WHO THEY TELL YOU THEY ARE.”

Paradise for the Hellbound READ FREE

The entire Scripture based Book is on this page.  Use Table of Contents to click your favorite subjects.

“Paradise for the Hellbound” Written in 2007 before my great awakening in 2017.

Copyrights reserved and conditional. Please don’t plagiarize.   Feel free to post or copy as long as full credit is given to me “Laura Edgar”. I Laura R. Edgar reserve by copyright all monetary rights 100% and rights to title and trademark. To thine own self be true.


What if under one condition could a man write books of wisdom and still be respected by his peers. And the condition was this, every author must obey all his own words at all times for, if he doesn’t he shall be considered by one- and-all a hypocrite undeserving of the pen. I then say to this, thank God for and behold thy faithful hypocrite. For truly good men do evil. And atrocious men do good if only for display. No man [mankind] is at his best through every passing juncture of the season’s change. Please my fellows allow our writer his birthright of human perfection which is in fact, God’s calculated plan for an imperfect being. But for our many wise authors allowing their God-selves to surface, by clawing through the dark, narrow, natural mind. They do then spring forth into light. And we through time stock our libraries with Love-filled words of Wisdom and Grace. We devour the very words by our appetite of Hope.   And then our wise authors fade away from their best sparsely enabling the wisdom they know works. Thank God then for thy faithful hypocrite.___________________Laura Edgar

Continue reading “Paradise for the Hellbound READ FREE”

When the Moon is in the Seventh House & Jupitor Aligns with Mars

And Peace will guide the planets and Love will steer the Stars!

SUN, 29 MAY 2022 AT 04:26 MDT (10:26 UTC)
11 DAYS AWAY Jupitor conjunction with Mars.  And moon in Pisces.  Some say 7th house in Libra.  I am having a very hard time getting info on this “7th house” stuff.  Tim Foster says its 24th of May 2022 “Age of Aquarius” song event.  More will be revealed.  Maybe because of the Pisces/Libra discrepancy we got diff dates.  

Continue reading “When the Moon is in the Seventh House & Jupitor Aligns with Mars”

BigSib (Brandon) from YouTube Makes Blatant Pyramid Symbol He May be Illuminati Shill

BigSib Brandon is also saying that we should all “Make the Bible our Living Trust Document”  All 66 books.

All exposure is good exposure in the media right?  Lets see that pic again.___

Just he facts maam'
All actors shall be judged but first they will be imprisoned in the halls of the dead to wait and wait and wait. Jesus has the keys. The crooked gate with its crooked key WILL NEVER WORK.

Brandon notes on his channel he is into Hermeneutics lets try and figure out what that means.

1. Roots: Philosophical Hermeneutics

The term hermeneutics can be traced back at least as far as Ancient Greece. David Hoy traces the origin of term to the Greek god Hermes, who was, among other things, the inventor of language and an interpreter between the gods and humanity. In addition, the Greek term ἑρμηνεύω, or hermeneutice, is central to Aristotle’s On Interpretation (Περὶ Ἑρμηνείαςas), which concerns the relationship between language and logic and meaning.

Hermeneutical approaches to meaning are thematized and utilized in many academic disciplines: archaeology, architecture, environmental studies, international relations, political theory, psychology, religion, and sociology. Specifically philosophical hermeneutics is unique in that rather than taking a particular approach to meaning, it is concerned with the nature of meaning, understanding, or interpretation.

Continue reading “BigSib (Brandon) from YouTube Makes Blatant Pyramid Symbol He May be Illuminati Shill”

“Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus

Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

The Beast is coy.  The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.

What is Redemption Truly?

Continue reading ““Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus”


By no other name can men be saved, save the mighty name of Jesus.

Depart from workers of iniquity who preach and bring you a new gospel and a new Jesus!   When they meet their maker will He say “I never knew you”.

Pray with your heart  God looks upon the heart.  Pray in Truth and be real, tell God your fears and confess your lack of trust….that, my friend is the beginning of an honest relationship with your Creator.


Goat’s Hate Truth By Far They do Prefer The Lie

If you show a goat a Truth of God he will mock you.

“Answer not a fool to his folly lest you be like him.”  “Do not reprove a mocker as casting your pearls before swine”.

I told a man that my God doesn’t have “feathers” nor is He a hater requiring we “hate yourself and your family” as the new M.E. KJVB requires.

The heart’s of the goat prefer hate.  The man quickly told me that not only was I going to Hell but that also God would be laughing and mocking me.  His god is a mocker.

I commented “My God doesn’t have feathers nor does He require us to “hate your family and yourself”. Here is this youtuber’s response to what I said.

” Enjoy the tribulation, have a good time suffering and remember God is going to be laughing at you and mocking your stupidity
Goodbye good luck”

Continue reading “Goat’s Hate Truth By Far They do Prefer The Lie”

How to See for Yourself the Sun Simulator Fake Sun

Click here to read Short answer how to see lightbulbs in our sun.

New fake sun theory update


Fake Sun .UK article or Smithsonian article

The name of the fake sun advertised on Smithsonia website and UK.co is “Synlight” sin-lite.  Oh how the elite love to mock God with blatant rebellious antics.

I Saw The Black Hole Sun The Sun Simulator in the Sky.

Click here to read Short answer how to see lightbulbs in our sun.

There is truth in plain sight, watch the “black hole sun” video.  Truth in plain sight. It even shows tanning booth lamp, smoke and mirrors etc.  This video was a clear confirmation to what I saw.

The few elite controllers are hiding our real sun because our real sun is setting in the southeast and rising in the northeast.   But I believe by January 2021 it will be setting in the east and rising in the west.

There are many videos and websites that talk about having evidence of a fake sun.. .The patents are in the records.  The photos, news articles, evidence is full blown but still to me the concept was unbelievable that man could have a device of lights (basically tanning booth x a million) that could light up and even surpass the brightness of our true sun.

Continue reading “How to See for Yourself the Sun Simulator Fake Sun”

Jesus is Truth

Most Christian Men on TV Sport the Mark of the Beast on the Forehead.

The Holy Spirit No Longer Tolerates Lies from the book of Lies and its New Gospel (see the mark of the beast manifestations article here.)

What is an Idol?  An idol is a man made object that is above reproach automatically worshipped defended and set up as Holy.  An idol is worshipped by men who no matter what that idol does or says the man says “it is holy, it is good always” An idol can do no wrong in the eyes of those who worship it.

The Bible is such an idol.

Lets talk about the KJVB.  Here is just one example in many of how it is an idol , man made, full of lies yet worshipped as holy.

Here is a blatant example of accepting anything from the book calling it holy no matter what it says.

Luke 14:26

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.  (this verse is blasphemy and a contradiction to godly precepts.)

We must drink the mirror and remove the mask if we are to have the heart of a child toward Father God. Jesus is Love, Truth, Life we mustn’t hide our heart from Him who molds and cleanses our heart.

Continue reading “Jesus is Truth”

Let Those Who Love the Lie Have their Life of Lies

“Let the unrighteous be unrighteous still”?

Okay yes the verse is changed and it blatantly contradicts the godly precepts of repentance but is this change demonic?  Perhaps not.

I say this because we are in the age of judgement the intercessory prayer for souls in bulk anyway is over.  Things have changed, intercessors are ushering in the return of Jesus not catching burdens for souls….anymore.   And I don’t think anybody else will be newly saved until the great tribulation begins around January 2021 approximately.

Continue reading “Let Those Who Love the Lie Have their Life of Lies”

For Old Souls Only

Am I in Purgatory?  But this story doesn’t include “saved by Grace” or does it?  Not in the same semantics but what are semantics?  Same actions different terms.  Why did I write this?  Why do I cry when I read it as if it were my story?  See if your heart feels this story too.

There was a blessed spirit in Heaven it could fly; it was completely sustained by the light of God that was readily available in the beyond where it existed.  We will call the blessed spirit Elior.  Elior could travel from realm to realm, planet to planet; dimension to dimension he could take any shape he wanted.  The realm that housed the seven Earths (God did create seven) were only one of the realms that Elior had toured.  There was a realm called “Ecstasy”, the realm of “Wisdom”, the powerful realm of “Love”, there was a realm called “The knowledge of every universe”.  Elior could help any creature or being that he desired…he did much good and had powerful knowledge as a supernatural entity.
Continue reading “For Old Souls Only”

Worst Idol of ALL Is The Holy Bible KJV

The Holy Place (holy bible KJV) will soon be Fully Desecrated

However most Christians are unable to see it no matter what the book says.

They take the English language bible slang that is no longer Old English eloquent and mature, proud and poetic, dignified, sanctified, noble, and Holy now changed into some viking Norseman lingo that those who see are very unfamiliar with.  We who knew the meaning of ever word in the KJV now see thousands of words we have to look up.  Do you hear what I am saying?  We do no longer recognize the bible’s on our shelves.  We do not mean new copies or new translations.  We mean hundred year old bibles have changed drastically while on the shelves.  And those who claim to know the precepts and words of Our Father that were once contained in the book say “same as it ever was” to the new hater god.

Continue reading “Worst Idol of ALL Is The Holy Bible KJV”

Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return

To the True Intercessory Prayer Warriors of The Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth

The links in this article are to jazweeh.com articles about the topic on the link.

What is Spirit Lead Intercessory prayer?

Who am I addressing this to?  Those who have the gift of tongues by which they pray in depth on what they are lead and can also pray on any topic with the gift.  The gift is subject to the man not the other way around.  Not to say that those intercessors cannot receive the “burden” to pray for a soul, they have.

I wrote an article alerting believers of a change happening to the intercessors.  These intercessors who once prayed in deep lamentation, supplication & labor by burdens from The Holy Spirit birthing deliverance for lost souls.

Continue reading “Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return”

Some Tips for Health Food, EMF, Remedies

Solutions to Health Problems Given by The Spirit

This article will be on going where I will post survival tips, plant identification, edible plants and more as I am lead to.

Now that most areas have 5ghz smart meters on your electric pole that was analog.  Now it sends not your electricity by wifi but rather the info about you electric use by wifi to powerful signal gathering routers on every block.  You can see them on the electric poles down the road by an arm w/a white box on it.  Those are the smart meter routers.

Continue reading “Some Tips for Health Food, EMF, Remedies”

“Novel Corona Virus” Decoded


  1. Novel=story=fiction
  2. nooviralrusecon
  3. Noo Viral Ruse Con
  4. New Viral Ruse/Con gone viral.
  5. The extra yellow “V” is the “V’s” in the square and compass masonic symbol

So what’s the ruse and the con?  I am guessing here that the main reason to scare the masses into believing we are all in danger, the fear of death, the mother of all fears and part of the human condition is to impound us by experiment into our homes under martial law and see how that works out for future control and future reference by the controllers.


