Richie From Boston may have the Mark of the Beast
by Dorothy Ruth Stirrum.
The fallen angel wings or goat shape on the foreheads of many men everywhere may or may not be the mark of the beast appearing supernaturally on the foreheads of men in these end times. This in no wise nullifies the right hand mark of the beast prophesied to buy and sell the forehead mark is separate. You decide. See mark of beast photos here and more below.
For those who have been lied to all their lives and now see, we must vet our info we must weigh all things that we take in. That is what this article is for, to weigh and come to your own conclusions. We all make our own choices. I am merely presenting evidence and theory.

Please comment below to respond to this article. Guest Writer- Miss Dorothy Ruth Stirrum.
Richie is neither novice or amateur concerning Youtube. He is expert with 350 thousand subscribers and when he shot the bird it pissed me off (okay yes pissed-off but temporarily…then I began to understand and empathize with his plight of truth).
With over ten years experience on YT he blatently SHOOTS HIS AUDIENCE THE F**K YOU sign….you can bet he knows what he is doing. Come on buddy, you have 4 other fingers you could have used.
Then there is this, BigSib is moreso a blatant shill who WILL & does throw at us passive aggressive insults, and indoctrinational programming while we listen and watch. Big Sib blatantly does the pyramid sign see here.
Below are instances of a strange manifestation on the foreheads of men.
Sib sports the BLATANT PYRAMID sign.
BigSib/Brandon Is in the CORONA-COMA
Now hear this, Richie has since dis-fellowshipped Big Sib openly for being in a corona-coma (& he is in a coronacoma so here here Richie!) during the takeover of our rights. It is not for me to judge truthers. I merely present the facts here.
This is what I think. I believe Richie is a real person with real motives who despises what the beast system is doing. After all he shot a bird NOT a masonic symbol. If I were in his shoes I may also do the same thing. You can imagine all the attacks this man gets and he still insists on being forthright with truth outting the beast.
Not to mention SO MANY have fallen head deep into the Corona-coma and Richie seems to be now among the MINORITY who are outting the motives of the elite for the shut down of our economy.
My hat is off to you Richie! You keep up the good work. And [I feel ya] by golly because getting pissed is part of the human condition and this “bird” shooting shows that you are just that….BEING REAL.

The author of this article is none other than Richie himself. He seems to have a Lot of time on his hands.
Thank you for this! I found you by looking into RFB.
I began having doubts a while ago when I made this video –
But then yesterday made one especially on him and boy oh boy what kind comments I’ve received. Here –
Test everything & everyone is what I always say. Do not put your trust in man.
God bless you & enjoy the weekend
Thank you so much Cindy for the reply. I am about to look into your videos. Author/Jazweeh