Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?

Wildfires as they call them in the news are now all over Europe, and the U.S.  New York is burning.

Are you a spiritual man/woman/youth?  If not you won’t like what I have to reveal here.   You will likely label us “crazy” or “Satan”.  But spirituality is another topic.

The Problem Is Very Evil Men & Women

Make no mistake the fires and heat are not your fault-first of all.  The corporations have endorsed and promoted excess waste.   The production of unnecessary, useless, metal & plastic products of all kinds are polluting throughout the Earth.  The corporations are primarily responsible for the state of pollution that our Earth is suffering.

We the people never should have trusted the greedy men of Earth to produce our food.  Big mistake.  We should not have been mind controlled by the Image of the Beast to buy their products of waste and greed.  We put the bastards into power by buying what they sell.

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Do Not Be Deceived Into Worshipping The Modi of Blood

Who is the “Modi”?  The modified Jesus.


The Blood God Modi

“Jesus did not come into the world to condemn mankind, but rather He came so mankind can be saved”.  God sent His only begotten Son into the world so we could believe in Him by putting our Faith in Him, seeking Him, & have Life more abundantly.”

Now that many Christians have taken the mark it seems their minds are going reprobate.  As the bibles magically change before the eyes of the children of God the supernatural & on going desecration of God’s words gets more and more blasphemous.  Even perilous.

Now that the bibles (babbles) are telling the many to take their Eternal Life bringing supernatural gift of Faith from God to be put in “BLOOD of flesh”.  Rather than in God Himself well, such instruction is a snare to one’s soul.

And so the Watchmen who don’t know their right hand from their left (Jonah) proclaim the worship of blood on youtube.

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New Prophecies Revealed. Towersss of Babel. Covenant With Many Demons.

Revealed in this Article.  The Truth.  What was the Tower of Babel?  Or was it “TOWERS” OF BABBLE?



19/06/08 CATERS NEW

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

The famine of God’s words is here now.  Amos 8:11 & 12

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Jazweeh–End of Days Encouragement Needed



Sister website https://danaashlie.com 

https://theatreofthegods.com     Some of our guest writers posts cannot be posted on Jazweeh.  Articles stating viewpoints which straight up Christians cannot tolerate.  Christians who will not veer from the Christian script norms of bible doctrine.)

Jesus “OUT LIKE A LAMB IN LIKE A LION”  Leo from the tribe of Judah is the Lion.

Sometimes the scribe needs to be encouraged himself.

So I will remember some of the many signs and wonders God gave me regarding end days prophecy fulfillment.  I told Him very recently that “the waiting is getting to me” even though my own dates that I set (as guesses) are still pending. (DATES BELOW)

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Authentic Deliverance Preacher on The Gifts of The Spirit

This Preacher Shaun Campbell Was Mightily Used of God for My Own Healings, Deliverances, & Enlightenment.

Know this -Gifts of The Holy Spirit are vital however they are not as important as the condition of a man’s heart.

God is the only One who can make our hearts clean. We must become the clay in His hands if we are to grow toward Him spiritually.  Character is more important than Spiritual Gifts but nevertheless both are vital.  If you need deliverance from demons or want The Baptism of The Holy Spirit, a healing, seek out Shawn Campbell’s church in Florida I think Branford.  He’s on FB.

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What The Spirit Says to the Churches Today

Today is a Good Day for a Great Decree Has Gone Forth

Synopsis of this long article A Spirt Led Word from Jazweeh we believe is from The Creator.

The separation of the people is finished sheep from Goats.
Those chosen of Satan & of God are sealed.
The beginning of the end of this earth is here.
The chosen few begin to receive their improvements to body.
The Earth begins its walk of demise.
The new Earth is now on the way Shalamar.
The Great Tribulation is decreed so the great multitude will be desperate enough to seek God in Truth.

and more____________________

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Lies of the Church & How to Apply the Armor of God

Satan has clearly infiltrated many not all of the churches of the world since the days before the inquisition.


Please note:  The links to "Paradise for the Hellbound" below show vital scripture and topics.  However I wrote it before my grand awakening so some things will be missed like Mandela effects and end times topics, some lying wonders and vast deceptions are not listed in the book.

I am not going to list the verse numbers because these days at Blue letter bible these are easy to search.

Disclaimer:  Verses are quoted as KJV before the Mandela Effect arrived.


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Wisdom Knocks & Is Utterly Rejected and Opposed

Wisdom calls to the many but she is ignored and utterly rejected.

Supernatural Bible Changes 

Below I have commenced to rewriting The Book of Proverbs by memory.  Why?  Because the wolf is desecrating all bibles.  How?  God has given me direction I am a scribe of God.  Some verses are new because we are in the end of days and end days proverbs are needed.  For now only the elect remember the bible before the desecration.  The Bible will soon be desolate of most wisdom and Truth.  Some popular verses will remain for posterity.  The strong delusion is that Christians on the most part do not remember the old bibles.  They are somehow being afflicted with false memories.  They are the majority.  They cannot see that the book speaks very vile and putrid lies. They only see, when reading, their preconceived notions of what the Holy book should mean by its words, not what the words do mean. For more on the bible changes see https://abominationdesolation.com for the bible change log 2020.