Is there really a virus around?  I am beginning to think not.  The cure in my article “cure for Coronavirus” vision was given for “a virus” or “plague” UNNAMED I do apologize for the leading title that was not forthright.  So I have not confirmed the clove and pine cure as being for corona virus.  However these cures will fend off most colds and lung irritations as I have proved them myself.

The Spiritual Desecration of the Human Body by Embalming


Next in comes the status quo (programming of the masses) and government laws surrounding death itself.

To Embalm a Christian Believer is to Degrade and Desecrate the “Clay pot/Earthen Vessel” that did hold the precious Holy Spirit before their death.

By The Angry Believer

Extreme lack of dignity and of respect by following after “majority rules” in every instance of existence on this Earth is perfect evidence of mass mind control.  Yes a society can be judged by how they act toward one another including their dead.  Appearing sane in an insane society as this is INSANITY.

The utter and total desecration of a Christian body that once held the Holy Spirit and was created by Father God by His own hands is wrong.  God intended our bodies to be put into the Earth from whence it came.  Embalming is commited by faithless and unbelieving heathen men with no conscience.  Or its commited by twisted blind followers of the beast system.  The desecration is both obvious by seeing the format of the Mortician and putrid by common sense measure of those who truly Love who their loved one’s were while living.

Continue reading “The Spiritual Desecration of the Human Body by Embalming”

Are these the Mark of the Beast Manifestations?

Photos taken straight off TV and internet not doctored.  You can pull them up yourself on Google Search.

Sidenote:  Vital update about the Mark on the Forehead.  You may want to scan this article.  Take in the mark and how it manifests.  Then click to the updated vison article of the mark & the consummation/abomination of desolation.


We are not positive 100% that this is the mark of the beast from Revelation scripture but it sure as heck appears to be.  Common sense says this is the mark for those who have already aligned themselves with payment & loyalty from the beast being fully aware of their allegiance. Not those who are merely deceived and do not see the many signs and wonders around us today.  The sleeping will have their chance to turn at the great tribulation by the gift of desperation.
 We believe those men (as right now we are seeing mostly men with the mark) who have a protrusion on their forehead that is neither beast/goat or wings (Wings with head lowered & not in view) but rather are partial like box shaped or of no complete shape of the cross or shape of Jesus (from head to toe w/arms out to receive) have simply not made their choice of who they will Love & serve the Dark Lord or Jesus.  Furthermore this DOES NOT negate the "to buy & sell image of the beast".  THIS DOES NOT NEGATE THE MARK TO BUY AND SELL but rather it apparently precedes it.

Are these obvious manifestations of protrusion and markings of wings on the foreheads of men a form of the mark of the beast as written in the scriptures at the end of the page?

SEEMS all the big players have the mark already.  I believe these guys have already made their choice.  Especially T. horn who blasphemes God’s Holy Angels.  I also did the same until I realized it’s fallen angel propaganda.  Causing “do you no know mankind shall judge angels?”.  Ya PASS JUDGEMENT on holy beings which we have no right or knowledge whatsoever to judge harshly.

Continue reading “Are these the Mark of the Beast Manifestations?”

Re-Think The Holy Place Prophecy in Mathew 24 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 and Daniel.

This article is about the abomination of desolation scripture prophecy in Daniel, Mathew, and 2nd Thess. & King James Version Bible.  Click Mat to see scripture in context.
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Continue reading “Re-Think The Holy Place Prophecy in Mathew 24 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 and Daniel.”

Most Common Reason to Miss the First Rapture

Most Christians Will Be Left Behind, But Not Because of Sin as they think…..

Most Christians will be left behind by reason of their heart condition.

Drink the MIrror
You want the belt of Truth? Drink the Mirror.

“Your MUST become as little children to inherit the Kingdom of God”.

Similar Article

Vision of The Lost Sheep of God

What are the partially blind sheep hiding from God?

Continue reading “Most Common Reason to Miss the First Rapture”


They don’t teach MAGNETOBIOLOGY in the U.S. The Beast does not want YOU to know what wifi/cell towers etc. are doing to you.  Don’t spend your money on $20 a foot silver fabric.  Buy confetti dot metallic fabric from Joanne’s online $5 a YARD 45′ width and double it.  It blocks emf pretty well actually it reflects it.  How do I know?  I am seamstress with a meter.  I tested all my metallic fabrics.  I also made my own screens for the router with metal screen and a metal w/holes waste basket from amazon.  I capped off the basket with silver fabric, and a tie to wrap all the wires.  Yes I did buy some silver fabric before I discovered the confetti dot works.


God Looks Upon the Heart of Man

I met a man yesterday who in the 80s and early 90s was living a life much the same as the life I had lived.  We had many things in common such as Cocaine addiction, sexual debauchery, near death and death experiences, paranoia induced by Cocaine and more.  Cocaine abuse inherently includes much debaucherous sex or like sex acts.  Often it distorts the natural desires into something ugly and deformed.

Continue reading “God Looks Upon the Heart of Man”

Why is 666 “The Number of Man”?

Below in pink shows how you get #666 from #6 MAN x TECH 111=BIO TECH=666.  Computer=111 Man=6  6×111=666 The Beast IS bio-tech.  Don’t take the upgrade!

The Bible is NOT The Word of God.  It never was.  We were wrong to call it such.  Nor did scripture call itself that.

“In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God.”

Well folks I heard a fabulous explanation of this whole 666 scripture that’s in the book of Revelation.  RELATED ARTICLE:

The Beast System Revealed in “666”

Continue reading “Why is 666 “The Number of Man”?”


Oh…That’s Just a Coincidence! Is it?

Some people will defend the beast system to the death as being such a blessing over the dark ages of the past. However HISTORY LIES not only did people live way longer when they grew their own safe food and were not being poisoned by the beast but also they were not being poisoned by chemical fabrics in EVERYTHING. In 2002 every one in two men got Cancer and one in three woman according to the beast. That means it was probably much higher rate at that time. NOW the statistics are far worse. Cancer, Diabetes type 2, Autism, and most other disease are created in a lab. This is my theory and opinion. The diseases of old are not the diseases of today.


Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge

Prediction Given by The Holy Spirit Inspiration Concerning Rocky Mountain Splitting at the Twin Owls Formation

Could the new space weapon “rod of god” split a mountain?

Project Thor kinetic space weapon

Watch approx 50 seconds video for wrath of God topic of article.


This is Jazweeh’s most serious prediction because its already been confirmed by the way it came to her in stages.   I would even call it a prophecy.  This came to her first by a vision of what looked to her like twin peaks side by side one taller than the other.  She then saw it split straight down the center in here mind.  She saw also a huge angel with a grand silver speak set to separate the owls one from another as if separating a pair of attached twins.

Prediction received on 1-13-2020 fulfillment of prediction will be during the great tribulation in the next four years my guess.  Father did not give me a date.

Update 9-2020-Come to find out there is already a split rock on Mt. Horeb said to be split by Moses’s Staff when he brought forth water for the Israelites.  Amazing.

Continue reading “Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge”

King Jame Version Mandela Effected Bible Reads, “Salted Infants” Implies More Cannibalism

This Just Keeps Getting Better and Better See “SALTED BABIES”  Newborns.

That’s sarcasm folks .  Hi.  I am Laura E, ParadisefortheHellbound on Youtube, bible changes KJV extraordinaire.  No false humility here people.  The only one I have seen who sees the extent of Bible changes on YT is EYA and her cohorts.  That’s it.  The rest of the people I do not know why…see some changes, basically they fend out the gnat and swallow THE CAMEL.  Whatever, but for the Grace of God there go I.

And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

Continue reading “King Jame Version Mandela Effected Bible Reads, “Salted Infants” Implies More Cannibalism”

Tubal Cain Represents 007 and Is now in the KJVB

This Tubal Cain figure also spoken of in Genesis 4:22 is somehow related to Queen Elizabeth and John Dee the Alchemist Magician etc. He is also related to the 007 Movies.   See Nicholson1968’s Video Blockbuster- “Cain..Tubal Cain!! Full Version produces and edited Nicholson1968 for more on this mystery before us.

Since the bible changes to the KJV I have been chewing on the name “Tubalcain”.  My spirit felt provoked by it and I am certain its a new addiction to the bible.

Graciously Thanks to Mr. Nicholson for allowing Jazweeh to post this video. Thanks from “ParadisefortheHellbound” on YT (Laura E.)

MORE will be REVEALED.  This is residual that Tubal Cain was in Isaiah…now it makes no reference to him in Isaiah that I can see.  So either its a M.E. or an error.


Tubal Cain is described in the Bible under Isaiah 2:4 –“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” And also in Joel 3:10 – Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!

Self Sufficiency & Farming Educated Out of Americans

The Beast System Envelopes Earth

How Do Corporate Demons Convince the Masses to Take their Poisoned Toxic Food?

Our well being by eating wholesome food should NEVER have been taken from us and put into the hands of the enemy.  How is it that a whole nation of people accept that its okay, the way it is, no problem that EVERYTHING IS TAINTED WITH POISON THAT WE EAT, wear, sit on, and breath?

MIND CONTROL, programming, TV, education/indoctrination, unto blindness using our emotional condition by trauma…trauma based mind control. Study it. Solutions at this link.

The enemy is at your door, protect against spiritually and by changing diet.

See solutions for emotional recovery from the beast system at recoveryfarmhouse.net and recoveryfarmhouse.com

Continue reading “Self Sufficiency & Farming Educated Out of Americans”

New M.E. Changed Scripture Shows the Anti-Christ & Fallen Angel Satan Ruling As God.

The Jewish Antichrist Will Sit in Jerusalem (Salem’s Lot) as God

Zec 12:8

“In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.”   

Continue reading “New M.E. Changed Scripture Shows the Anti-Christ & Fallen Angel Satan Ruling As God.”


Know this

The Word tile of this article (that by the way can’t be written for reasons you can guess) is being pushed so hard in all forms of media non stop.   You can bet the words are being formed, baked, invented, and primed for a reason.  And that reason is future are rests, mind control, speech control, and oppression of free speech.

The Auntie Seam at tis em’ is being pushed and invented to tackle the truth movement and free speech in America.

Know this Nobody gives a shit about these who are playing the victims of the opposite of “love speech”.  They are playing the hollow cost to the hilt.  The hollow cost was invented for this purpose.  Note I doubt Isarael was ever in the book to begin with.

I don’t believe for a minute that Jesus is concerned with politics but you can bet the controllers are.


Grace Vs Faith or Once Saved Always Saved Debate & Conclusion

This is a thread in a YT post sorry for the hint of aggravation.  I had to address the war of O.S.A.S against Saved by Grace Alone Doctrine.

First its FAITH in God that Saves NOT GRACE. though Grace is an ingredient of forgiveness of sins.

If I accept grace for myself by which by the way without faith no one can please God…..we are saved by FAITH. Faith in God/Jesus. What is Grace? Unmerited favor.

