They Did Not Build their House on the Rock

Many are Called But Few are Chosen

Mathew 7:25    “And the rain descended fell floods came, and the storms raged yet the house stood.  The strong winds blew, and beat upon that the house yet it did not falter.   For it’s foundation was founded built upon The Rock mighty and immovable!”  Jesus is The Rock and The Cornerstone.  He is our foundation, Faith in Jesus is our salvation. 

There is no idol, book, or statue, that takes the place of God in our heart.  He is our Father, our Comforter, Wonderful, Counselor, Savior.  We do not lean on empty doctrines of men for our comfort.   For neither height nor depth, angels or principalities, neither things past or present can remove us from the Love of God that is in Jesus our Savior.  The Word of God is written in our hearts.  God Himself put his inspired words in our hearts.  Jesus is The Word of God. And God’s inspired words to us lift us up, encourage, and strengthen our Faith.  The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth.   

Either a man knows Jesus/God or he doesn’t.  God looks upon the heart.

My brothers and sisters who now understand the suffering of Jesus.  He suffered long before the cross enduring the company of the spiritually blind nearly all His life.  I wonder if He had even one person who He could relate to in spiritual matters.

“How long must I suffer with thee oh ye of little Faith?”

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“Hijacking the Harvest” A Narrative of Lies

The Harvest is Ripe

I was hasty in my judgement of starseeds.  I have rewritten this article.

The Harlot Churches primary objective is to turn you away from Jesus & Truth and they use condemnation to do so.  “You are bad and wrong (they say) and you will be punished” says the religious beast.

Star Seeds

The star seed narrative and the ascension movement tells you different.  Why wouldn’t you be attracted to it?  It says “you are good and right and will be rewarded”.  The ascension movement is no accident.    Part of the narrative seems to be to explain away (as usual) Jesus and the Truth and to divert you from The Holy Spirit power that has stark authority over evil in the spiritual realm.

If the beast hijacked the star seed narrative just like it hijacked the Christian’s narrative, then its likely to backfire on him.  Why?  Because Love covers a multitude of sin.  To be clear a human needs God to be able to consistently show authentic Love to his fellow man. At least that’s my experience.

It is easy to Love those who Love you.  But Loving the unlovable that is The Love of God.  Love is a caring, giving, kind, encouraging, act toward another human being with no motive of payback.

To be clear. I believer the 144,000 will seed the new earth and teach and guide as guardians those the great multitude of God’s children on the New Earth during the 1,000 years of peace. But I also think that some are calling this call of God as “star seeds”. Those of the less biblically inclined group.

God does not go by man’s rules so labels are not a sign of great faith, great faith comes in many faces of Love and stepping out in Faith. Those who seed the earth will come from all walks of life. Being the 144 thousand as it is written they are the chosen few. Not necessarily Christians. Likely not Christians except for their belief in Jesus and God. I don’t know the rules. I can only account for my own Faith. God chooses whom He chooses. The elect are not religious or they would not be the elect. God’s chosen few have gifts that most Christians would likely label as witchcraft. Especially since the 2017 great activation awakening.

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Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?

Prophecy-“Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES”

He certainly fits the bill with “the whole world watching his slaughter”.  He was in fact a witness of God/Jesus and what God has done for Him.  Look up the “Two Witnesses Prophecy” while the book still has a semblance of Truth in it.

See George Floyd’s friends witness of Floyd’s ministry.   They called him “Big Floyd”.

Even if parts of the story are propagandized it could still be a fulfillment.  If George Floyd truly was a witness of & for Jesus as his alleged friends are saying in the video on Newsweek (link above). And if he truly was killed as we saw, in the street before the whole world then at least half the prophecy has happened.  Who will the next witness be?  Will it be a born again Jewish man according to some of the guess work about “two witnesses”.  As long as its a True follower of Jesus who is a witness killed in the street while the whole world watches then its a fulfillment of prophecy.

