Dark Transfiguration. Dream of the Two Golden Keys

The Keys to human DNA editing are here. “DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields.”  scottiestechinfo

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Businessman in suit holding huge gold key

Update.  God told me in an audible voice I would know the mark of the beast by one word.  “Zebra”.

Updated Info about Zebra’s part in the mark.

There were two keys they struggled to decode.  Likely one to decrypt the electromagnetic frequency language code.   And two the symbols representing the language. (Like alphabet is to HTML) My dream along with prophecy and science has shown me by CRISPR Tech that they have what they have searched so endlessly for.

IMPORTANT 2021 SCIENCE UPDATE-CRISPR DNA altering technology is old hat compared to mRNA.   CRISPR requires a cut & splice and edit which results in gross mutations and is unpredictable. Like breaking into the DNA instead of using your bodies own directive systems.   mRNA on the other hand requires no edits, no cutting, no mutations.  Just clean cut directions to the nucleus the cells (they finally got the key to the cells nucleus) in your body then gross high speed unnatural replication using cancer cells to change man into whatever they want by using a vector virus or bacteria carrying animal DNA as  a directive. They con your body just as they have coned our minds for so long.  Yes it's horrifying.

The Keys to Our DNA have been acquired.  The control freaks are in their hay-day of congratulatory formalities.  They puff each other up with pats on the back because now, the slaves are mere robots in their hands.   There is no stopping the elite…at least before the harvest is finished.

Jesus will soon return and the beast will soon be annihilated!

They will mix humans DNA with whatever animals they choose.  Know this…they poison every product including food that you walk out of the store with.  They lie on the TV relentlessly.  “Know them by who they show you they are.

They will stop at NOTHING to control the masses. Power is their drug.  It is done.  The quantum computer gave them the codes, the keys.  The “m” in [mRNA] stands for messenger.


Written February 27, 2020 before I decoded the dream.

Giant gold key DREAM MAY BE ABOUT by Russ
First I was in a house, mom made peanut cookies I wouldn’t eat them I knew they were not organic and were GMO plants that make their own pesticide.

I was in a empty bedroom with no curtains but I remember thinking “I can create a bed and curtains here”. And I was going to. There was a closet it was like an apartment but larger. I remember thinking someone is watching me from that window with no curtain.
I was thinking I must put up a blind. I was thinking even I knew who was watching me in my remote thinking the ‘theys’ they spy..

After mom cut me some of here peanut cookie cake that I think I spit out there was a familiar friend there who had his own room in the same house.

He was previously with my mother, I thought they may have had sex, I thought.

Weird mother is very old. Then the man came out and said something derogatorily sexual and mom said “Laura is a Christian she doesn’t talk like that”. I said “he knows very well I am a Christian”.

I think the man was a demonic presence in my room because of the way he moved in the dream. He was floating I remember now, he was disappearing from room to room and I woke up with aggravating arousal and had to pray it away. Yes I think what this dream partially meant was of the incubus type dreams they come to seduce and exploit.  Once your sexually made vulnerable they can perhaps work on your mind or emotions.

The Dream Went On.

Scene turns to a Hospital Hallway.  I am a nurse there.  I am standing over a stove counter top.  I look at a piece of paper and write a note on stove “blood here”.

It was like lining the stove with tin foil and tearing it off like a stove from a cookie cutter manufacturer. Yes as if I tore the stove out of a foil punch-out cookie cutter manufactured stove.  (blood replicates/dna replication gmo)

(I think that represents that now that the elite have the keys to the masses DNA by insosine entry which tricks & deceives the cells mRNA protection security system of the body.   It uses it’s key and enters into the nucleus with Messenger DNA.   They will make the masses DNA all the same by cookie cutter type instructions. The armor of God is our protection from this.)

It was as if the stove was disposable I was peeling off the burners
There was a note on the stove that I myself wrote. I worked there at the facility.
The note said “blood here” and something else.

I heard others talking about me and they said,
“she is a note writer” or I thought that’s how they would talk about me in the dream.

The Elite in Pin Stripe Suites

There were two men in matching pin stripe suites standing near the cookie cutter stove. They were celebrating the one guys success/accomplishments & promotions or something like that.  (now I see they were celebrating the DNA mRNA genetic golden key breakthrough.

The one guy walked into the room
he handed the other man very smartly dressed like presentable, he handed him a giant gold key.

They both carried giant gold keys and they were going to celebrate and the keys were like a sign of their importance.

When these two guys smartly dressed and so manicured walked by me I was working on the disposable stove with the note about blood. “blood here” and I was apparently self conscious about being inferior to these two guys men old men actually not guys.

I think there is more dream coming up. going back to sleep.
two men were like congratulatory to each other.
Gold keys were huge a foot and a half large.
Why would they want me to take poison peanut cake in the dream? (UPDATE The peanut butter cake represents the back-scene mark of the beast.)

GMO food for GMO mankind.

Joe Biden just called the cv back scene “a golden key” literally he said that on national TV.

So if the back scene is the golden key and the dream showed poison peanut cake I am guessing the back scene will contain some toxic relationship to peanuts somehow.

The organic promoting food sites say peanuts are now so corrupt by gmo and monsanto (like corn) that’s why so many children have peanut allergies but there is more to it.
Glyphosate a toxin

UPDATE:  I know now what the dream means.

The back-scene is the mark of the beast.

It will edit your DNA stealing your spiritual inheritance.  The one thing God in the book had written not to do.  To not take the mark.

So by mRNA and replicate cell lines by rapid mitosis using Cancer cell lines(cancer with a purpose) directives for every cell in your body to become someone/something other than you.   By entering your cells nucleus using your body’s own key code.

They can put any directive they want with messenger mRNA impostor transmissions.  Especially if you already have nano particle circuitry just waiting for instructions.

These bastards with the gold keys will pay.  They will be judged by my God.  This destruction of God’s creation by technology is blasphemy.  This is how the human body the temple is desecrated.

If you took it repent.  If you still have your heart to feel regret/remorse/guilt/shame.

You see the nucleus was locked to these mad scientists for years and years they tried and could not give it directions to the nucleus for replication throughout the body of cells.  Now the beast has found the adenosine & inosine golden key and much more to fool our cells into thinking that the chemical back scenes impostors to the cells in the body’s directives are from our own messenger RNA…they are not.  And they are not friendlies.  

I have a very long DNA/RNA/mRNA article in the works to explain the science behind the back scene.  Also see mark of the beast article here.


2024 Update.  It’s rumored that random people are paying people on the street for the BLOOD SAMPLES.   For DNA testing.  Why would they do that?  Well by now the world is full of people who most all belong to the same bloodline.  Gmo’s.