Friends readers I am a real person. I call myself “Jazweeh” the Seer.
May I tell you a story of what it is to die? And how to escape Death itself. Death bows before me for one reason. I have the keys to Death and to Hell. I can go in and out as I please in Spirit. Jesus Himself gave me these keys.
Pearls of Wisdom
The first time I died I did not know Jesus. That’s right, the big bad “J” word that religion/Legion WILL DETOUR YOU FROM if you let it. The church has one purpose, no two. To show you how hypocritical they are and to make sure YOU don’t find the keys to Death and to Hell yourself.
“Be ye in the world but not of the world.” I must admit I feel a little stuck. Walking between two worlds isn’t easy.
I got a revelation of the prophecy, call it “No PRIVATE interpretation”? And yet that’s EXACTLY what the 144 are getting from the books. Jesus was clearly talking to His elect and He was giving validation after validation after validation. The deeper meaning of scripture. Scripture that ironically only we remember. Lion and lamb is gone. Wolf now dwells with the lamb. It was not always sooooo.
Do you remember the scripture was at the appearing of Jesus He would land one foot on Mount of Olives and one foot on Mt. Carmel. Exact distance of144 kilometers. This 144 changed on google maps to exact hour and minutes. Zion & Mt. of Olives
One foot in spirit one foot in the natural. Mt. Carmel holy, Mt. Olives
What does the Mount of Olives represent in the Bible?
Image result for what is Mount of Olives represent in, Israel
It separates the most holy place, the Temple Mount, from the Judean Desert to the east. We know it to be the place from which Jesus the Messiah ascended into heaven (Acts 1:11), and where He will one day return.
Well these prophesies are not as they seem or they simply have double meanings. Meaning of this is that the 144 God’s army in the last days shall have one foot in the spiritual realms and one foot on Earth. If your 144 you know what I am talking about. To see what is means to be alone on this Earth.
Even the Christians cannot see what we see as God’s spiritual army on Earth.
When I sought God out with my whole heart in desperation with a repentant heart of remorse and a body in need of healing I cried to Him repeatedly. Jesus answered my call. By my searching in prayer and running from church to church to find Him He responded to me.
Making Men’s Mind’s Desolate & the Consummation of The Beast to Mankind. A Smile from a Vail.
Please, if you fear that you have the mark of the beast please know you can still find your own heart, and present it to God The Father by The Way of Jesus His Son. Salvation 101
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The preacher who quoted this verse 9:27 in Daniel changed the meaning of consummation to “consume”. As most Christians have to do, they change the English language definitions themselves to fit the twisted bibles to make some semblance of logical sense.
Not all of the wolf’s new scriptures are lies.
I had no idea this new scripture was in the book. Matching my visions of the creature on the faces of the many.
Today is a Good Day for a Great Decree Has Gone Forth
Synopsis of this long article A Spirt Led Word from Jazweeh we believe is from The Creator.
The separation of the people is finished sheep from Goats.
Those chosen of Satan & of God are sealed.
The beginning of the end of this earth is here.
The chosen few begin to receive their improvements to body.
The Earth begins its walk of demise.
The new Earth is now on the way Shalamar.
The Great Tribulation is decreed so the great multitude will be desperate enough to seek God in Truth.
The Word “restrainer” is removed from all Bible translations listed on Blue Letter Bible, (approximately 10 various translations). We are finally certain that The Restrainer is The Holy Spirt and
“The Peace that surpasses all Earthly understanding” is also removed from the books.
The entire Scripture based Book is on this page. Use Table of Contents to click your favorite subjects.
“Paradise for the Hellbound” Written in 2007 before my great awakening in 2017.
Copyrights reserved and conditional. Please don’t plagiarize. Feel free to post or copy as long as full credit is given to me “Laura Edgar”. I Laura R. Edgar reserve by copyright all monetary rights 100% and rights to title and trademark. To thine own self be true.
What if under one condition could a man write books of wisdom and still be respected by his peers. And the condition was this, every author must obey all his own words at all times for, if he doesn’t he shall be considered by one- and-all a hypocrite undeserving of the pen. I then say to this, thank God for and behold thy faithful hypocrite. For truly good men do evil. And atrocious men do good if only for display. No man [mankind] is at his best through every passing juncture of the season’s change. Please my fellows allow our writer his birthright of human perfection which is in fact, God’s calculated plan for an imperfect being. But for our many wise authors allowing their God-selves to surface, by clawing through the dark, narrow, natural mind. They do then spring forth into light. And we through time stock our libraries with Love-filled words of Wisdom and Grace. We devour the very words by our appetite of Hope. And then our wise authors fade away from their best sparsely enabling the wisdom they know works. Thank God then for thy faithful hypocrite.___________________Laura Edgar
The Holy Place (holy bible KJV) will soon be Fully Desecrated
However most Christians are unable to see it no matter what the book says.
