Below is a List of Why Jazweeh & I Believe We are In the End Times and Jesus is Coming Soon.
If your here you likely one of the chosen few. “Many are called but few are chosen”. Why? Because the writings on this website cannot be accepted as Truth by those who promote & believe the new gospel & the new Jesus.
I watch my solar panels and the sun all year. Before Thanksgiving 2019 the sun was setting around 7pm…Today 11-30-2019 its 4:30 and the sun is already in its position to set. NO sun is on my panels like just 2 days ago would have been till 5:30 exposure with a 7pm sunset. IF IT KEEPS GOING LIKE THIS WE ARE GOING TO SEE THE SUN SET AT NOON JUST LIKE THE PROPHECY SAYS. NEVER have I seen a near 4:30 SUNSET.
Furthermore…since when can we see the ENTIRE MOON AS FULL WHILE ALSO SEEING THE CRESCENT MOON? Now for the first several hours of the crescent moon you can visibly see with the naked eye the entire full moon behind the lighted crescent.
Update, Australia 1/2 a billion BILLION animals have died. Are you awake yet? Plasma fires in California. Fires starting from the ground up burning trees from the inside out EVERYWHERE all states. You will not see this on CNN.
Update the horizontal moon has become regular. Smiley face moon is here. BLOOD RED skies are here and in my town.
Update: The end comes at the Last Trump. He is here as well. Coincidence?
Co 15:51
1Co 15:52
Search Mandela effect.
Revelation 12 Sign is fulfilled 2017. See it on You tube.
- According to several mainstream news sources the sign of Jonah happened again in June 2021. A greedy and adulterous generation will seek a sign but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Kaboom!
- The Security Seal on the Bible is Broken written of in The Book of Daniel.
- The Security Seal spoken of in Daniel is off the book.
- The precepts of the Bible now show God sending out deception all through it.
- The HORIZONTAL moon have you seen it? Moon now monthly appears as a smiley face every month for a couple days. It has gone from a “C” to a smile and sitting as a bowl. 2021 update the moon now shows as a cap upside down from the bowl.
- The Sun appears white. UPDATE 2021, April 1st two days ago I watched the sun set while not only did it go down but it moved just as fast to the North as it set. Meaning since it was so bright that I watched it with tree in front of it. The sun moved to the right escaping the shade/blocking of the trees. So I thought maybe I am wrong, maybe I moved my head or body to the south and it made the sun appear to move North. So I stood motionless with the trees in a certain spot covering to block the suns brightness…again the sun moved so quickly to the north that it moved just as much North escaping the trees that blocked my view as it did down to set. It again escaped the trees in front of it proving to me that the sun is doing very strange things.
- Sun Quickly Moving North while setting May 30th 2021. What does this mean for us? I suppose it’s the magnetic fields pulling the sun North.
- The sun appeared orange huge like a big planet as I have never seen it before.
- Red blood skies are now common.
- The Sun when it sets and rises has sped up.
- Geographical changes, South America has moved 300 miles to the East.
- There is a new star in the sky that is red white and blue and dances around. Its the brightest star I have ever seen. Binoculars help to see it dance.
- Mandela Effects are stacking up by the thousands. And those are the ones we see, there are easily hundreds of thousands of supernatural changes to all sacred books and texts.
- The parable of the talents has come to pass.
- There are supernatural changes in the corporate realms of companies across the board that don’t line up with our memories yet are shown in history.
- Spelling of words is corrupted. MANY words have changed.
- The strong delusion is here and the dividing of time has occurred. There are clearly two realities going on earth now. This is associated with the separation of the goat’s and the sheep. This is verified by the Shuman Resonance being joined by another strong and permanent electromagnetic field. This is unprecedented. “the dividing of time”. And the dividing of a people.
- The strong delusion has been dispatched HISTORY HAS CHANGED & BEEN CORRUPTED ON RECORD & IN THE MINDS OF MOST. The masses have been downloaded with a false history, false memories that contradict memories that the sheep have. Due to the strong delusion those who prefer the lie, ie most Christians are blind to the changes in history and even the changes before them they remember a false history which matches our present reality texts etc.. For those who see we see two different timelines two realities, two histories. . The one we remember as our history and the way the world was then in all its facts and scripts. And the false history as most remember it. (See Mandela effect. See “supernatural kjv Bible changes on Youtube.) For all practical purposes it is the sheep who see supernatural changes to history and men’s memories who will be considered insane/delusional/under the strong delusion. However we sheep are the minority and there are thousands of us.
- Bible Changes (Jesus is The Word of God, He spoke it to us. John 1 The Word became flesh, The Word was with God and The Word was God. Not “The Bible was God.”)
