Who are the One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand in Revelation

“The Lord shall keep in perfect peace, he whose mind is stayed upon The Lord”

Lamb, Sheep, Lion

There are many parts of the body of Christ.  None are better than the other, all are needed and different than the other not better.

I am not here to subscribe doctrine unto you.  If your one of God’s “chosen” as in “many are called few are chosen” then you do not succumb to such arguments of doctrine and rapture etc.  God’s chosen in the last days have better things to do than argue.  If a man doesn’t want to look at the truth he won’t.  It’s not our job to control people?

My job is to let you know what Jazweeh has seen in her many visions, and dreams.  This is a sign of the end times as so many believers receive dreams and visions these days.

Okay so Lets start with the sacred 144,000.  Jazweeh says these are called “Lambs of God”  Jesus Himself went out like a Lamb for the slaughter and will come in like a Lion from the tribe of Judah.  The tribe of Judah represents Lions of God.  These Lions are warriors in their calling.

Lambs are full of praise, gratitude, honor, and thanksgiving.  Sheep are represented by the multitude who are saved spoken of in Revelation.  Sheep tend to follow the herd.  They do not judge the Lion’s or Lambs because sheep believe in the supernatural of God.  And even though they are not as active in war and honoring God as the Lions and Lambs are, sheep will stand up for God and Jesus even facing death.  They are gifted and martyred for The Lords Glory.  How do you tell which you are?


Sheep are tried by fire just as all true believers are.  But each calling of God has it’s own trial types.  Sheep have been slapped around a bit no doubt and have learned to turn the other cheek.  Their trial lesson is that “The Battle is The Lords” so they have learned to “let go and let God”

The personality of a sheep will match his calling of “turning the other cheek”.  You could slap a sheep and he would wonder what troubles you and pray for you.  Sheep are not so concerned about the many devices of Satan like Lions and Lambs of God are.  Sheep may eat the poison food and be killed by it never knowing who Monsanto is or realizing the silent Apocalypse that is going on in the world.  They seldom know Vaccines are poison or that Red Tide is because of artificial nitrates on crops.  They don’t have to be aware of Satan’s devices and symbols.  But rather they do “perish for lack of knowledge”.  This is their calling and we mustn’t judge them because they are not Lions, or Lambs of God.  They are sheep and sheep have a different purpose than Lions and Lambs.

All Lions and Lambs were once Sheep who matured into their calling.

Sheep are a true example of Christ’s teachings of passive Love and to meditate on the good things of God. They may be ministers, or missionaries, Bible scholars, teachers, deacons or freelance preachers.  Their spiritual gift is Love and Charity. They stand on the scripture “it is better to give than to receive”.  They are naturals when it comes to not judging others.  They know better.

Sheep seldom speak in tongues except basic tongues, the kind that comes with fasting and prayer.   But they do know the gifts are alive and don’t judge those who do speak in other languages fluently.  Does this describe you?

Remember Sheep are not steeped in Satan’s agenda but rather they would say “I don’t glorify Satan”.  Satan is defeated foe to them and is already under their feet.  Is this you?  If it is your truly truly verily blessed but you can become a Lion or a Lamb still.


Are you angry?  Do you know well the scripture “be angry and sin not”?  The sheep say the battle is The Lords, and it is.  But Lions know that God has appointed an army on Earth of His Saints to do battle now.  Are sheep wrong?  No just different.

Lion’s know the scripture like the back of their hand.  It’s written in their heart.  They don’t need to know the number and verse.  They know that the sword of the Spirit must be wielded to be of value.  The scripture is not for point and shoot to judge others.  Scripture is for a Lion as a gun is for a man in battle against an armed foe.  Lions apply and live the scripture not use it against other people to belittle them.

Example:  “Put on the whole armor of God that you are able to stand…”

A Lion would know that if he tells a lie he is dropping his armor the belt of Truth.  He applies scripture to himself.  A Lion would know (when in his full maturity) that the Hope of Salvation is a Helmet to him with supernatural power.  That faith is a shield when he acts upon it in stepping out in faith.  And that hope is the evidence of things not seen and hope is part of faith.  A Lion would know that The Bible is a book and can be both burned and changed and not to worship it as God.

Lions Can Walk the Earth Hundreds of Years

The Word became flesh and is in the Lion’s heart.   If scripture is changed The Lion would recognize it in his Spirit.  Yes a Lion sees the Bible changes and would not fear pointing them out.  How are Lions different than Lambs?  LIons would be more intolerant.  They are more cunning.  They are ravenous against demon spawn.  Lions are outspoken.  Lions are not so meek but show great humility nevertheless.  They are confident and side with Truth.  You must earn the respect of a Lion.  They don’t have time for games.  They know either way we are in end times because death knock even if Jesus doesn’t come for another 100 years death still knocks.

Some Lions however will walk the Earth a supernaturally long time as Jesus mentioned, He can do this.  Why?  Because it takes years for train a general in the army of The Most High God therefore they are of great value to God and to the Lambs and Sheep, so their lives can be prolonged on Earth.  Remember they warn God’s people.  So for the sake of the elect Lions must be kept alive and protected.

The Lions Gifts

As I said the Lion stands on the words of Jesus “these things I do and greater than these shall you do”. He often has the gift of tongues for battle prayer, binding, casting out.  He is driven by righteous indignation and will clear the way for Christ’s coming by binding many foe (not all of course).  The war is ON for the Lion.  He believes in supernatural healing and in angels of God appearing both aware and unaware.  He has dreams and visions.  He sees Satan’s beast system clearly and in the Lion’s mature state the beast system is what he wars against.  He is consumed with warning the sheep and other Lions, and Lambs.