They take the English language bible slang that is no longer Old English eloquent and mature, proud and poetic, dignified, sanctified, noble, and Holy now changed into some viking Norseman lingo that those who see are very unfamiliar with. We who knew the meaning of ever word in the KJV now see thousands of words we have to look up. Do you hear what I am saying? We do no longer recognize the bible’s on our shelves. We do not mean new copies or new translations. We mean hundred year old bibles have changed drastically while on the shelves. And those who claim to know the precepts and words of Our Father that were once contained in the book say “same as it ever was” to the new hater god.
2nd Corinthians 4:11 Shows the blatant inversion of Truth. Now according to Apostle Paul we are always delivered unto death for the sake of Jesus. We now just flat out die for Jesus as a rule “alway” (as opposed to persecution or symbolism of dying to the flesh) instead of showing the other way around. The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.
Take Heed my words, Take heed my call for the mirror drinker.
Now see this that Father Creator of The Heavens and The Earth showed me this day by the skies, moon, sun, blood clouds that appeared across the sky as never before. People sped by in their cars not taking note of it or noticing the majestic prophecy in the clouds.
We are now in the dawning of the age of the Great Tribulation. The seas by
Jazweeh in prayer is getting the same words over and over and over and over and over like never before and she is unable to get past it.
We have been praying in the Spirit for over 30 years and never ever gotten messages like now of Jesus coming soon. He is at the door. All that is left is for Him to make the command. The rapture angels are already loosed. The street is paved, His way is straight, Jesus is the Way, many are trying to enter by the back door and it will not work. Jesus is the only Way to God’s Kingdom.
The message is this “prepare, the end is coming soon, prepare lock the door go in your rooms. We think this instruction is to spare those who will not be raptured that be not blinded by the light. Also it is a warning of WWIII at hand.
The msg is Prepare the Lord is coming soon, prepare the end is coming soon, prepare light the torch raise the plume, prepare the Savior’s on the way, prepare The Lord of Hosts is here to stay….prepare the end is coming soon. Prepare light the torch seal the gloom…prepare the end is on the way..prepare the Lord of all is coming soon. Once the 144 leave the earth God will take something else from the Earth…either His divine presence (HIndus call it he Bimba) God forbid or His Holy Spirit to be had for men. I am guessing He will take the later because without His divine presence men will lose all Hope and want to die.
Numbered list is borrowed from This is a practical easy to read guide to end times signs. But let’s not forget the Abyss opening and the Locust from the pit ascending. Along with end times signs and wonders & deceptive signs & deceiving miracles by the son of Satan. Mark of the beast of which no one can buy or sell, a great falling away from The Church,
Wickedness=Evil, Good=Godly….Ah Not so much. It’s now more of a case by case scripture by scripture viewpoint of evil=good, evil=bad=condemnation, & good=godly but also Evil=Godly Evil=blessed(not condemned) and Evil=Holy. God=Repents
Don’t expect your average Christian to notice that his KJV Bible has gone corrupt and upside down. Oh no…..their hearts side with the blasphemous new changes therefore evil and revenge is right up their alley of favorites. I searched the words “I and Evil” and came up with countless scripture of God not only doing evil upon hoards of His people but also He now claims to do all the evil that is.
So who is really the God of the Bible now? One who states proudly that “all evil that exists is done by me”. that’s right!
Our Bible’s Have Fallen, Fallen. We cannot we must not lean on them for Truth any Longer.
Just look at these scriptures in Ezekiel 24 people. My God this is NOT the voice of our Father or Jesus. Jesus did not say “slay them before me who don’t agree with us.” (paraphrased.) But now He has, look it up.
If one’s heart agrees with such blasphemy we must repent and return to Truth that the belt of Truth protect us from the strong delusion at hand. The bible used to be precepts of Love now it is precepts of wrath.
Going to California Prophets of Song: Led Zepplin (and mind control for a generation of addicts)California will fall into the sea, this has been shown for eons.
Spend my days with a woman and kind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine.(drink drug its kool and good feels good to those who have been taught they are bad and wrong by the beast system in the 70s)
Forgive my angry tone. I am obviously frustrated because so few Christians see we are at war for our souls and our bodys now.
Most Believers are Blind to Spiritual Warfare
I asked God “What % of Christians are fighting in the battle at hand?” I saw a number in my head that said “less than 1% even know they are under attack”.
On 11-8-2018 at around 7pm The Lord God Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth led Jazweeh to turn off all the lights and electronics in the house, walk in the dark to her room and pray on her knees. He led her to listen to the sound of the rain and thunder. He told her to listen to the voice of the wind as it speaks. (surely if the people do not praise God aloud the rocks and stones shall rise up and praise Him.)