Jesus Tarries

Those who are alive AND remain.  Alive and remain means they don’t have dead man’s spirit within them and they are alive with their bloodlines in tact.  They didn’t take the mark.

“The generation (the people the bloodline the breathren of Jesus) who see the supernatural signs of Jesus’ return WILL NOT PASS until all the signs are fulfilled.”  These are the Fig Tree bloodline of Jesus.  The Sons of Abraham.

“What is it to you Peter if I cause this man to walk the earth for 1,000 years until my return?”  Paraphrased from memory.  You won’t find this in any bible anymore.

“And if He tarries? He will not tarry long.”   Again by memory now the script is a nonsense verse contradiction.  It now reads “if He tarries He will not tarry”. (John 21:22)


Revelation 18 Is About to Happen

How Will The Alpha & Omega End this Earth?—Jazweeh Vision

If you read all Jazweeh’s articles you may want to skip to the new stuff below titled “I had a vision”.  Since I repeated myself about the “deceptive signs and wonders”, for the sake of new readers.


God Almighty has allowed the Dark Lord to come to end this Earth.  It’s not over until Father says it is.  He is the Omega(The End) and no one but His duly appointed God of Destruction can put an end to this Earth.   Perhaps He created the Dark Lord of Destruction for this time.  As I said when the four horsemen road the black horse brought the famine of God’s words. Now the God of deception has control of the bibles old and new.  The god of the people’s choice.  When the black horsemens scales tipped to more evil on Earth than good (people) they unknowingly chose their god of deception.

The Most High God Is Love.  He doesn’t lie.  Therefore he isn’t the God of the Bible…not anymore.  Since it’s changed magically  The writings of the Dark Lord of the book now are iffy, contradictory, true, false, and prophetic, and often brutal.  Read the bible using Websters and he will be revealed to you.  Drop Stong’s delusion and switch to Truth.  Truth trumps any book made by man’s hands especially since it’s desecrated.

Webster’s where there are usually one meaning to every word term.  And sometimes two meanings to every one word.  Strongs’ gives you the chance to make it up as you go by choosing your right meaning of any one word.

I had a vision

of an ominous black cloud of what I interpret as antimatter coming to Earth toward me.  I could see it. And I was raptured just before it hit Earth. I had no idea that the Sun contains (solar flares) anti-matter.  Though I assumed that it being white now….could be a self annihilating what dwarf star.  Antimatter consumes matter.  Here’s what Gog had to say about a solar flare anti-matter event.

Nukes have NOTHING on antimatter.

If a solar flare composed of antimatter hit Earth, it would result in an immediate and catastrophic annihilation upon contact with our planet’s matter,

Continue reading “Revelation 18 Is About to Happen”

What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.

Written 12-26-2024  An article about Dreams/Orbs.  Unedited (I do apologize for typos)

Orbs or “Plasmoids” as the “they’s” have named them.  I have seen the orbs both at daylight and at night when they glow.  I saw a distorted face in the orb during the daylight hours.  I was lead to stop on on a back road to look at the sky for a time.  I saw an orb with strange distorted male face in it.  I thought it was a lost soul.  And it may well be part of it’s description.  But today during meditation I was doing a strange new type of lucid dreaming.  I was watching character prepare (in my soul) preparing for me to dream.  And these characters some of them were in a plasma orb just like what I saw in daylight.

Music to allow your imagination to show your Spirit Images.

Continue reading “What Are Orbs, Plasmoids? And Harvest time is at Hand.”

The Last Warning from the 144

I could be wrong.  This warning is not a thus sayeth the Lord.

There are only seven mortal sins to confess.  You won’t shock God by finally repenting of taking the mark and  other transgressions.  But you can save your own soul from the lake of fire which is the soul’s eternal death.  In each man’s soul is one lake of fire where they can take captivity captive.  And take death captive.  Set there for them to either take authority over.  Or to fall into.  And there is an outer lake of fire as well.  Each great truth has two meanings.

To Unbelievers who oppose belief in the Supernatural God and to Gentiles

Just like Jonah!  I am Jonah because I see what they do not see.  I speak with God and have His Holy Spirit within me.  I am mocked, and ignored.  Seldom if ever does anybody listen to the chosen elect warriors of God Almighty.  We are used to being invalidated.  We have been called Satan, Crazy, Wacko, and the rest of the disrespectful names they called the prophets of old through the ages.

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New Proverbs Book 1

Truth cannot be overcome. Truth is victory. Truth is pure and needs no redemption. Truth sits at the highest vantage point and has no equal. Truth is sharper than any double edged sword piercing the line between soul and spirit, flesh, and bone. Truth is everlasting we surmise it bows before no one.  

The Scribe of God writes his first proverbs of wisdom In the “Book of Truth” he carries Truth to the People of New Earth. By the scales of Truth a man is judged.

This Bible by man’s hand is inspired by God. This is for guidance and reminders to those gods among men who retain access to the sacred tree of the knowledge of both good and of evil.

Continue reading “New Proverbs Book 1”

Sympathy for the Devil

“But the Wise Will Understand”  Daniel 12:10

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”  However “the gates of hell shall not PREVAIL against my church.”  Gentiles will be delivered in the end.

