The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.
Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus. So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation. The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”. He lights our paths to God. By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man. And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.
Recipe for Dark Transfiguration. Making man in the image of the beast.
How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.
Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.
“They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight. Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight. They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.
This is What We See by End of Days New Supernatural Gifts
In 2006 the new supernatural gift in me was given though I had no idea what it was. It started with an odd perception. Suddenly shapes, abstract shapes began to tell stories. By 2017 the gift was evident. For me to gaze upon an abstract shape was like reading a book. God showed me prophecy by reading the abstract and those prophesies came to pass one after another.
“Be ye in the world but not of the world.” I must admit I feel a little stuck. Walking between two worlds isn’t easy.
I got a revelation of the prophecy, call it “No PRIVATE interpretation”? And yet that’s EXACTLY what the 144 are getting from the books. Jesus was clearly talking to His elect and He was giving validation after validation after validation. The deeper meaning of scripture. Scripture that ironically only we remember. Lion and lamb is gone. Wolf now dwells with the lamb. It was not always sooooo.
Do you remember the scripture was at the appearing of Jesus He would land one foot on Mount of Olives and one foot on Mt. Carmel. Exact distance of144 kilometers. This 144 changed on google maps to exact hour and minutes. Zion & Mt. of Olives
One foot in spirit one foot in the natural. Mt. Carmel holy, Mt. Olives
What does the Mount of Olives represent in the Bible?
Image result for what is Mount of Olives represent in, Israel
It separates the most holy place, the Temple Mount, from the Judean Desert to the east. We know it to be the place from which Jesus the Messiah ascended into heaven (Acts 1:11), and where He will one day return.
Well these prophesies are not as they seem or they simply have double meanings. Meaning of this is that the 144 God’s army in the last days shall have one foot in the spiritual realms and one foot on Earth. If your 144 you know what I am talking about. To see what is means to be alone on this Earth.
Even the Christians cannot see what we see as God’s spiritual army on Earth.
Making Men’s Mind’s Desolate & the Consummation of The Beast to Mankind. A Smile from a Vail.
Please, if you fear that you have the mark of the beast please know you can still find your own heart, and present it to God The Father by The Way of Jesus His Son. Salvation 101
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The preacher who quoted this verse 9:27 in Daniel changed the meaning of consummation to “consume”. As most Christians have to do, they change the English language definitions themselves to fit the twisted bibles to make some semblance of logical sense.
Not all of the wolf’s new scriptures are lies.
I had no idea this new scripture was in the book. Matching my visions of the creature on the faces of the many.
Blessing to all who read this forbidden knowledge.
There Are Two Types of End of Days Marks
There is a mark to buy and sell that I believe is the back scene more accurately a DNA changing mRNA therapy. This ‘buy & sell’ mark is categorized as ultimately separating a man from God. It’s a mark by permission only meaning a man willingly takes it. If you take the buy and sell mark the permanent mark will appear on your forehead. The beast.
Mathew 7:25 “And the rain descended fellfloods came, and the storms raged yet the house stood. The strong winds blew, and beat uponthat the house yet it did not falter. For it’s foundation was founded built upon The Rock mighty and immovable!” Jesus is The Rock and The Cornerstone. He is our foundation, Faith in Jesus is our salvation.
There is no idol, book, or statue, that takes the place of God in our heart. He is our Father, our Comforter, Wonderful, Counselor, Savior. We do not lean on empty doctrines of men for our comfort. For neither height nor depth, angels or principalities, neither things past or present can remove us from the Love of God that is in Jesus our Savior. The Word of God is written in our hearts. God Himself put his inspired words in our hearts. Jesus is The Word of God. And God’s inspired words to us lift us up, encourage, and strengthen our Faith. The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth.
Either a man knows Jesus/God or he doesn’t. God looks upon the heart.
My brothers and sisters who now understand the suffering of Jesus. He suffered long before the cross enduring the company of the spiritually blind nearly all His life. I wonder if He had even one person who He could relate to in spiritual matters.
“How long must I suffer with thee oh ye of little Faith?”
