There are at least three meanings of the 666.

Spirit of God 33.3% Soul 33.3% Body 33.3%
Rev 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
First the 666 is 6.66% This is the number of all men/women/children when they are born. Why? People are not born with the second portion of God’s Spirit. They must be born again & receive The Spirit of God. The soul is eternal if it doesn’t end in the lake of soul death. The Lake of Fire.
The Life force is called the Chi. With the Spirit of Life (Chi) we receive eternal gifts from our Maker. Faith, Hope, and Love Eternal. These gifts must be nurtured by seeking God in prayer. And by searching out the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the second portion of His Spirit. The 144 have received the double portion. They are both born again and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Which is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. They received the other 33.3% Which makes them whole at 99.99999999%.
For them being born again and receiving the Spirit were two separate events each one with great meaning. So the 144 received the double portion. All a person needs to be saved is to be born again. Born of Spirit as Jesus said.
How Does Spiritual Revelation Come to Mankind?
By dreams
By dreams & visions. Revelation from God comes by dreams, visions, and by His words to us. Please don’t take to heart as Truth or as words for you, all that you read in the fallen bibles. The books are not all Truth nor are they anointed by the Creator God anymore. The Lion has left the lambs to their choices. And so the Black Horse rides by the balances of mankind’s hearts.
Dark Bibles for a Dark Earth
The security seal of Daniel has fallen from all bibles due to the balance of good and evil on Earth. Balance has shifted to evil. The black horse rides making the bibles dark (Mandela affected changing on the shelves/strong delusions memory loss/new false memories) All literature & dialect is changed for a dark majority of Earth who do not know the voice of the Good Shepherd. They suffer under false memories and loss of Truth.
“For they loved not he truth so God (by their choices) released them to the dark side for a strong delusion.”
Communication With God By the Holy Spirit of God
If we open & awaken our temple of God we can hear our guides sent from God. Or do you think God does every menial task Himself concerning the countless children of Earth. Yes He is omnipotent. But there are gods he appointed. There are all kinds of beings in the spirit realm. The Heavens are not limited to two beings. There is a Mother God and daughters as well.
By our sacred spiritual third eye, we can learn while we are sleeping and interpret when we awaken. Father pours within us lessons by our dreams. But the face of the dream is a shadow of the lessons that are encompassed within each dream. With spiritual eyes you can get very proficient at interpreting your lessons. Especially now that the end of days is here. All spiritual gifts are maximized right now.
Jesus is the FIRST only begotten Son of God who brought us words from God from His hearts and from His Spirit of God within. You also can be a Son of God if you walk the Way of Jesus.
As for higher realm communication, I have heard God Almighties voice once for certain and maybe twice. Once He spoke “I know you”. And once He spoke audibly saying “Zebra”
In answer to my question in 2018 “how will I know the mark of the beast?”
A person cannot hear their Spirit Guides until the inner dialogue racket and confusion of life’s fears, worries, unresolved issues, guilt shame resentments, hate, & remorse are all addressed and processed out. These issues will come up one by one in meditation. It took me seven years to clear the wreckage of the passed part I. I cover the topic of emotional healing at
Be not quick to condemn God’s spiritual methods of contact. There are powers upon this Earth that do not want you to be empowered spiritually. They say that the third eye is evil….yet spirituality is both dark and light depending upon the persons choices. Furthermore evil is as evil does. How can seeking God which result in the opening of the third eye especially by meditation and prayer, how is that evil? We must break out of these confines of propaganda that the preacher promote.
“Some shall be purified and made white”. This pertains to end of days (now). It describes God’s cleansing the body, heart, and mind for the the next spiritual purpose of the 144. There will be weeping and gnashing of jaws during purification. It’s not easy. It is the reason for Jacob’s troubles. We think it’s for more powerful prayers and we hope it’s a preparation for leaving this fallen Earth to enter the Upper Room, the Dome of the Covenant, The Ark of the Dome. A safe place to wait out the coming fires of fallen Earth to usher in the New Earth.
A Viable Proclamation of Forgiveness that works
“I forgive my enemies seven times seventy for the poisoning of Earth and mankind. I forgive them seven times seventy in word so my heart will follow.”
Pig Pharma vs. Nature
I heard a preacher say that the oil of plants, essential oils are bad and evil. My God! Frankincense is one of the most healing of oils. Myrrh and Spikenard were all delivered to baby Jesus so the Bible’s once read. Put Frankincense on a wound or sore and it will work far better than pig pharma’s potions of greed. Pig pharma always adds in something that’s toxic to the mix. They can’t help themselves. They are serpents from Hell. If your a prepper then it’s time to learn which weeds are edible. A man can live of the land literally, even now. But that’s not my topic today.
New theory.
The 6.66 is the number of lives that men are allotted on Earth to fulfill their spiritual journey. When their spiritual work is fulfilled, their purpose as a human fulfilled, they can move to a better, a higher existence than flesh. If a man has no Love based purpose of the Spirit then he is a Goat and doesn’t move to the next realm. Because he has nothing to take him there or to take with him. He let Faith die. He let Love lie a waste. And he hungered his whole life for things of this Earth such as the seven deadly sins.
The double portion of the Spirit of God is the 33.3%. And with it comes the gifts of the Spirit. It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For me the double portion came by prayer & the laying on of hands. For some perhaps it comes when they are born again…the moment that they believe in God. They show Him who they are in Truth and ask to be fixed.
Not everyone is 144 that doesn’t mean a person is not an eternal life. There are many purposes of Love. Nurses who overcome the beast system and treat patients with compassion. Counselors who counsel by empathy and Love. There are all kinds of ways to be of good service on this Earth. It’s not too late to seek God for a higher purpose. But usually …if a person follows their heart then they will find and fulfill their purpose of the Chi and gain eternal life everlasting by Faith, Hope, and Eternal Love of God.