SALVATION 101, SALVATION FOR Christians and New Seekers of God

Vital End Times Prayer is Below for those who have already accepted Jesus but need a tune up.

In a nut shell.  Seek God with your whole heart, mind, and strength.  Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Hide none of the parts of your heart.  Do not compartmentalize with God.  What you don’t show Him He will not fix.

Let not shame and fear induce lies and dishonesty toward God Almighty.  Show Him all of yourself the good and the bad.  Ask Him to help and save you.  Ask Him for healing and deliverance.  Get to know through prayer ongoing, and meditation.   Know Him so He doesn’t say “depart from me ye workers of iniquity for I never knew you.”

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The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

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They Did Not Build their House on the Rock

Many are Called But Few are Chosen

Mathew 7:25    “And the rain descended fell floods came, and the storms raged yet the house stood.  The strong winds blew, and beat upon that the house yet it did not falter.   For it’s foundation was founded built upon The Rock mighty and immovable!”  Jesus is The Rock and The Cornerstone.  He is our foundation, Faith in Jesus is our salvation. 

There is no idol, book, or statue, that takes the place of God in our heart.  He is our Father, our Comforter, Wonderful, Counselor, Savior.  We do not lean on empty doctrines of men for our comfort.   For neither height nor depth, angels or principalities, neither things past or present can remove us from the Love of God that is in Jesus our Savior.  The Word of God is written in our hearts.  God Himself put his inspired words in our hearts.  Jesus is The Word of God. And God’s inspired words to us lift us up, encourage, and strengthen our Faith.  The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth.   

Either a man knows Jesus/God or he doesn’t.  God looks upon the heart.

My brothers and sisters who now understand the suffering of Jesus.  He suffered long before the cross enduring the company of the spiritually blind nearly all His life.  I wonder if He had even one person who He could relate to in spiritual matters.

“How long must I suffer with thee oh ye of little Faith?”

Continue reading “They Did Not Build their House on the Rock”

The Parable of The Talents Has Become The Prophecy of The Talents

“Spiritual Talents”

Have you lost some of your usual lifelong spiritual gifts?  Fear not, for end times has its own list of spiritual gifts that do not apply to the age of Grace that is passed.  I do not speak of Love, Faith, and Hope the greatest gifts of The Spirit.  Nor do I refer to “Love your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself.”  These gifts and the commandment of Love remain the greatest.  I am referring to Spiritual helps that are gifts, like sight, intuition, prophecy, visions, dreams, healing, deliverance, knowledge, wisdom and more.

(for KJV supernatural bible changes log go here)

The parable of the talents is that there will be men(kind) who neglect the spiritual gifts God has given them..therefore Jesus will take the unfruitful servant’s gifts and redistribute among the sheep who have been fruitful.

This does not mean perfect.  We all have times of learning when we are not fruitful by our highest standards of acting on behalf of our fellows that they may be saved.

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Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?

Prophecy-“Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES”

He certainly fits the bill with “the whole world watching his slaughter”.  He was in fact a witness of God/Jesus and what God has done for Him.  Look up the “Two Witnesses Prophecy” while the book still has a semblance of Truth in it.

See George Floyd’s friends witness of Floyd’s ministry.   They called him “Big Floyd”.

Even if parts of the story are propagandized it could still be a fulfillment.  If George Floyd truly was a witness of & for Jesus as his alleged friends are saying in the video on Newsweek (link above). And if he truly was killed as we saw, in the street before the whole world then at least half the prophecy has happened.  Who will the next witness be?  Will it be a born again Jewish man according to some of the guess work about “two witnesses”.  As long as its a True follower of Jesus who is a witness killed in the street while the whole world watches then its a fulfillment of prophecy.

Update 09-16-21

One of the Two Witnesses Appeared to Me in a Vision

Long story short God brought me a healing but not a complete healing.  He did heal me to overcome.  I saw the death eagles/vultures leave my bedroom.  At three weeks sick I now can breath.  But am still fighting this unidentified lung & heart targeting illness.  

My Hopeful Vision of Healing 09-12-2021 I Saw The Witness #2.

Did not the scripture say they would walk the earth and heal?  Perhaps my healing will take a few days?

