The following Scriptures are Wrong wrong wrong and utterly contemptible not of God whatsoever!
- God does NOT make men cannibals are you kidding me?
- Our Father will not “feed us the flesh of our own children”. To interpret the bible changes at this point you must know the temperature and countenance with behavior and personality of The One True God Who Is Love.
- God talked about the prayers of the saints being a sweet savor. Now the word is odor. What is an odor? Come on that is an insult and a negative bad smell.
- The entire book is filled with lies that changed terminology sets forth. Old English has turned to what they now call “middle earth English”.
- Used to be the KJV Bible was Old English very poetic always eloquent, never crass or brutal. Old English was spoken in certain movies and films like the “Tudors” series. And other movies with Shakespeare.
Think Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Rings, and the temperature and eloquence of that language.
A Farewell to The Words in The Book Farewell to grammar and spelling farewell to that which is right and good. Farewell to preachers who deserve not the graceful words of Truth to flow from their wicked tongues. Farewell.
For those who are True do verily hold in their hearts the Words Father bestowed upon them. These, the wise words, are wrapped tightly and even our very hearts are composed of such words of Truth.
The famine is upon the land of the living, though they see it not. Until the mass of blinded men be pricked to the core in their heart by apocalyptic knowledge, events, they shall neither see nor shall they hear by man, or by beast the words God has set in the hearts of His own.
The blind are devoid of God’s Words on the most part.
The Fairwell. (Note change M.E.=and even a “fair well” has turned to a “far e well”putting the fair and the well far from the minds of most men.)
Beautiful with elegance not a saucy or obscure term in any line of True Old English text and the King James Version Bible, so it was. Shall it be so, has this changed? How be it, those whom Father appointed the greatest task of all time itself (aside from Jesus’ task Himself) be corrupted beyond measure? That task being to put forth in text God’s very Truth. And those men being Scribes chosen of God, yet cannot write or spell? Yet it is true in this realm, the great scribes cannot compose as simple sentence without error or guile in wording of graft? Grafted -to transfer from The Spirit of God His words onto paper. For God’s Words are living, powerful, sharper than any double edged sword, piercing between soul and spirit to bring life unto the receiver from The Giver of Life Himself.
I think not!
Will not our Father bring forth words and terms of delight with excellence? Do you who are so learned about His words and terms see the corruption of the text at hand? How be it pronouncements are skewed? How be it spellings are tragically dispondant (despaired, discourage of, urged to gloom) of mood and Truth?
Our Great language of Old English were words that meant what they said/read and read/said what they meant in every instance both of tongue and of the ink well.
Where for art thou oh sacred writing of old? How be it thou hath gone henceforth from my sight? I bid thee farewell blessed words of Father. Prophesies of Amos 8:11 and 12 must come to pass before us now. The decree of Famine was set forth not in hast, or without regard for those who would remember the old ways of text.
The written words dismissal from my presence hath abated me if only for the time, sorrow and dismay. Seeing the sacred words flow out as water from the vase is no small event. The result of the passing of sacred words renders my very heart a deep well.
I must either cleave away or bind forthwith in sorrow and icy shallow dream my remembrance of said? Surely thine Author’s arms must reach through and beach time itself by the vail that succumbs to no one except He, and henceforth deliver all who see the passing of Truth.
Bullshit! Jesus was not one to say “I reckon” like a hick trailer trash. “Reckon” is slang hick terminology and is another great insult to what were the written Words of God’s Holy Prophets. Look how they have made the word “profit” to parallel God’s great Prophets. Again Satan/evil mimics God in most things.
Learn to pronounce
Old English ( ge)recenian ‘recount, relate’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch rekenen and German rechnen ‘to count (up)’. Early senses included ‘give an account of items received’ and ‘mention things in order’, which gave rise to the notion of ‘calculation’ and hence of ‘being of an opinion’.