PLASMA APOCALYPSE Is On the Way April-June 2024

Though I could be wrong but I doubt it!  Read MikefromAroundtheWorld plasma apocalypse article.



The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or some time in 2024.  We do not believe the end will come in 2025 or thereafter..  The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery.   Details were withheld to protect the 144.   While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being.   By trials of fire we grow spiritually.

Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive.  We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again.  We just didn’t know the details.

Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”

The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh.  But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification.  The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.

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“Son of God” Changes to “Son of Man” in Bibles.


And Gentiles are veiled from the abomination of desolation x2. Veiled from the fulfillment of the prophecy outlining the desecration of the temple of God’s words, WORDS.   And the desecration of the other temple, the bodies of mankind.  They drank Esau’s soup and deny it’s purpose by not researching the ingredients of the mark of the beast.  This is why they need the gift of desperation by putting them into a seven year trib to strip away the walls of Jericho.  The walls around the heart must come down.  And with the programming only God Almighty can hand Gentiles the tools to finally get REAL with God.

Only those who are watching the prophecies fulfill in real time (not on TV the image of the beast) can understand prophetic interpretations.

Jacob’s troubles is about over.  I know this because I am Jacob, I am Israel, and I have The Holy Spirit of God which came to me by prayer, by those who also have the Holy Spirit and by the laying on of hands with aloud proclamation of Jesus’ name in praise and thanks.  That is how it happens usually.  But we believe there is another portion of the Holy Spirit which comes when the man is truly born again by the washing of God’s words.  Not many of God’s words are now left in the books we read and call holy.

Still the Gentiles look for talking statues and announcements of the antichrist’s identity on CNN nightly.   We know who the anti is and the false prophet.


The False Prophet put the Antichrist into power.  Those “beast, Dragon” and more words have replaced Truth in the books.  Who are they?  WHO indeed.

Warren Buffet is said to be the Oracle of Omaha….a prophet of financial prediction who owns about everything on this Earth so he thinks.   He put Gates of Hell into power!   Gates of Hell promoted Esau’s soup which steal the inheritance of those who took the chot.  The back scene.  The final solution.

Only Jesus is THE WORD OF GOD.  Bible idolatry is rampant as the books turn to pish posh before our eyes.  And yet they love not the Truth enough to be able to tell the difference.  The Gent’s embrace the vile and vulgar words of the Dark Lord.

The electrified plasma mass (electrified gas) called the fake ‘sun of man’ is in the sky ruling the day.   By it’s rise Earth was knocked sideways and two realities mixed.  Bringing in signs and wonders, and deceptive signs and wonders as the bibles change supernaturally day by day.  Some remember God’s Truth and others do not. Many Christians worship the god of the bible.  The scripture is no longer Truth and so it doesn’t represent the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth or His Son Jesus the Son of God.  But rather he is the Dark Lord ruling the day.  The god of the iron rods of the towers of Babel has a measure of control over the masses.

The sun of man rules but The Son of God is coming very soon!  And the white hot fake sun will then be put down like a rabid dog.  The fake sun will ark and desist.

Yes they bought us some time.  And saved the trees.  But the scientist are not God. And they missed a few of creations most important factors…In doing so they created a very temporary light source that will quickly spiral into a Supernova as dwarf stars usually do after many many years. No not “billions”. Billion is the code word for pish posh.

“A supernova ( pl. : supernovae or supernovas) is a powerful and luminous explosion of a star. A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion.” NASA

File upload
Myrtle Beach (1)

Upload the file and play it with your video app.  I use windows media player.

Sorry but it appears you will have to upload this file video of the sunbeam showing as a ray lazer.  Until I figure out how to open it on this platform.  Photo below.  Video above.

I just found out that on Directv there is a Sun show “NASA’s Unexplained Files” where they admit that the real Sun of God has gone dark partly.  The prophecy of the Sun of God going dim is fulfilled.  “The Sun rules the day”.  This scripture is why and how the beast system is ruling right now.

When the white hot plasma  ‘sun of man” was hoisted like a satellite up into the magnetic orbit of space all Bibles changed to “son of man” from “Son of God” depicting Jesus as Son of God no more.   Coincidence?  I think not. .  It’s magnetism holding it in orbit.  Everything changed including our bibles which now call Jesus “the son of man”.  Their white hot sun saved the Earth’s green grass and trees as prophesied.

But the Sun of God is coming to renew Earth with all the glory of the Son of God.  Again –as prophesied.   The Sun/Son of God will put down the sun/son of man.


The exact magnets and plasma lazer light was part of what the elite & scientists needed to save the green grass and trees as prophesied (bible tells the Angels of God to not let the vegetation on Earth die).  Along with mankind I also surmise.

Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?

Wildfires as they call them in the news are now all over Europe, and the U.S.  New York is burning.

Are you a spiritual man/woman/youth?  If not you won’t like what I have to reveal here.   You will likely label us “crazy” or “Satan”.  But spirituality is another topic.

