Update. Ever wonder why Elon Musk appears SOO spastic and unnatural?
Okay upon further investigation I am back to the “elon musk is a woman” theory.
Mark Zuckerberg and Jared Kushner are A.I.
Its Obvious these boys are not Human
Second posting of this article as I remember it. I think it was suspiciously deleted. It just disappeared. Or maybe I forgot to post the many photos and work I did on the article. It is possible.

See the weird cobweb over Kurshner’s face? Strange his face is the only one with that strange cobweb. And the guy on the right of him seems to be the cat who swallowed the canary. I don’t know about you but I AM TIRED OF BEING LIED TO BY THE BOX. And now…..give them time, we won’t be able to tell the difference. Already MOST people are clueless to even the concept of being deceived by the elite. I see three actors and robot.