Update 09-16-21

One of the Two Witnesses Appeared to Me in a Vision

Long story short God brought me a healing but not a complete healing.  He did heal me to overcome.  I saw the death eagles/vultures leave my bedroom.  At three weeks sick I now can breath.  But am still fighting this unidentified lung & heart targeting illness.  

My Hopeful Vision of Healing 09-12-2021 I Saw The Witness #2.

Did not the scripture say they would walk the earth and heal?  Perhaps my healing will take a few days?

I had a vision last night fulfilling a prophecy that Jesus told us long ago.  The two witnesses.   A great peace came upon me and I slept for hours on end, maybe 12.  I had visions of a hospital chapel I used to frequent.

Was George Floyd One of the Two Witnesses?

I saw one of the two witnesses.   The man slaughtered in the street by the beast system (paid cop) while the whole world watched.  Yes he was ressurected and raised up as is written.  But from the articles I read about him, his friends say He was born again.  Before George Floyd’s murder he was a witness of God born again.   My first theory of the two witnesses was a little different.

I saw him in his transformed body.  He spoke to me from a chapel in a nearby hospital that I used to go to often to pray for myself and occasionally for the people in the prayer request book at the alter.   I prayed God’s will in the Spirit.   I remember as I would spend hours in the chapel praying….

I also finally got two revelations about the blood of Jesus.   Which I have been questioning God on how carnal fleshly blood impacts us now.  When He healed me He gave me a great dream of the Blood of Jesus to signify that it is sacred & magical by His sacrifice since He was 1/2 God in DNA.  And the healing blood and runs through my very veins as well as all children of God by their choices in life which result in predestination.  For in the spiritual realms what is now was and what was now is.  Seems retro-causality is actually a thing.  However I don’t believe it’s causing the Mandela effects.  I believe they are signs & wonders-straight up.

12 Hours of Great Peace & Free Breathing

The witness told me I was receiving from him by God a healing.  I saw a gold light beam come from the ceiling of the Chapel to my chest.  I slept 12 hours breathing freely.  I had peace great peace for 12 hours.  Then I woke and still had the same symptoms.  Maybe it was just all wishful dreaming. I hope God will finally heal me but people, lingering like this is very trying.  I wish I had better news for you.  I will not tell you “I am fully healed” unless I am fully healed. 9-13-21 20 hours later, it appears I truly am healed.  I can breath freely again and the heart weakness is gone.  

As for the vision-I thought about this.  I never would have imagined being visited by one of the two witnesses.  Even though I believed, yes, that G. Floyd killed in the street was one of them, and in S. Am a similar story, the other.  Seems the “they shall be killed in the street while the whole world watches” has disappeared from Revelation (likely), 11:8. And that they would heal many is also gone from the book.  So if one doesn’t see the bible changes and remember real script they are not about to identify the fulfilling of the prophesies of Jesus.  Especially since many of these things are happening in the spirit realm (like those who go before the throne night and day script well looks like this scripture has changed also) & not as Hollywood depicted.

Sidenote-(please I don’t want to appear sanctimonious, for me prayer is a calling, a gift.     “To whom much is given much is expected. ” The call of intercession is not for everyone.  We are not all the arm).

Ten Things The Father Warned and Ten Things The Blind Sheep Refused

“Write Now Child of My Father, send forth these warnings forthwith.”

   I heard those words and so I stopped what I was doing and sat and wrote.

Fathers Words

I think to myself…how will I know it is My Father and not my own vain imaginings that I hear in my head?  “You will know”.

Now is the time of the storm, thus sayeth the Lord God Father of the Sheep

Continue reading “Ten Things The Father Warned and Ten Things The Blind Sheep Refused”

End Times Signs and Wonders Are Coming to Pass Now (List)

Below is a List of Why Jazweeh & I Believe We are In the End Times and Jesus is Coming Soon.

If your here you likely one of the chosen few.  “Many are called but few are chosen”.  Why?  Because the writings on this website cannot be accepted as Truth by those who promote & believe the new gospel & the new Jesus.