I had a vision last night fulfilling a prophecy that Jesus told us long ago.  The two witnesses.   A great peace came upon me and I slept for hours on end, maybe 12.  I had visions of a hospital chapel I used to frequent.

Was George Floyd One of the Two Witnesses?

I saw one of the two witnesses.   The man slaughtered in the street by the beast system (paid cop) while the whole world watched.  Yes he was ressurected and raised up as is written.  But from the articles I read about him, his friends say He was born again.  Before George Floyd’s murder he was a witness of God born again.   My first theory of the two witnesses was a little different.

I saw him in his transformed body.  He spoke to me from a chapel in a nearby hospital that I used to go to often to pray for myself and occasionally for the people in the prayer request book at the alter.   I prayed God’s will in the Spirit.   I remember as I would spend hours in the chapel praying….

I also finally got two revelations about the blood of Jesus.   Which I have been questioning God on how carnal fleshly blood impacts us now.  When He healed me He gave me a great dream of the Blood of Jesus to signify that it is sacred & magical by His sacrifice since He was 1/2 God in DNA.  And the healing blood and runs through my very veins as well as all children of God by their choices in life which result in predestination.  For in the spiritual realms what is now was and what was now is.  Seems retro-causality is actually a thing.  However I don’t believe it’s causing the Mandela effects.  I believe they are signs & wonders-straight up.

12 Hours of Great Peace & Free Breathing

The witness told me I was receiving from him by God a healing.  I saw a gold light beam come from the ceiling of the Chapel to my chest.  I slept 12 hours breathing freely.  I had peace great peace for 12 hours.  Then I woke and still had the same symptoms.  Maybe it was just all wishful dreaming. I hope God will finally heal me but people, lingering like this is very trying.  I wish I had better news for you.  I will not tell you “I am fully healed” unless I am fully healed. 9-13-21 20 hours later, it appears I truly am healed.  I can breath freely again and the heart weakness is gone.  

As for the vision-I thought about this.  I never would have imagined being visited by one of the two witnesses.  Even though I believed, yes, that G. Floyd killed in the street was one of them, and in S. Am a similar story, the other.  Seems the “they shall be killed in the street while the whole world watches” has disappeared from Revelation (likely), 11:8. And that they would heal many is also gone from the book.  So if one doesn’t see the bible changes and remember real script they are not about to identify the fulfilling of the prophesies of Jesus.  Especially since many of these things are happening in the spirit realm (like those who go before the throne night and day script well looks like this scripture has changed also) & not as Hollywood depicted.

Sidenote-(please I don’t want to appear sanctimonious, for me prayer is a calling, a gift.     “To whom much is given much is expected. ” The call of intercession is not for everyone.  We are not all the arm).

Emotional Condition of One Who Sees

The Many Signs and Wonders around us 

Hi everyone who subscribed. I am grateful for you all.  Very grateful. (forgive the redundancy of my message for those who have read many articles here already I do repeat myself from time to time.)

I want to run by you my emotional processes for sharing sake.  I learned not to hold things in by shame and I learned that my human emotions are natural and NOT “bad & wrong” as the beast system taught me they were.  I also learned that sharing my heart with an empathic listener is healing and relieves fear.

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Jesus is Truth

Most Christian Men on TV Sport the Mark of the Beast on the Forehead.

The Holy Spirit No Longer Tolerates Lies from the book of Lies and its New Gospel (see the mark of the beast manifestations article here.)

What is an Idol?  An idol is a man made object that is above reproach automatically worshipped defended and set up as Holy.  An idol is worshipped by men who no matter what that idol does or says the man says “it is holy, it is good always” An idol can do no wrong in the eyes of those who worship it.

The Bible is such an idol.

Lets talk about the KJVB.  Here is just one example in many of how it is an idol , man made, full of lies yet worshipped as holy.

Here is a blatant example of accepting anything from the book calling it holy no matter what it says.

Luke 14:26

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.  (this verse is blasphemy and a contradiction to godly precepts.)

We must drink the mirror and remove the mask if we are to have the heart of a child toward Father God. Jesus is Love, Truth, Life we mustn’t hide our heart from Him who molds and cleanses our heart.