Written Feb. 2021 Well we are getting several of confirmations on the back scenes side attacks. Current date 4-8-2022. See Rumble but don’t go there if you took the back scene. Best those who took it stay in denial. Ater all some are seemingly unaffected.
They are labeling it as not being mRNA. I find that interesting when its still giving directives to your DNA. And its still entering the nucleus of your cells uninvited. And its still using DNA as its catalyst.
To create this vaccine, the Johnson & Johnson team took a harmless adenovirus – the viral vector – and replaced a small piece of its genetic instructions with coronavirus genes for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
After this modified adenovirus is injected into someone’s arm, it enters the person’s cells. The cells then read the genetic instructions needed to make the spike protein and the vaccinated cells make and present the spike protein on their own surface. The person’s immune system then notices these foreign proteins and makes antibodies against them that will protect the person if they are ever exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the future.”
How Dare the Talking Heads on TV say “the back scene will teach your immune system how to work on CV”.
“Our immune systems have quite literally taught these sinister drug company scientists how it works NOT the other way around.” Laura E
This article is choppy and very long but very informative. It covers the back-scene that I believe is the mark of the beast written of in Revelation. Normally I would wait to publish and do more editing but this is important so I release the article as is.
The fallen angel wings or goat shape on the foreheads of many men everywhere may or may not be the mark of the beast appearing supernaturally on the foreheads of men in these end times. This in no wise nullifies the right hand mark of the beast prophesied to buy and sell the forehead mark is separate. You decide. See mark of beast photos here and more below.
For those who have been lied to all their lives and now see, we must vet our info we must weigh all things that we take in. That is what this article is for, to weigh and come to your own conclusions. We all make our own choices. I am merely presenting evidence and theory.
Perhaps its a reach? After all there are muscles in the forehead its just a little ironic that in the photos of these men it appears as fallen angels wings with head lowered in shame, or the goat head shape.RFB is allowed to be human. And we are glad he is human. We conclude he had a bad day.
Below is a List of Why Jazweeh & I Believe We are In the End Times and Jesus is Coming Soon.
If your here you likely one of the chosen few. “Many are called but few are chosen”. Why? Because the writings on this website cannot be accepted as Truth by those who promote & believe the new gospel & the new Jesus.
If taken the BACK SCENE will likely make it impossible to feel God or to repent…the RNA DNA replicating BACK SCENE must surely turn a person into something that cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Please please, this shot will be voluntary Satan cannot force anyone into his realm. The choice is yours.
The Whole Story of the Prophecy
I have never gotten such a clear word from God in my life as I did when I asked My Father this question back in 2018 and then wrote the article below stating what He said.
I asked “How will I know the mark of the beast?”
And He answered me one word “ZEBRA”. And that the mark of the beast would be connected to the word “Zebra” in some obvious way and by that I would know its the mark. That was in September of 2018 over two years ago._____Jazweeh.
Truthers Suspected The RNA DNA Back Scene
Truthers have suspected that RNA DNA back scenes will create a third strand of DNA and turn humans into GMO beings no longer human. If they did it with fruit and veggies they can do it to humans.
Today I found the CNBC article (link on photos below). CNBC shows that without Zebra Technology and their temperature reading labels for the back scene’s packaging, successful distribution may fail. The back scene must be kept 94 degrees below zero. [the pfizer one anyway] Madurna vack not quite as cold. Hence connecting the word “Zebra” given by God as a warning to what many already suspected is the mark of the beast. The back scene. (word coded for obvious reasons). Here is the CNBC article.
What the MAD SCIENTISTS are doing with genetically modified foods they have taken to another level with animals and humans. They use the uptake of a virus to deliver alien (non human) DNA to corrupt our genetic code and corrupt the bodies of humans, see the video below.
My theory? It struck me today that we may be over complicating the task of identifying the “mark of the beast”. I believe the elite will use this viral DNA delivery system on those who willingly take the DNA of The Beast into their bodies. The deception to the masses will appear to be an upgrade of great value people will line up for in the streets. They may even pay money for it. It’s that simple. And most likely THE Antichrist’s birthday is 06-06-06.