Continue reading “Grace Vs Faith or Once Saved Always Saved Debate & Conclusion”

New Gospel Supernatural KJV Bible Changes. Now We Die For Jesus not the other way around. Uhg!

2nd Corinthians 4:11 Shows the blatant inversion of Truth.   Now according to Apostle Paul we are always delivered unto death for the sake of Jesus.  We now just flat out die for Jesus as a rule “alway” (as opposed to persecution or symbolism of dying to the flesh) instead of showing the other way around.  The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.

Continue reading “New Gospel Supernatural KJV Bible Changes. Now We Die For Jesus not the other way around. Uhg!”

What will the Great Tribulation Look Like?

Take Heed my words, Take heed my call for the mirror drinker.

Now see this that Father Creator of The Heavens and The Earth showed me this day by the skies, moon, sun, blood clouds that appeared across the sky as never before.  People sped by in their cars not taking note of it or noticing the majestic prophecy in the clouds.

We are now in the dawning of the age of the Great Tribulation.  The seas by

Continue reading “What will the Great Tribulation Look Like?”

NAZI SONG AND DANCE “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”

Poisoning a Young Innocent Mind of Vital Truths

You will NOT get a present UNLESS you shut down your healthy emotional process of sacred tears!

Teaching children to shut down their most vital emotional process of tears and crying and the lack of empathy that accompanies doing so is easily one of the most damaging poisons a child and their parents are fed by the Beast.  Not to mention, but I will the parents Love the child but do not want to hear the crying.  Instead of comfort the child receives reprimand for being true to her heart.

Continue reading “NAZI SONG AND DANCE “Santa Claus is Coming to Town””

ALUMINUM to Poison the Slaves

Straight up Poisoning of Americans by Corporate America


Link to Jesse Welles Youtube Channel Music Videos


Now I loath you as you loath humans.  Know this, one day I will meet you.  How do I know it?  Your fallen angels have deserted your leader.  He is alone. The fallen angels have returned to their mighty and Loving Creator God.  The saints will judge those who served the fallen.   The fallen had their purpose to separate the sheep from the goats.   The goats are now known to Father therefore the angels have done their job, their calling was hard and dark but someone had to do it.  Your number is up controller.  You cannot stop Jesus from His return.  You cannot kill Jesus or the Creator of Heavens and Earth.

Your pride is your fall controller.  And those you murdered and poisoned will be your judge.

Nevertheless I must repent and pray for you the very beast system that is killing millions of men women and children in a day.  Now I pray for you all the blessings of Heaven and Earth.  I pray God deliver you all from sin and murder.  I pray you be blessed with repentance and delivered from Hell and the Grave.

Continue reading “ALUMINUM to Poison the Slaves”

A Great Sorrow has Come Over Jazweeh in Her Spirit

I am About My Father’s Business.  Those around us don’t get it, they do not feel the call.

We are not used to sitting back and waiting on God.  We are much more activated when warring against demonic forces.

But children of God NOW something has greatly changed in the spiritual realm.  It seems we are to sit back and wait for Jesus return.

Continue reading “A Great Sorrow has Come Over Jazweeh in Her Spirit”

Why Drug Commercials show Warnings Over & Over & Over?

Take a look at the video

Then understand TV desensitizes us to what we see repeatedly and brain washes us for mind control by predictive programming.

I have met people whose children were normal until they took the poison.

If you hear medical warnings over and over and over you will discount the warning eventually especially where vaccines are concerned.


Continue reading “Why Drug Commercials show Warnings Over & Over & Over?”


To just maintain population each couple must produce at least 2-3 children.

Who benefits from the fear and deception? Do you still really believe anything these of a reprobate mind tell you on the image of the beast?

Why the media Really Portrays Cancer Victims as Heroes

Why the media Really Portrays Cancer Victims as Heroes

I had Cancer I survived it so I am socially allowed to broach this corrupt topic.  Long short answer:  So victims won’t get to the bottom of it causes, conditions etc.  So parents will just swallow it instead of fighting it like we should be doing.  Every home should have its own food garden and fruit trees.  Every home should stop buying their poison hormones, processed foods and the rest of it.

Continue reading “Why the media Really Portrays Cancer Victims as Heroes”

Announcement Warning Jesus is Coming and The End is Coming Soon

Jazweeh in prayer is getting the same words over and over and over and over and over like never before and she is unable to get past it.

We have been praying in the Spirit for over 30 years and never ever gotten messages like now of Jesus coming soon.  He is at the door.  All that is left is for Him to make the command.  The rapture angels are already loosed.  The street is paved, His way is straight, Jesus is the Way, many are trying to enter by the back door and it will not work.  Jesus is the only Way to God’s Kingdom.

The message is this “prepare, the end is coming soon, prepare lock the door go in your rooms.  We think this instruction is to spare those who will not be raptured that be not blinded by the light.  Also it is a warning of WWIII at hand.

The msg is Prepare the Lord is coming soon, prepare the end is coming soon, prepare light the torch raise the plume, prepare the Savior’s on the way,  prepare The Lord of Hosts is here to stay….prepare the end is coming soon.   Prepare light the torch seal the gloom…prepare the end is on the way..prepare the Lord of all is coming soon.  Once the 144 leave the earth God will take something else from the Earth…either His divine presence (HIndus call it he Bimba) God forbid or His Holy Spirit to be had for men.  I am guessing He will take the later because without His divine presence men will lose all Hope and want to die.

Continue reading “Announcement Warning Jesus is Coming and The End is Coming Soon”

Ten Things The Father Warned and Ten Things The Blind Sheep Refused

“Write Now Child of My Father, send forth these warnings forthwith.”

   I heard those words and so I stopped what I was doing and sat and wrote.

Fathers Words

I think to myself…how will I know it is My Father and not my own vain imaginings that I hear in my head?  “You will know”.

Now is the time of the storm, thus sayeth the Lord God Father of the Sheep

Continue reading “Ten Things The Father Warned and Ten Things The Blind Sheep Refused”

Princess Diana the goddess to the Slaves

The Goddess of The Slaves

and deprogramming from the beast system.


I can hear the elite at their long table in the dim light talking now among themselves as they plan the fate of the nations and its people.

The controllers, the Beast System, those who run things, the head of all heads, king makers if you will sit in decision.  The controllers are taught from birth that if they don’t run the world and do certain inhumane things to depopulate the world will fall and all will be lost.   Poisoning EVERYTHING is their favorite depop. agenda it seems.  Along with the occasional disaster downplayed in the media of course.   (DECODE-MEDIA= AM DIE)

At least that’s the theory and consensus among those who are awake. Apparently these controllers are more brainwashed than the slaves just, in a different way.  Basically the way I get to know the controllers is by watching and knowing well the system they have put in place and by following the guidance of The Holy Spirit of God. The controllers are brutal, diabolical and merciful.

Think movie “Gladiator” “Maximus the merciful” MAXIMUS THE MERCIFUL the hoards of slaves cry aloud!  Acts of mercy are toyed with among the elites no doubt.


My guess is there are woman in very high places who protect us as much as they can.  II have a vision….of a woman who prays in secret.  She knows the power of the controllers she is one of them. Yet she is not..unfortunately they will have her head in time.   That is when the Antichrist of prophecy finally takes control he will know, he will smell the prayer on her.

You could call her “The Restrainer” (used to be in KJVB changed to “he who lets” 2 Thess. 2 ridiculous change!) as she argues with the other elites about the inhumane treatment of the slaves.  Yes I am certain there are those….however the restrainer will be removed.

Continue reading “Princess Diana the goddess to the Slaves”

Black Tea Causes Arthritis

green vs black tea

Testimony  Know this:  You are programmed to only believe the liars and what they teach the doctors.

Know them by who they show you they are.  Doctors cannot cure arthritis because they have no experience or knowledge with it.  So why would you go to a doctor for arthritis pain?  Except to poison yourself and pay big $$ to big Ph*$ma?

Here it is, TRUTH The Long Short of it….Green tea and prayer to God/Jesus healed my Arthritis.

Continue reading “Black Tea Causes Arthritis”

New Scripture of The Great Tribulation in Jeremiah- Post Mandela Effect Prophecy

Locust Army

Welcome to the Upside down called end times scripture

This is Jeremiah chapter 6 with commentary including Satan talking instead of God, Zion and the Remnant under attack, and a great horrid army from the north looming to kill the remnant.  Its all right there is Jer. 6.

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Fear Not if you see the Supernatural Bible Changes I believe you will Escape the Great Tribulation War to Come

The Bible changes do reveal a few new truths and I think this chapter is one of them.  When I read “let them who are corrupt be corrupt still and those who are righteous be righteous still” I knew it was changed but it rang true to me because in the age of judgement the sheep and goats are already separated.  And no-one is changing until the great tribulation prompts them to desperation in my opinion.

Continue reading “New Scripture of The Great Tribulation in Jeremiah- Post Mandela Effect Prophecy”

What Does “Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity, I Never Knew You” Mean Exactly?

Left Behind

Nobody wants to be left behind and cast away by The Most High God The Savior of Mankind, Redeemer, Author and Finisher of our Faith, and Creator of The Heavens and The Earth, NOBODY wants to be cast out.  Moreover most people don’t want to go to hell, some do.  Some trust in Satan and demons to give them authority in Hell and maybe he will.  Drink the Mirror.

Hell Sucks and is Real

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End Times Signs and Wonders Are Coming to Pass Now (List)


Below is a List of Why Jazweeh & I Believe We are In the End Times and Jesus is Coming Soon.

If your here you likely one of the chosen few.  “Many are called but few are chosen”.  Why?  Because the writings on this website cannot be accepted as Truth by those who promote & believe the new gospel & the new Jesus.


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How do I Know If I am One of the 144 Warriors of Jesus’ Army?


Words given in a Thread on You tube:

You all seem very loving. Perhaps you have the Gift of Love and are the Bride one and all. THE BRIDE IS NOT THE 144 though there may be 144 brides. I do not think the 144 are such as outwardly cozy and Loving as the Bride.  Why?    They are warriors who war night and day. War is their nature and they are PISSED. Why? The beast system is revealed to them in a big way they see the beast and his slaughter, they see the victims how else would they war?. They pray like no others can or do because they pray in Spirit with the might and power of many weaponous gifts.

Continue reading “How do I Know If I am One of the 144 Warriors of Jesus’ Army?”

Star of The Good Doctor is Artificial Intelligence…

We Believe.

“The Good Doctor” on NetFlix the Net.

What do Nets do?  Catch things.

I cannot find any excellent images from the show the good doctor that make OBVIOUS the actor is Artificial Intelligence but if you watch the show, watch out!  Learn of predictive programming so your mind is your own.  Also be certain that you know the motives behind TV Programming to program you.  LOOK at the images below with NEW EYES.  Don’t believe ANYTHING THE BOX SPITS OUT AS TRUTH.