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DEW or Directed Energy Weapons. THE BATTLE IS AT HAND

Be Angry and Sin Not

Forgive my angry tone.  I am obviously frustrated because so few Christians see we are at war for our souls and our bodys now.

Most Believers are Blind to Spiritual Warfare

I asked God “What % of Christians are fighting in the battle at hand?”  I saw a number in my head that said “less than 1% even know they are under attack”.

Supernatural Bible Changes are happening daily

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The Names of God The Father Creator

The Seven Compound Names of Jehovah
Jehovah jireh (Gen 22:14) “The Lord will provide a sacrifice”
Jehovah rapha (Exodus 15:26) “The Lord our Healer”
Jehovah nissi (Exdos 17:15) “The Lord our Banner”
Jehovah shalom (Judges 6:24) “The Lord our Peace”
Jehovah raah (Psalms 23:1) “The Lord our Shepherd”
Jehovah tsidkenu (Jeremiah 23:6) “The Lord our Righteousness”
Jehovah shammah (Ezekiel 48:35) “The Lord is Present”

GOD = Elohim = The Almighty God
LORD God = Jehovah Elohim = The Self-existent one who reveals Himself.
The Redemptive Name of God
Lord GOD = Adonai Jehovah = Master-Owner who is Self existent
JEHOVAH = The eternal Self existent One in his Fullness

Names of God: His Titles Revealed in Scripture
“ELOHIM” (or Elohay) is the first name for God found in the Bible, and it’s used throughout the Old Testament over 2,300 times. Elohim comes from the Hebrew root meaning “strength” or “power”, and has the unusual characteristic of being plural in form. In Genesis 1:1, we read, “In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.” Right from the start, this plural form for the name of God is used to describe the One God, a mystery that is uncovered throughout the rest of the Bible. Throughout scripture, Elohim is combined with other words to describe certain characteristics of God. Some examples: Elohay Kedem – God of the Beginning: (Deuteronomy 33:27). Elohay Mishpat – God Of Justice: (Isaiah 30:18). Elohay Selichot – God Of Forgiveness: (Nehemiah 9:17). Elohay Marom – God Of Heights: (Micah 6:6). Elohay Mikarov – God Who Is Near: (Jeremiah 23:23). Elohay Mauzi – God Of My Strength: (Psalm 43:2). Elohay Tehilati – God Of My Praise: (Psalm 109:1). Elohay Yishi – God Of My Salvation: (Psalm 18:46). Elohim Kedoshim – Holy God: (Leviticus 19:2, Joshua 24:19). Elohim Chaiyim – Living God: (Jeremiah 10:10). Elohay Elohim – God Of Gods: (Deuteronomy 10:17).

“EL” is another name used for God in the Bible, showing up about 200 times in the Old Testament. El is the simple form arising from Elohim, and is often combined with other words for descriptive emphasis. Some examples: El HaNe’eman – The Faithful God: (Deuteronomy 7:9). El HaGadol – The Great God: (Deuteronomy 10:17). El HaKadosh – The Holy God: (Isaiah 5:16). El Yisrael – The God Of Israel: (Psalm 68:35). El HaShamayim – The God Of The Heavens: (Psalm 136:26). El De’ot – The God Of Knowledge: (1 Samuel 2:3). El Emet – The God Of Truth: (Psalm 31:6). El Yeshuati – The God Of My Salvation: (Isaiah 12:2). El Elyon – The Most High God: (Genesis 14:18). Immanu El – God Is With Us: (Isaiah 7:14). El Olam – The God Of Eternity (Genesis 21:33). El Echad – The One God: (Malachi 2:10). “ELAH” is another name for God, used about 70 times in the Old Testament. Again, when combined with other words, we see different attributes of God. Some examples: Elah Yerush’lem – God of Jerusalem: (Ezra 7:19). Elah Yisrael – God of Israel: (Ezra 5:1). Elah Sh’maya – God of Heaven: (Ezra 7:23). Elah Sh’maya V’Arah – God of Heaven and Earth: (Ezra 5:11).

