Article by Ben Thare
This article will also cover the effects of THC oils and tars some magnified in potency and not pertaining to simple CBD oils taken for health with no “high” involved.
First let me say, if you don’t take enough THC to feel paranoid then pot is relatively harmless and you could even use it to meditate and seek God. But good luck with finding that tipping balance.
If your one who does get paranoid, your playing with fire. Your heart’s voice should be a sign to not take this substance unless under strict protection from God. (If that is feasible for you idk, I think it’s a contradiction of action dark/light).
For those who are not used to pot and always get paranoid IF the pot is of significant potency DO NOT COUNT YOURSELF WEAK AND FEARFUL ANY LONGER there is a valid reason your rendered “paranoid”.
For self respect reasons, don’t use the “I can’t handle it” line on yourself, of status quo programming. Never ever in recovery label yourself with any negative label, period. The “I can’t handle it” line belittles us as if we who are affected by pot in this way are not up to snuff with the “haves” who are able to smoke it and go on with their daily lives. First the drug hits the mind, then the body then the spirit.
The Valid Spiritual Reason for Paranoia
People who are shallow of Spirit and never nurtured Faith/Hope/Love in supernatural ways like prayer and meditation have no depth of Spirit. And therefore they don’t feel their connection to God Almighty leaving them. Those who “can handle it” are not in tune with the Spirit side of their bodies. They don’t get triggered by fear when they feel their Spirit altered. Because they don’t feel their spirit altered.
And not in a good way for us who it causes fear. THC when strong enough temporarily takes something very sacred from us. I will explain. Fortunately God holds the sacred safe until we get it back.
Those who get paranoid are much more spiritually aware to begin with we have heightened awareness. We often have a heightened awareness of the divine in us and don’t even realize it. Often we are under a strong God calling and have far more spiritual awareness than our counterparts who don’t feel scared or suddenly darkened spiritually when the drug has taken effect. These are spiritually shallow more often called “normal people”. They are happy with never seeking the knowledge of God. They are content with their goals being just to have a good time. Don’t judge them. They are not bad just different than God aware people. They see the world through the scope of the flesh. The God aware, see the world through the eyes of eternity. See article on callings of God
and “Who are the 144,000 Chosen of God?”
Those who don’t get paranoid have no awareness of the divine to begin with even though the divine is in them.
Pot can take something from us that fends off fear, dark spirits, and loneliness. That is what you feel. Your spiritual armor of faith is removed and the darkness can come in.
There is a thing the Hindus call The “Bimba” with two different definitions. I am using the Hindu word bimbah because our English, and Christian roots have no word for the sacred essence I am introducing to you. Christians have been robbed by the Vatican of their sacred knowledge. Hindus apparently still have some of that great knowledge. Now if you can get past pre-conceived notions and your brainwashing program that says all things are evil that are not in alignment with traditions of men, being, religious, then read on.
The Ability to feel God in us
Bera or Bimba meant idol of god only, and Vigraha was synonymous with Bimba. Bimbah or Bimba meaning “awareness of the divine within us.” This is the definition I am talking about. “The awareness of the divine within.” This Bimbah is what provides us with a feeling of God awareness and a feeling of being safe. The Bimbah fends off deep feelings of dark and alone. It fends off great fear and dismay.
The sacred Bimbah is not the Holy Spirit it is something all men have on Earth, even Atheists. It’s a feeling of being “okay” that you really don’t know that you have until it’s gone. Even when I was on drugs and depressed I did not feel like that during the absence of awareness of the divine. If you have ever done cocaine and had a horrible crash period the feeling is similar to that.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
If you think you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit just because someone told you that you did, or because you accepted Christ and now claim to have The Holy Spirit, it just doesn’t work like that. Receiving the Holy Spirit is better than the best sex ecstacy you have ever experienced. YOU WILL KNOW IT WHEN IT HAPPENS and you WILL NOT be the same after it happens.
Why? There is great evidence when the Holy Spirit descends upon man. The evidence is Love and more. See how to get The Holy Spirit Baptism
Save your ass or save your face. If you don’t start seeking God and His Spirit with ALL YOUR HEART AND MIGHT moreso than any other desire in you life, well, put it this way. This time on Earth is short, next will be eternity THAT is what you should be living for now. Sorry but we are to “be in this world but not of this world.” Everyone has their own process, it took me years to get where I am spiritually today. And as Apostle Paul said “of sinners I am chief”. I also was chief of sinners. No more. Rely on God to be righteous. We cannot “do for God” thats a fallacy. We must rely rely rely and in weakness God makes us strong.
That whole “okay ya I accepted Christ now I am going to be good” doesn’t work. That is the act of taking our self reliance into our spiritual condition, this is a contradiction and will not work. We must show God all of our heart not compartmentalize our relationship showing Him only our good parts. We are holding onto things if we do this kind of prayer. Anyway, I got off track, sorry.
I used to think pot made me more aware of my own inner shame and fear when stoned. That too can be true to a point. But instead my fear and shame was actually being magnified and intensified by demons. You are the target of the marijuana CIA conspiracy if you have a strong calling of God. You feel paranoid because you have a calling which makes you a spiritual TARGET.
What Happens When A Called Child of God Smokes powerful weed?
The Bimbah gets dislodged and is taken to a safe place until you are restored. One your mind is compromised with fear, which in turn compromises your faith shield is shaken, hope helmet could be temporarily lost, peace foot protection off, righteousness the breastplate is the protecting armor of God protects the Bimbah and your heart, sword of the Spirit, and the belt of truth because you now believe a lie. The potion makes your protective armor drop and depending on how strong the potion is it could be a VERY DARK experience.
See how to put on the armor of God if you are called to this spiritual awareness.
These experiences can range from minor fear all the way to debilitating horror if one of the THC oil potions are implemented. Many of these oil recipes have come straight from Hell.
If the potion is strong enough where you lose the bimbah you experience deep dark depression. Anxiety is at he rooftop of your soul. Dark spirits can dick you around like their playtoy telling you lie after lie about how bad you are and its all your fault. That is their favorite lie.
The purpose of the pot movement is to dislodge the children of God, keep them unmotivated and lost.
Are their good aspects of Marijuana? Yes but we who are called of God will have NO PART IN THEM for it is black magic recipes that make most of these THC oils. I don’t know the whole story but we desperately need our armor of God at ALL TIMES. Don’t risk lowering your armor. God forbid, I don’t think a man could live long without the Bimbah. We must pray and strengthen our connection to the divine God of God’s Creator of all mankind and earth.
In Jesus we are made whole. Accept Christ Jesus Today.