We can no longer refer to the Bible as “The Word of God” and I am not certain we never should have done so.
This topic is too important to not spend at least several hours looking at both sides of the proof. Then as we who see these changes have all had to do, you must find your own confirmations in the scripture. You alone have verses you have memorized and know from what version they originate. The Beast system would have you doubt your own mind. Not saying we don’t forget things. But it’s time we STOP TRUSTING A SYSTEM THAT IS POURING OUT LIES AND BLASPHEMIES ON A DAILY BASIS corrupting the world with it’s new age standards and precepts.
Below is a playlist created by Harbinger of the harvest on YouTube. The proof he presents is both convincing and indisputable in my opinion. Please, its very urgent that all believers understand what is happening to our Bible’s especially the King James Version. If your a “KJV only” study of scripture you will be more affected by this supernatural and worldly event called “The Mandela Effect”. I believe that the two phenomena are related in some ways. However, I believe the Bible changes are done with Black magic and the Mandela effects are done by quantum computing and corporate led HOAXES. Both the Mandela effect and the Bible changes reflect signs of the time we live in.
Why do I think Bible changes were created differently than the wide spread Mandela effect? M.E. could be implemented by quantum computer programs changing any TV and online content. Add this to the fact that corporate heads could easily start printing Febreeze and other products with different titles, change videos, etc begs the question why use black magic if you can use a quantum computer and corporate directives? Bibles changing on the shelves are another matter entirely and much more sinister.