- The Word “HATE” occurs 87 times in the KJVB. Yet “God is Love” He sends out The “Spirit of Truth” God The Father is not a hypocrite who teaches Truth and even the armor of God with the belt fo Truth and then turns and sends out massive deception (God sent them a strong delusion) shown all over the KJVB.
- Bible-There are hundreds of thousands of changes to the KJV AMOS 8:11&12 PROPHECY NOW FULFILLED by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF supernatural changes to the KJVB! iT IS BLASPHEMOUS, EVIL.
- All bibles, just to mention a few changes-Jeremiah is now Jeremy. Joshua has his own book and is Joshua the impaler. New words, new scriptures, God shown as a deceiver, Jesus shown as a slayer with a whip giving the order to “hate family” (paraphrased). God feeds his people their own children in Leviticus.(God promoting canabalism) See EYA on youtube for THOUSANDS of bible King James version Bible changes by supernatural means to ALL BIBLES NO MATTER HOW OLD. Words that have no business in a 1700s book like ENGINES. Harlot has turned to whore, Love to Charity, The Lion is lying with the WOLF and always was according to the goats. If our emotional condition cannot hand TRUTH there is deception. Remember Jesus is THE TRUTH. The armor belt of truth is vital to see the signs and wonders because of the strong delusion at hand covering the eyes of the many. They have eyes but are blind ears but do not hear. His sheep KNOW His voice.
- All the usual wars and rumors of wars have amped up.
- Men are turning against one another and so in are happening like never before. The Masked against the unmasked.
- The GMO army was revealed to the sheep and the world, by the Prime Minister of Syria.
- Cloning and DNA Tampering are Mainstream now. Science has become a religion that people worship. As in the days of Noah. Part animal part human. CLAY AND IRON DANIEL PROPHECY FULFILLED.
- It is now “As in the days of Noah” all these signs are being revealed to those who seek God while the majority of people see nothing and are not even looking.
- People prefer the lie. Christians do not want to see, they want their comfort and rebuke change preferring the lies in the bible over Truth and end times events.
- The Church “The Great Harlot” is revealed.
- THE NEW JESUS HAS ARRIVED. Yeshua HaMashiach is the new name for God.
- The New Gospel is being preached. They call it “Our gospel, the gospel of the apostles, the gospel of God” and other unfamiliar names. It was the Gospel of Jesus The Christ, Savior of those who diligently seek Him with their heart saved by FAITH. The new gospel teaches anything goes, Saved by Grace. God deceives, lies, and Jesus is a Bishop and a “Rabbi” who says things like “if they do not agree with us slay them before me”. The new gospel in the book has trashed the basic Love/Truth/Repentance/Faith/Hope/Jesus is Lord- precepts of God. The book and the Great Harlot have turned the simple life giving gospel into confusion. The book is being re written by the author of confusion especially the KJV as it WAS most accurate.
- The True Gospel is Preached and has been preached in all the land. It is done.
- The prophecies about “the whole world looked on” are now possible due to internet. The death/murder the whole world already saw via George Floyde may have been one of the witnesses.
- The prophecy about a one world government/money system is coming to pass by Corona.
- Mark of the beast is now possible due to RFID Chips or quantum dot tattoos can hold your information in them now. You can now buy and sell with an implanted rfid chip in your right hand.
- By the same token a permanent tattoo illuminated by Luciferese invisible except in UV becomes a glowing compound that holds data which also could easily be the mark of the beast now exists it will be as a scorpian sting and it will cause grievous sores. See Bill Gates agendas to vacks the world.
- The prophecy about Jeruselem being surrounded by armies is passed. When the KJVB is totally desolate of God’s inspired words the Great Trib. will begin. We believe.
- The prophecy Amos 8:11-13 is passed “there will be a famine of hearing and seeing and finding the words of God
- The Dead Sea has NEW Life now another prophecy fulfilled.
- The dividing of time also called “two times” has occurred, dividing meaning two realities existing at once has happened. How? Those who see the changes to history and reality and those who do not see. This plays into the separation of the goats & the sheep.
- The Spirit of God has been poured out upon ALL flesh as it is written.
- The Sheep are having prophetic dreams and posting them to YTube. The sheep are giving prophecies.
- The Sheep are having prophetic visions.
- Israel has no government as of yet. Some say that is an end times prophecy (its unconfirmed and may be a bible change idk)
- Some who used to be deep intercessors laboring at prayer with burdens for souls of strangers, have now been activated to spiritual warfare LIKE NEVER BEFORE. The broken lambs are now Lions.
- The intercessors are now Torch Bearers & are activated to send out daily by The Holy Spirit the announcement of His coming.
- Revelation 12 sign is fulfilled both in the Spirit and in the astronomy of 2017 research it. The woman is the intercessors of God who have already birthed the end times requirements by their labor, heavy burden and great travail. Do you know of this? The Age of Grace is over.