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A Dream Interpretation: “No MAN, or no Flesh Knows the Day or Hour of Jesus’ Return”

The “P” is a secret label that stands for those who the many call the 144

You may know what “P” stands for in regard to the 144 chosen of God.  If you do or don’t you may soon well know.

The Dream at a Park w/a Snack Bar

I was in park on earth.  There were tourist attractions and secret doorways and paths through the park that were invisible to the eye.

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Are Generational Curses Real? What about Addiction?

Written by Laura E.

You bet your sweet bippy they are real and they can be broken by The Holy Spirit.

Yes we have the debate of nature vs nurture and it is valid as we are formed by BOTH.  Nature would be all the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics.  Therefore “nature” also means generational curses especially I am referring to addiction.

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The Return of Christ Prediction 2024 April 8th – 15th.

See all my FAILED GUESS DATES BELOW.  I made clear these were guesses on this on-going scroll page.  I still say 2024 is the year of His coming!  As I have said since 2018.   Though my April 8th 2024 date did fail.  Ya that sucks!  STILL we know we are in the season. 


(Written on 7-3-24)  My date now is July 25th 2024 for either the redeeming from the Earth for the 144,000.  Or its the date for the redemption of all of mankind from this fallen Earth.

I based the 7-25-24 date on an out of body dream I had in the 90s.  I had four visions of which three have already come to pass.  The fourth vision yet to be fulfilled is me in the upper room with God.  I saw her as a black old women in a rocking chair who represented God the Father.  Hundreds of balloons fell from the ceiling and it was my birthday.  The other three visions- Jacob’s troubles seen by a skeleton on Jacob’s ladder.  #2 Reprobate minds of the many which is fulfilled.  #3 I watched the sleeping church unaware of the supernatural bible changes that are so rampant today.   These visions were from God.  Technically I saw only myself in the upper room but I assume that means big spiritual changes for all believers such as rapture and taking up.

My back up dates are September 23, 2024 Seven years after the Revelation 12 sign.  Also back up date August 21, 2024 seven years from the Great American eclipse date of 2017.

Best guess-The Sun will explode and deliver all God’s children to Him.  Some are chosen to walk the New Earth and seed it.  Either way the New Earth is coming.  Redemption from these bodies is coming.


“Jesus will return at a time”… when somebody “thinks not” This scripture makes me think that the April 2024 eclipse will pass uneventful.  Everyone will say “SEE WHERE IS YOUR SAVIOR NOW? HE DID NOT COME WHEN YOU THOUGHT.  Very few will venture to call more dates of His return after He doesn’t show on the eclipse.  It will be the time when they “think not”.  I am sure now it will be a passover event!  Jesus I Hope will return this YEAR 2024.  I like July 25th 2024 for the collecting of God’s elect.

Continue reading “The Return of Christ Prediction 2024 April 8th – 15th.”

The Gift of Tongues Surfaces in the Catholic Grotto

2# Vatican scrambles after pope appears to deny existence of hell

1# But first a side note about Jazweeh’s experience with a Catholic Prayer Meeting back in the day at a Catholic Grotto she used to frequent.

Jazweeh met a priest who spoke in tongues here is her story.

I went to a Catholic prayer meeting at the grotto.  A priest and two nuns were in the small prayer meeting and looked on as I spoke in tongues in the very same dialect as the priest.  The Priest asked me “where did you pick that up at”?  What an odd way for him to question her gift she thought.  She answered him “I received the gift at a little Baptist church in the meadow that drew me in.”  The nuns heard her pray in the same dialect that the priest prayed in.  They looked on in utter confusion.  Jazweeh, the woman I speak of, said she could only assume that the nuns thought the gift was only for male priests or for Catholics only, or who knows why they were confounded.

They put their hands on Jazweeh’s back and began to chant silently.  Jazweeh felt evil and confusion coming off the nuns.  So she took their hands off her back and would not allow their lecherous chants.  She felt they were evil.  Jazweeh’s spiritual teacher at that time later told her the gift of tongues is used for both evil and for good depending on who is wielding it.  Satan departs the gift unto his chosen. Just as God imparts the gift to His chosen few.

