Light in the Sky Planet Niburu?

I am no astronomer but what on Earth is this in the Southern sky?  Taken 7-10-2018 around 2:23 am.  I went outside to throw out some grounds of coffee.  I live in a rural area.  I looked up and through the trees AGAIN I saw a very bright celestial entity.  It appeared orange.  I have seen it many times in the last few months but finally got a decent photo of it.  Furthermore, why is it orange?  If it’s one of the regular planets then why can I see it so clearly without a telescope?  Also I used zoom as you can see by the leaves of the Pecan tree that was of average size.  The Pecan tree leaves were idk 20 feet away from me to give you a sense of the magnification I used with the Nikkon.

Pretty sure it’s Saturn here is info I got from planetary website.

Google: Venus is so bright because its thick clouds reflect most of the sunlight that reaches it (about 70%) back into space, and because it is the closest planet to EarthVenuscan often be seen within a few hours after sunset or before sunrise as the brightest object in the sky (other than the moon). But according to timelines at this link it’s Saturn

Oh My God.  If you click and then enlarge you will see apparently the rings of Saturn if that be which planet it is…THIS IS AMAZING!  NO!  You cannot tell me that this is normal.  I used a Nikkon camera with about 1/5 zoom.  Cause when I zoom all the way I can’t hold camera still enough and I get light streaks.  However more to come when I buy a tripod by golly.

7-10-2018 Southern Sky 2am

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7-10-2018 Southern Sky 2am
7-10-2018 Southern Sky 2am


7-10-2018 Southern Sky 2am Icarus filter



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