Continue reading “Star of The Good Doctor is Artificial Intelligence…”

“Know Them By Who They SHOW You They Are______

Not by Who They taught you They Are in elementary school when you were both vulnerable and trusting.”   The Beast System Revealed.

Those who don’t know they have been programmed are the most deceived of all.

If you want to be safe from EMF cheaply, your going to have to study a bit.




EARTH Vibrates at mere 7.83 hertz.

IF you can get through this article, the photos, and skim the links you will understand that WiFi, cell phones, routers, microwave ovens, and other devices are lethal. I do mention here other extermination methods of the system but am not delving into them at depth here. If you read and study this article/links you will understand enough about frequencies to know that its no accident that people are getting Cancer.   New diseases will crop up looking like old diseases mainly the ones that are related to our own electromagnetic vibratory frequencies functions and the corruption thereof.

Continue reading ““Know Them By Who They SHOW You They Are______”

Should the Family be Granted Legal Recognition in U.S. Court Systems?

Honestly I don’t know if this is good idea or NOT.  Corporations with their huge standing and legal rights in the courts______

petitioned long ago for those rights. But long before corporations were corporations they were first, the family.  However to the courts the family does not exist therefore have no rights as a legal entity.  Nevertheless these men calling the shots of the fate of nations and family are redefining what the family is in their twisted and horrendously amoral ways. (scroll to see more of article, watch video too.)  So the U.S. Court system claims this regarding family.


All “family law” is about divorce therefore not about family at all and surely not geared toward the protection of the family

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Absolute Proof the KJVB is Hijacked by Evil

If your new to the bible changes and a believer. Do not think that I cover the changes because I want to discredit God or Jesus. On the contrary, the book WAS Holy and had many truths before the Mandela effect changes.  The security seal of Daniel is off the book.  If the book is honored now or viewed as worthy to teach us or instruct us we advocate lies and put the book above Jesus who IS TRUTH and IS THE WORD OF GOD.   _____________Jazweeh

Now the book is idolatrous and must be viewed as corrupt.

  2. Satan is the father of lies

Now, given those two bible precepts that are Truth and were in the Bible written just like that before but are now becoming vague and changes. With that, read this:

Eze 14:9

“And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.”

Other translations say “and if that prophet gave a false prophecy


God’s Unchangeable Promise
17  So when God wanted to make the unchanging nature of His purpose very clear to the heirs of the promise, He guaranteed it with an oath. 18Thus by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be strongly encouraged. 19We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and steadfast. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,…

Continue reading “Absolute Proof the KJVB is Hijacked by Evil”

“The Wearing Out of The Saints” IS A LIE


The Bible Change is this.  Use to say (pretty certain) “attempt” to wear out not “wear out”.  Furthermore The Saints are the Elect and The Elect cannot be deceived according to God it is not possible.  The New M.E. Bible preaches not a defeated serpent of evil but rather defeated saints.  Is this the KJVB you remember?

Dan 7:25

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”


Today I listened to a girl on YT who says she sees the Bible changes.  Folks let’s just face it censorship is so hard now against True Christians on YT most are shill channels with Actors.  Check their faces they wear fake noses and skull wigs from forehead up.  Some of the channels have a new actor with similar looks playing the same part over and over.  The voice is always the same but they look different from day to day.  If the voice sounds allot like your favorite beloved actor from Hollywood, its a red flag.  They synthesize voices just for that beloved purpose.

Continue reading ““The Wearing Out of The Saints” IS A LIE”

How To Know if You are the 144

I am not going to show scripture here.  We know scripture is corrupt and changing dramatically every week.  Well some of us know.

Image result for blue and silver warriors with/swords

I follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in my writing.  I am a scribe of God.  My Father is The Creator of The Heaven’s and The Earth and His Son is Jesus.  I do not know any Yashoe-a therefore I do not call HIm Yashoe-a.  Why would I?  When I was delivered and healed in The Mighty Name of Jesus, WHY WOULD I CALL HIM BY ANOTHER NAME?  Are you kidding me?

Continue reading “How To Know if You are the 144”

Jesus’ Bloodline Vexed by KJV Bibles

1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judah and his brethren; 3 and Judah begat Perez and Zerah of Tamar; and Perez begat Hezron; and Hezron begat Ram; 4 and Ram begat Amminadab; and Amminadab begat Nahshon; and Nahshon begat Salmon; 5 and Salmon begat Boaz of Rahab; and Boaz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; 6 and Jesse begat David the king to Solomon.

Continue reading “Jesus’ Bloodline Vexed by KJV Bibles”

Fairwell Chuck Missler

I am reluctant to post this as its a calling out of deception and lies told by a man well loved by the masses of Christians.  Even I once thought he was the greatest preacher I had ever seen.  I was blind.

Many shall Miss you Mr. Missler.

If you deeply Love and believe in Chuck M. you may not want to read this.

How is it that probably one of the absolute greatest most forthright preachers on TV ever was strone under the strong delusion.  He was blind to the Bible changes and he admonished those who see.

His words paraphrased:  “The KJV Bible is a document, documents are used in courtrooms because they testify in a way that a human does not, being that they are unchangeable.”   Furthermore, says Missler, “this why documents are entered as evidence in a courtroom because they ARE (emphasis) unchangeable. ”  So he said and so he thought.

Who Was Chuck Missler?

Continue reading “Fairwell Chuck Missler”

Revelation 12 Prophecy Decoded. Mandela Effect Exposed.

Please also see the Astrological Decode of Revelation 12 on Youtube

(Updated Oct. 26, 2020)

When Jupitor was in gestation in the womb of The Virgin for literally nine months. While Virgo was crowned with Leo of 12 stars. This movement of stars never occurred in that way before it astrologically fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah and the Prophet John the Revelator about the woman giving birth and the beast waiting to destroy her child and so on.  The astrological fulfillment of that scripture happened for all to see September 23rd, 2017.

Continue reading “Revelation 12 Prophecy Decoded. Mandela Effect Exposed.”

The Mark of the Beast “GrandSupremeNewsChannel”on YT

Do Not Underestimate the coming of The Mighty Rushing Wind. It will knock you over if you submit to be blessed by The Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and prayers by the people.  Luis’s website.

Proof the KJVB is changing:

“Let him who is unjust be unjust still”.  If this scripture is not contrary to the teachings of Jesus for you, then you never knew Him.  However, unfortunately, the age of Grace is over, the age of judgement is here.  Meaning, those who are “unjust” in their heart will remain that way until the one day/the one year/ the last day when the gift of repentance is again poured out upon the Earth and the unwise virgins then have their chance to be with their Lord & Savior or to at least make it to a good place in the hereafter rather than Hell and void.

Continue reading “The Mark of the Beast “GrandSupremeNewsChannel”on YT”

Prophetic Dream Jazweeh, October 27, 2019: Wedding Supper

Hi Everyone!

First I want to say I have been witnessing that many people are having dreams of the wedding supper.  Jazweeh says she is not one of “The Bride” persay because she and the 144 were with Jesus before the Earth was populated by humans.  Moreover, the scripture in KJV where Jesus states, “I call you friends” is absolutely a changed verse because Jesus called us “BREATHREN” (we are of His Breath) and it was spelled with the “A” pretty sure.   The “A” gives the word a deeper meaning and value as the breath of Life.   To be His family is to Live.   And now He calls us “friends” are YOU kidding me?  This “friends” is SHALLOW and corrupt.

Continue reading “Prophetic Dream Jazweeh, October 27, 2019: Wedding Supper”

The Intercessors Have Stopped Interceding for Souls of the Lost

Now is the Time for War & the Battle Cry

The Age of Grace Really is OVER

This doesn’t mean there is not Grace it means the Age of Grace is over and the Age of Judgement is here.  This lessons the Grace available to men by 90% mainly for those lost to be saved at this time anyway.  There will be a great harvest at the end of the age during the great tribulation for one year or one day.

Men speaking with tongues of men and angels. Why do you think Apostle Paul mentioned “tongues of angels”? Forget the garbage you have been shown about tongues it rapes your mind of Truth.

Continue reading “The Intercessors Have Stopped Interceding for Souls of the Lost”

Many of People in Alcoholics Anonymous are Not Recovered

They are merely Reprogrammed.

What is the difference between reprogramming and healing recovery?  Healing from addiction involves both emotional recovery and the reprogramming of mental habits, thought processes and results in a new self image.  If healed they are no longer defensive and they do not judge others for their ideals and opinions, at least not openly by attack.  Those who are emotionally healed do not need meetings to stay sober.  They have recovered.   They know their dysfunctional survival skills to avoid them.  Also they have been spiritually freed from bondage by The Spirit of Love.  They know well steps 11 & 12 and how important these steps are.

Continue reading “Many of People in Alcoholics Anonymous are Not Recovered”

The Video That Changed My Life

With God all things are possible.

In this day and age for those saved souls who know Jesus the most important prayer we can say may be “Father, let me NOT be deceived”.

Please watch the video above then read the short story or visa versa.

I want to tell you a story of heartfelt truth. It’s not a made up story but I may use some allegories. Picture a little girl. Little Elior is her name. Little Elior has parents who love her but they know little about emotional nurturing. They don’t know how confidence and self worth are built because, well they have little of their own…they punish by guilting and shaming. They punish by violence. Even the father “spanks” little Elior at a very young innocent age. Naturally little Elior believes if her father hits her she deserves to be hit.  And the messages she repeatedly got from school, & parents were that she, not her actions were bad and wrong.

Continue reading “The Video That Changed My Life”

The Unpleasant Post

Ask the true intercessor why & how they know the age of intercession IS passed. Ask he who speaks in other tongues what they see in these times by interpretation of their own prayers. Ask he who is given dreams and visions what their sight has shown them. Ask those who see the strong delusion before them, AT HAND what the strong delusion is & is it here now?.

Continue reading “The Unpleasant Post”

Eagle Eye Opener

Thank you Eagle Eye opener.
The Beast system has shown women that they are ugly, bad, and wrong. This is why women seek artificial ways to be right, pretty, and to feel good about themselves. This opens the door to vanity. Makeup is vanity and a mask. Makeup is deception. This is the basis to lead woman astray.

If Eagle eye opener objects to sharing this video please contact jazweeh at admin@jazweeh.com for it to be removed immediately.

Why Would Anyone Invite Satanic Attack? Yet still, the Church Teaches it.

“My people are destroyed all the day long for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE”

By quoting “get thee behind m*e* Satan” they invite Satan to their backside.  Vulnerably and unable to see what he is up to.  Why invite him and his demons to our back?

This is just another example of curses we put on ourselves due to listening to the Beast System at large.

Common Sense says bind Satan & his minions all together!

Do you worship the book or God….so why are some of you calling me the Antichrist because I see the changes in the KJVB?  NO “get thee behind me Satan” is not a recent KJVB change but I submit to you humbly that it IS a corrupt version of what Jesus meant and said originally pertaining to the annihilation of demons.