HOWEVER the goats, and they are many ALWAYS attribute the gift of tongues to Satan for they are unable to believe in miraculous righteousness but only miraculous evil do the goats believe in.  You can easily recognize goats by their condemnation of the saints.  Especially regarding those saints who speak with the gift of tongues and by the Holy Spirit.  Hence they attribute to Satan the works of the Holy Spirit committing the dreaded “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit”.

All due respect to POPE FRANCIS who has DENIED HELL

In March 2018 reports the following quote by Pontiff Pope Francis the favorite pope to the sinner.  If Francis has any say at all believers will seldom entertain the fear of God that purifies our very soul and is akin to reverence and great respect for The Most High God King of Kings Lord of Lords.

The Guardian reports, During the meeting Scalfari (the reporter) asked the pope where “bad souls” go, to which he was quoted as responding: “They are not punished. Those who repent obtain God’s forgiveness and take their place among the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. A hell doesn’t exist, the disappearance of sinning souls exists. end quote

Pope makes it sound like your soul will just be deleted.  Remember these Catholics are the one’s who wanted to keep the Bible away from all of humanity.  They are responsible for killing more true believers than Hitler killed Jewish people.   Now they rule in secret.  They learned from their past blunders.

Clearly this seemingly false prophet contradicts both The Bible and The words of Jesus the Savior and Messiah on a regular basis.  Who is this man in sheep’s clothing who disobeys the laws of The Most High?  Surely he will meet with a soul searching that he won’t be able to avoid.

How is it people believe Satan could possibly win out over the creator of Heaven and Hell.  That their technology might save them?  Believe me little children, Hell is real, I have seen it in a dream vision.  What’s more purgatory is also real.  Is it not funny that Francisco defies his own Catholic doctrine as purgatory being the top level of Hell?  Now he says there is “no punishment”?  My my my, I did not write the book but I have read it over and over and over.

The Bible is changing so learn quickly the true scripture while they are still available to be consumed.

“There shall come a famine upon the land not of food or drink but of the Words of God.”  Also People will run too and fro seeking God’s Words but they will not find them.

Amos 8:11

11Behold! the daysare coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famineon the land— not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.

12People will stagger from sea to sea and roam from north to east, seeking the word of the LORD, but they will notfind it.


Listen here!  I must share this story that has stuck with me for years.

Bible Studies Legally Banned in the United States 2018

The two following stories of recent banning of family and fellowship Bible studies is not only a terrible threat to our freedom but also it’s a horrifying sign of the times we are entering into.  It’s just another fulfilled prophecy about end times and the coming dark events.  If not for the silver white lining of the return of Jesus our King I would be really sad and depressed about this.  But God has told us what is in store and He said that we should be able to tell just what time it is like we can read the coming weather.

It’s one thing hearing about persecution abroad and quite another watching the United States become Christophoebic. For the 16th year in a row, North Korea tops the list of 50 countries ranked for the worst persecution of Christians in the world, according to the Christian watchdog organization Open Doors USA.

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Prophetic Vision of the Apocalypse

I Jazweeh had a vision when I was a small child in first grade or so.  My sister and I shared a small bedroom with twin beds at the edge of the hall outside the door me and my sister could see the staircase.  For about a month at night when getting close to being fast asleep my attention was drawn to the hallway.  At the end of the stairwell I saw a ghostly figure outside my  open bedroom door walking slowly up the stairs toward my room.  My home was comfortable and cozy.  I was tucked nicely in my bed with my sister sleeping in the bed beside me.  A woman in a long white wedding gown appeared from the stairway and walked toward me.

I was afraid, even though she did not appear threatening but rather she was beautiful, still I did not know her, it was very strange and so I feared.  I put my head under the covers as little children do and the woman in the long white flowing dress then disappeared.

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