He may not understand why the Lambs of God are so pure and innocent.  Lambs are not angry from time to time as the Lion is.  But know this the Lions, anger is their spiritual catalyst.  Lions feel the same Love that the Lambs feel but their catalyst is spiritual and righteous indignation, much like anger, it drives them toward spiritual warfare action.

How else would the Spirit prompt you to war?  If a Lion doesn’t do battle in the heavenlies due to his indignation it could cause him undue stress.


He must use the battle prayer as an outlet for his anger which is righteous indignation. The Lion’s anger is aligned with God’s will and the things God despises most.

A Lion was not always a Lion, he started out as a sheep and worked his way into battle. He received gifts along the way that are an architecture for spiritual battle.  He may prophecy, heal, deliver, cast out demons.  The Lion knows his authority over evil.  The Lion knows he can move mountains.  This kind of faith must be built through much experience, pain, doubt, anguish, and loss.  The Lion has been put through the fires of trial.

1 Peter 1:7 King James Version (KJV)
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

He stands again on the words “all things work together for the good to those who Love the Lord”.

How do Lambs fit into this Scenario?

Love drives the lamb toward spiritual action.Love is the Lambs catalyst just as hate is Satan’s catalyst and his call to action for evil.  Hate is also the catalyst for wolves and serpents call to action.  There is a stark difference between hate and righteous indignation.  Hate is disrespectful, R. I. is never disrespectful and does not act in haste but thinks through every spiritual solution and battle plan.  Hate would murder the body, R.Indignation would cast out and bind the demon behind the body doing the evil.

Lambs praise and honor God day and night.  Lambs show Love to the Sheep and Lions by their Love catalyst.    If there is a calling of God that is steeped in Charity the Lambs have it.  They Love their fellow man with the Heart of Christ.  They are filled with Hope and Faith and yes a greater Love than Sheep and Lions because it’s the gift of Love.  Lambs are pure and blameless.  Were they always?  No.  They are born again they know what it is to sin.  Are they perfect?  In God’s sight they are. They may have the pitfall of perfectionism being far too hard on themselves. They have had to learn that they don’t have the right to condemn themselves.

They love the scripture “Jesus came not to condemn but rather to call sinners to repentance.”

Their hearts are cleansed.  They do battle like the LIon but not near as often and without the catalyst of anger (righteous indignation).  They may have callings that take sheep out of harm’s way by providing them with food, housing, or money.  They show more understanding and empathy than the Lion or sheep.  Lambs are meek and will inherit the Earth.  Lambs always look for the good in others.  They are not as suspicious or watchful as the Lion yet they are aware of the slaughter of the sheep and of the wiles of Satan our adversary.  Lambs also know scripture like the back of their hand and see the Bible changes clearly in most cases.

Lambs are never critical or blame-ful.  Lambs stand on the scripture,

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

Lambs know they are entitled to healing as children of God.  They would recognize that a Lion is a warrior of God.  They know their brothers in Christ and they know well the voice of Jesus just as Sheep and Lions do.  They may be watchmen but most watchmen are Lions.  Lions are “wise as serpents” so they think much like a serpent but without the malice, they are “harmless as doves.”

This is why lambs also would see the Bible changes, because the changes are not the voice of God they are an impostors voice.  All lambs start out as sheep and grow into being the Lambs of God.  It’s a process just as the Lions go through a process.

All sheep are candidates for being a Lamb or LIon if they wish to seek God at a higher much deeper level.  God doesn’t DRAFT his army.  Joining the army of God is a choice.  Any sheep can make the choice by seeking God at a deeper level.  Pray “thy will be done” on a regular bases.

And if these sheep can overcome their brainwashing indoctrinations by the beast by accepting the spiritual gifts that many many Christians in name only condemn they will be powerful men and women of God.

Get this…the Lions and Lambs are the ones who are very active in the gifts of the Spirit therefore they are also the ones that wolves and goat’s who call themselves Christian point fingers at and label “Satan”.  Why?  Goats can easily believe supernatural EVIL but when it comes to supernatural GOOD they will never get it, they are blind.  Therefore goats are fitted to condemn true Christians unknowingly.  To fake Christians EVERY gift of tongues is Satanic.  To goats every healing, every miracle, every prophecy, every sign of God in the heavens, every born again testimony, every baptism of The Holy Spirit and every true word and call of God to a goat is Satanic.  All the world is Satan to a goat as they side with status quos, religious traditions of men and their serpentile indoctrination from TV, media, and education.

To the truly evil every miracle is of Satan, every healing must be from some false god with a little “g”. And to the goat there is no such thing as spiritual battle.  Every battle is done in their flesh. The evil condemn in the flesh and use attack in the flesh.  This is the opposite of a Lamb who would always recognize fleshly actions and spiritual solutions.  Lambs have risen above the flesh, they know the flesh profits nothing and is temporal.

They loved not their lives unto death.  They have dreams and visions.  They are blessed among men.  The lambs of God are filled with power just as Lions and by their honor and praise the kingdom is made even stronger.  Light encompasses darkness.  The light of the Lambs tip the scale of good vs evil.  Darkness cannot stand the light therefore darkness must run or yield to it.  See MORE ON THIS TOPIC

Calling of God for Lions, Lambs, and Sheep

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