Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?

Wildfires as they call them in the news are now all over Europe, and the U.S.  New York is burning.

Are you a spiritual man/woman/youth?  If not you won’t like what I have to reveal here.   You will likely label us “crazy” or “Satan”.  But spirituality is another topic.

The Problem Is Very Evil Men & Women

Make no mistake the fires and heat are not your fault-first of all.  The corporations have endorsed and promoted excess waste.   The production of unnecessary, useless, metal & plastic products of all kinds are polluting throughout the Earth.  The corporations are primarily responsible for the state of pollution that our Earth is suffering.

We the people never should have trusted the greedy men of Earth to produce our food.  Big mistake.  We should not have been mind controlled by the Image of the Beast to buy their products of waste and greed.  We put the bastards into power by buying what they sell.

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The New Earth Is Approaching

And We Shall Not Call It “Jeru-Salem” Nor Israel.

Father says “Shalamar”!  The Abode of Love.  This is the Earth He planned for His children once all souls have chosen their eternal homes.  Free will shall always flourish on God’s Earthly plain.  The darkness shall be put down, finally by God’s chosen few.

And this is why darkness fears and hates The Children of God so fiercely.  But the time of darkness’ rule is nearly over.  It’s on.

By 2024 the New Earth will have been Created.  This is our belief/prediction/understanding.  More on this at the article link below.

The Goats No Longer Have Access to God’s Powerful Words

Yes The New Earth Approaches.  But in the mean time “mean” time “Everything Broken”  Bob Dylan the Prophet

“Broken lines, broken strings,Broken threads, broken springs,Broken idols, broken heads,People sleeping in broken bedsAin’t no use jivingAin’t no use jokingEverything is broken
Broken bottles, broken plates,Broken switches, broken gates,Broken dishes, broken parts,Streets are filled with broken heartsBroken words never meant to be spoken,Everything is broken
Seem like every time you stop and turn aroundSomething else just hit the ground
Broken putters, broken saws,Broken buckles, broken laws,Broken bodies, broken bones,Broken voices on broken phonesTake a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’?Everything is broken.
Every time I leave and go out someplaceThings fall to pieces in my face
Broken hands on broken ploughs,Broken treaties, broken vows,Broken pipes, broken tools,People bending broken rulesHound dog howling, bull frog croaking,Everything is broken
Video link below.

When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints


When is the Rapture for the 144,000?

Long Story Short…Late July 2022 is the rapture date for the elect chosen few.  Who are they?  If I tried to categorize the elect I would fail.  Because some are active 144 in the spiritual army of God but others who will be raptured are 133, those who go before the throne.  These are people after God’s own heart.  He knows them and they Him.  Not all of the chosen few are long time spiritual workers.  They could be babes in Christ.

Continue reading “When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints”

How to Survive the Great Tribulation

The Elite Have the True Prophecies of Old

And perhaps they are warning the masses of what is to come in their own Hollywood way.

What can I say?  This is a prediction not a prophecy.  It is a vision that may or may not come to pass.  If it does you would be wise to learn of the solutions I have.  For they are the only solutions and the include a priority.  Seek God with your whole heart mind and soul and you will find Him.  Choose your daddy.

Think “Bird Box” terrifying with Sandra Bullock.  Her and her children survived a great global earthly manifestation of a spiritual scourge.  They survived because they covered their eyes and did not look at it.

Truth In Plain Sight

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Will Civil War Be Part of The Great Tribulation?



Democrats Vs. Republicans

If your a truther and seek truth above all things except to seek God Himself then you know that the right left paradigm is by design to control the masses more easily.  Furthermore to have an on going division for the elite is to have an ace in the hole.

The division is already set and can be elevated at any given time.  Even though the paradigm is an illusion to a point…when 328+ people believe something it tends to materialize.  Via the TV CNN vs. FOX we have our two teams.  And for the men who are conditioned by their sports team programing the whole scenario fits the purpose of the puppet masters at large.

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Lies of the Church & How to Apply the Armor of God

Satan has clearly infiltrated many not all of the churches of the world since the days before the inquisition.


Please note:  The links to "Paradise for the Hellbound" below show vital scripture and topics.  However I wrote it before my grand awakening so some things will be missed like Mandela effects and end times topics, some lying wonders and vast deceptions are not listed in the book.

I am not going to list the verse numbers because these days at Blue letter bible these are easy to search.

Disclaimer:  Verses are quoted as KJV before the Mandela Effect arrived.


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Jesus is Truth

Most Christian Men on TV Sport the Mark of the Beast on the Forehead.

The Holy Spirit No Longer Tolerates Lies from the book of Lies and its New Gospel (see the mark of the beast manifestations article here.)

