Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables.
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A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast.
What is the game which those who are in power are playing? What if you could listen to their darkest secrets and know what plans they have for the human race?
What if…those plans were far, far, more diabolical than you thought possible for one race of men to unknowingly impart upon another? What if those in charge of many things that are powerful & controlling were into evil sorceries and witchcraft? What if magic is real? What if your caught under a spell called… Its a fairly important pre-requisite to know and see the through the strong delusion to get the big picture of the spiritual condition of our world now. see link.
If Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast. They were deceived, cunningly.
The forehead mark is a spiritually given mark of which man has not control over. But the right arm was mentioned in script also before it was altered. A second mark. Just like there are two abomination desolations. Two desecrated holy places. One is hidden. The other is told of in this video. He knew what the mark is. And then overnight he started calling it “money” he says now that money is the mark. What happened to him? A man who does countless videos of an absolute conclusion. Then overnight he sings with the rest of the watchmen “Its not the mark, its not the mark.” Maybe he is right.
Recipe for Dark Transfiguration. Making man in the image of the beast.
How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.
Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.
“They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight. Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight. They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.
Blessing to all who read this forbidden knowledge.
There Are Two Types of End of Days Marks
There is a mark to buy and sell that I believe is the back scene more accurately a DNA changing mRNA therapy. This ‘buy & sell’ mark is categorized as ultimately separating a man from God. It’s a mark by permission only meaning a man willingly takes it. If you take the buy and sell mark the permanent mark will appear on your forehead. The beast.
The Abomination of Desolation. Warning- Graphic Demonic Drawing Photos. New information below.
(one of them –as the desecration of God’s words in bibles is also an abomination of the desolate type. Amos 8:11 &12 “I will cause a famine on the earth not of food or drink but of hearing my words. My words will no longer be found on Earth”).
I am guessing at what is to come for those with and for those without the mark on their forehead and the winged demon on their brain/head shown below.
The fallen angel wings or goat shape on the foreheads of many men everywhere may or may not be the mark of the beast appearing supernaturally on the foreheads of men in these end times. This in no wise nullifies the right hand mark of the beast prophesied to buy and sell the forehead mark is separate. You decide. See mark of beast photos here and more below.
For those who have been lied to all their lives and now see, we must vet our info we must weigh all things that we take in. That is what this article is for, to weigh and come to your own conclusions. We all make our own choices. I am merely presenting evidence and theory.
Perhaps its a reach? After all there are muscles in the forehead its just a little ironic that in the photos of these men it appears as fallen angels wings with head lowered in shame, or the goat head shape.RFB is allowed to be human. And we are glad he is human. We conclude he had a bad day.
We are not positive 100% that this is the mark of the beast from Revelation scripture but it sure as heck appears to be. Common sense says this is the mark for those who have already aligned themselves with payment & loyalty from the beast being fully aware of their allegiance. Not those who are merely deceived and do not see the many signs and wonders around us today. The sleeping will have their chance to turn at the great tribulation by the gift of desperation.
We believe those men (as right now we are seeing mostly men with the mark) who have a protrusion on their forehead that is neither beast/goat or wings (Wings with head lowered & not in view) but rather are partial like box shaped or of no complete shape of the cross or shape of Jesus (from head to toe w/arms out to receive) have simply not made their choice of who they will Love & serve the Dark Lord or Jesus. Furthermore this DOES NOT negate the "to buy & sell image of the beast". THIS DOES NOT NEGATE THE MARK TO BUY AND SELL but rather it apparently precedes it.
Are these obvious manifestations of protrusion and markings of wings on the foreheads of men a form of the mark of the beast as written in the scriptures at the end of the page?
SEEMS all the big players have the mark already. I believe these guys have already made their choice. Especially T. horn who blasphemes God’s Holy Angels. I also did the same until I realized it’s fallen angel propaganda. Causing “do you no know mankind shall judge angels?”. Ya PASS JUDGEMENT on holy beings which we have no right or knowledge whatsoever to judge harshly.
If taken the BACK SCENE will likely make it impossible to feel God or to repent…the RNA DNA replicating BACK SCENE must surely turn a person into something that cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Please please, this shot will be voluntary Satan cannot force anyone into his realm. The choice is yours.
The Whole Story of the Prophecy
I have never gotten such a clear word from God in my life as I did when I asked My Father this question back in 2018 and then wrote the article below stating what He said.
I asked “How will I know the mark of the beast?”
And He answered me one word “ZEBRA”. And that the mark of the beast would be connected to the word “Zebra” in some obvious way and by that I would know its the mark. That was in September of 2018 over two years ago._____Jazweeh.
Truthers Suspected The RNA DNA Back Scene
Truthers have suspected that RNA DNA back scenes will create a third strand of DNA and turn humans into GMO beings no longer human. If they did it with fruit and veggies they can do it to humans.
Today I found the CNBC article (link on photos below). CNBC shows that without Zebra Technology and their temperature reading labels for the back scene’s packaging, successful distribution may fail. The back scene must be kept 94 degrees below zero. [the pfizer one anyway] Madurna vack not quite as cold. Hence connecting the word “Zebra” given by God as a warning to what many already suspected is the mark of the beast. The back scene. (word coded for obvious reasons). Here is the CNBC article.
It breaks my heart to see the children in the grocery store buying poison food. They have no clue as to what High Fructose Corn Syrup will do to their endocrine system.
What the MAD SCIENTISTS are doing with genetically modified foods they have taken to another level with animals and humans. They use the uptake of a virus to deliver alien (non human) DNA to corrupt our genetic code and corrupt the bodies of humans, see the video below.
My theory? It struck me today that we may be over complicating the task of identifying the “mark of the beast”. I believe the elite will use this viral DNA delivery system on those who willingly take the DNA of The Beast into their bodies. The deception to the masses will appear to be an upgrade of great value people will line up for in the streets. They may even pay money for it. It’s that simple. And most likely THE Antichrist’s birthday is 06-06-06.