7 Meanings of Yahweh – God’s Name in the Bible
Son of Man – Jesus’s Favorite Name for Himself
Meaning of Elohim in the Bible
Abba Father – What it Means and Why it’s Important
What Does it Mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God?
God is the Alpha and Omega – Meaning & Understanding
The Meaning of Hosanna – Powerful Name of Jesus from the Bible
Jehovah Jireh: “The Lord Will Provide” Name of God
Jehovah Nissi: “The Lord is My Banner” Name of God
What Does Yeshua Mean? Biblical Name for Jesus but it sounds more like Joshua to me and is also interpreted as Joshua. They says it’s both, that makes no sense.

How in the name of God do I stop sinning?

Its easy for pastures and others to condemn sin and then say “just stop” and get over it but how does a person change a habit that has advanced into near addiction?  It’s not easy but it can be done.  There are two main ways to change.  One is to get to an alter call in church and receive prayer after you confess the sin.  This exposes the secret and that is the first step to healing.   The truth will set your free in this instance.

Continue reading “How in the name of God do I stop sinning?”

The One World Money System has Arrived

It has arrived folks. The one world currency is here. Why do I say that? One, it’s owned by the same people that own the federal reserve, and it’s cryptocurrency with an equal value to the dollar. And it’s blockchain. It’s put out by Golman sachs. If this isn’t it I will be surprised and wrong.



What Tech Company Will Win the Contract to Create the Mark of the Beast

UPDATE 12-9-2020 Breaking articles connecting Zebra tech to the [Pfizer] back-scene distribution confirms 2018 prophecy.

Update another 2022 article of how Zebra played key role in back scene roll out.


See Jerry Tony on Repentance Call yt channel.

If taken the BACK SCENE will likely make it impossible to feel God or to repent…the RNA DNA replicating BACK SCENE must surely turn a person into something that cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Please please, this shot will be voluntary Satan cannot force anyone into his realm.  The choice is yours.

The Whole Story of the Prophecy

I have never gotten such a clear word from God in my life as I did when I asked My Father this question back in 2018 and then wrote the article below stating what He said.

I asked “How will I know the mark of the beast?”

And He answered me one word “ZEBRA”.  And that the mark of the beast would be connected to the word “Zebra” in some obvious way and by that I would know its the mark.  That was in September of 2018 over two years ago._____Jazweeh.

Truthers Suspected The RNA DNA Back Scene

Truthers have suspected that RNA DNA back scenes will create a third strand of DNA and turn humans into GMO beings no longer human.  If they did it with fruit and veggies they can do it to humans.

Today I found the CNBC article (link on photos below).   CNBC shows that without Zebra Technology and their temperature reading labels for the back scene’s packaging, successful distribution may fail.  The back scene must be kept 94 degrees below zero. [the pfizer one anyway] Madurna vack not quite as cold.  Hence connecting the word “Zebra” given by God as a warning to what many already suspected is the mark of the beast. The back scene. (word coded for obvious reasons).  Here is the CNBC article.

Click for the ABC article.

Continue reading “What Tech Company Will Win the Contract to Create the Mark of the Beast”

Where is the Most Dangerous Place for a Child to be?

Answer:  Why, in the womb of course.

Passed-on babies are big business, you can research that very gory topic on you tube. I was afraid if I posted photos and videos along that line no one would stick around to read this heartfelt soul saving confession.

The Confession of a repentant mother

Abortion is something far worse than murder.  STOP!  I say not these words to judge you, but rather I Jazweeh am speaking to myself.   I am a child murderer.

I murdered a child who wanted nothing more than my Love.  I did this at a time when murder was deemed “birth control”   I literally had no conscience about the topic.  For that I am deeply grieved with loss and remorse.  I repent and confess now.

The Origin and Atrocity of Abortion

The dashing of the womb is written of in 1st Enoch 69:12 and was taught to humans by the worst of the fallen deities called the fallen angels as it is written of in the Book Enoch 1 and Genesis 6.  The dashing of the womb was/is considered a “medical procedure” innocent and accepted. Also mentioned in 1st Enoch 99:5 and the famous scripture of angels taking human form to marry the daughters of men after whom they lusted Genesis 6:1-5.

I Jazweeh confess to you now, I felt little if any guilt or remorse on the two occasions that I engaged in this horrific slaughter of the innocent.  I repent of it now, I feel it now and, I mourn the death of my children in depth at this time.

