The Original Sin “All things work together for good to those who Love God and walk according to His will.”
Mankind committed the mortal sin of eating and killing kind animals. Taught from birth we thought it was normal to slaughter defenseless beasts. And as God is the God of irony, the downfall of mankind is by the beast. And that mark thereof. “Taking beast attributes into our very physical make-up.” What is done is done.
Still the Christians & media (TV Image of the Beast) cry out with fallen angel propaganda. Proclaim fallen angel propaganda all you want. But we have realized why the fallen angel desecration in mankind’s Genesess story is total bullshit. How do we know? Because we do have The Holy Spirit of God and this is our proclamation by His leading. ‘Evil is as evil does’.
I have seen and been victim of evil much of my life. God’s Holy Deity, Angels had no part in the dark peril which evil brought to my door step.
My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …
The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.
And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine. You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites. The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians. All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.
Won’t be long now. 2024 is coming! Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024. But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened. The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians. We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.
Video not for sensitive people or children. Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations. So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations.
Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot. We at Jazweeh than Mr. Stew Peters for leaving the embed codes on the vital video below from Rumble to freely post and share here.
Population Numbers?
Who knows how many people are REALLY on this Earth. The beast lies like hell.
The Beast system 200 million man army prophecy interpretation theory is to control the minds and actions of the many people on Earth. It’s likely there are only a chosen few number of people over 200 million on all the Earth. They say billions because they want us all in fear or dead, or in the hospital as a kash kow.
If each person on Earth doesn’t have one child each with two children per couple then the population can’t be maintained. It decreases. And these days many people don’t want children.
Supernatural Bible Changes to All Bibles
Revelation 9 depicts the huge army as one in the same as the Locusts from the pit. That’s new. Revelation 9 is neither written directly, correctly, or articulately. The book is erroneous at best & lies like hell, it is as unstable as a broken toy race car. Bibles were holy until the Lord God Almighty took His seal of Daniel security off the book before 2016. Now it changes daily on the shelves. But the strong delusion covers the supernatural bible changes. And the passive blasphemy is disguised quite well for readers who already have preconceived notions of what the book should be.
Locust from the Pit
The only reason I am now connecting the Locust to the 200 million man army is because of the prior chapter Rev. 9:16 describes an un-named “army” out of the blue. With no explanation or prior context. The only connection is the prior chapter with it’s references to “horses & Locust”. The bibles were holy & articulate. Now the bibles are for those who cannot see and who use preconceived notions to interpret them.
Jazweeh’s Vision & Experience
However I had a revelation that the beast does have such an army…Granted the Locust have already ridden on the backs of the wing of abomination to arrive at their destination. Men’s faces. While the winged rat perches on their heads.
As I said before I heard the creatures wings and I felt it’s suction cups. I felt it’s vile attempt to infest my head. And I slaughtered it as God taught me to do. He also supplied all the weapons. And God Almighty provided me armor.
The Locust is painless as I have said before. But it connects to the mark of the beast in those who do not have the seal of God. Just like the book said it would. “Face of a man hair of woman”. Is not its appearance but rather that is wear it lands and sets up residence.
Seeing these creatures is not a pretty sight. And God will deliver those who repent.
If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me. There is only one reason for humanity on Earth. We must all choose our eternal homes. All must choose. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home. How??
By our choices and actions toward others. By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope. And by our words. The links below will tell the human which one they are at present. All Lions were once goats & wolves. We do not know if there is time to change identities. Time is late.
An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines. The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster. A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)
Part of becoming whole. Spirit 33.3% Flesh 33.3% SOUL 33.3% Prior to receiving Jesus we are just flesh and soul 66.6% The number of man.
Faith, Love, and Hope, are eternal spiritual gifts. If we trusted in God 100% He would likely take us to Heaven. We would not need Hope of Faith for salvation because to trust 100% would mean and Faith in God is full. Faith starts with a seed. It must be nurtured and watered. (See my article on salvation) Some of our guest writers posts cannot be posted on Jazweeh. Articles stating viewpoints which straight up Christians cannot tolerate. Christians who will not veer from the Christian script norms of bible doctrine.)
Jesus “OUT LIKE A LAMB IN LIKE A LION” Leo from the tribe of Judah is the Lion.
Sometimes the scribe needs to be encouraged himself.
Dearest Readers. I am posting articles at you may want to check out. ______________Laura E.
Science Cannot Conceive of What is About to Take Place.
Dear Mr. Science,
Greetings to you. I greet you and yet you are the arm of much that is vile upon the Earth. In the name of “curing Cancer” you have made more death so 1/3 of the Earth screams out by torture of your prolifics for hire.
Put Those Who Don’t Comply with Instructions from the Image of The Beast
ANY Christian minister who says “The back scene is not the M.O.T.B” is not your friend. Why? Because even if I had not been given the word “zebra” as a confirmation from God that the back scene is in fact tmofb… I would still never tell anyone that “this or that is not the mark”. Because what if I was wrong? Then I am leading people blindly to the death of their own soul. Its better to say “this thing is the mark” and be wrong–no harm done. But when I say its not the mark and it is…bad idea.
If a preacher says this or that is not the mark they are encouraging people to take “this or that” because people assume “well, the preacher said it’s not the mark and he should know, right?” Anyone who cares for the well being of the masses would not advertise ANYTHING as NOT BEING THE MARK.
When I sought God out with my whole heart in desperation with a repentant heart of remorse and a body in need of healing I cried to Him repeatedly. Jesus answered my call. By my searching in prayer and running from church to church to find Him He responded to me.
Blessing to all who read this forbidden knowledge.
There Are Two Types of End of Days Marks
There is a mark to buy and sell that I believe is the back scene more accurately a DNA changing mRNA therapy. This ‘buy & sell’ mark is categorized as ultimately separating a man from God. It’s a mark by permission only meaning a man willingly takes it. If you take the buy and sell mark the permanent mark will appear on your forehead. The beast.
Below is a List of Why Jazweeh & I Believe We are In the End Times and Jesus is Coming Soon.
If your here you likely one of the chosen few. “Many are called but few are chosen”. Why? Because the writings on this website cannot be accepted as Truth by those who promote & believe the new gospel & the new Jesus.