BLOOD Gospel Vs. Gospel of Jesus from the Heart of Faith Eternal

An Angry Jane article. Short version

Scroll to bottom to see how to really be Saved by Faith in God.
The great falling away is imposed by a fake bible and the towers of babble which steals memories of Truth.

Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.

The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.


“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign.  But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.

The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return.  THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.

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PLASMA APOCALYPSE Is On the Way April-June 2024

Though I could be wrong but I doubt it!  Read MikefromAroundtheWorld plasma apocalypse article.



The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or some time in 2024.  We do not believe the end will come in 2025 or thereafter..  The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery.   Details were withheld to protect the 144.   While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being.   By trials of fire we grow spiritually.

Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive.  We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again.  We just didn’t know the details.

Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”

The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh.  But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification.  The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.

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Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?

Wildfires as they call them in the news are now all over Europe, and the U.S.  New York is burning.

Are you a spiritual man/woman/youth?  If not you won’t like what I have to reveal here.   You will likely label us “crazy” or “Satan”.  But spirituality is another topic.

The Problem Is Very Evil Men & Women

Make no mistake the fires and heat are not your fault-first of all.  The corporations have endorsed and promoted excess waste.   The production of unnecessary, useless, metal & plastic products of all kinds are polluting throughout the Earth.  The corporations are primarily responsible for the state of pollution that our Earth is suffering.

We the people never should have trusted the greedy men of Earth to produce our food.  Big mistake.  We should not have been mind controlled by the Image of the Beast to buy their products of waste and greed.  We put the bastards into power by buying what they sell.

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Do Not Be Deceived Into Worshipping The Modi of Blood

Who is the “Modi”?  The modified Jesus.


The Blood God Modi

“Jesus did not come into the world to condemn mankind, but rather He came so mankind can be saved”.  God sent His only begotten Son into the world so we could believe in Him by putting our Faith in Him, seeking Him, & have Life more abundantly.”

Now that many Christians have taken the mark it seems their minds are going reprobate.  As the bibles magically change before the eyes of the children of God the supernatural & on going desecration of God’s words gets more and more blasphemous.  Even perilous.

Now that the bibles (babbles) are telling the many to take their Eternal Life bringing supernatural gift of Faith from God to be put in “BLOOD of flesh”.  Rather than in God Himself well, such instruction is a snare to one’s soul.

And so the Watchmen who don’t know their right hand from their left (Jonah) proclaim the worship of blood on youtube.

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Fate of Mankind & Earth

The Original Sin “All things work together for good to those who Love God and walk according to His will.”

Mankind committed the mortal sin of eating and killing kind animals.  Taught from birth we thought it was normal to slaughter defenseless beasts.  And as God is the God of irony, the downfall of mankind is by the beast.  And that mark thereof.  “Taking beast attributes into our very physical make-up.”  What is done is done.

Still the Christians & media (TV Image of the Beast) cry out with fallen angel propaganda.  Proclaim fallen angel propaganda all you want.   But we have realized why the fallen angel desecration in mankind’s Genesess story is total bullshit.  How do we know?  Because we do have The Holy Spirit of God and this is our proclamation by His leading.  ‘Evil is as evil does’.

I have seen and been victim of evil much of my life.  God’s Holy Deity, Angels had no part in the dark peril which evil brought to my door step.

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Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture

The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.

Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus.  So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation.  The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”.  He lights our paths to God.  By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man.  And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.

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The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

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Way Over Yonder That’s Where I’m Bound

I met a man once who told me wisdom.  He said by Truth “Jazweeh, God & the here after are not so much about what you can get from it and from Him or Them, but rather it’s about what you take & add to the kingdom itself.”

I knew the moment he said this to me that it was not only Truth but profound Truth that was stolen by the ages of men.  I also knew what I take to the

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We Laughed At Death and then We Met Him

Friends readers I am a real person. I call myself “Jazweeh” the Seer.

May I tell you a story of what it is to die?  And how to escape Death itself.  Death bows before me for one reason.  I have the keys to Death and to Hell.  I can go in and out as I please in Spirit.  Jesus Himself gave me these keys.

Pearls of Wisdom

The first time I died I did not know Jesus.  That’s right, the big bad “J” word that religion/Legion WILL DETOUR YOU FROM if you let it.  The church has one purpose, no two.  To show you how hypocritical they are and to make sure YOU don’t find the keys to Death and to Hell yourself.

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New Prophecies Revealed. Towersss of Babel. Covenant With Many Demons.

Revealed in this Article.  The Truth.  What was the Tower of Babel?  Or was it “TOWERS” OF BABBLE?



19/06/08 CATERS NEW

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

The famine of God’s words is here now.  Amos 8:11 & 12

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Next We Wait & Watch. Private Interpretation of Changed Scripture

Wait and Watch is all We can Do.  Be Sure to check for new articles.  You may also like 

“Be ye in the world but not of the world.”  I must admit I feel a little stuck.  Walking between two worlds isn’t easy.  