What is an Idol?  An idol is a man made object that is above reproach automatically worshipped defended and set up as Holy.  An idol is worshipped by men who no matter what that idol does or says the man says “it is holy, it is good always” An idol can do no wrong in the eyes of those who worship it.

The Bible is such an idol.

Lets talk about the KJVB.  Here is just one example in many of how it is an idol , man made, full of lies yet worshipped as holy.

Here is a blatant example of accepting anything from the book calling it holy no matter what it says.

Luke 14:26

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.  (this verse is blasphemy and a contradiction to godly precepts.)

We must drink the mirror and remove the mask if we are to have the heart of a child toward Father God. Jesus is Love, Truth, Life we mustn’t hide our heart from Him who molds and cleanses our heart.

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Why is 666 “The Number of Man”?

Below in pink shows how you get #666 from #6 MAN x TECH 111=BIO TECH=666.  Computer=111 Man=6  6×111=666 The Beast IS bio-tech.  Don’t take the upgrade!

The Bible is NOT The Word of God.  It never was.  We were wrong to call it such.  Nor did scripture call itself that.

“In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God.”

Well folks I heard a fabulous explanation of this whole 666 scripture that’s in the book of Revelation.  RELATED ARTICLE:

The Beast System Revealed in “666”

Continue reading “Why is 666 “The Number of Man”?”

New Gospel Supernatural KJV Bible Changes. Now We Die For Jesus not the other way around. Uhg!

2nd Corinthians 4:11 Shows the blatant inversion of Truth.   Now according to Apostle Paul we are always delivered unto death for the sake of Jesus.  We now just flat out die for Jesus as a rule “alway” (as opposed to persecution or symbolism of dying to the flesh) instead of showing the other way around.  The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.

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A Dream Interpretation: “No MAN, or no Flesh Knows the Day or Hour of Jesus’ Return”

The “P” is a secret label that stands for those who the many call the 144

You may know what “P” stands for in regard to the 144 chosen of God.  If you do or don’t you may soon well know.

The Dream at a Park w/a Snack Bar

I was in park on earth.  There were tourist attractions and secret doorways and paths through the park that were invisible to the eye.

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Extermination of Humanity Well Under Way, Hidden Under “Save the Planet” Agenda

Please Share this video with all people you can.  Reasons not to believe massive chem-trailing is happening and been happening for over nine years:

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Most Professional Proof of KJV Bible Changes I have Found

We can no longer refer to the Bible as “The Word of God” and I am not certain we never should have done so.

This topic is too important to not spend at least several hours looking at both sides of the proof.  Then as we who see these changes have all had to do, you must find your own confirmations in the scripture.  You alone have verses you have memorized and know from what version they originate.  The Beast system would have you doubt your own mind.  Not saying we don’t forget things.  But it’s time we STOP TRUSTING A SYSTEM THAT IS POURING OUT LIES AND BLASPHEMIES ON A DAILY BASIS corrupting the world with it’s new age standards and precepts.

Below is a playlist created by Harbinger of the harvest on YouTube.  The proof he presents is both convincing and indisputable in my opinion.  Please, its very urgent that all believers understand what is happening to our Bible’s especially the King James Version.  If your a “KJV only” study of scripture you will be more affected by this supernatural and worldly event called “The Mandela Effect”.  I believe that the two phenomena are related in some ways.  However, I believe the Bible changes are done with Black magic and the Mandela effects are done by quantum computing and corporate led HOAXES.  Both the Mandela effect and the Bible changes reflect signs of the time we live in.

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How to wear the Armor of God and EYA Warrior of Christ

EYA You Tube Channel Commands Truth

“We Want the Truth!” the people cry out. “You can’t handle the truth” replies the elite who control the propaganda boxes you call TV.

The sister who does the EYA videos is obviously a real person.  She has literally spearheaded the truth about our KJV Bibles being changed.  She knows the bible like the back of her hand. For this I commend her in her sheer unbending faith in exposing these matters.

Most people who do see the Bible changes in the King James Versions are mature Christians who carry themselves a certain  way.  They show respect toward others, and they don’t often engage in fear based emotional defenses and attacks.  They are tested with fire and tempered with experience.


Warriors of God must  be able to be trusted with great power and not be compromised by Satan.  They must hold tight not to the scriptural armor on the pages of paper but rather the literal armor of God.  The armor of God is not me quoting scripture at you.

Continue reading “How to wear the Armor of God and EYA Warrior of Christ”

The Gift of Tongues Surfaces in the Catholic Grotto

2# Vatican scrambles after pope appears to deny existence of hell

1# But first a side note about Jazweeh’s experience with a Catholic Prayer Meeting back in the day at a Catholic Grotto she used to frequent.

Jazweeh met a priest who spoke in tongues here is her story.

