Who Is The Woman of Revelation Twelve?

“Master! Master! Your promised me eternal life, and you give it to the pretty woman!”

Play the sound clip to hear original Dracula movie line by Renfield.

But what does this fun movie clip really have to do with eternal life? What does Revelation 12 really mean? Who is The Woman of Revelation 12? Why is she so special? Who is the “man child”? It’s all a mystery which can only be revealed by those who know God.  The only ones who know just who the Revelation 12 woman really is has to be the Revelation 12 woman herself.

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A-Z Fulfilled Prophecy from 2017 thru 6-2022

End of Days Proof

White Horse
If you want to ride……don’t ride the white horse!

Just as the Old Testament showed the Israelites being untouched by the plagues of Egypt so too the Children of God are untouched by God’s wrath of end days plagues of disastrous degree.  However, we are not untouched by the many evils of the day.   Evil that the beast system created in their halls of diabolical, dark, authoritarian diadems.  We pray Jacob’s troubles are over now since we do see the Great tribulation starting in weather.

The large hail and corona discharges now occurring in nature show the new fire is coming.  Fire that burns on water.  Violet flames of St. Elmo’s’ flames are coming unto Earth.  Ozone happens when the occurrence splits the oxygen atom.  Air is turned to fire.  When we see the fiery hail we will know the new science behind it.

A THRU Z prophecy below. Scroll

Now we allow me and mine to show you GREAT MYSTERIES of present day prophecy fulfillments.  From 2017 forward.  Only God’s chosen few can see what is.


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A New Revelation on The Woman of Rev. 12 & The Man Child

Angry Jane  And the one became three-The egg = yoke, white, & shell.

Who Are the Woman & Child of Revelation 12?

After my month long fight with the vid. I had a revelation.   I know that the woman of Revelation 12 is the intercessors of God with the gift of prayer in higher languages.  They do travail and receive great burdens to pray.  Few know what the gift is like & that’s why nobody is putting it together.

Continue reading “A New Revelation on The Woman of Rev. 12 & The Man Child”