End of Days Prophecy Fulfillment
These Two Song Decodes are prophecy fulfillment confirmations. To the point. We shall not all sleep but we shall all be CHANGED. At the last trump, in the twinkling of an eye. Mortal shall put on immortality. And the corrupt shall put on incorruption.
What is the “Last trump”
The Last Trump is the last words given by God to mankind. The last corruption of the last bible. As the words fade so too does the old Earth fade unto a New Earth. God’s Holy words are the trumpet of God. And the Amos 8:11 &12 famine of His words is now upon us. The supernatural bible changes are removing all His truth from Earth. When His words are gone so to shall His children depart this old earth. This is why we remember the words and the many do not.
The wise shall know. The wise shall see the prophecies fulfill and understand the meaning of the words God gave us.
Shooting Star Bob Dylan Decoded
“Seen a shooting star tonight (stars shall fall from the heavens prophecy)
And I thought of you
You’re tryin’ to break into another world
A world I never knew (Seek and ye shall find)
I always kinda wondered
If you ever made it through
Seen a shootin’ star tonight
And I thought of you
Seen a shootin’ star tonight
And I thought of me
If I was still the same
If I ever became
What you wanted me to be (both relationships and perceived expectations from God)
Did I miss the mark (Apostle Paul wrote “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Overstep the line
That only you could see (sarcasm toward God or a partner)
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of me
Listen for the engine (we will know the season of the end days)
Listen for the bell
The last fire-truck from hell
Goes rollin’ by
All good people I pray (separation of sheep and goats is night. The many and harvested bailed into bundles to either burn or save.)
It’s the last temptation (Jesus tempted 40 days in the wilderness. The few have their own last temptation depending on our patterns of dysfunction…God help us.)
The last account (Time for testimonies of deliverance is passed.)
Last time you might hear
The sermon on the mount (The famine of God’s words. Amos 8:11 &12) The true sermon on the mount will disappear soon from all bibles old and new.
Last Radio is playin’ (All devices will be burned)
Seen a shooting star tonight
Slip away
Tomorrow will be
Another day (A different kind of day & same day)
Guess it’s too late to say the things to you (Its here The end is here)
You needed to hear me say
Seen a shooting star tonight
Slip away”.
“Roundabout” Yes Fragile Decoded
I’ll be the roundabout (word “round about” & “roundabout” now in bibles
The words will make you out ‘n’ out (those of us who see the words of the bible changing are perplexed, blessed, and amazed with outrage. The towers of babble prophecy was always skewed. It had to be seen first hand to know what the towers of babble are and do. Our knowledge is limited to the revelation God gives us. ALL literature and words have changed. Some by magic and some by time and chance. Research “mandela effect” for many changes to our reality. The dividing of time is here. We are in two realities at one time seeing a history of Truth, and trudging a new history & reality of lies called deceptive signs and wonders. Another biblical prophecy.
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley
The music dance and sing
They make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley
In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there (New world referred two as mountains from Heaven the Abode of Love. Bible calls it “New JeruSalem.)
One mile over we’ll be there and we’ll see you (eyes shall see great distance)
Ten true summers we’ll be there and laughing too (Our brothers will meet us in ten summer (years) after being home on the True Earth, New Earth)
Twenty four before my love you’ll see (2024 12 X 12 =144)
I’ll be there with you
I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view
Of distance atmosphere
Call it morning driving through the sound and
Even in the valley (Eden? The new day. The first morning.)
In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we’ll be there and we’ll see you
Ten true summers we’ll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before my love you’ll see
I’ll be there with you
Along the drifting cloud
The eagle searching down on the land (“wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” wtf is “car case”? Was ‘carcass’ & was “vulture”.
Catching the swirling wind
The sailor sees the rim of the land (Ice and firmament surrounding a grounded and stationary Earth.”
The eagle’s dancing wings (Four Angels reference Revelation 7 & 9 Blue Kachina Hope prophecy reference.)
Create as weather spins out of hand (Clear reference to end of days extreme weather & fires prophecy.)
See Jeffsnyder2 on Youtube plasma fires
Go closer hold the land
Feel partly no more than grains of sand
We stand to lose all time (Deceptive signs and wonders mandela effects changing times and laws of nature.)
A thousand answers by in our hand
Next to your deeper fears
We stand surrounded by a million years (Eternity comes quickly)
I’ll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ‘n’ out
I’ll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ‘n’ out
In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
Twenty four before my love and I’ll be there
I’ll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ‘n’ out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley
In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there
One mile over we’ll be there and we’ll see you
Ten true summers we’ll be there and laughing too (Not sure what this line means or if its original lyrics)
Twenty four before my love you’ll see (2024 Jesus returns)
I’ll be there with you (2024 and I’ll be there with you!)
Da la la la da da la