The Problem Is Very Evil Men & Women

Make no mistake the fires and heat are not your fault-first of all.  The corporations have endorsed and promoted excess waste.   The production of unnecessary, useless, metal & plastic products of all kinds are polluting throughout the Earth.  The corporations are primarily responsible for the state of pollution that our Earth is suffering.

We the people never should have trusted the greedy men of Earth to produce our food.  Big mistake.  We should not have been mind controlled by the Image of the Beast to buy their products of waste and greed.  We put the bastards into power by buying what they sell.

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Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture

The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.

Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus.  So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation.  The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”.  He lights our paths to God.  By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man.  And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.

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The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

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Who Is The Woman of Revelation Twelve?

“Master! Master! Your promised me eternal life, and you give it to the pretty woman!”

Play the sound clip to hear original Dracula movie line by Renfield.

But what does this fun movie clip really have to do with eternal life? What does Revelation 12 really mean? Who is The Woman of Revelation 12? Why is she so special? Who is the “man child”? It’s all a mystery which can only be revealed by those who know God.  The only ones who know just who the Revelation 12 woman really is has to be the Revelation 12 woman herself.

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Have you Experienced Jacob’s Troubles?


Jacob has CRUSHED the head of the serpent.  Not “bruised” its head.  Genesis 3:15 the lie from the wicked sitting in the once holy bible.  Or do you remember it as always being “bruise & bruise”?  “Jesus shall crush the head of the serpent and bruise His heel in the process.”  (please realize this should say crush and bruise if it magically changes after I type it….unfortunately that’s what hapened to much scripture, it changed magically on the book shelves.)

Today-I will not “curse God and die”.  Troubles have come and gone through the last six years.

By Jazweeh.

If you too have been enduring Jacob’s troubles know that we are in God’s hands.  He will not let us go.  But for me, I have need of patience, and other good character.  Trials of fire are upon me.  I want out of them.  Every trial which Jacob experiences in this time he goes to God with.

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Way Over Yonder That’s Where I’m Bound

I met a man once who told me wisdom.  He said by Truth “Jazweeh, God & the here after are not so much about what you can get from it and from Him or Them, but rather it’s about what you take & add to the kingdom itself.”

I knew the moment he said this to me that it was not only Truth but profound Truth that was stolen by the ages of men.  I also knew what I take to the

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200 Million Man Army? Pale Horse Rides Video


Video not for sensitive people or children.  Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations.  So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations.

Pale Horse Rides
Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.  We at Jazweeh than Mr. Stew Peters for leaving the embed codes on the vital video below from Rumble to freely post and share here.

Population Numbers?

Who knows how many people are REALLY on this Earth.  The beast lies like hell.

The Beast system 200 million man army prophecy interpretation theory is to control the minds and actions of the many people on Earth.   It’s likely there are only a chosen few number of people over 200 million on all the Earth.  They say billions because they want us all in fear or dead, or in the hospital as a kash kow.

If each person on Earth doesn’t have one child each with two children per couple then the population can’t be maintained. It decreases.  And these days many people don’t want children.

Supernatural Bible Changes to All Bibles

Revelation 9 depicts the huge army as one in the same as the Locusts from the pit.  That’s new.  Revelation 9 is neither written directly, correctly, or articulately.  The book is erroneous at best & lies like hell, it is as unstable as a broken toy race car. Bibles were holy until the Lord God Almighty took His seal of Daniel security off the book before 2016. Now it changes daily on the shelves. But the strong delusion covers the supernatural bible changes. And the passive blasphemy is disguised quite well for readers who already have preconceived notions of what the book should be.

Locust from the Pit

The only reason I am now connecting the Locust to the 200 million man army is because of the prior chapter Rev. 9:16 describes an un-named “army” out of the blue.  With no explanation or prior context.  The only connection is the prior chapter with it’s references to “horses & Locust”.    The bibles were holy & articulate.  Now the bibles are for those who cannot see and who use preconceived notions to interpret them.

Jazweeh’s Vision & Experience

However I had a revelation that the beast does have such an army…Granted the Locust have already ridden on the backs of the wing of abomination to arrive at their destination. Men’s faces.  While the winged rat perches on their heads.

As I said before I heard the creatures wings and I felt it’s suction cups.  I felt it’s vile attempt to infest my head.  And I slaughtered it as God taught me to do.  He also supplied all the weapons.  And God Almighty provided me armor.

The Locust is painless as I have said before.  But it connects to the mark of the beast in those who do not have the seal of God.  Just like the book said it would.  “Face of a man hair of woman”.  Is not its appearance but rather that is wear it lands and sets up residence.

Seeing these creatures is not a pretty sight.  And God will deliver those who repent.



Primary Reason for Christmas Is Mind Control

Decoding of The Christmas Program.  (please read at minimum the final paragraph).

Predictive Programming- To put a movie, ad campaign, show, media, on TV (image of the beast) radio or any large public platform.  The narrative of the TV campaign is to invite a specifically geared common subconscious reaction.   They anticipate by knowledge & experience how a majority will react to the TV program of the mind.

