How Will The Alpha & Omega End this Earth?—Jazweeh Vision
If you read all Jazweeh’s articles you may want to skip to the new stuff below titled “I had a vision”. Since I repeated myself about the “deceptive signs and wonders”, for the sake of new readers.

God Almighty has allowed the Dark Lord to come to end this Earth. It’s not over until Father says it is. He is the Omega(The End) and no one but His duly appointed God of Destruction can put an end to this Earth. Perhaps He created the Dark Lord of Destruction for this time. As I said when the four horsemen road the black horse brought the famine of God’s words. Now the God of deception has control of the bibles old and new. The god of the people’s choice. When the black horsemens scales tipped to more evil on Earth than good (people) they unknowingly chose their god of deception.
The Most High God Is Love. He doesn’t lie. Therefore he isn’t the God of the Bible…not anymore. Since it’s changed magically The writings of the Dark Lord of the book now are iffy, contradictory, true, false, and prophetic, and often brutal. Read the bible using Websters and he will be revealed to you. Drop Stong’s delusion and switch to Truth. Truth trumps any book made by man’s hands especially since it’s desecrated.
Webster’s where there are usually one meaning to every word term. And sometimes two meanings to every one word. Strongs’ gives you the chance to make it up as you go by choosing your right meaning of any one word.

I had a vision
of an ominous black cloud of what I interpret as antimatter coming to Earth toward me. I could see it. And I was raptured just before it hit Earth. I had no idea that the Sun contains (solar flares) anti-matter. Though I assumed that it being white now….could be a self annihilating what dwarf star. Antimatter consumes matter. Here’s what Gog had to say about a solar flare anti-matter event.
Nukes have NOTHING on antimatter.
If a solar flare composed of antimatter hit Earth, it would result in an immediate and catastrophic annihilation upon contact with our planet’s matter,
Continue reading “Revelation 18 Is About to Happen”