The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.
Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus. So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation. The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”. He lights our paths to God. By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man. And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.
Video not for sensitive people or children. Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations. So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations.
Pale Horse RidesRev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot. We at Jazweeh than Mr. Stew Peters for leaving the embed codes on the vital video below from Rumble to freely post and share here.
Population Numbers?
Who knows how many people are REALLY on this Earth. The beast lies like hell.
The Beast system 200 million man army prophecy interpretation theory is to control the minds and actions of the many people on Earth. It’s likely there are only a chosen few number of people over 200 million on all the Earth. They say billions because they want us all in fear or dead, or in the hospital as a kash kow.
If each person on Earth doesn’t have one child each with two children per couple then the population can’t be maintained. It decreases. And these days many people don’t want children.
Supernatural Bible Changes to All Bibles
Revelation 9 depicts the huge army as one in the same as the Locusts from the pit. That’s new. Revelation 9 is neither written directly, correctly, or articulately. The book is erroneous at best & lies like hell, it is as unstable as a broken toy race car. Bibles were holy until the Lord God Almighty took His seal of Daniel security off the book before 2016. Now it changes daily on the shelves. But the strong delusion covers the supernatural bible changes. And the passive blasphemy is disguised quite well for readers who already have preconceived notions of what the book should be.
Locust from the Pit
The only reason I am now connecting the Locust to the 200 million man army is because of the prior chapter Rev. 9:16 describes an un-named “army” out of the blue. With no explanation or prior context. The only connection is the prior chapter with it’s references to “horses & Locust”. The bibles were holy & articulate. Now the bibles are for those who cannot see and who use preconceived notions to interpret them.
Jazweeh’s Vision & Experience
However I had a revelation that the beast does have such an army…Granted the Locust have already ridden on the backs of the wing of abomination to arrive at their destination. Men’s faces. While the winged rat perches on their heads.
As I said before I heard the creatures wings and I felt it’s suction cups. I felt it’s vile attempt to infest my head. And I slaughtered it as God taught me to do. He also supplied all the weapons. And God Almighty provided me armor.
The Locust is painless as I have said before. But it connects to the mark of the beast in those who do not have the seal of God. Just like the book said it would. “Face of a man hair of woman”. Is not its appearance but rather that is wear it lands and sets up residence.
Seeing these creatures is not a pretty sight. And God will deliver those who repent.
Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables.
mundo diobolico
Diabolical World
lume diobolică
عالم ديوبوليكال
диоболический мир
diobolicheskiy mir
diobolský svet
saoghal dioblach
dibolisk värld
A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast.
What is the game which those who are in power are playing? What if you could listen to their darkest secrets and know what plans they have for the human race?
What if…those plans were far, far, more diabolical than you thought possible for one race of men to unknowingly impart upon another? What if those in charge of many things that are powerful & controlling were into evil sorceries and witchcraft? What if magic is real? What if your caught under a spell called… Its a fairly important pre-requisite to know and see the through the strong delusion to get the big picture of the spiritual condition of our world now. see link.
But those days are at an end. Here is what I see. First God showed me the Beast in all it’s vile dictatorial control. It showed me the greed and the methods by which the Beast hoards all that is plentiful upon the Earth. Land, Knowledge, Magic Knowledge, History in Truth, The power of the human mind over all things, the devices of oppression such as the money system that makes us believe we are not born into Egypt and slavery.
The days of the curse are now ending. Nature does things slowly but very very thoroughly. All these changes I write about are gradual. The curses that have plagued mankind for eons are now coming to AN END. The Light is here.
You Were Crafted into A Slave by Evil Greedy Men
Yet He who the Son sets free is free indeed. Now is the time for our freedom to come to fruition. But first the child must see what it’s being set free from.
People who have to work for other people to receive just enough “money” to eat and survive are owned by those who pay them a wage. That employer owns the man/woman/child who works for them all the hours of the work day.
Part of becoming whole. Spirit 33.3% Flesh 33.3% SOUL 33.3% Prior to receiving Jesus we are just flesh and soul 66.6% The number of man.
Faith, Love, and Hope, are eternal spiritual gifts. If we trusted in God 100% He would likely take us to Heaven. We would not need Hope of Faith for salvation because to trust 100% would mean and Faith in God is full. Faith starts with a seed. It must be nurtured and watered. (See my article on salvation)
And perhaps they are warning the masses of what is to come in their own Hollywood way.
What can I say? This is a prediction not a prophecy. It is a vision that may or may not come to pass. If it does you would be wise to learn of the solutions I have. For they are the only solutions and the include a priority. Seek God with your whole heart mind and soul and you will find Him. Choose your daddy.
Think “Bird Box” terrifying with Sandra Bullock. Her and her children survived a great global earthly manifestation of a spiritual scourge. They survived because they covered their eyes and did not look at it.
Evil is as evil does. NOT-evil is as they say it is. Like having long hair or wearing too many rings on your finger. How are those thing evil? Is someone getting hurt? Is there a lie? Evil is as evil DOES.
