Truth cannot be overcome. Truth is victory. Truth is pure and needs no redemption. Truth sits at the highest vantage point and has no equal. Truth is sharper than any double edged sword piercing the line between soul and spirit, flesh, and bone. Truth is everlasting we surmise it bows before no one.
The Scribe of God writes his first proverbs of wisdom In the “Book of Truth” he carries Truth to the People of New Earth. By the scales of Truth a man is judged.
This Bible by man’s hand is inspired by God. This is for guidance and reminders to those gods among men who retain access to the sacred tree of the knowledge of both good and of evil.
Chapter One True Blue
New Proverbs
“Does a man dare attempt to trick his own Creator? Assuming intellectual dominance over God Almighty? To do so is the epitome of folly and man’s maximum embrace of foolish false pride. Therefore avoid it by prayer & supplication to receive a life in God’s perfect will for us.”
Prayer. Never just parrot the words. Consider in depth what this prayer means to your heart’s self will.
“Father I am a mortal mankind and you are The Eternal Creator, The Alpha & The Omega the beginning & the end.. I humble myself before you. Surely your will for me is the Way of goodness, immortality, and Truth. Though I do fear the unknown and losing control, still in Faith I ask in Truth with honor that Thy will be done in my life this day and the days following.”
“False pride is contrary or opposite of true pride. True pride is fulfilling. We humans take pride & build self esteem by our finsihed good works. A job well done.
The man looks upon the result of his good & helpful works while holding in his heart satisfaction of a job well done.”
By false pride the man takes credit and pomp unto his heart for supernatural gifts that can only be given & attained by God Almighty or by his gods.
False pride can be a snare unto men therefore beware. For the hearts of men are vulnerable at times to be lead amiss into lies to self.
It is better for the man to embrace gratitude for his spiritual gifts. Rather than being lead into false pride acting as if he himself is author of such gifts.
Would God Almighty allow evil men to rule for no reason? Would He, after bringing in the New Earth continue to allow untrustworthy anxt to have the sacred knowledge?
A:8 Prediction (Guess) based in Hope
No longer shall those untrustworthy men have access to The Sacred Tree of The Knowledge of Evil. Moreover most of mankind whom God does not trust with His blessings shall meet the Lake of fire.
Vow of Sex, & Marriage with Oppression a Confinement of Institutional Bondage
Not all marriages end in rage, however statistics now show marriage is a recipe for divorce.
If a man can afford it he should have many wives to take care of and be kind to.
They say it is better to have Loved* and lost than to never have loved. However all passionate romance named “Love” is lost eventually. And not always by separation.
*B:1 (passionate desire/embrace/ecstacy/sensuality)
Before the person proclaims “I love you” it should be defined since Love has too many meanings.
Romance is fleeting and temporal, a childish contrivance is that it will last. Marriage is manmade legal bondage set in place by fear.
Fear of losing romance is the preface for many marriages. It is the man’s choice to make a vow or engage in sex. It is the governments oppression to invoke its standard, fees, & permissions unto alleged morality.
The man is convinced by beast programming that he is not blessed in his marriage vow until he pays the piper his oppressor.
The beast system dictates that your passion is sin until you pay the tax office and make your personal vow. Yet a man does not need the oppressor to confirm any of his vows.
Bearing out Truth from lies is the work of God’s children. And yet some who proclaim Jesus prefer the lies.
For the righteous man Truth is his armor.
For the evil man lies are his armor.
But most men know not their own hearts. Intellect distorts the hearts voice.
“Fornication” in the biblical meaning is not an act of sex. The man’s heart makes the vow of life long Loving and loyalty. Yet he seldom is capable of keeping such a vow.
This is the fornication. To vow a vow in ignorance and in youth. And to then spend one’s life in bondage to a self deceiving vow.
Men in romance are on their best behavior. Make not a vow motivated by sexual desires.
The man of Truth makes clear his intentions about sex with no strings attached.
Sex with a stranger is usually the only method of carrying out sex with no strings.
It is better to charge a man for sex than to pretend its free of charge. And when its finished to demand payment by stealing his or her freedom with cunning manipulation & induced guilt.
Woe to the young and ingnorant women who come from parental bondage with violence (spankings) and move into marital bondage with violence.
The woman asks herself “why do I stay with an abusive husband?” Yet her own Father taught her that violence is “Love”.
Adult children seldom reach into their hearts to see who their parents really are.
Humans paint pictures of people then they learn more and more about that person. Sometimes nevertheless their picture remains the same.
Self deception is primary and a common emotional survival skill.
There is sex which harms no one. There is sex which hurts and harms others.
Help others. Do no harm.
By deception harmful sex bi products are invoked.
By Truth and sincere caring the man shows respect.
Harm is done by professing loyalty & a broken promise.
Sex is perverse if it’s violent.
The woman or man can steal a person’s birth right freedom by invoking oppressiving evil laws called “marriage”.
Rage & mar* hide in the word marriage.
*Mar-to obstruct, impede, spoil, ruin.
These statistics do not include those who will soon get divorced.
According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for second marriages is even higher, with approximately 60-67% of second marriages ending in divorce.
The Perils of the Beast System in the End of Days.
& why they cannot see the great tribulation.
Hope unfulfilled waxes and wanes. For those who wait on the Lord we build our Faith by not letting go of God’s goodness.
Men of Faith Hope for a better world, better life, better bodies, better home than this one.