Before you read the new book of Proverbs below you may want to read a few prerequisites & definitions.


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“Hijacking the Harvest” A Narrative of Lies

The Harvest is Ripe

I was hasty in my judgement of starseeds.  I have rewritten this article.

The Harlot Churches primary objective is to turn you away from Jesus & Truth and they use condemnation to do so.  “You are bad and wrong (they say) and you will be punished” says the religious beast.

Star Seeds

The star seed narrative and the ascension movement tells you different.  Why wouldn’t you be attracted to it?  It says “you are good and right and will be rewarded”.  The ascension movement is no accident.    Part of the narrative seems to be to explain away (as usual) Jesus and the Truth and to divert you from The Holy Spirit power that has stark authority over evil in the spiritual realm.

If the beast hijacked the star seed narrative just like it hijacked the Christian’s narrative, then its likely to backfire on him.  Why?  Because Love covers a multitude of sin.  To be clear a human needs God to be able to consistently show authentic Love to his fellow man. At least that’s my experience.

It is easy to Love those who Love you.  But Loving the unlovable that is The Love of God.  Love is a caring, giving, kind, encouraging, act toward another human being with no motive of payback.

To be clear. I believer the 144,000 will seed the new earth and teach and guide as guardians those the great multitude of God’s children on the New Earth during the 1,000 years of peace. But I also think that some are calling this call of God as “star seeds”. Those of the less biblically inclined group.

God does not go by man’s rules so labels are not a sign of great faith, great faith comes in many faces of Love and stepping out in Faith. Those who seed the earth will come from all walks of life. Being the 144 thousand as it is written they are the chosen few. Not necessarily Christians. Likely not Christians except for their belief in Jesus and God. I don’t know the rules. I can only account for my own Faith. God chooses whom He chooses. The elect are not religious or they would not be the elect. God’s chosen few have gifts that most Christians would likely label as witchcraft. Especially since the 2017 great activation awakening.

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“The Sounds of Silence” Decoded Prophecy

The Sounds of Silence (post M.Effect. “sound of silence”) Simon & Garfunkel….”the words of the prophets are written on the subway wall & tenement hall”…

Scroll for lyrics and second interpretation decode.

Lyrics & Commentary

Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping-If you shut off emf (router,phone,tv,etc) while you sleep you will wake up with new knowledge as God Himself or His aids teach you while you sleep.
And the vision that was planted in my brain—thoughts and history are now being implanted in human brains by wifi.  False history is here and people preferred the lie the LIE.

Still remains
Within the sound of silence

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How I Know the Majority of Humans are Being Downloaded with Fake Historys

The Strong Delusion.  The Great Deception.

The Dividing of Time & the Mandela Effect 3 realities in one.

#1  I see three realities at play.  One is the strong delusion reality for people who do not see the mandela effects or the supernatural bible changes.  To them all is the same as it ever was.

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Supernatural Bible Changes & Sharing in the Sufferings of Jesus The Savior

No Holds Barred on this one folks.

By Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm an article and the Rant of the chosen few.

Sidenote: This article is for the Mandela Effected Mainly or the unaffected lol depending on how you look at it.

Jesus Suffered Greatly but what were the sufferings of Christ?  When reading that scripture most of us automatically go to the one day of suffering.  The few hours when Jesus was crucified and tortured by hanging on the cross. However, that was a very short time compared to 33 years.

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Emotional Condition of One Who Sees

The Many Signs and Wonders around us 

Hi everyone who subscribed. I am grateful for you all.  Very grateful. (forgive the redundancy of my message for those who have read many articles here already I do repeat myself from time to time.)

I want to run by you my emotional processes for sharing sake.  I learned not to hold things in by shame and I learned that my human emotions are natural and NOT “bad & wrong” as the beast system taught me they were.  I also learned that sharing my heart with an empathic listener is healing and relieves fear.

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“Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus

Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

The Beast is coy.  The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.

What is Redemption Truly?

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Let Those Who Love the Lie Have their Life of Lies

“Let the unrighteous be unrighteous still”?

Okay yes the verse is changed and it blatantly contradicts the godly precepts of repentance but is this change demonic?  Perhaps not.

I say this because we are in the age of judgement the intercessory prayer for souls in bulk anyway is over.  Things have changed, intercessors are ushering in the return of Jesus not catching burdens for souls….anymore.   And I don’t think anybody else will be newly saved until the great tribulation begins around January 2021 approximately.

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Worst Idol of ALL Is The Holy Bible KJV

The Holy Place (holy bible KJV) will soon be Fully Desecrated

However most Christians are unable to see it no matter what the book says.

They take the English language bible slang that is no longer Old English eloquent and mature, proud and poetic, dignified, sanctified, noble, and Holy now changed into some viking Norseman lingo that those who see are very unfamiliar with.  We who knew the meaning of ever word in the KJV now see thousands of words we have to look up.  Do you hear what I am saying?  We do no longer recognize the bible’s on our shelves.  We do not mean new copies or new translations.  We mean hundred year old bibles have changed drastically while on the shelves.  And those who claim to know the precepts and words of Our Father that were once contained in the book say “same as it ever was” to the new hater god.

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