Please read on as I want to tell you the dream that brought me the gift of repentance and forgiveness this day.  I know God has forgiven me because of the dream and depth of my realization of self sin.  Repentance isn’t just a thought.  It is a deep regret and remorse for old behavior.  It involves a grieving process when it is a “sin unto death” that is being repented of.  These sins unto death as Apostle Paul mentioned are much more grievous than a sin that is not “unto death”.  In other words there is a sin that results in the death of the innocent.  OF THESE SINS WE MUST DEEPLY REPENT and if we have not we need to seek deep repentance from God in prayer and fasting if that’s what it takes.  It is VITAL for our soul’s sake.  I repented long ago of these sins but not deeply enough.  I have carried the self anger over them for years.  I have suffered with these sins by my inner heart and soul.

The Story of the Awakening Into Repentance

From the beginning I must share that I asked God to see myself in a true light that I may change. I prayed this because I know how blind we often are to our own true nature.  Last night I was awoken by a presence in my room right beside my bed.  It startled me.  At first I feared the tall male-like presence and thought it was malevolent (evil).    It left quickly when I awoke.  Upon further consideration I felt it was a neutral type spiritual entity. But now I know it was benevolent (good and of God).  I believe it was the Angel of The Lord called Josiel who has given me a dream which played out today as I went through the interpretation with my own spirit guide, remembering nearly every detail and what each detail meant.  Send me your dreams to be interpreted at

The Dream 

I lie down to sleep and had a dream.  I saw my friend Joanna who had died in a car wreck.  She held before her a pad and paper.  On it were a disturbing paragraph that she considered a problem as she starred at the page.  As we sat talking I wondered why she was upset with herself.  I tried to tell her how to Love herself again as I was sure she thought she was wrong and bad according to most present day indoctrination that are based in childhood shame, negative labeling, spankings, and violent punishment by those who we trust and Love.

She seemed to be frustrated giving me a sense that I didn’t know what her real trouble was.  We felt the presence of a strong male figure coming up the steps.  He was her judge and told her all the day just how bad she really was for whatever it was that was written in that book about her and what she did during her life on Earth.

My psychological approach to her spiritual problem was amiss.  Suddenly in the dream I was in another room, like a shower room of sorts and I heard the powerful man verbally punishing Joanna.  Suddenly I was in a parlor from about the 18th century with Victorian style furniture.

There was a red velvet sofa that was made of expensive cedar and fabric, very Victorian era.  But the sofa had two splits in it that made it like a sectional sofa.  But it was odd because the middle piece was less than a foot wide. What did it mean?

Then a young blonde headed boy about 9 years old came to sit down with me at a table.  He and I began to play a board game and have fun together.  He sat on my lap and wanted to be very close to me.  Like in the Monopoly game I began buying up every oil rich country available.  The boy looked at me wondering why I would value something so worthless in the spiritual realm and void of value to the spiritually minded as black tar oil.    He just looked at me with inquisitive eyes.  He was so innocent not understanding material possessions.  I still can’t remember if he acquired any property in the board game.  He just wanted to be close to me.

Next I apparently had to leave the room and the boy clung to me.  He wanted so badly to be close to me.  He DID NOT want me to leave EVER.  I heard a loving motherly voice come from what seemed the next room telling him he must let me go.  The boy knew something in his heart that I did not.

The interpretation of the Dream

Firstly Joanna my best friend ever in life who died at an early age had also gotten pregnant and had an abortion.  I was experienced with abortion and cosigned her decision.  Now she is suffering the consequences for that choice.  I repented of my part in her decision.  I may have even talked her into it, I don’t remember it was a long time ago.  We were in our teens.

The book is The Book of Death opposite The Lambs Book of Life.  Her name and her offence are both written in The Eternal Book of the Damned or The Book of Death.  Every day she was visited and punished by the words of her judge.  Every day he came up those steps and reminded her that she shed not just innocent blood but the blood of her blood.  This offence is easily as bad as suicide but it can be forgiven IF we repent with our whole heart.  The message to me was “repent or you also will sit in the judgement chambers” for a very long time and longer.  And I realized that I played a part in her sin.