Example- The news advertises a run on the banks and the crashing of the financial system.  The common reaction is to move our money somewhere safe.


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What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube

Important Video

FINALLY I believe I found some Truth on Youtube.

If Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.  They were deceived, cunningly.

The forehead mark is a spiritually given mark of which man has not control over.  But the right arm was mentioned in script also before it was altered.  A second mark.  Just like there are two abomination desolations.  Two desecrated holy places.  One is hidden.  The other is told of in this video. He knew what the mark is. And then overnight he started calling it “money” he says now that money is the mark. What happened to him? A man who does countless videos of an absolute conclusion. Then overnight he sings with the rest of the watchmen “Its not the mark, its not the mark.” Maybe he is right.

Continue reading “What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube”

70s Music Is The Prophecy In Rock Generation

Good News!  Return of Jesus Prophecy.

The 70s Rock period was chalk full of prophecy.  “TWENTY-FOUR BEFORE MY LOVE AND I’LL BE THERE!” From song “Roundabout” by band Yes.  (song decode below)  What??  Before 2024….perhaps 24hrs before the event in 2024.  

Also “twenty four before” in the Roundabout song may have a second reference made to the bible scripture “Four and twenty elders” (baked in pie).   It is a supernatural bible change. No it doesn’t say ‘baked in a pie’ that’s my sarcasm.  “They turned unto fables” scripture reference.  The fable & rhyme of “Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie”.   Is a mocking scripture pointed at the elders of God calling them blackbirds.  Also I just read now the scripture says the “fell down”.  Of course mocking.   The white wash denial says “fell down” doesn’t mean fell down & went boom.  The scripture is a typical passive aggressive insult to the elders of God.  Click on picture to enlarge.

Anyway since the word “before” is in the songs sentence “Twenty-Four before my love…”  Twenty four backwards is four and twenty.

Of course the word “roundabout” is now in the KJVB.  And multiplying on going.  Now some other youtubers like JayDreamerZ are beginning to look at the possibility of Jesus’ return in 2024.   On the day of the eclipse of the Sun April 8th, 2024.

Chris Squire Framed Art Prints | Fine Art America

Song Lyrics by “Yes”.   Album “Fragile”

My Commentary is in Pink.  Song in white.

I’ll be the roundabout the words will make you out ‘n’ out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley

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In The End of Days the Love of Many Shall Wax Cold. Why?

Question Everything  Holy Moses I have been deceived.

What Is Spiritual Love?

Love means-To treat others with care, consideration, and respect regarding ones neighbor as ones self.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.  This is the defining ‘Love’ the spiritual kind.

Meet Judas of Greed and Selfishness.

Did Judas really try to hang himself?

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The New Earth Is Approaching

And We Shall Not Call It “Jeru-Salem” Nor Israel.

Father says “Shalamar”!  The Abode of Love.  This is the Earth He planned for His children once all souls have chosen their eternal homes.  Free will shall always flourish on God’s Earthly plain.  The darkness shall be put down, finally by God’s chosen few.

And this is why darkness fears and hates The Children of God so fiercely.  But the time of darkness’ rule is nearly over.  It’s on.

By 2024 the New Earth will have been Created.  This is our belief/prediction/understanding.  More on this at the article link below.

The Goats No Longer Have Access to God’s Powerful Words

Yes The New Earth Approaches.  But in the mean time “mean” time “Everything Broken”  Bob Dylan the Prophet

“Broken lines, broken strings,Broken threads, broken springs,Broken idols, broken heads,People sleeping in broken bedsAin’t no use jivingAin’t no use jokingEverything is broken
Broken bottles, broken plates,Broken switches, broken gates,Broken dishes, broken parts,Streets are filled with broken heartsBroken words never meant to be spoken,Everything is broken
Seem like every time you stop and turn aroundSomething else just hit the ground
Broken putters, broken saws,Broken buckles, broken laws,Broken bodies, broken bones,Broken voices on broken phonesTake a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’?Everything is broken.
Every time I leave and go out someplaceThings fall to pieces in my face
Broken hands on broken ploughs,Broken treaties, broken vows,Broken pipes, broken tools,People bending broken rulesHound dog howling, bull frog croaking,Everything is broken
Video link below.

They Laid Their Crown (Minds) at the Alter of The Beast

I Will Not Tell you of the Lambs to the Slaughter Without Explaining Also the Lions First.

Disclaimer.  This is what I feel in my Spirit written below.  I am a scribe of God.  I hope I am not wrong about any of these end of days scenarios.  I pray God I make no mistakes with the visions of the hereafter that I have within me written here.

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Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.

Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.

They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight.  Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight.  They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.

Recipe of Jabba.   


But For The Elects’ Sake These Days Are Shortened

The Knowledge The Elect Carry is Not Easy

Alabaster Box by Julie Meyer

Written by a 144.

To See clearly the end of days is Difficult 

Yet we prefer it greatly over being consummated to the Locust and it’s vail of blindness.  Most Christians are under the vail and have consummated with the Locust from the pit of hell.  If they resist the mark they shall be saved.

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