Do Not Be Deceived Into Worshipping The Modi of Blood

Who is the “Modi”?  The modified Jesus.


The Blood God Modi

“Jesus did not come into the world to condemn mankind, but rather He came so mankind can be saved”.  God sent His only begotten Son into the world so we could believe in Him by putting our Faith in Him, seeking Him, & have Life more abundantly.”

Now that many Christians have taken the mark it seems their minds are going reprobate.  As the bibles magically change before the eyes of the children of God the supernatural & on going desecration of God’s words gets more and more blasphemous.  Even perilous.

Now that the bibles (babbles) are telling the many to take their Eternal Life bringing supernatural gift of Faith from God to be put in “BLOOD of flesh”.  Rather than in God Himself well, such instruction is a snare to one’s soul.

And so the Watchmen who don’t know their right hand from their left (Jonah) proclaim the worship of blood on youtube.

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They Laid Their Crown (Minds) at the Alter of The Beast

I Will Not Tell you of the Lambs to the Slaughter Without Explaining Also the Lions First.

Disclaimer.  This is what I feel in my Spirit written below.  I am a scribe of God.  I hope I am not wrong about any of these end of days scenarios.  I pray God I make no mistakes with the visions of the hereafter that I have within me written here.

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Jazweeh–End of Days Encouragement Needed



Sister website     Some of our guest writers posts cannot be posted on Jazweeh.  Articles stating viewpoints which straight up Christians cannot tolerate.  Christians who will not veer from the Christian script norms of bible doctrine.)

Jesus “OUT LIKE A LAMB IN LIKE A LION”  Leo from the tribe of Judah is the Lion.

Sometimes the scribe needs to be encouraged himself.

So I will remember some of the many signs and wonders God gave me regarding end days prophecy fulfillment.  I told Him very recently that “the waiting is getting to me” even though my own dates that I set (as guesses) are still pending. (DATES BELOW)

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How to apply The Armor of God in our lives

Evil is as evil does. NOT-evil is as they say it is. Like having long hair or wearing too many rings on your finger.  How are those thing evil?  Is someone getting hurt?  Is there a lie?  Evil is as evil DOES.

How to apply the armor of God in real-time

  1. Prayer in The Spirit.  Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit sayeth The Lord.
  2. The sword of the Spirit Jesus is The Word of God.  HIs Words are written on your heart and are sharper than any doubled edged sword piercing unto the spiritual realms slashing demons and walls of demons some call strong holds.. 
  3. The shield of a Living Everlasting Faith
  4. The belt of Truth Jesus is The Truth, The Life, & The Way to The Father, Home.
  5. The breastplate of righteousness to withstand all the firey darts of the wicked.
  6. Your feet equipped with the good news of the gospel of peace. (Your testimony of what God did and does for you.) To walk in the shoes of Jesus & of His leading.
  7. The Helmet of the HOPE of Salvation

“Resist the devil and he will flee.” We pray God to help us do what He commands. “Rejoice in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” Praise is a MIGHTY TOOL OF GOD. Praise God when you feel the worst.  And thank Jesus by name.  “Thank you Jesus”.

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“Hijacking the Harvest” A Narrative of Lies

The Harvest is Ripe

I was hasty in my judgement of starseeds.  I have rewritten this article.

The Harlot Churches primary objective is to turn you away from Jesus & Truth and they use condemnation to do so.  “You are bad and wrong (they say) and you will be punished” says the religious beast.

Star Seeds

The star seed narrative and the ascension movement tells you different.  Why wouldn’t you be attracted to it?  It says “you are good and right and will be rewarded”.  The ascension movement is no accident.    Part of the narrative seems to be to explain away (as usual) Jesus and the Truth and to divert you from The Holy Spirit power that has stark authority over evil in the spiritual realm.

If the beast hijacked the star seed narrative just like it hijacked the Christian’s narrative, then its likely to backfire on him.  Why?  Because Love covers a multitude of sin.  To be clear a human needs God to be able to consistently show authentic Love to his fellow man. At least that’s my experience.

It is easy to Love those who Love you.  But Loving the unlovable that is The Love of God.  Love is a caring, giving, kind, encouraging, act toward another human being with no motive of payback.

To be clear. I believer the 144,000 will seed the new earth and teach and guide as guardians those the great multitude of God’s children on the New Earth during the 1,000 years of peace. But I also think that some are calling this call of God as “star seeds”. Those of the less biblically inclined group.

God does not go by man’s rules so labels are not a sign of great faith, great faith comes in many faces of Love and stepping out in Faith. Those who seed the earth will come from all walks of life. Being the 144 thousand as it is written they are the chosen few. Not necessarily Christians. Likely not Christians except for their belief in Jesus and God. I don’t know the rules. I can only account for my own Faith. God chooses whom He chooses. The elect are not religious or they would not be the elect. God’s chosen few have gifts that most Christians would likely label as witchcraft. Especially since the 2017 great activation awakening.