Bind Satan’s power from around you ALL TOGETHER…don’t grant Satan and his minions permission to stand behind you where you cannot SEE them, where you cannot easily fight them, and where they have access to your ears & your vulnerable back side whispering horrible destructive ideas into your head 24/7.  Does the familiar “get thee behind me Satan” really sound like a good idea?

Answer:  HELL NO!

We simply MUST regard God & Truth over the book that is corrupt, failing, and changed dramatically by on-going supernatural changes to every KJVB we know of.  Including hundred year old bibles that say “wolf & lamb” lying together along with Abraham throwing a “bottle of water” no less on Elizabeth’s back…really?  What happened to the wineskins people?  But the bible changes KJV is really a whole other topic.  See EYA on YouTube for details.

Continue reading “Why Would Anyone Invite Satanic Attack? Yet still, the Church Teaches it.”

The Techtronic Eye

What is a “techtronic eye”?

Check this actor (politician) out here, his right eye is the techtronic eye.  The man has either been unwittingly downloaded by being entrenched in EMF OR he has taken willingly a tech upgrade so he can be smarter and faster.

You can beat your ass that the richest men in the world have a techtronic upgrade that shows them all kinds of information and that they are being downloaded with knowledge at will.  Satanic Technology for his human servants.  Just as Father downloads His children with The Holy Spirit and much knowledge.  Satan grants men high level demons to help them gain mammon and whatever other carnal endowments they yearn for….FOR A PRICE, FOR A PRICE.

Continue reading “The Techtronic Eye”

The Raging Red Demons & The Wolf Demon will Cross The Moon

10-01-2019  Wolf Demon

You can’t war against powerful demons w/marshmellow fluff angels.  It takes a scary looking being w/powerful attributes to crush the creatures of the dark forces.  God the Father Creator of Earth and The Heavens has such beings.

This day…the raging RIGHTEOUS demons of wrath have been loosed.  By looking you would think these type beings are of Satan but they are not.  They are beings set for end times wrath.  God’s wrath is not pretty. I do not know what else to call these beings except “righteous demons”.

They are loosed and they will cross the moon to be seen by men.  Men’s hearts will fail for fear of what has come upon the Earth.  The wolf demon sounds really scary.

How do I know they are loosed?  I could be wrong but I believe God has shown me this these creatures of the pit.  And by the way…the four horsemen are Father’s beings as well (I am pretty sure) See Leeland Jones .

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Apparently Bohemian Grove and “CLIMAXED” is Now in “The Message Bible”


Please expect a typo here and there.  I have no editor.

“The Message” Bible Translation

NOT TO MENTION “CLIMAXED” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  This is as bad as the word “STUPID” all over other translations and “HATE” is multiplied in it.

17 “All who enter the sacred groves for initiation in those unholy rituals that climaxed in that foul and obscene meal of pigs and mice will eat together and then die together.” God’s Decree.

What’s this?  Is this speaking of those who are said to worship the owl at the Bohemian sacred grove?



Bible used to read that Jesus would return with one foot on Mt. Carmel and one foot on Mt. of Olives.  Interestingly enough prophecy of Jesus’ return was in Zechariah 14:4.(144)  The verse has changed to a complicated splitting of Mt. of Olives and a valley being created instead of the existing vally being mentioned as I remember it……

Now…..my memory was not certain what the second mountain of Jesus entrance of two feet landing, at the battle of Armageddon was, if it was Zion or Carmel, the first was Mt. of Olives.   I was pretty sure the second was “Mt. Carmel”.

In my research I googled maps to see how close together these two mount’s are in Jerusalem I found that the two mountains Carmel to Olives are (144) 1 hour & 44 minutes away from one another.  This pretty much confirmed to me that my memory of how His returned used to be pictured in scripture is accurate.

This whole mess contradicts the new scriptures in Revelation of Jesus entering on a white horse with that whole “bloody vesture” business and his name tattooed on His thigh…this thigh image is suspect (but I am exaggerating it doesn’t say tattoo but it does say “name on thigh” which is WEIRD and new insinuating that He has a tattoo on His thigh.   Plus the Rev. scripture says “A name no man knows and then directly after that goes into how His name is The Word of God embossed on His thigh King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  It makes not sense logically saying no known name then giving two names.   It used to be the only one shown on horses in Revelation were death and the rest of the four horsemen of the apocalypse….as I remember it.  Reference Revelation 19:16.

That supper of the great God where Jesus calls all the beast to eat dead flesh is just gory and I don’t believe it was worded as such, whatsoever before the bible changes.  People these changes are happening about every Sunday as the changes to our history multiply.  See the “Serpent’s Wheel” articles for details.

FURTHERMORE that whole “rod of iron” description should be Scepter of Gold.  Come on!  They give Kings golden scepters and Jesus gets a rod of iron.  This change is another insult to our Savior.

Continue reading “Apparently Bohemian Grove and “CLIMAXED” is Now in “The Message Bible””

After the Gold Rush Neil Young Prophecy or Propaganda? Decode

ALL IN A DREAM ALL IN A DREAM, THE HARVEST HAS BEGUN [all during a dream, many sleep now]

After the Goldrush Decoded HARVEST album (This decode isn’t complete yet)

I did not put this together with THE HARVEST OF end times till now.

After The Gold Rush title of song by Neil Young [Forbes-2018-19 Russia and China buying record quantities of Gold while Investors everywhere stock up in hopes of security during financial collapse. This scenario sets the scene for end times prophecy and starts the decode “after the gold rush” that is happening now.]

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Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020

Update we believe this vision below was not fulfilled until May 27th 2020. A bright meteor is seen falling like lightening from Heaven over Turkey and Armenia. Turkey is a major player (we feel) in end times conflicts. Due to free will and human error we had previously thought the vision below was already fulfilled. Forgive us for not waiting on confirmation which we have now received.

Jazweeh has had a vision on 5-30-20 indicating Satan has truly arrived without a doubt.


Expect the Papacy to exhibit much more power in the near future due to the deal between them and Satan who has this day fallen from his heavenly abode unto Earth.  Before he inhabits the human body of the Antichrist he will make a deal with the pope of the Catholic legions…the black pope.  The true pope with the power and with a overwhelming desire to rule all of humanity by worship and be loved by millions.  The devil will promise him this for a price.

This fall is different than the original fall of the 200 angels upon Mt. Hermon or 10% of the 200 I should say.  They still abode in the second Heaven or 1st.  This fall is the one that must happen to affect Satan in a way that he can inhabit a human body and become the anti-christ.  I don’t have time for a study on this. Here is the vision.

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Lazareth Come Forth! An Old Bible Change

From Lazareth  to Lazarus.

Its even more suspect that there is NO residual on this change than if there were.  This change is one of the first I suspect.

What greater sin is there that men steal our very history and memories?  What greater sin is there that men steal our memories in hopes of stealing our very salvation and foundations of faith. (yes the photo is another story)

Continue reading “Lazareth Come Forth! An Old Bible Change”

Natural Survival “Fear” and “The Spirit of Fear” are Two Different Things Entirely


We even see “Holy fear” in bible.  Personally I like the translation “reverent fear”.  “The fear of The Lord is the beginning of WISDOM”.  Granted this verse has changed to “knowledge” recently.

Do not allow the Beast System or misinterpreted scripture to shame you for being afraid/fearful… ever.

Fear IS part of the human condition.  Leave it to the beast to shame humans for things that are part of their biological and emotional make up.

Not to mention this scripture in some versions say “Godly Fear, Holy Fear”

Heb 11:7 – By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.

Continue reading “Natural Survival “Fear” and “The Spirit of Fear” are Two Different Things Entirely”

Blasphemous KJVB Changes MUST SEE VIDEO if you have ANY DOUBTS we are in End Times.

Truth Shock TV  on Youtube is one of the few people who cover the ridiculous bible changes and show the spelling, grammar, word switch errors, and the blatant corruption of over easily half the KJVB has already taken place.  Changes happening continuously.
Amos 8:11

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

Amos 8:12

And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.


Serpent’s Wheel Part Two

See Serpent’s Wheel Part One


Here is one of the rings of power from Hobbit movie.I believe there is some truth in the movie. However I also believe the “5” rings of power are wheels and look more like the farris wheel shown. These wheels are large and owned by the five families of power.

Now, these five families of power unfortunately have united to use their wheels together instead of the years of fighting against one another. They are united. This is my theory on how the strong delusion has been cast over most Christians. They are blind sheep because they do not see the changes to the book. The book has become to them idolatry because they side with lies rather than truth. Jesus is the Truth. The Bible is corrupt and should be treated as such. Preachers who have studied the scripture for years and memorized it HAVE NO CLUE OF THE THOUSANDS OF CORRUPT CHANGES. Nor do they notice that now the book promotes hate over Love. The “abomination desolation” used to say “abomination desecration” has come to pass. Our Bible KJV God’s words are desecrated and only a small remnant remember the words as they were. (by the way now “remnant” is “residue” REALLY? So annoying!)

Here is the link to part one of the serpents wheel article.

Copy & Paste Gospel

Please Quit Reciting the Copy Paste Gospel of Obligation Message to subscribers on YouTube who are ALREADY SAVED.

What if your algebra teacher kept teaching you 1+1=2 every day for all your college days?  What if your English teacher kept teaching you the abc’s in every grade level you attend as if you didn’t know it by heart already?
Continue reading “Copy & Paste Gospel”

Change Your Heart by Reprogramming your Mind

Back in 2002 when I hit rock bottom at the edge of total self destruction I went to AA and desperately sought God at every turn.  One of the MOST important exercises that change my self identity was meditation.  During meditation as often as possible I would go over the GOOD things I had done that week or that day for my healthy self recovery.   This had to be repeated at least 5 times a week for seven years before my heart finally believed that I am a blessed child of God deserving of His Love and GOOD.

Continue reading “Change Your Heart by Reprogramming your Mind”

Random Rapid Predictions August 2019

Update to predictions.

I predict that in September 2020 computers will crash by a great hacker._______________FULLY-FULFILLED-PROOF BELOW.

Windows 10’s September 2020 update causes login and performance issues




And there are more about the great crash of Windows computers that’s just 3 of the links of proof.  Wow Jazweeh got it right!

Furthermore I predict that the death horse will begin its ride south at or around 2021.

I really didn’t want to post these because of fear they won’t happen and fear they will happen both.  But how else will I validate Jazweeh’s predictions?  Made August-2019

PLEASE if you see ANY of these predictions from 8-19-2019 email Jazweeh at livingword@jazweeh.com Thank you!

Yes this Pennsylvania pile up just occurred 5 killed.  However see the truck laying down on its side?  Picture is prophetic.  End time wrath New York, Ohio, and Kentucky will be laid low, put on its side.  Interesting that PA isn’t included.  (we won’t really know what “put on its side” and “laid low” mean until the fulfillment.  Yes this picture means its a plan.  Just like the [plandemic].