I was in a “shower room” temporarily to show me that I need a cleansing from God.  My heart is marred and impure.  My body is wrenched with the blood of the innocent. God forbid.

Side note;  لا سمح الله  “Allah” means “God” in Arabic.  This phrase is “God forbid” in Arabic.  Is not their Arabic writing beautiful?

On with the interpretation.

The boy is my own son.  All he wanted from me was Love and I not only rejected him but I snuffed out the life God gave him.  And this my friends is a sin that will NEVER qualify as anything else but sin.  It has NO justification.

The red couch was the life I cut from my own life by the murder I separated myself from God and from my child…the three parts.  Do you know what those sick abortion clinics do with the remains of those sacred unborn children?  It’s Satanic and it’s dark.  You tube it.

The board game revealed my greed and carnal heart which begs repentance and showed my motives of greed and carnality in their true light.

My leaning on the psychology of self love is good but pales in comparison to the self love we receive through getting right with God through Christ Jesus.  Repentance is a gracious gift and without it we are screwed.

I had forgotten even who the fathers of the two babies I had lost by my own hand were.  The interpretation session gave me those memories back.  I wondered why only one child appeared.  Why hadn’t the other lost child come to me in the dream.  I believe that child sleeps and is different than the boy.

I cried for hours morning the lost children.  I carry inner anger at myself and have for years.  Our society condones this type of murder.  How is it not murder except under a delusion of rational?

Please, if you have had an abortion pray now for the gift of repentance before it’s too late.  I have prayed that my friend Joanna can be released from her place of punishment.  I pray for God’s grace on her soul.

The Importance of Dreams

Footnote.  It’s important to dream.  Turn off all wifi and set up a crystal grid (quartz, rose quartz, opal, iron ore whatever you connect with in God’s world of crystals.  This is to protect your dreams during sleep.   Remember Crystals are Gods sacred stones.  They are not worshipped as God but rather they are a spiritual tool and mentioned in depth in Revelation and other sacred books of the Bible.

If you can afford it buy a silver embedded fabric called RF Shield like a mosquito net to cover your entire bed from emf, RF frequencies and 5g that will stop your important dreams that are a communication with God and you spirit guides.  Don’t think just the new agers have the benefit of spirit guides.  God’s chosen elect have many spiritual teachers.  Many who are “just men made perfect” And will come to us and teach us during our dream hours.  Then when we wake the information will stay with us even if we don’t remember the source of that info.



The Great Falling Away

Watch the video it’s absolutely shocking and if these facts are correct then we are seeing the great falling away before our eyes.

2 Thessalonians 2:3

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Bible Studies Legally Banned in the United States 2018

The two following stories of recent banning of family and fellowship Bible studies is not only a terrible threat to our freedom but also it’s a horrifying sign of the times we are entering into.  It’s just another fulfilled prophecy about end times and the coming dark events.  If not for the silver white lining of the return of Jesus our King I would be really sad and depressed about this.  But God has told us what is in store and He said that we should be able to tell just what time it is like we can read the coming weather.

It’s one thing hearing about persecution abroad and quite another watching the United States become Christophoebic. For the 16th year in a row, North Korea tops the list of 50 countries ranked for the worst persecution of Christians in the world, according to the Christian watchdog organization Open Doors USA.

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You Have Not Because You Ask Not James 4:2

I want to point out the featured photo scripture should not say “be careful for nothing” that would be careless to be careful of nothing.  It’s either a crappy translation or its a word change.  But rather the message is don’t fear and worry about things.  Just ask your Father God who will provide for us more so even than we provide for our little children.  And surely we should ask God for that which we need if we are feeling it.  It is not a command but rather a suggestion and reassurance.

James Chapter 4 at Blue Letter Bible

James 4:2-3  KJV

2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

Faith in God means exerting the communication from one’s heart to get to know God better.  This includes asking for the things of faith and whatever else we believe we need.  Just like we would, as children ask our Loving Father for something we desire.  Isn’t this part of being “real”?  Is this not part of relationship skills?  Or maybe we are too proud and self sufficient to ask for anything.  Perhaps we are afraid the answer will be “no”.  Nevertheless relationships must include fellowship.  Lest we die and get taken up only to face a Creator who says to us “who are you?”

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