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The Parable of The Talents Has Become The Prophecy of The Talents

“Spiritual Talents”

Have you lost some of your usual lifelong spiritual gifts?  Fear not, for end times has its own list of spiritual gifts that do not apply to the age of Grace that is passed.  I do not speak of Love, Faith, and Hope the greatest gifts of The Spirit.  Nor do I refer to “Love your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself.”  These gifts and the commandment of Love remain the greatest.  I am referring to Spiritual helps that are gifts, like sight, intuition, prophecy, visions, dreams, healing, deliverance, knowledge, wisdom and more.

(for KJV supernatural bible changes log go here)

The parable of the talents is that there will be men(kind) who neglect the spiritual gifts God has given them..therefore Jesus will take the unfruitful servant’s gifts and redistribute among the sheep who have been fruitful.

This does not mean perfect.  We all have times of learning when we are not fruitful by our highest standards of acting on behalf of our fellows that they may be saved.

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Worst Idol of ALL Is The Holy Bible KJV

The Holy Place (holy bible KJV) will soon be Fully Desecrated

However most Christians are unable to see it no matter what the book says.

They take the English language bible slang that is no longer Old English eloquent and mature, proud and poetic, dignified, sanctified, noble, and Holy now changed into some viking Norseman lingo that those who see are very unfamiliar with.  We who knew the meaning of ever word in the KJV now see thousands of words we have to look up.  Do you hear what I am saying?  We do no longer recognize the bible’s on our shelves.  We do not mean new copies or new translations.  We mean hundred year old bibles have changed drastically while on the shelves.  And those who claim to know the precepts and words of Our Father that were once contained in the book say “same as it ever was” to the new hater god.

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Dark Blasphemous & Blinding Mandela Effect Bible Changes


Phl 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
“And the Peace of God which surpasses all earthly understanding shall guide your heart and mind into all truth, through Christ Jesus our Lord

1Th 5:22

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.”


“Shun the appearance of evil”.



Unchecked Copy Box Jhn 16:33

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

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Why the Church Teaches “Satan is a Defeated Foe”

SIDENOTE:  Mandela Effect Bible change….now we have “our glory” going on in this scripture.  All things are for the Glory of God, people are eating this new concept up even though Apostle Paul was always very clear to give God all Glory.

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
Bible did not used to contradict itself especially KJV here are some of the contradicting scriptures.

1 Timothy 1:17 New Living Translation (NLT)

17 All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God. Amen

Unfortunately the “All Glory to God” scriptures have disappeared from the KJV.  What a mess.

This scripture is dangerous and lies, how could it be true in a Beast system?

Romans 13:1-7 ESV / 90 helpful votes

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience. …BULLSHIT!

Quote that when they ram the mark of the beast down your throat.  Any and ALL authority have abandoned the Spirit of God by abandoning their own will and their own conscience to that of a higher authority who may or may not be righteous.   Therefore any oath to any authority other than God/Jesus is HEINOUS AND the tool for the arm of Saton.  It is this type authority that will permeate our freedom to force a mark.

Yes Jesus defeated Satan unto death and salvation.  Jesus took the keys to death and hell that we may have eternal life in Jesus.  However, humans on this earth HAVE NOT defeated Satan.  Satan roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour.  Satan wishes to sift you like wheat.  Resist the devil and he will flee.  We war not against flesh and blood but rather against powers in high places.  Satan is the god of this world.  Satan’s demons indwell and possess Christians and non Christians alike.  Satan dicked me around for most of my life as the church informed me “Satan is a defeated foe” so WTF?

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More Obvious Mandela Effect Bible Changes.

The term “cut off” is new in the KJVB.  Especially when referring to Jesus as HE WAS NEVER “CUT OFF”.  This is a blasphemous incursion of lies. Jesus went into the bowels of the Earth and took the keys to death and hell that we may have dominion over it.

Death is our servant when we are in Christ Jesus.  Furthermore terms like “Lo” are new, what is this the Vikings Bible?  No…seems all the “Ye’s” are turned to Lo’s.

John 3:16

“For God so Loved the world that He gave HIs Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him SHALL, SHALL, SHALL NOT perish but has everlasting life. ”

Continue reading “More Obvious Mandela Effect Bible Changes.”

Are Crystals Evil? Is Meditation Evil?


Heads up!   Mandela Effect alert.  Emerald is changed in the KJV to “Lugure” and “Carbuncle” is a disgusting word meaning “boil” that they have put in place of Garnet.  These are blasphemous Bible changes to degrade the precious things of God.

