But God Was Not Done With Us
God created man and Earth in seven days…but He wasn’t finished with our creation process. All men while on Earth by Faith, must choose their eternal home. By our choices we inherit the kingdom of God. And by our choices we choose a darker realm. Balance of all things is vital.
Thrones of God Are Not Magnificent Chairs of Gold…
At least not the one’s written of in 20:4 Revelation. I Jazweeh saw the thrones of God and ascended up unto a place of the Loving Doves and the Powerful winged Lions of God. Where the Dove & the Lion meet as one so too shall ye go forth as guardians upon The New Earth. But first the Regalia. Some call it the “Wedding Supper of The Lamb of God”.
Continue reading “The Creation of Man. By Our Choices Do We Grow”