I went to a Catholic prayer meeting at the grotto.  A priest and two nuns were in the small prayer meeting and looked on as I spoke in tongues in the very same dialect as the priest.  The Priest asked me “where did you pick that up at”?  What an odd way for him to question her gift she thought.  She answered him “I received the gift at a little Baptist church in the meadow that drew me in.”  The nuns heard her pray in the same dialect that the priest prayed in.  They looked on in utter confusion.  Jazweeh, the woman I speak of, said she could only assume that the nuns thought the gift was only for male priests or for Catholics only, or who knows why they were confounded.

They put their hands on Jazweeh’s back and began to chant silently.  Jazweeh felt evil and confusion coming off the nuns.  So she took their hands off her back and would not allow their lecherous chants.  She felt they were evil.  Jazweeh’s spiritual teacher at that time later told her the gift of tongues is used for both evil and for good depending on who is wielding it.  Satan departs the gift unto his chosen. Just as God imparts the gift to His chosen few.

HOWEVER the goats, and they are many ALWAYS attribute the gift of tongues to Satan for they are unable to believe in miraculous righteousness but only miraculous evil do the goats believe in.  You can easily recognize goats by their condemnation of the saints.  Especially regarding those saints who speak with the gift of tongues and by the Holy Spirit.  Hence they attribute to Satan the works of the Holy Spirit committing the dreaded “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit”.

All due respect to POPE FRANCIS who has DENIED HELL

In March 2018 Theguardian.com reports the following quote by Pontiff Pope Francis the favorite pope to the sinner.  If Francis has any say at all believers will seldom entertain the fear of God that purifies our very soul and is akin to reverence and great respect for The Most High God King of Kings Lord of Lords.

The Guardian reports, During the meeting Scalfari (the reporter) asked the pope where “bad souls” go, to which he was quoted as responding: “They are not punished. Those who repent obtain God’s forgiveness and take their place among the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. A hell doesn’t exist, the disappearance of sinning souls exists. end quote

Pope makes it sound like your soul will just be deleted.  Remember these Catholics are the one’s who wanted to keep the Bible away from all of humanity.  They are responsible for killing more true believers than Hitler killed Jewish people.   Now they rule in secret.  They learned from their past blunders.

Clearly this seemingly false prophet contradicts both The Bible and The words of Jesus the Savior and Messiah on a regular basis.  Who is this man in sheep’s clothing who disobeys the laws of The Most High?  Surely he will meet with a soul searching that he won’t be able to avoid.

How is it people believe Satan could possibly win out over the creator of Heaven and Hell.  That their technology might save them?  Believe me little children, Hell is real, I have seen it in a dream vision.  What’s more purgatory is also real.  Is it not funny that Francisco defies his own Catholic doctrine as purgatory being the top level of Hell?  Now he says there is “no punishment”?  My my my, I did not write the book but I have read it over and over and over.

The Bible is changing so learn quickly the true scripture while they are still available to be consumed.

“There shall come a famine upon the land not of food or drink but of the Words of God.”  Also People will run too and fro seeking God’s Words but they will not find them.

Amos 8:11

11Behold! the daysare coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famineon the land— not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.

12People will stagger from sea to sea and roam from north to east, seeking the word of the LORD, but they will notfind it.


Listen here!  I must share this story that has stuck with me for years.

Why Are Some Christians Often So Judgmental of Other People?


Even though Jesus said Judge not lest you be judged.  And even though Jesus noted that the yard stick you use on other people will also be used on you people still notoriously judge others harshly.

This action of judgement causes a reaction scenario that means when we judge others we bring by the law (even the law of attraction or karma) a harsher judgement onto ourselves.  Still some Christians believe it’s not only their job but even their calling to fault find, criticize, and furthermore correct in a demeaning way their brothers.  Even correction to he point of proclaiming a damning to Hell of their fellow Christians.

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Who are the Two Witnesses Prophesied of in Revelation?

Preface-I wrote this article in 8-25-2018….I have learned so much since then (4-29-2024).  I was still deceived by propaganda deception back in 2018 even though I woke up in 2017.  But on the other hand this article is still true because my new understanding of the two witnesses is also true.  I have found that there are often two fulfillments to prophecy but not contradicting.  Who do I believe are the two witnesses now?  The ones’ who came to me in Spirit when I felt I was dying of cvid back in 2020.  They literally healed me.  They were arrayed in fine linen, purple and gold robes.  There are many witnesses of Jesus who are now tending to end of days works in the Spirit world.

The Great Mystery has been Revealed by Revelation from God.

Watch both videos below for all the scriptural proof of who the two witnesses are at length.

Revelation 11:3  “And I will appoint to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. “

11:4  “They are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands and they stand before The Lord of the earth.”
11:5 “And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.”
 “sackcloth” represents repentance.  We will be clothed in repentance because we have repented of all our sin.  The Jewish people are the olive tree and we the Gentiles have been grafted into the Olive Tree. 

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