WAKE UP!  I am so perplexed from seeing OVER AND OVER AND OVER on youtube that “Crystals and Meditation are Evil”.  This statement is like saying “trees are evil”.  Seek God with all your heart, Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and strength!


Rev 21:18

And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.

Rev 21:19

And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;

Continue reading “Are Crystals Evil? Is Meditation Evil?”

Can You Say “Strong Delusion”

Yes God has promised a strong delusion and IT IS HERE

IT IS END TIMES.  Look at it like this, most people see nothing wrong with these scriptures when in the mind of those who see, this would surely wake them up FINALLY.  Well guess what?  This scripture proves that the strong delusion is here and that we are in end times.

Check out this ridiculous scripture in Ezekiel 13:18-21.  People are quoting this as if it makes sense somehow in you tube threads.  They use this against one another.  Reminds me of my “stealing a soul” poem.

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End Time Wrath of God Event Prediction Due in Turkey

2024 update:

Search results of wildfires ravaging predicted Turkey resorts.

More fulfillments as wildfires ravage Turkey Oludeniz predicted beach side resorts.

More proof of exact fulfillment in 2021 in Antalya


Massive fulfillment Turkey Earthquakes happening over and over.  Huge valley created by the recent Earthquake literally splitting rock mountain in two.

Fulfilled I was mistake of location by 300 miles.  However the source of God’s wrath being genocide is accurate.  I didn’t have the info about Gazintap in 2019.

Earthquake Wrath of God Event

Date Prediction was given 4-16-19 No Date for the Event except “Soon”.  fulfilled.  2023.  Come to find out Gazintap where the near 8 point earthquake killed from Syria to Turkey was the home of the Armenian slaughter.  Which is the source of God’s wrath.  It was Christian believers being oppressed and torn from their homes.
Video confirmation by Street Ministries for Christ 1 (he doesn’t know or mention about the Armenian slaughter of believers)

Scary even amazing fulfillment of the exact city of Quake. See the article about Oludeniz 2023 Earth ripping quake.

The BrandSeaside Beach Luxury Hotel in Oludeniz, Turkey near ancient Ephesus & southeast of ancient “Gomer” and its surrounding beaches and nearby towns are marked for a wrath of God end times event VERY soon according to Jazweeh the predictionist.  Soon this event will happen.
Sidenote: Passover 2019 will begin in the evening of
Friday, April 19
and ends in the evening of
Saturday, April 27
Long story short, Because of an unjust war treaty in the 1920’s now modern day Oludeniz represents the spoils from the blood of innocent Christians who were murdered and expelled from their homes by a forced exchange treaty that let the Muslims from Greece move to the Christian’s land and homes in Turkey and the Christians were forced to go to Greece from their land in Kayakoy.

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What Does Being a Sheeple Look Like? (Sleeping Masses)

Paradise Lost -people lost their way by practicing the Law of Attraction or ” the secret”. Focusing on the positive for the sake of feeling good results in people living their life in a delusional state of bliss as reality turns to a wasteland around them while they’re having a great time, feeling fine and still think they’re living the good life. They feel like they’re flying while they’re actually falling, away from God losing their Humanity. The words can be the warning of God, don’t be fooled by the artificial light, with an invitation to stay or return once you find your way.

Battle of Evermore Led Zepplin Decoded

Click Link if you would rather download to wordpad the decoded Song

Battle of evermore decoded download.


Today’s Dream. God let me know that the ancient prophecies that have been stolen from the Christian believers are hidden in 70s rock songs.  The prophecies stolen from those in Christ and from those who have a true heart of Love for God.  Rock Songs especially LED ZEPPELIN this is why many are programmed to say Led Zeppelin is Satanic so you won’t catch on.  Here is the interpretation of “Battle of Evermore”.

Colors and Keys

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NEW PREDICTION FOR FIVE YEAR SPAN by Jazweeh the predictionist

My special blessed Ladies and Gentlemen,

Also my thoughts on the beast system and addiction

Short message to let you know what Jazweeh’s latest vision has shown her.  I Laura E. watched a video on YT of a guy sharing a dream. He dreamed of a coliseum where people had to run desperately around and around as they were shot at by spectators in the arena.  Think Gladiator movie setting.  This was a confirmation to me of what Jazweeh had previously told me she saw of the future.


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Jeff Snyder- “The Father of Lies Vs. The Spirit of Truth”

Spinning lies or proclaiming truth?


See Jeff Snyder’s Video Channel on YouTube at

R u upside down in your loan received upon entry into this world that is payable on death? The cover charge to get in this club isn’t cheap so I think I’ll use my gifts a while longer to pay back the interest to the loan giver, then the rest of my life experience here on Earth is paid for free and clear.


It would seem that my friends and family have forged an alliance, a united front to enact sanctions against Jeff and enforce a truth embargo to contain and prevent dissemination of his recent discoveries. This type of group

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