Evil is as evil does. NOT-evil is as they say it is. Like having long hair or wearing too many rings on your finger. How are those thing evil? Is someone getting hurt? Is there a lie? Evil is as evil DOES.
How to apply the armor of God in real-time
- Prayer in The Spirit. Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit sayeth The Lord.
- The sword of the Spirit Jesus is The Word of God. HIs Words are written on your heart and are sharper than any doubled edged sword piercing unto the spiritual realms slashing demons and walls of demons some call strong holds..
- The shield of a Living Everlasting Faith
- The belt of Truth Jesus is The Truth, The Life, & The Way to The Father, Home.
- The breastplate of righteousness to withstand all the firey darts of the wicked.
- Your feet equipped with the good news of the gospel of peace. (Your testimony of what God did and does for you.) To walk in the shoes of Jesus & of His leading.
- The Helmet of the HOPE of Salvation
“Resist the devil and he will flee.” We pray God to help us do what He commands. “Rejoice in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” Praise is a MIGHTY TOOL OF GOD. Praise God when you feel the worst. And thank Jesus by name. “Thank you Jesus”.
Put prayer and meditation in Christ to work in your life. Prayer is the primary armor the seventh armor we must not forget especially praying in the spirit.
Tame the tongue by the power of God in you and relying.
Fast and pray
Don’t be the devil’s advocate by playing “accuser of the brethren”.
Criticism is a character flaw and beats down the brethren.
DON’T “REBUKE” “bad demon bad demon” ridiculous. BIND & SLAUGHTER free flying DEMONS. Start binding demons when you recognize them. God didn’t give you the gift of discernment for accusation sake.
Furthermore if you have a demon internally you need a deliverance preacher to cast it out in Jesus name.
Be empathic. Try to relate to people instead of seeing differences this is “giving” and shows Love.
Telling the Truth is a vital part of your spiritual protection.
Shield of Faith is your shield. When fear crops up AND IT WILL as it is part of the human condition and natural/carnal apply faith by remembering “all things work together for the good for those who Love God” Think about how things can work out according to God’s promise. Then step out in faith and do not allow fear to paralyze your loving actions. THANK JESUS aloud for your shield of Faith. These prayers are works of Faith FOR YOUR SHIELD IN ACTION.
Armor does no good laying on the floor.
Be courageous. Walk in Faith by standing tall in Jesus’ promises to us by Faith & Hope with Love. The Eternal spiritual gifts. The shield of Faith is an action of Faith. Each time you step out by Love or by prayer in faith your faith is strengthened.
The Helmet of the Hope of Salvation should always be a feather in your cap BY THOUGHTS and by prayers. NURTURE YOUR HOPE BY WATCHING HOPE FILLED VIDEOS, saying Hope filled prayers. And by taking action in Hope to be rewarded by God for the good you do toward others. God made a promise to those who seek Him in Truth. Seek God daily in Truth. Don’t bullshit God or your efforts will be amiss.
The Helmet of THE Hope of Salvation is our application of hopeful thoughts, when things look bleak. WE TURN TO HOPE TO ENCOURAGE OUR HEART.
Go over in you words how thing always work out for the good. Hope.
We guide our thoughts to hope. This is the helmet ON YOUR HEAD INVOLVING THOUGHT. Bring the armor TO LIFE! Share that hope and think on it. Live your life by it. It is your armor.
They overcame by the blood of The Lamb and the word of their testimony.
The good news of the Gospel of Peace *shod* on our feet. This is our testimony of what Christ has done for us, and most importantly what Jesus can do for those who embrace the Truth. Share your testimony of God working in your life it will strengthen you.
EXAMPLE- “I”. “God delivered me from addiction and a living Hell”.
If a man doesn’t have a deep spiritual need he will not seek God with his whole heart. God is not here to punish us by wrath or violent harm. But rather by great tribulations of the flesh we seek Jesus & then learn to rely on Him and gain our armor of God by the word of our testimony. And God’s Grace toward us. Overcomers get battered by their own consequence of sin. God doesn’t need to batter us by wrath. Rather He sent Jesus to heal us.