Balancing gratitude with knowledge isn’t always easy. Gratitude for what we do have & realization of the harsh Truth of the evil, world system that is here now.
For men of Truth gratitude for what they have is part of basic emotional survival.
To live in the end of days is to see the beast system at large with its genocide, and it’s homicide.
Looking into the face of the beast changes a man.
Pray God “If I eat any poison thing it shall not harm me”.
For many are the poisons of the beast at large. The antichrist, and the false prophet believe they own both Earth and its inhabitants.
Make no mistake brothers & sisters in the end of days, your life is threatened.
Cancer/Diabetes/heart malfunctions/birth defects/electrical diseases/etc. are all by design & man made.
Disease is implemented and nurtured by grocery shopping , clothing, furniture, & home shopping.
In the end of days most all things we buy at any store are poisoned/toxic in one way or another.
Those who cannot see the prophecy fulfilments of death and plague are not looking.
The child raised up in perilous times uses denial to comfort himself from diobolical truth.
Denial is a lie to self by the motive of fear or by the vail.
Sometimes what is right in front of us is hardest to see.
If I am sick (they say) its because something is WRONG WITH ME. It’s never because something is wrong with them and it.
If you go to the doctor with Cancer still in all their modern technology they seldom if ever tell you the cause.
The cause for Cancer is at the store for a price.
The cure & prevention for Cancer is in nature and free.
Immflamation is the strong hold of all strategically designed end of days plagues.
All artificial ingredients in food are the root & primary cause of immflamation of the human body.
The man believes it’s normal to be fat, swollen, and his “heart to fail”. Because he is surrounded by it from birth. He deems disease as being normal and part of life.
If the men of old saw the people of end times in their obessity they would say is shock, “what manner of plague has overtaken this being, how is it he is filled with some sickness?”
The doctors are taught that parasites are no longer a threat…and yet men walk cursed and in mass, with barrel stomachs full of God only knows what.
(hope deferred)
Hope for a better world waxes long and is stretched.
We hold Hope in the prophecy of the New Earth.
We despair by waiting and waiting on The Lord and yet.
It is better to Hope in a missed timeline than to have no Hope.
The constallation prize for the Hope of immortality is the door called “death’s door”.
The mortal shall put on immortality.
The corrupt shall be clothed in incorruption.
A mistaken rapture date makes way for a new date.
And if we Hope for rapture we also know that death may be the door beside which we wait for our immortality.
Hope of rapture unfulfilled can be deferred unto the second death, death’s door to immortality.
We Hope for rapture however we accept that being wrong is better than losing Hope.
And so those who Hope for rapture keep their Hope strong by their mortal & impending death.
All deaths bring a door.
“the 144 shall not suffer (whatsoever) the second death”. Or was it “the 144 shall not suffer from (their) second death”?
To experience a “second death” the man must have already died & revived.
Second death is a literal second death.
Only those who have already died once and resurrected can experience a second death.
And yet the 144 walked the walk of death and the rock which bound them was moved by God’s will toward them.
To see past the vail of Earth dwellers one must first overcome death.
Not all those who died and were revived see past the veil that covers the eyes of the living.
However all the 144 have died once and resurrected from that death.
Hope in The Land of Promise
For we who Hope for rapture from this evil world have this Hope. That it is better for us to be wrong on the details & accept our guessing game than to ever lose Hope.
Hope will be fulfilled one way or another. Either by rapture of by death’s door leading us into immortality. Or by transfiguration and ascension while on Earth.
Many have died before us. We shall endure to the end of mortality whatever that end may be.
To employ an act of selfishness due to a feeling & prompt in the flesh of covetousness.
To feel selfish & to desire to be the only one having some good thing.
The man who refrains from selfishness by overcoming & recognizing & resisting feelings of covetousness owns his own soul.
Can a man covet God’s gifts, God’s favor, God’s attention? Yes, what better thing is there for a man of flesh to covet than His own Creator’s Love?
The better question is can the man feel & recognise his covetous flesh and overcome it by resistance?
The child of God resists evil by moving contrary to prompts of the flesh.
The wise man sees evil and turns away.
The simple see evil and walk that way.
Accusing others brings temporary relief to the flesh & guilt.
By low self worth the beggarly accuse others of shortcomings.
I learned the lesson so must he!
Taming the tongue is a better option.
Overcoming sin bring more lessons in overcoming more sin.
In the quickly coming age of darkness knowing right from wrong will require much more than common sense. For it will soon be uncommon to know right from wrong.
The wise man doesn’t always use his wisdom.
The foolish man doesn’t always behave foolishly.
Good works for the fool must have their reward.
If the wise man lies due to fear he quickly corrects it.
The power and freedom to give and share generously with strangers are not in the hearts of the many.
Mankind is not put here to be righteous, though righteousness should be carried out.
Righteousness should be sought after.
The wise human knows he will never be righteous while in the flesh.
The wise human hungers and thirsts for righteousness from God.
The wise human has two reasons no three to be righteous. One so other look at him in awe. Two, so he looks at himself in awe. And three , to find favor with God.
Mankind is not put on Earth to be righteous however he is put here to be broken. And in that brokeness a the man seeks God.
In brokeness we are made whole.
On Earth if we seek God and His righteousness in our painful brokeness we are made better, much better morally than we were when we got here.
This is to be born again of Spirit and of Love.
Waiting on God is hard, but ignoring God is idiocy and of goats and serpents.