Partial FULFILLMENT-proof link. https://www.ladbible.com/news/latest-parts-of-victoria-are-being-infested-with-clusters-of-plague-locusts-20201120

This article at link blames climate change for the locust.

Q&A: Are the 2019-20 locust swarms linked to climate change?

This prophecy is stark because locusts do not normally swarm to such a high degree in AUSTRAILIA.  The prediction was amazing.  However Jazweeh specified one type of Locust we have to further research to find if that type is in Australia.

This article also mentions Australia infestations.

We are seeing these spotted yes but not typicus Phymateus.

Jazweeh is not sure of this but she got a word typicus Phymateus and ragio or radio, rajio typicus phymateus.  Stange its not English BUT phymateus is a Locust.  The Australia fires are raging at biblical proportions.  We think its ushering in the infestation of the BLACK SPOTTED LOCUST.

We call these the black spotted Locust. Phymateus is the word Jazweeh received.
We call these the black spotted Locust. Phymateus is the word Jazweeh received. We are concerned the fires in Australia shall promote the infestation of these creatures that ravage plant life. I read that half a BILLION animals have died in the fires.

Prediction made 1-6-2020 for coming black spotted locust.  Partially fulfilled, seems we may have gotten the wrong country?  Or it hasn’t happened yet.

Fulfillment link proof. 



PREDICTION WORD FOR WORD–“Black Water Cafe Bridge Accident, Boat, Wind Red in Blue gushes purple, Gulf Stream Haunts,  Survivors Michael Jsabard & Terri Collins.  Righteous dwellers survive.  Blood Cries out.”

“Blood cries out” means there may be some kind of foul play in this disaster.  Perhaps an insurance scam.  Or since the voyage recorder was removed according to myfox8.com

Article also read that boat was carrying toxic waste and that boxed were breached. No wonder the seaman’s blood cries out.  The “Dali” was sailing under the flag of Singapore.

According to myfox8.com there were  56 containers aboard containing hazardous materials, including corrosives, flammables and lithium ion batteries. She said some containers were breached and a sheen was identified in the water that will be dealt with by authorities. She said the voyage data recorder has been recovered.

Survivors names are not verified yet.

This one may mean Yankeetown, FL  or not it could be the…..recent

Possible fulfillment.

FRANCIS SCOTT KEY BRIDGE COLLAPSES near Blackwater refuge.   There’s a black water cafe near blackwater wildlife refuge in Cambridge two hours from the 2024 recent bridge wreck site. BOAT BLUE W/RED STRIPE.

Baltimore/Cambridge/Francis Scott Key bridge map
crash video at link. click pic.


Blackwater cafe and bakery is just across the bride in Cambridge from the Baltimore on the other side.  This looks to me like a fulfillment of the prediction above.


Raymond Wattz or Watts Spokesman, lying, promoted by dark side, evil righteous speakers suppressed.     Prediction: FULFILLED  This guy is clearly Satan’s spokesmen who is the father of lies. https://www.pigindustries.com/


Shamrock Stew in can poisons many

can’t find this product online.

Japanese Tariff causes strife fear rumors of war. (Aug 1 Japan TOKYO — Japan on Friday moved to increase controls on the export of a broad assortment of products to South Korea, dramatically raising the stakes in a political standoff that has plunged relations between the countries to their lowest point in decades and that has caused worries in Washington.”  THIS IS NOT THE FULFILLMENT AS IT HAPPENED 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE PREDICTION.


Toll roads raise cost, uprising, Pacific Northwest roads, objection.  I heard they are doing away with tolls to make all roads “sun pass” which could be an increase according to toll booth worker.  Sign of fulfillment 2020 Jan.


John sachs or Sacks vows a lie before millions

I just found another “John Sacks” Pretty sure this rabbi is the one in this prediction.  http://rabbisacks.org/ who will vow a great lie in front of millions.  I could be wrong.

Not sure which John Sachs or it could be the TV announcer voice-over guy whatever that means.  He is involved with Disney from Hell so…makes sense. But this prediction means he will vow some great lie before millions of people….idk if he has that many twitter views or if it will be a TV thing,  Who knows.  Keep a lookout.


Kojak returns to screen new Granted this is not a far stretch since I didn’t know Vin Diesel already did a remake.  For this to be fulfilled there will need to be a new one since August 2019.

This one will be easy to sight.


FULFILLED 11-22-2019 Prediction: Reuters posts fake news stories busted! 

This one came to pass according to this video by TruNews channel that mainstream news has called Reuters story outing Joe Biden’s son for money laundering and more was “fake news” according to those we called “fake news”. Video here: https://youtu.be/HVF7mVjqRJ0




Cries from Tasmania 80 bodies found buried in junkyard. FULLFILLED –Jazweeh did get the feeling it was a massacre that’s why I wrote “cries” on the prediction like Abel’s blood crying from the earth. 

Article reads that at least 80 bodies were likely massacred in Tasmania indigenous people.  I have no way of verifying the “junk yard” part as its not mentioned in the article.



Millions die of encephalitis in India & Congo

UPDATE:  Possible fulfillment.  Just heard breaking news Jan. 2020 2,231 died in Congo of Ebola which they now know causes encephalitis I just read.  So Millions is a big number, we may or may not get the truth about it if it happens.  For now they are saying over 2200 dead.  I am sorry for this tragedy.  Pray God they are in a better place.

Ebola Virus–Related Encephalitis 


2020 bomb at ticker tape parade kills 7 blue bows or ribbons


Trilateral commission defunded (cfr council on foreign relations is connected to this think tank discussion group trilateral commis.)

Well thats a huge prediction that would be in the headlines for sure.


Archaeologists find great Trident Spear god Size proof of ancient giants

Let’s hope that doesn’t get into the wrong hands if it comes to pass as it could have great power over the oceans.


Ramon’ Bagouldia voted in as Chancellor May 2020

This one could be spelled wrong more will be revealed.


Charlemagne dies

Come to find out not only is there a famous radio host “Charlamagne tha god”, but also the conspiracy to take down Donald Trump I just found out that it is deemed “OPERATION CHARLAMAGNE” so….the prediction could be regarding either or.

Charlamagne tha God
Lenard McKelvey, known professionally as Charlamagne Tha God, is an American radio presenter and television personality. He is a co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show, The Breakfast Club with DJ Envy and Angela Yee, and stars in Guy Code, Guy Court and Girl Code.


2019 Lettuce crops FAIL- fail drought

The next lettuce harvest info: Plantings prior to October 15 are considered to be fall lettuce, and later plantings are considered spring lettuceHarvesting takes place primarily from December through March. Optimum germination and growing temperatures vary depending upon the variety planted.

Another possible fulfillment of this lettuce prediction.


Man arrested for beating young girl w/metal antenna wire whip







Dreams & Visions Thread 2019

OBMA Serpent

Dream Links not here


Prophetic Dream Jazweeh, October 27, 2019: Wedding Supper

A Dream Interpretation: “No MAN, or no Flesh Knows the Day or Hour of Jesus’ Return”

Prophetic End Times Dream “Death is my Servant”

Men’s Hearts Shall Fail for Fear for what is coming upon the Earth

2020 1-11
I went out to dig in the earth beside the house. Perhaps I was gardening or maybe there was a sink hole starting. I uncovered a strange half plant half animal snake like/intestinal like white transparent very long about 1″ 1/2″ around in width. Hundreds of feet long. It was embedded into the earth and not moving.
When I hit it with a shovel I suddenly knew it was poison very poison acid gas inside of it.
I went to the porch and told my husband who is not my husband that there were strange happenings.
Suddenly a dove landed on my shoulder. It wanted protection. My cat tried to eat its head just like a Raccoon will do, go into a chicken coop and eat the heads off of 100 chickens leaving their bodies to rot.
I managed to keep the dove safe from my cat but it was very iffy, very dangerous for the bird.
Then I looked onto the porch and there was a 30 ft long green snake with a width of a foot around slithering past the porch. The green snake did not seem threatening even though it could easily kill two men at once.
I looked and there a horrid snake like creature ascended from below the earth. It was the color of rust. It was strange because it was many snakes in one. Do you know how a tree can grow together with many intwined stalks? This snake was as the stalks of a multi trunked tree.
It had no problem slithering quickly along. It was an abomination that should never see the Earth’s topside.
It was shorter than the green snake. It was about twelve to fifteen foot in length(approx) but very thick and strong like the thighs of ten men wound together who have been on muscle enhancing drugs for a year. It’s detestable its body was disgusting to me even now. It was very strong. Stout. And it was coming for us to eat. It was hungry.
Suddenly I saw a gator like the Gators in the Paynes prairie before it was all water. The gators are two foot wide the largest I have ever seen. Unlike the gators in the Hillsborough river we used to see all the time when we water skied past them.
The shorter copper snake grabbed the gator in its mouth and squashed it to kill then eat.
I knew then we MUST fortify the house with metal. I looked at the doors of my house and I actually do have a metal door in real life. But in the dream my doors were like my parents double doors that have no security even when they are locked there is a gap between them and you could easily push through the doors.
I fumbled to try to make them more secure by a floor attachment that goes to them. It was not working. My house looked different at that point, more like a nicer trailer by less secure.
That was the end of the dream
I always though it would be what is above that would make the earth unlivable for 1/3 of humanity. And perhaps it will. But I believe hell is rising.

Luke 21:25
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”

Luke 21:26

“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”KJV

Something will take place on the earth that allows that which is in the Earth to come to the surface without being destroyed by the sun’s heat and light.
The gentle animals of the earth will be the first to be destroyed by what comes out of the ground. Next these creatures will hunger after humans.
Partly I believe Mad Scientists have mixed PLANTS & ANIMALS together genetically and many of these creatures will somehow ESCAPE from wherever they are held captive to now.
The mad scientist depending on electricity and generators to keep security on the DNA mixed mish mash of creatures plants and animal, animal and human, human and plant UHG will be abolished by a long term loss of power in the lands.
Scientists shall abandon their posts along with security people who will have to abandon their vows to service to save their own families.
Picture it straight out of a horror film.
The true believers will have certain power over the creatures but I am not clear on weather or not they can be bound like demons can.
I don’t know. 1/3 of the earth, water, green grass, and humans will be destroyed. Father has NOT been in a hurry to bring this prophecy about. Well, He is not the one really who will do the destruction and killing. It will be by the hand of man due to great acts of God the systems of men will not hold up under God’s thunder and shaking.

Dream 12-05-2019  Survival in End Times Great Tribulation

I went to sleep with the fear of 666 and Kim Jung Un Leader of North Korea on the white horse trimmed in gold.  Could it be he who wars against the U.S.?  I got very tired during the day and had an explicit dream.