This armor is to give the testimony of our walk in the shoes of Jesus and by the leading of Jesus. As to pick our cross and walk. Now we have the armor when we share the testimony of this walk.
If you don’t have anyone to tell your testimony too, write it down and post it. Or tell it to a cow or pet. Lol. This action is to prep you for sharing it openly with those around you. Often people are timid and need to work up to sharing their truth openly. We are programmed at heart level to be ashamed of our deepest truths. This keeps us in bondage as the Truth sets us free. What Truth? The Truth in our heart. Use the fifth step of the 12 steps to begin sharing your truth. If the listener is not encouraging and empathic they do not deserve to hear your pearls of truth, find someone who is more Loving and relates to you. Relating is healing. Why? Because programming has always told us that our truth is stupid, or wrong, or just irrelevant so we then hide behind a mask of fake realities and status quos. Step 12 can be used for you to share your truth. Your testimony is VITAL to your over-coming the beast system of this earth. Share you heart when you get the chance so others will see that their ideas are not stupid because they will relate to your truth.
The good news of the Gospel of Peace is that Jesus came here to give us life that we may have life more abundantly through Him. He has left us The Comforter, The Holy Spirit.
So we have here yet another ACTION that is the armor of God. We are saved by Faith through Grace which is forgiveness. Then we learn painstakingly to rely on God. We know that by our own merit we are screwed. But by the same token WE HAVE CHOICES to make. Our choices can make or break us. Personally I had to ask Jesus to save me EVEN FROM MYSELF. And He said “Since you have asked this, yes I will save you even from yourself”.
Breastplate of Righteousness
We are righteous by the works of Christ and our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Now, the breastplate that protects us is our stance in Christ. It is a state of mind, a belief system. It is the knowledge of our HOPE of salvation by the supernatural works of Christ on the cross.
We do not need doctrine to tell us we are saved when we have the Hope of Salvation as a helmet. Hope is an eternal gift. Eternal. God’s words are forever fixed in Heaven and are now leaving Earth. Amos 8:11 &12.
Amos 8:11 &12 is upon us
The bible is now quickly becoming the worst idol on the face of the earth as God’s Truth in words rolls up like a scroll unto Heaven. Those who have God’s words written on their heart know His voice and will not follow another. As the wicked one speaks standing in the Holy book. He is vile. Do you see him?
If we are standing on our own goodness in warfare we will fail. The power comes when we realize we are good because Jesus said we are…period. Then we battle, then we overcome, then we smash the enemy under foot.
Helmet of the Hope of Salvation. This is the hope you hold in your heart to be delivered by God from death and fear.
Sword of the Spirit is Jesus -The Word of God and His words to us.
The Bible is not and never was The Word of God. John 1.
However it has in it still some of God’s inspired words for us. God’s words are now forever fixed in Heaven as they leave Earth due to the end of the age. Wrap them around your heart and if the words in the book read hateful they are not of God. God is Love.
Until a Christian can say with open eyes that "the bible is in part very corrupt" & mean it...he is either ignorant, or the bible is still an idol to him above reproach as all idols are. Idols are defined as above reproach/vile/vulgar/commanding worship by exaltation/ and made with man's hands. If a man knows not Love from Hate he is lost. If he thinks God is hateful and vile he knows not the nature of God first hand.
We hide these sacred words in our heart. You Love the Truth. Your are blessed in that way. Pray you not be deceived. When we read God’s words from scripture (if the Bible is not corrupt and changed) they encourage us and agree with our heart at soul level. We recognize the words as freeing truth and they feed Love to our soul. The Words protect us from evil. Start with The Lords Prayer. Use it in step eleven prayer as a mantra.
“These things I do you shall do and greater things shall you do.”
Blessings and praises be to God our Lord who shall deliver us from this body of death.
The truth of Yahowah is everywhere. It is not chained to the Bible. Your heart will find it if you but seek. The gift of Yahusha is key to set you free!
Those who Jesus has set free are free indeed. Who said God is chained to the bible. Are you suggesting the writer is in bondage not knowing God?
Or do you resent the bible reference? The bible has fallen. Its now desecrated. It was a holy book…before. Share your wisdom.