I got a revelation of the prophecy, call it “No PRIVATE interpretation”?  And yet that’s EXACTLY what the 144 are getting from the books.  Jesus was clearly talking to His elect and He was giving validation after validation after validation.  The deeper meaning of scripture.  Scripture that ironically only we remember.  Lion and lamb is gone.  Wolf now dwells with the lamb.  It was not always sooooo.

Do you remember the scripture was at the appearing of Jesus He would land one foot on Mount of Olives and one foot on Mt. Carmel.  Exact distance of 144 kilometers.  This 144 changed on google maps to exact hour and minutes.  Zion & Mt. of Olives

One foot in spirit one foot in the natural. Mt. Carmel holy, Mt. Olives

What does the Mount of Olives represent in the Bible?
Image result for what is Mount of Olives represent in, Israel
It separates the most holy place, the Temple Mount, from the Judean Desert to the east. We know it to be the place from which Jesus the Messiah ascended into heaven (Acts 1:11), and where He will one day return.

Well these prophesies are not as they seem or they simply have double meanings.  Meaning of this is that the 144 God’s army in the last days shall have one foot in the spiritual realms and one foot on Earth.  If your 144 you know what I am talking about.  To see what is means to be alone on this Earth.

Even the Christians cannot see what we see as God’s spiritual army on Earth.

Continue reading “Next We Wait & Watch. Private Interpretation of Changed Scripture”

When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints


When is the Rapture for the 144,000?

Long Story Short…Late July 2022 is the rapture date for the elect chosen few.  Who are they?  If I tried to categorize the elect I would fail.  Because some are active 144 in the spiritual army of God but others who will be raptured are 133, those who go before the throne.  These are people after God’s own heart.  He knows them and they Him.  Not all of the chosen few are long time spiritual workers.  They could be babes in Christ.

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When Will Jesus Return?

Coincidentally? The Eclipse of 2024 outlined in the video below, will occur (according to source) exactly on the day that the Jewish Passover Festival is celebrated, at which time the Hebrew People were freed from the bondage of slavery in Egypt.

The Date of Jesus’ Return Shall Likely Be Either…

Between the days of 04-08-2024 thru 04-18-2024 according to predictions by Jazweeh.

How to Survive the Great Tribulation

The Elite Have the True Prophecies of Old

And perhaps they are warning the masses of what is to come in their own Hollywood way.

What can I say?  This is a prediction not a prophecy.  It is a vision that may or may not come to pass.  If it does you would be wise to learn of the solutions I have.  For they are the only solutions and the include a priority.  Seek God with your whole heart mind and soul and you will find Him.  Choose your daddy.

Think “Bird Box” terrifying with Sandra Bullock.  Her and her children survived a great global earthly manifestation of a spiritual scourge.  They survived because they covered their eyes and did not look at it.

Truth In Plain Sight

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Lies of the Church & How to Apply the Armor of God

Satan has clearly infiltrated many not all of the churches of the world since the days before the inquisition.


Please note:  The links to "Paradise for the Hellbound" below show vital scripture and topics.  However I wrote it before my grand awakening so some things will be missed like Mandela effects and end times topics, some lying wonders and vast deceptions are not listed in the book.

I am not going to list the verse numbers because these days at Blue letter bible these are easy to search.

Disclaimer:  Verses are quoted as KJV before the Mandela Effect arrived.


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How to apply The Armor of God in our lives

Evil is as evil does. NOT-evil is as they say it is. Like having long hair or wearing too many rings on your finger.  How are those thing evil?  Is someone getting hurt?  Is there a lie?  Evil is as evil DOES.

How to apply the armor of God in real-time

  1. Prayer in The Spirit.  Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit sayeth The Lord.
  2. The sword of the Spirit Jesus is The Word of God.  HIs Words are written on your heart and are sharper than any doubled edged sword piercing unto the spiritual realms slashing demons and walls of demons some call strong holds.. 
  3. The shield of a Living Everlasting Faith
  4. The belt of Truth Jesus is The Truth, The Life, & The Way to The Father, Home.
  5. The breastplate of righteousness to withstand all the firey darts of the wicked.
  6. Your feet equipped with the good news of the gospel of peace. (Your testimony of what God did and does for you.) To walk in the shoes of Jesus & of His leading.
  7. The Helmet of the HOPE of Salvation

“Resist the devil and he will flee.” We pray God to help us do what He commands. “Rejoice in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” Praise is a MIGHTY TOOL OF GOD. Praise God when you feel the worst.  And thank Jesus by name.  “Thank you Jesus”.

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Understanding Power & Spiritual Gifts

To Read the Article click the link. I do usually post the articles in duplicate on both sites but I though I would just add the link this time. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you do have or want spiritual gifts and power from God you may want to read this apropos article. Thank you________Laura E.

Spiritual Gifts & Powers