Prophecy-“Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES”
He certainly fits the bill with “the whole world watching his slaughter”. He was in fact a witness of God/Jesus and what God has done for Him. Look up the “Two Witnesses Prophecy” while the book still has a semblance of Truth in it.
See George Floyd’s friends witness of Floyd’s ministry. They called him “Big Floyd”.
Even if parts of the story are propagandized it could still be a fulfillment. If George Floyd truly was a witness of & for Jesus as his alleged friends are saying in the video on Newsweek (link above). And if he truly was killed as we saw, in the street before the whole world then at least half the prophecy has happened. Who will the next witness be? Will it be a born again Jewish man according to some of the guess work about “two witnesses”. As long as its a True follower of Jesus who is a witness killed in the street while the whole world watches then its a fulfillment of prophecy.
Update 09-16-21
One of the Two Witnesses Appeared to Me in a Vision
Long story short God brought me a healing but not a complete healing. He did heal me to overcome. I saw the death eagles/vultures leave my bedroom. At three weeks sick I now can breath. But am still fighting this unidentified lung & heart targeting illness.
My Hopeful Vision of Healing 09-12-2021 I Saw The Witness #2.
Did not the scripture say they would walk the earth and heal? Perhaps my healing will take a few days?
I had a vision last night fulfilling a prophecy that Jesus told us long ago. The two witnesses. A great peace came upon me and I slept for hours on end, maybe 12. I had visions of a hospital chapel I used to frequent.
Was George Floyd One of the Two Witnesses?
I saw one of the two witnesses. The man slaughtered in the street by the beast system (paid cop) while the whole world watched. Yes he was ressurected and raised up as is written. But from the articles I read about him, his friends say He was born again. Before George Floyd’s murder he was a witness of God born again. My first theory of the two witnesses was a little different.
I saw him in his transformed body. He spoke to me from a chapel in a nearby hospital that I used to go to often to pray for myself and occasionally for the people in the prayer request book at the alter. I prayed God’s will in the Spirit. I remember as I would spend hours in the chapel praying….
I also finally got two revelations about the blood of Jesus. Which I have been questioning God on how carnal fleshly blood impacts us now. When He healed me He gave me a great dream of the Blood of Jesus to signify that it is sacred & magical by His sacrifice since He was 1/2 God in DNA. And the healing blood and runs through my very veins as well as all children of God by their choices in life which result in predestination. For in the spiritual realms what is now was and what was now is. Seems retro-causality is actually a thing. However I don’t believe it’s causing the Mandela effects. I believe they are signs & wonders-straight up.
12 Hours of Great Peace & Free Breathing
The witness told me I was receiving from him by God a healing. I saw a gold light beam come from the ceiling of the Chapel to my chest. I slept 12 hours breathing freely. I had peace great peace for 12 hours. Then I woke and still had the same symptoms. Maybe it was just all wishful dreaming. I hope God will finally heal me but people, lingering like this is very trying. I wish I had better news for you. I will not tell you “I am fully healed” unless I am fully healed. 9-13-21 20 hours later, it appears I truly am healed. I can breath freely again and the heart weakness is gone.
As for the vision-I thought about this. I never would have imagined being visited by one of the two witnesses. Even though I believed, yes, that G. Floyd killed in the street was one of them, and in S. Am a similar story, the other. Seems the “they shall be killed in the street while the whole world watches” has disappeared from Revelation (likely), 11:8. And that they would heal many is also gone from the book. So if one doesn’t see the bible changes and remember real script they are not about to identify the fulfilling of the prophesies of Jesus. Especially since many of these things are happening in the spirit realm (like those who go before the throne night and day script well looks like this scripture has changed also) & not as Hollywood depicted.
Sidenote-(please I don’t want to appear sanctimonious, for me prayer is a calling, a gift. “To whom much is given much is expected. ” The call of intercession is not for everyone. We are not all the arm).
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