- Judgement is here the age of Grace is over cause the intercessors have stopped their travail, burdens for souls, and supplications.
- The Great Tribulation IS AT HAND. By January 28, 2021 is the intercessors prediction for the Great Trib. Kick off. You do well to follow the knowledge of the woman who was and is not now in travail. There are many of us.
- “Men shall fear that which is on high” Prophecy has come to pass that was in Ecclesiastes but now has changed. It can be found in some translation(s). Men are made to fear the sun and slather poison sun block on their skin. The sun block causes Cancer the very thing they want to avoid. Drones will be feared.
- The Entire World is in the UPSIDEDOWN. The Beast System reins on the earth. The TV pours out lies. Mind control is in place. 5Ghz technology that is dangerously high non ionizing radiation and horrible mind control frequencies is blanketing our NATURAL Shuman’s Resonance of 8.3 hertz (keep in mind GHZ is 1,000 times stronger than hertz) earth. 2.4ghz is in the water molecule range of the human body and the 5ghz is in the range of the oxygen molecules of our bodies. Clearly Satan is setting up his mass holocaust devices and surveillance tech is everywhere just about.
- All things are being revealed as prophesied.
- Flat Earth is revealed for those who look.
- The Beast System is revealed & all things are being shown in light.
- The dividing of time is upon us as people see alternate history.
- All the world can now look upon one thing the two witnesses as written.
- Clay and Iron mixing Tech and Bio Daniel prophecy.
- As in the days of Noah people are marrying and so on also the manipulation of DNA as in the days of Noah.
- The NEW GOSPEL is here “saved by grace”.
- The New Jesus is here “Yeshua Hamashiak”
- Parable of the Good Sheppard is fulfilled and now a prophecy since the voice from KJVB has turned to the wolf’s voice. The sheep know The Good Sheppard’s voice.
- THE MARK ON THE FOREHEAD IS HERE. But unfortunately few can see it.
- God has sealed His children. Satan has sealed his children. They have Jesus on their foreheads while the rest have either the goat symbol (goat head shape) or the fallen angel wings head lowered in shame or no head visible it shows on the forehead now as a protrusion or discoloration of wings.
- 64. The sufferings of Jesus revealed as being to those His elect who see and know many Truths yet must watch the blind and lost whom they have no power over. These must make their own choice. They prefer the lie. Long suffering comes to those who cannot teach those who perish for lack of knowledge. Oh how we wish we could show them, teach them, so they would know. But they prefer the lie. They have free will and have made their choice. We can however Hope that they wake up and repent during the great tribulation.
- “Rabbi” Kaduri prophesied (allegedly) that “after the third gate is destroyed the Messiah Jesus will return.” However it may be Jesus who destroys the third gate.
[William Henry Gates III ] is being interpreted as the gates of hell, the antichrist, put into power by the false prophet (these scriptures of F.P. and A.C. are no longer in the books changed to dragon and beast. Also he is interpreted to be the third gate. Kaduri “rabbi” prophecy.) Who is the false prophet? War On Chinese Buffet. [warren buffet] W. B. gave most not some MOST of his riches to billy goat. So we believe Kaduri prophesied of the gates of hell who has already made himself a genocidal maniac prior to the infilling of Saton. - The conjunction of Jupitor and Saturn. Satan finally comes to earth to posess the body of the most genocidal murderous man on the face of earth…gates of hell himself. The Antichrist Billy goat gates #3. Also known as the third gate in the Kaduri prophecy.
67. A New Sign. The conjunction of 2020 in December of Jupitor & Saturn represents to us the joining of Satan with his host human body. Gates of Hell is my theory [Antichrist bill gates the third]. See false prophet article for more on that link here.
Its getting real people. This update is 12-27-2020 When the bibles are desolate of God’s wisdom (and it won’t be long-months) God WILL (we believe) take His Holy Spirit from the earth as well. The restrainer is off the beast system and was likely either the Catholic Church (The Harlot) or a corporate competitor. Men in great power on Earth. Who held back the beast system by making it accountable. Think the lesser of two evils. They had a conscience. By watching the beast like none of us can the corporate restrainer or harlot restrain has apparently been overcome by the beast. How do I know? Because I see the beast is now slaughtering mankind like never before. Full bore evil is afoot. The Locust has flown. The mark is given. The Seal is placed. the separation is done. Choices are made. It’s on. 5-17-2022
The Holy Spirit in men, intercessors who pray power prayers that are more akin to prayers that Jesus would pray stepping into His own power did to save souls primarily. Not requests but rather spiritual power in the heavenlies given by Father these intercessors are instructed to pray with authority. They know the voice of The Good Shepard. Men make their own choices but prayer has power to open men’s eyes to their choices. But likely the restrainer holding back the bulk of evil had to be a worldly formattable foe. Perhaps backed by spirit led prayer.
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