I was at an apartment in a large complex with an old friend who I knew in real life back in my drug addicted days. She was a brazen woman sinful to the core in real life. We had met in high school back in 1976.   I have been clean and sober for over 15 years in real life, yet…in this dream I was snorting Cocaine and coveting it.

Snorting Coke and Getting Rejected by friends

In the dream there was a man who had a vile of Cocaine that he was doling out to us.  He layed down on the couch and it fell to the floor.  I picked up the vile.  When I tried to give it back to him he had me dole it out to Shelly Davidson my old friend and myself.  We snorted lines.  She wanted more, more, more.  Then  I saw two black girls in the apartment as well.  They wanted to take a ride somewhere.  I went to go with them but suddenly they rejected me.  They would no let me go with them.  They left me in the dark apartment complex alone.  I knew it was dangerous and an evil dark place.  They drove off.

Lost and Mistaken

I tried to make my way back to the apartment with the man and the coke but all the buildings looked the same.  The hallways looked as if they were part of the apartments.  I walked up to one hallway and said “Oh this is your apartment” but it was just an entrance-way.  The people there were black also and unfriendly.   It was as if in this place whites are hated by blacks openly, openly hated.

The Attack of the Zombies


There were innocent children all over by themselves with no parents around.  They feared the zombies but were somehow surviving.  Beautiful children in the dream but I felt there was nothing I could do to help them.  One small girl was wearing blue and white and she glowed, her hair blowing in the wind like a scene from some soft light movie.  Weird very weird.

Everyone around/outside knew the zombies were coming and we had to hide.  For some reason the dream switched from day to night.  Day when I saw the children outside and night when I was stuck outside, lost.

I feared the zombies, so I hid along a lower level dirt wall the zombies were above on the ground.  But there was a woman with them, she was a human yet she helped the evil man eaters.  She also was dressed in blue and white.  She looked just like this famous photo.

Human Girl who was on the side of the Zombies looked much like this.

As I hid I heard the zombie men leaving but the human girl kept sniffing around above me.  Like a scene from Soilent Green she sniffed me out.  She was a traitorous woman.

Switch seen- Suddenly I was in a big cafeteria setting with a bunch of friends.  I was protected and among people who were like me.  The woman in blue and white had infiltrated into our safe place.  I then told the people she was a traitor.  Seems somehow I had escaped the zombies.

When I pointed to the girl in blue and white whose colors were a deception being Jesus wears blue and white in my visions.  She was mascarading as a believer and as a human who doesn’t eat humans.   The security team in the safe place cafeteria apprehended her immediately.

That’s the dream folks.  I am sure it represents the great tribulation.  And represents the betrayal of the Christians.  We the people are survivors and this is a survival dream.

There was no police, no government around, and there was no military that we could see.  However I get the feeling that our military will overcome some attack in the future.  Just a feeling.  End Dream.

Dream about President Trump and Commentary

And Did Trump Proclaim to Be The Chosen One in front of God and man?  Short answer-Yes. And in a very strange way he did.

I had a dream that Trump the president nearly killed himself piloting his own airplane but as it dove down, down, down, at last minute he pulled up.  Here is a fulfillment of prophecy today as Trump not only tweets the words a quote of a radio host praising Trump as a god and basically savior to the Jews and such as that.  The host of radio last name “Root” praised Trump as a god and Trump Tweeted what Root proclaimed word for word to show the world…odd.    Trump also today during interview with news media turned to the left away from the crowd and looked UPWARD to the sky and said “I am the Chosen one.” then looked back facing forward…is this prophecy fulfilled?

Look how they portrayed Trump in Italy at a festival


Dream on 08-21-2019

I feel like I had been in this dream place before.  I often have a dream about a fair or fun park.

James Belushi one of the elite

But in this dream James Belushi the actor was a high end elite, one of those in the know.  In his world instead of being brainwashed of how worthless we are by the beast system they learn as children just the opposite.  They are so important, so special, the whole world basically depends on their action.  And if they don’t rule the world it will fail and they MUST keep the slaves in check and keep their masses down.  Furthermore in this world of J. Belushi he was a businessman of sorts competing with other “TOP” men.  Men who have no soul or compassion.  Men who just want to WIN.  Its in their blood.

Belushi got a promotion because of a great business transaction that he completed.  Apparently he was invited to some grand festive event to take place at a green house.

The Elite Own all the Best Land but they want more

Also in the dream the elite had homes that had lower level elite care takers.  These were immaculate homes that basically no one lives in year round except one caretaker who makes sure its not seen as empty and fall prey to maroders.

A woman, some rejected daughter of an elitist took care of this house.  I fell to temptation as I wanted what she had.  I wanted this beautiful materialistic house in my dream.

So the elite have hundreds of thousands of these homes around the world set in only the best lands.    Private lands, and public lands both.  But now I am getting that they have who neighborhoods of private lands where the serpent beings rome free to be who they are.

This particular home in the dream was set up just for one yearly festival event.  All those specially attuned by servitude of the right variety to stardom and grace (not God’s Grace mind you) to be bestowed by the leaders get to attend the “event festival” in the “Green House”.  But its not a greenhouse with plants.  You know how the elite love word play.  It’s the Green House literally.

Like in the Dream the long-standing TV Show “Charmed” Episode Nexus-

The basement is the lowest level of the manor where the sisters store old furniture and objects and acts as a gate to the Nexus below the manor.

Its an old home with a very dark basement.  It reminded me of the house in “Charmed” that the creature in the basement came up from the ground because the house was built on a special ley line.  Or whatever they call it, not fault line, ahhhhh special geographic ley lines such as the Prime Meridian…Ley Lines!

Description of the True Elite (Rage tangent sorry)

All the elites lands and houses are built on ley lines that mean something to the Earths layout.  Just like the pyramids are on ley lines of perfection.

The elite come to worship their serpent god therefore they use every ancient knowledge they have been able to get their hands on to the fullest extent of its value.  By generational projects of geography and transitory necessity they have hoarded all great knowledge on EArth.  They have hidden every proof of God and lied about all geography, history, math, and whatever lie the slaves are blind enough to believe they tell it on TV & Media.

While they themselves take the power of the ages and use it against man and God.  They make preparations to war against God Himself.  They hate the sheep.  They mock the Lions, and they make light of the Lambs.  While they change the formerly sacred book into “A Book of Fables”.

Their old men receive honors and blood to restore their very youth.  They have cures for every disease known to man (pretty much) and they create disease to kill the populations of the earth especially , especially the black man whom they consider an insect, propazoid, mistake of nature, abomination, they are the ultimate regal predators.  They eat heads for lunch.  They dine on your babies.  They infiltrate your nurseries and daycares by buying whatEVER they want.  They have corrupted mankind by using greed and usery.

I Repent

I regret to admit that I wanted what they have materialistically in the dream.  I repent of this envy.  I repent of this green greed now and here also before all of my readers I confess the sin of envy, lust, greed, and wantonness.

For my Father has said (I believe) “Do not covet what the evil creature/man has, lest ye fall under its spell of envy, greed, pomp, and blindness and lose your very soul.) 

“Guard over your heart for out of it burst the well springs of Life itself.”

So then the preparation was being made for the next festival event in the green house.  Perhaps the “Nexus” is Imhotep from The Mummy, Ancient of Days as they called it (now word insert calls Jesus A.O.D which is an abomination), and Nimrod reborn.

The woman house caretaker seemed as if she was drugged/spiritually blind.  She had long brown hair and dressed in full length dresses from designs of the 1800s.

House Sitter Woman in 1800's Garb.

For some reason she always wore long dresses.  I saw her in the basement of the green house and the serpent owners of the house came to prepare for the event.  She was taboo, and unacceptable to them for some reason.   It was if she had been disfellowshipped from their hierarchy.

The Serpents Turn to Vampires

It gets blurry from here but it seems that all the sudden the serpents were now blood sucking vampires.  Ten or so of them stood in the basement and they found out that the woman caretaker had befriended a regular/slave and allowed the slave to inhabit the beautiful home with here.  In the dream I felt like I was the friend and they were going to kill me.  But at the same time it was as if I was watching a movie and would remain safe from them.

They were about to kill the woman’s friend when a warlock showed up.  He was very personable, good looking, magnanimous,  and entertaining.  They always wear hats.  The magician always wears a hat for concealing.

Just as the serpents were about to kill the woman’s friend but the magician suddenly stepped in and killed ALL THE SERPENT BEINGS.

The serpent beings appear as men but they are like men shaped dark green snakes.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend

The magician was very evil and powerful.  He was an enemy of the serpent people.  I feel like he is the enemy of the serpent people in real life.

He destroyed the serpent men as they were about to kill the visitor/friend of the woman.  Magician seemed invisible to the serpents.  He smiled at me as if to say, “see I am the enemy of your enemy therefore you can trust me and I am your friend.”

However the purpose of the scene was to show me a warning.  The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.  There are great factions of evil fighting against evil to rule the real world.

Know this, the enemy of our enemy is very evil.  The magician who betrays the serpent’s will, I believe, usher in the antiChrist in real life, who is biblically labelled “the man of sin”.

The Anti-Christ Rein is Coming

The serpents rein is coming to an end as the anti-Christ power, the true “ancient of days” PLEASE!  Ancient of days is a term used for evil.  Now it appears in the Bible recently.  This phrase just appeared in the KJVB Not more than a few months ago.  Do you remember it as always being a term for Jesus?  If so you are sadly under the strong delusion and MUST repent for not Loving Truth and for taking off your belt of Truth which made you vulnerable.


Do you have lies in your past that are justified in your heart?  And yet you claim to have open eyes?  What do you think the armor is for?  Siding with the lie is much more subtle than most realize.  Do you perceive to see how lies have protected you in the past?  Have you lied to keep yourself safe from something?  We ALL HAVE.  Have you lied to protect someone?  It doesn’t matter unless it was done out of pure Love and I don’t know if that is even really possible because Love doesn’t Lie.  I don’t know if any lie can be justified ever.  DO NOT RISK IT.


This is the abomination desecration (as it used to say in KJVB now is changed to abomination desolation).   Also “standing in the Holy place” according to strong’s even though “standing” is changed to “stand” about 6 months ago.  Strong’s refers to the term “Holy place” as “passage in a book”.  GO FIGURE.  BUT WE THOUGHT IT WAS A THIRD TEMPLE!

It very well could be a dual prophecy ad mean temple and Bible both as both shall most likely be desecrated at some point.

End Dream


The WarLock, Sorcerer, Enemy of my enemy. The debonaire magician himself with power to cast spells on woman
The WarLock, Sorcerer, Enemy of my enemy magician.