How to apply the armor of God in real-time MIGHTY TOOLS OF GOD
Prayer in The Spirit. Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit sayeth The Lord.
The sword of the Spirit Jesus is The Word of God. HIs Words are written on your heart and are sharper than any doubled edged sword piercing unto the spiritual realms slashing demons and walls of demons some call strong holds..
The shield of a Living Everlasting Faith
The belt of Truth Jesus is The Truth, The Life, & The Way to The Father, Home.
The breastplate of righteousness to withstand all the firey darts of the wicked.
Your feet equipped with the good news of the gospel of peace. (Your testimony of what God did and does for you.) To walk in the shoes of Jesus & of His leading.
The Helmet of the HOPE of Salvation
“Resist the devil and he will flee.” We pray God to help us do what He commands. “Rejoice in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” Praise is a MIGHTY TOOL OF GOD. Praise God when you feel the worst. And thank Jesus by name. “Thank you Jesus”.
Modern Day Nazi’s at Traitor Joe’s Store #764 Gainesville, FL
Incident report 9-1-2020 around 4-5pm Eastern standard time. Traitor Joe’s. In stark violation of both HIPPA and American Disability Act.
U.S. FALLS TO MEDICAL TYRANNY while TRAITOR Joe’s employees try to hide their aggression and near violent behavior under laws protecting private domains/homes/residential areas etc.
T.J. is a public U.S. Retailer and therefore must abide by public place U.S. LAW. They are an “accomidations” category of service and NOT STRICTLY PRIVATE.
Once again Traitor Joe’s employees and managers are complicit today(9-1-20) in breaking state & right to privacy federal laws by discrimination and other illegal acts!
For example, stores cannot make up random policies that say we are allowed to beat people up in our stores and refuse service because of the way someone looks, or not sell to people in wheelchairs, or not sell to short people, etc! This is illegal!!
Legal Action Pending while Attorney's Obtain documents & multiple video footage is examined from hidden cameras accessing numerous public/witnessed incidents in question.
Employees and manager repeatedly attack and harass a 61 year old elderly woman for not being able to wear the muzzle over her mouth and nose.
True Unfettered Fellowship and Caring Love Shown between Two People (not lust or fake favor given for a price) is a powerful weapon in the hands of Mankind. Not to mention it heals the heart and binds up the tears of the Soul.
Why Is it that the evil rulers know more about spiritual power and how to bind it than the proclaimed Christians? Simple…the knowledge is stolen and the true spiritual power is deemed “satanic”.
By Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm.
My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge. They Send a Famine of Love/Fellowship.
Daniel Alexander Cannon carries for us a great burden of responsibility due to his own calling of God and his life experiences that make him the perfect MAN for the job of Truth before Authority!
Personally I thank Daniel Cannon for teaching me important FACTS that should have been taught in grammar school. Furthermore the indoctrination systems of the U.S. have shown its people one thing-LIES. The U.S. controllers have show and taught us how to be gravely dependent upon a power who neither knows or cares how we are. They want us in the health care monopoly system to be desecrated, decimated and invasively probed, poisoned, and cut by ignorant and thoroughly brain washed sheeple doctors. They have stolen our real natural medicine and labelled it useless while pushing on us the pharmakeia of chemical toxins to put us all both physically and spiritually asleep. THIS IS WHO THEY ARE. RULE OF THUMB I learned this in AA of all places-“KNOW THEM BY WHO THEY SHOW YOU THEY ARE NOT BY WHO THEY TELL YOU THEY ARE.”
Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
absolution 2. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.
The Beast is coy. The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.
What is an Idol? An idol is a man made object that is above reproach automatically worshipped defended and set up as Holy. An idol is worshipped by men who no matter what that idol does or says the man says “it is holy, it is good always” An idol can do no wrong in the eyes of those who worship it.
The Bible is such an idol.
Lets talk about the KJVB. Here is just one example in many of how it is an idol , man made, full of lies yet worshipped as holy.
Here is a blatant example of accepting anything from the book calling it holy no matter what it says.
Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (this verse is blasphemy and a contradiction to godly precepts.)
We must drink the mirror and remove the mask if we are to have the heart of a child toward Father God. Jesus is Love, Truth, Life we mustn’t hide our heart from Him who molds and cleanses our heart.
The Holy Place (holy bible KJV) will soon be Fully Desecrated
However most Christians are unable to see it no matter what the book says.
They take the English language bible slang that is no longer Old English eloquent and mature, proud and poetic, dignified, sanctified, noble, and Holy now changed into some viking Norseman lingo that those who see are very unfamiliar with. We who knew the meaning of ever word in the KJV now see thousands of words we have to look up. Do you hear what I am saying? We do no longer recognize the bible’s on our shelves. We do not mean new copies or new translations. We mean hundred year old bibles have changed drastically while on the shelves. And those who claim to know the precepts and words of Our Father that were once contained in the book say “same as it ever was” to the new hater god.
“For God is not the author of confusion” the rest of the script is corrupt so I omitted it. But Satan and his demons, they are the authors of confusion.