“Shalimar” Our Beloved Home is Coming Soon

The word “Shalimar” is for the saved.  It means Our Home is coming soon.

Shalimar is “Abode of Love” in Sanskrit and its coming.

Shalimar Means “Abode of Love” in Sanskrit.

I believe the “New Jerusalem” is a political propaganda of Zionism, I could be wrong, but Shalimar makes way more sense as the coming new world.

Fear not brothers and sisters in Christ!  Our Beloved comes soon.  The saints are protected but the lost/goats are squittled and cannot be helped.  The sheep that are martyred will be rewarded greatly for it.  Even though sheep will die with goats, they go to an entirely different afterlife.

As the flesh is at emnity with God so the Spirit is our true light to life.  Jesus is our Savior and Father is our Lord.  We all three roaring parts of the body are Lions, Lambs, and sheep each have a separate and united calling.


Know this, there are goats, wolves, and serpents among us.  The Sheep are called to great transformation after their destruction of the carnal body.  Sheep are set for the slaughter if that is what it takes to save them and wake the lost sheep up, as horrible as that does sound, but they will be greatly redeemed.

The Lions are called to battle, and the Lambs are called to Love with the great and powerful gift of Love.  Love is not all fuzzy and timid.  Love is miraculous and powerful.  It is a force stronger than nature itself.  Love covers a multitude of sin, and Love is by far the greatest of the spiritual gifts.

Death can be undone but Love cannot.


Lambs, the 144,000 are far greater in Love than I.  The goats are a herd of blind mass which are given to fear and random sin over and over, they are greatly deceived.  The wolves are ravenous haters of sheep and anything pure for no apparent reason except spiritual darkness.  Wolves are killers in the natural.  They are murderers in the flesh by word and by deed.  Wolves are also blind, they have no conscience and war against the saints.  Wolves are at peace with lies and harm.  They believe that lies protect them just as truth protects the saints.  Do you side with truth?  Do you despise lying precepts?   This is a confirmation of your faith.  If you love truth, its for a reason.

SERPENTS and salvation for the evil ones

The serpents are a venomous brood of vipers who plan the demise of all that is good.  Serpents are aware of spiritual warfare, Satan, Lucifer, and Jesus.  They believe The Bible to a point.  They are religious leaders, evil magicians, sorcerers, witches, and politicians in high places.  They are owners of great corporations who have authority over sheep.  Serpents are without excuse and will face judgement.  They will be cast into the lake of fire along with their counterparts, the false prophet and the antichrist.   It is unlikely that a serpent will be saved by Christ.  And there is little chance if any for a ravenous wolf to be converted, unless he receive a visitation from God Himself.  Goats have a better chance at salvation… Apostle Paul was a wolf who was turned into a Lion.  He was no sheep for the slaughter except at the very end of his term he became a lamb for the slaughter for Christ’s and the gospel sake.


Make no mistake a Lion can snuff out a wolf or a serpent by taking off it’s head by claw or tooth.  By The Sword of The Spirit the Lion wields warfare against evil.  The Lion exposes evil by truth.  The Lion does not war in the natural.  The Lion wields the double edged sword in Spirit.  Quoting scripture at people usually just pisses them off.  Quoting scripture at demons puts them down, trips them up, suppresses them, expels them.

Lions are in Jesus they don’t need to quote the book, they are the power and The Love, especially if they use the higher language by The Spirit.  Quoting scripture would be valuable but not as pure form as God’s gift of languages.

We have a parallel.  Goats and sheep, Lions and Wolves, Serpents and Lambs.  What are the gifts of these?  Serpents thrive on hate.  Wolves thrive on wrath, and goats are blind, wandering through a desert of confusion.  They are cast too and fro by every wind of status quo.  Lambs are full of Love, Lions are full of righteous indignation by which they battle in the spirit realm continuously and sing praises as do the lambs.

If your a sheep pray to be a Lion or a Lamb that you may have a more informed purpose in the body of Christ.  Lion’s do not tend toward turning the other cheek except in the natural.  In the spiritual Lions are killers.  They cast down demonic forces at will.

Lambs have so much Love the Lions see it and assume they are not Lambs like the 144,000.  A great Love that surpasses their own military minded warfare is what they see when they look at a Lamb of God.   Lambs are not as pissed off as Lions are.  If lions were not pissed they would most likely not engage in the battle near as often.  Lions are catapulted by their anger toward injustice, lies, and the slaughter of the un-suspecting and uninformed sheep. 

The Name Shalimar

Means “Abode of Love” in Sanskrit.

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