Another OBMA Dream

Dream 8-16-201
Obama Brown Serpent
Obama had a white Son with a stomach appendage like in the strain.  I was trying to get close to Obama to get info about his plans.  He was again in a position of great authority.  HIs son used the appendage to tickle stomach with something unatural like the strain that comes out of their stomach and they feed with it.
I spoke to him in a language it scared him and he said “who taught you that” the phrase “El Condor De Noche” but I spoke it in yet another language in the dream that I cannot write. Then I interpreted it in the dream “the dark night is in you” and “you are of the dark night” and “the dark night predictor is in you”

Continue reading “Dreams & Visions Thread 2019”

Expect New Supernatural Spiritual Gifts. Why? The Parable of The Talents is Fulfilled

Short synopsis of article:  God revealed “Talents” really means talents & spiritual gifts.

This prediction has come to pass already and is happening now.  So expect new supernatural abilities.

God has fulfilled the parable of the Talents.  Talents means Spiritual Gifts not money.  So, according to Jazweeh’s experience and her dream, God has removed the supernatural gifts from those who abuse, neglect, and deny their supernatural gifts and in turn He has given the gifts/talents to those who will use the talent, gift, for God’s Glory.

Also Bible words like “talents” were redefined to change Bible meanings.

Continue reading “Expect New Supernatural Spiritual Gifts. Why? The Parable of The Talents is Fulfilled”

Rude Cursed Trains Cause Undo Noise Pollution

Article Written by Venomous gain inoculators. 


I submit to you by leading of The Holy Spirit and common god-sense that sounds in nature are both healing and relaxing.  And below is a link about studies that prove the theory.  I especially like the many loud beetle type creatures that send out frequencies in the morning at sunrise in Florida woods.

Ever notice the odd feeling of loneliness and even hopelessness when a LOUD-ASS train goes down the tracks 20 to even 50 miles away and you can hear their lonely tone.


Continue reading “Rude Cursed Trains Cause Undo Noise Pollution”

End Times Bible Prophecy Simple Form

Locust Army

Numbered list is borrowed from OrderOfExorcists.com This is a practical easy to read guide to end times signs.  But let’s not forget the Abyss opening and the Locust from the pit ascending.  Along with end times signs and wonders & deceptive signs & deceiving miracles by the son of Satan.  Mark of the beast of which no one can buy or sell, a great falling away from The Church,

Continue reading “End Times Bible Prophecy Simple Form”

Many are Called but Few are Chosen

Why?  Why are many called but few chosen?

Well….the “chosen” come out of great tribulation in this life.  They are overcomers.

The majority of Christians and non Christians alike for that matter would not know a 144 chosen of God even if they were pointed out and defined for them.  Why?  Because church and status quo has bent the minds of the masses and set their brains on edge.

1Pe 2:9

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his glorious light”.

The “called” have the same beginning tribulations and the same opportunities as the chosen but take a different path than the chosen.  The chosen, when buried in great perplexity seek God diligently, they put their faith in God heavily seeking relentlessly for deliverance by Him and they put their confidences in some carnal helps and resources.

Continue reading “Many are Called but Few are Chosen”

Precepts of The Un-Holy Bible. Love your Neighbor & Hate your Family


“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”

Wait a minute!  This 100 year old bible of grandpa’s that has changed on the shelves DID NOT SAY TO “HATE” ANYBODY but NOW it does.  CAn you say “New Gospel”?

Continue reading “Precepts of The Un-Holy Bible. Love your Neighbor & Hate your Family”

Prophecy: Macron Setting up a European Army of Ten Countries. A Ten Horned Beast?

Is Bible Prophecy being fulfilled by Turkey & France?

I was updating my political insight about the Turkey end time wrath of God even prediction and found this compelling prophecy video about end times prophecy fulfillment and educational info.

If this is your video and you object to this post please email Jazweeh at info@jazweeh.com  Personally I think Macron is a better candidate for antichrist but I have more to learn on the topic than this highly educated preacher newsman.

Continue reading “Prophecy: Macron Setting up a European Army of Ten Countries. A Ten Horned Beast?”

Saved by Faith in Grace Lest any Man Boast

the time is late

We will never get to heaven by human perfection or stealthy carnal knowledge and performance.   Do not be an actor in God’s sight.  We shall never get into God’s best friend club by sanctimonious actions.   We must not act our way into the best roll of Christian behavior.  God sees our heart, we must not play a roll to Him.  God is not simple to be manipulated and fooled.  Even Dracula repented at the end in my two favorite Dracula 2000 & Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Dracula 2000 thumbs up

Continue reading “Saved by Faith in Grace Lest any Man Boast”

Plasma Apocalypse Event EMPCOE

The infamous Biblical Red Dragon of the Dark Lord’s book IS THE SUN OF MAN.

More Vital Updates 2022, 10-14 The Ark of God Event.  The EMPCOE Renamed.  The biblical prophecy was skewed as is most scripture.  See Article.

PREDICTION (not prophecy) of a Coming “Electromagnetic Plasma Change-over Event kick off event” probably occurring between late 2020 to 04-24-2021.  Just a guess.  We do believe the end will come sometime in 2024


July 14, 2020 Update on plasma event.  New stunning info.  I recommend everyone read the vital update link first then come back to this article.

This vital update shows what I believe to be the real meaning behind the C.V. Scar.  What’s really going on?   I am telling you ITS MIND BLOWING what I discovered this week about the word “Corona”.


Another Vital Update & Confirmation of Plasma

See New Article Updates

Some Powers in High Places want all of humanity DESTROYED and Earth as well.  Related Article

Problem with that is its the consumerism and production of disposable worthless “stuff” that is much of the problem.  Along with other elite corporate actions.  The stifling of technology by big oil.  The dumbing down of the masses by big pharma.  It’s the “bigs” who are responsible for destroying our Earth not the population of sheep who follow blindly.  They, the lost are just being led with a gold ring in their nose doing what they are programmed to do.

Continue reading “Plasma Apocalypse Event EMPCOE”

A Dream Interpretation: “No MAN, or no Flesh Knows the Day or Hour of Jesus’ Return”

The “P” is a secret label that stands for those who the many call the 144

You may know what “P” stands for in regard to the 144 chosen of God.  If you do or don’t you may soon well know.

The Dream at a Park w/a Snack Bar

I was in park on earth.  There were tourist attractions and secret doorways and paths through the park that were invisible to the eye.

Continue reading “A Dream Interpretation: “No MAN, or no Flesh Knows the Day or Hour of Jesus’ Return””



Perception on the other hand IS NOT and varies from person to person.

I spoke to a woman and said “I wrote an article of Truth and some were angered by it…” and on I went”. And she said in response to my statement…..”YOUR TRUTH” NOT “TRUTH”.

I have been corrected by such statements about truth being a variable BEFORE.
Over and over I have heard someone parrot the words “your truth” after someone mentions the word “Truth” in any format or any sentence structure & use of the word.

Continue reading “Truth IS ABSOLUTE”

Satan Evil God Righteous? Not according to the NEW BIBLE CHANGES

Wickedness=Evil, Good=Godly….Ah Not so much.  It’s now more of a case by case scripture by scripture viewpoint of evil=good, evil=bad=condemnation, & good=godly but also Evil=Godly Evil=blessed(not condemned) and  Evil=Holy.  God=Repents

Don’t expect your average Christian to notice that his KJV Bible has gone corrupt and upside down.  Oh no…..their hearts side with the blasphemous new changes therefore evil and revenge is right up their alley of favorites.  I searched the words “I and Evil” and came up with countless scripture of God not only doing evil upon hoards of His people but also He now claims to do all the evil that is.

So who is really the God of the Bible now?  One who states proudly that “all evil that exists is done by me”.  that’s right!

Continue reading “Satan Evil God Righteous? Not according to the NEW BIBLE CHANGES”

Mandela Effect and Bible Changes ARE two Different Phenomena


I remember it this way:

“And may the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ & the Peace that surpasses ALL EARTHLY UNDERSTANDING guide your hearts and minds into ALL TRUTH.”

Maybe I am misremembering eh?  Now the google go to definition of Mandela  effect is “False Memories”.  Yep just like that we are all considered dumb-asses who can’t remember much of anything in the Beast System’s attempts to explain away the “End Times Signs and Wonders” put forth by God Himself that men will wake up and be saved when they see history changed supernaturally.

Well Philippians 4:7 has lost much of its power whereas now it just says

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Continue reading “Mandela Effect and Bible Changes ARE two Different Phenomena”

The Hearts of the Evil Rejoice at the Changed Corrupt KJV Bible

Our Bible’s Have Fallen, Fallen.  We cannot we must not lean on them for Truth any Longer.

Just look at these scriptures in Ezekiel 24 people.  My God this is NOT the voice of our Father or Jesus.  Jesus did not say “slay them before me who don’t agree with us.” (paraphrased.)  But now He has, look it up.

If one’s heart agrees with such blasphemy we must repent and return to Truth that the belt of Truth protect us from the strong delusion at hand.  The bible used to be precepts of Love now it is precepts of wrath.

People such as youtube channel “The Open Scroll”

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Led Zepplin Going to California Prophecy Decoded


Going to California Prophets of Song: Led Zepplin (and mind control for a generation of addicts)California will fall into the sea, this has been shown for eons.

Spend my days with a woman and kind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine.(drink drug its kool and good feels good to those who have been taught they are bad and wrong by the beast system in the 70s)

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Rise & Fall & Rise until Lambs Have Become LIONS.


“Persevere Until Lambs Become Lions” (the stolen words of truth revealed in plain sight)

Therefore Tread Lightly Ye Leg of Power and Fist of might for your time has come to fight your fight give it three years no more than five.  You will never control the hive.  Are you men that would war against God with weapons of demons?   The army of the Lions is risen and the lambs are transformed.  And they are pissed.

For every demonic weapon you beat the Lion has 4 more to tear.  Tarry tarry in your caves of white let the servants fight your fight.  You can’t break the ceiling much less transfer your frequencies with your awful mess onto Spirit.

Keep jamming at the plasma till it turns the sky red as blood, either ways, either way you still can’t get that soul into an AI.  Much less emotions and cunning spite.

On and on you bought your victors war after war by torture of flame you heard the secrets to bear your power and keep it.  Some secrets are forbidden to give even by your enslaved fallen.  If they knew they could not tell you how to win a war against God and His LIons.  Your path is on sand your stride is decrepit.  Your spoon is for fools.

War war against your own Creator.  Are you daff?  Doth Pride blind you?

Who is it that believes he can war against God?

The Happy ending is near


New U.S. Land Mass after the Coming Wrath of God Event

Please prepare spiritually for the next 4 to 5 years will be a wild ride (we think).

After Pole Shift Occurs or Event of Biblical Proportions.

This is an approximate. I am going by memory of a vision. I must also add that Florida was somehow further North than shown.  Therefore the southern, NEW coastline may actually be about 70 Miles  lower 1/2 way into Texas and parallel.  But to get the Florida coast right and to get the shape correct…I could not move Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and so on further north as they appeared in my vision.

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