Angry Jane And the one became three-The egg = yoke, white, & shell.
Who Are the Woman & Child of Revelation 12?
After my month long fight with the vid. I had a revelation. I know that the woman of Revelation 12 is the intercessors of God with the gift of prayer in higher languages. They do travail and receive great burdens to pray. Few know what the gift is like & that’s why nobody is putting it together.
But who is the man-child? I thought it was the intercessors prayers of birthing the end of days. And that the “man-child” phrase was likely just another corrupt bible change especially since its a contradiction of terms I thought.
For how can one be both a man & a child? But not all of the supernatural bible changes are malevolent. And I don’t remember all of Revelation verbatim to know the original scriptures. Then God gave me a revelation.
The intercessors are the woman of Rev. 12 and the man-child is/are all God’s children who are both adult/mankind and have become as little children. How can this be…
“We must be as little children to inherit the kingdom of God”.
By our powerful supernatural intercessory prayers of Faith and by the natural prayers of the many all of God’s children are being birthed. I noted in an earlier article that we are now in the second phase of the creation of mankind. Our spiritual creation. The most important phase mind you. We are choosing our eternal homes. This earth is temporary. It is the place of both evil and good with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil available to all. So every man shall choose his own destiny. We the children of God who have become the clay in God’s hands are the man-child if we have become as little children before God. We are still being created we must return to being clay in His hands as are little children.
Our true home awaits. The process is nearly complete of being created in the image of God.
Not all shall die but we shall all be changed. The New Earth is on the way.