What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.

Written 12-26-2024  An article about Dreams/Orbs.  Unedited (I do apologize for typos)

Orbs or “Plasmoids” as the “they’s” have named them.  I have seen the orbs both at daylight and at night when they glow.  I saw a distorted face in the orb during the daylight hours.  I was lead to stop on on a back road to look at the sky for a time.  I saw an orb with strange distorted male face in it.  I thought it was a lost soul.  And it may well be part of it’s description.  But today during meditation I was doing a strange new type of lucid dreaming.  I was watching character prepare (in my soul) preparing for me to dream.  And these characters some of them were in a plasma orb just like what I saw in daylight.

Music to allow your imagination to show your Spirit Images.

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Why are Wildfires & Unbearable Heat Surfeiting The Earth?

Wildfires as they call them in the news are now all over Europe, and the U.S.  New York is burning.

Are you a spiritual man/woman/youth?  If not you won’t like what I have to reveal here.   You will likely label us “crazy” or “Satan”.  But spirituality is another topic.

The Problem Is Very Evil Men & Women

Make no mistake the fires and heat are not your fault-first of all.  The corporations have endorsed and promoted excess waste.   The production of unnecessary, useless, metal & plastic products of all kinds are polluting throughout the Earth.  The corporations are primarily responsible for the state of pollution that our Earth is suffering.

We the people never should have trusted the greedy men of Earth to produce our food.  Big mistake.  We should not have been mind controlled by the Image of the Beast to buy their products of waste and greed.  We put the bastards into power by buying what they sell.

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The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

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What Is The Mark of The Beast? Anthony D. Williams Youtube

Important Video

FINALLY I believe I found some Truth on Youtube.

If Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.  They were deceived, cunningly.

The forehead mark is a spiritually given mark of which man has not control over.  But the right arm was mentioned in script also before it was altered.  A second mark.  Just like there are two abomination desolations.  Two desecrated holy places.  One is hidden.  The other is told of in this video. He knew what the mark is. And then overnight he started calling it “money” he says now that money is the mark. What happened to him? A man who does countless videos of an absolute conclusion. Then overnight he sings with the rest of the watchmen “Its not the mark, its not the mark.” Maybe he is right.

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New Prophecies Revealed. Towersss of Babel. Covenant With Many Demons.

Revealed in this Article.  The Truth.  What was the Tower of Babel?  Or was it “TOWERS” OF BABBLE?



19/06/08 CATERS NEW

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

The famine of God’s words is here now.  Amos 8:11 & 12

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Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.

Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.

They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight.  Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight.  They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.

Recipe of Jabba.   


New Earth Prophesies. The New Nature. Familiar Spirit Pets

Today I Woke at Dawn to the Birds Loud Singing

Have you noticed everything is louder now?  Clanking dishes are nearly too loud to endure.  Motors in vehicles are annoyingly loud.  Even the birds singing echoes through the window much louder than ever before.  Sound has changed has it not?  Few notice.  Few notice.

New Earth Youtube Channel covers many prophesies of the end of days.

The morning birds are beautiful in their singing.  My cat is vicious toward small animals.  She or he I call “Cat” because she adopted me rather than me her.   I drove her/he far away, but she found her way back amazingly.  She was determined to live at my home.  I suppose she is  She eats small animals.  Stalks them in trees enthusiastically.

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The Fourth Angel Brings Fire to the Earth (Jazweeh Predict. Fulfilled)

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Rapture is Emanate.   Father will not suffer His children to be harmed but rather they shall be transfigured or raptured.

Sidenote: Mike from around the world also speaks of red dust problem.

Folks, fulfillment validation UPDATE this article was written 2-1-22.  I could not figure out the red dust.  I thought men would be turned to red dust.  Now Paul Begley reports "Red Dust invades middle east 5-20-22 thousands hospitalized"  Looks like Jazweeh got another one right.  She heard this "red dust" prediction straight from the angel above."  Red dust is Iron Oxide from the Red Kachina.  Planet X.  Nibaru.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina refers to the same angels as the four angels in Revelation.  There are four here now.  Only those purified (we think) can see the wings and brilliant light and color of the flying winged angels. To others they appear as a planet.  However the Red Kachina appears to the Seer as a planet most of the time.

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When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints


When is the Rapture for the 144,000?

Long Story Short…Late July 2022 is the rapture date for the elect chosen few.  Who are they?  If I tried to categorize the elect I would fail.  Because some are active 144 in the spiritual army of God but others who will be raptured are 133, those who go before the throne.  These are people after God’s own heart.  He knows them and they Him.  Not all of the chosen few are long time spiritual workers.  They could be babes in Christ.

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When Will Jesus Return?

Coincidentally? The Eclipse of 2024 outlined in the video below, will occur (according to source) exactly on the day that the Jewish Passover Festival is celebrated, at which time the Hebrew People were freed from the bondage of slavery in Egypt.

The Date of Jesus’ Return Shall Likely Be Either…

Between the days of 04-08-2024 thru 04-18-2024 according to predictions by Jazweeh.

How to Survive the Great Tribulation

The Elite Have the True Prophecies of Old

And perhaps they are warning the masses of what is to come in their own Hollywood way.

What can I say?  This is a prediction not a prophecy.  It is a vision that may or may not come to pass.  If it does you would be wise to learn of the solutions I have.  For they are the only solutions and the include a priority.  Seek God with your whole heart mind and soul and you will find Him.  Choose your daddy.

Think “Bird Box” terrifying with Sandra Bullock.  Her and her children survived a great global earthly manifestation of a spiritual scourge.  They survived because they covered their eyes and did not look at it.

Truth In Plain Sight

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Rapture in the Months of Leo

Jazweeh Gets a Vision Confirmed by a dream

Have you had a vision or dream about a prayer rug?

2021 Update. It's August 22 and we are still here. Uhg. Month of Leo is soon to pass. Perhaps its best if we don't expect a rapture? Why? Because we just don't know if or when a rapture event would come. Perhaps we should focus on 2024 in the hopes of Jesus' return. We all must do what we can to keep ourselves emotionally healthy. How do we live with one foot in the hereafter and one foot in Earth's carnal realm? Hope. Faith. Keep the Faith, keep the Hope even if we have a lifetime to wait we must keep our Hope in Jesus, in God's mercy. Signs are everywhere but we just don't know what "He's returning soon" really means. Even the 2024 is just a guess.

Just a day or two ago Jazweeh went before the throne of God in a vision and asked-

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Most Common Reason to Miss the First Rapture

Most Christians Will Be Left Behind, But Not Because of Sin as they think…..

Most Christians will be left behind by reason of their heart condition.

Drink the MIrror
You want the belt of Truth? Drink the Mirror.

“Your MUST become as little children to inherit the Kingdom of God”.

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Vision of The Lost Sheep of God

What are the partially blind sheep hiding from God?

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The Great Deception FAKE RAPTURE. God’s Elect Will NOT Be Left Behind

I Saw The Fake Rapture and it Nearly had me Fooled

Children of The Holy Spirit

I believe Father is telling us this:  “Compare the coming rapture to when you received The Baptism of The Holy Spirit”.  Compare it to when you were born again.  Compare it to when you received gits of The Holy Spirit.  All these events showed you who Jesus is by His Holy Spirit.  You will know the True Rapture by His presence of The Holy Spirit.


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