Jazweeh guardian of Truth.

Continue reading “Sympathy for the Devil”

What Have They Done to the Produce?

Organic & Inorganic Fresh Fruit is Fucked!

I pay astronomical prices for fruit that goes straight from unripe to rotten.  There’s no in between ripe time when the fruit is perfect…just right for eating.  The fruit starts rotting while it’s still partially unripe.

The seeds inside fruit and vegetables sprout as if they have been pollinated & fertilized while still inside the fruit.  They say the fruit that’s organic is not GMO modified by ignorant diabolical owners & masters of the MAD SCIENTISTS.  And yet fruit seeds are being fertilized inside themselves.   That’s the behavior of .  WTF?

Continue reading “What Have They Done to the Produce?”

The Return of The Gods

The Prophesied Golden Age Has Begun.

Long story short…the fallen Earth will be annihilated to make way for the New Nature and the New Earth.

Believers will be raptured and unbelievers may go to their soul death.  While serpents will find their home in Hell or the Lake of fire eternal death (not torture).  Lions are already reining upon the Earth by great works of Faith yet unseen by the natural eyes.  Coming soon is the harvest of most souls.  Those who will seed & walk the New Earth for one thousand years know who they are.

Continue reading “The Return of The Gods”

The Mystery of the 666 Uncovered.

There are at least three meanings of the 666.

The evil programing of humans by the image of the beast and by cell phones shows the antichrist’s domain at work.  His number is 6.66% because he has not The Spirit of God in him.  

Spirit of God 33.3% Soul 33.3% Body 33.3%

Rev 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

First the 666 is 6.66% This is the number of all men/women/children when they are born.  Why?  People are not born with the second portion of God’s Spirit.  They must be born again & receive The Spirit of God. The soul is eternal if it doesn’t end in the lake of soul death. The Lake of Fire.

The Life force is called the Chi.   With the Spirit of Life (Chi) we receive eternal gifts from our Maker.  Faith, Hope, and Love Eternal.  These gifts must be nurtured by seeking God in prayer.  And by searching out the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the second portion of His Spirit.  The 144 have received the double portion.  They are both born again and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Which is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  They received the other 33.3% Which makes them whole at 99.99999999%.

For them being born again and receiving the Spirit were two separate events each one with great meaning.  So the 144 received the double portion.  All a person needs to be saved is to be born again.  Born of Spirit as Jesus said.

Continue reading “The Mystery of the 666 Uncovered.”

The Powerful Name of Jesus

But first an Interesting development on the name of the new jesus. Christians have so easily changed Jesus’ POWERFUL name by which His Spirit comes to a foreign word that means Joshua (Yashua).

Obviously anyone who is willing to change the name of Jesus doesn’t know Him and have not received the gifts of The Holy Spirit Baptism.   At least not the second portion.  All people were born with the Spirit of God in them.  It is the Chi.  It is Life.  It provides the eternal & supernatural sacred gifts of Faith Hope and Love.  These gifts must be nurtured to grow spiritually.  Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

Why? Because Jesus came to heal and deliver the sick. Unfortunately without desperation people don’t need to seek Jesus. So obviously the 144 in their youth were likely more desperate for change than most people. They swam the River of Hell to find something better than what they had.  Their hearts felt the God hole more than most.  So the places they sought out in the beginning of their lives…is why they have “come out of great tribulation” and were placed into the wilderness.  Thank God for His merciful wilderness.  Thank God for His protection and Grace.

The 144 need the Grace of God more than most we think.
People think the 144 are a bunch of perfectionists. Or born Holier than thou. NO!
The 144 were FORGED from trauma, desperation, and rose up victorious over deadly perilous, treacherous lives of temporary blindness and darkness of the spiritual veils.  Here’s one good reason not to call Jesus Yeshou.  Dangerously close to the word Yeshua. One means “Joshua” the means “Beast”.




HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION.  WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED.  Nurture Hope.  For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.

“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”

I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell.  Bless his heart.  He has some very good points.  Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.

Continue reading “ARE WE IN HELL?”

More Revelation Given On the Fallen Angels

I have been objecting for quite some time the common theories on end of days regarding the alleged “fallen angels”.  Reason being I believe ALL Angels of God Almighty do exactly what He has them do.  They are from above and holy.  Even IF some Angels had to take on human form in the beginning, still they had the hard job of introducing evil to mankind.  Mankind had to be given their choices between evil & good therefore choosing their eternity or Lake of Fire.

But I am not so sure that it took Holy Angels to show mankind how to be evil.  But rather mankind needs to take responsibility for its own evil choices.  We have always had the choice of evil or good in our actions.

Often times I think Watchmen blame Angels for their own shortcomings.  The Angels are their scape goat.  Yet demons have always been mankind’s real problem.  But that’s not my point today.

Continue reading “More Revelation Given On the Fallen Angels”

My Delayed Rapture Guess Date is Late July 2024

Based On Four Out of Body Dreams & Visions

Picture taken by Mr.MBBB33 on youtube the day of the 2024 eclipse.

Something great did take place during the eclipse of 2024.  My guess.  I saw a kind of planet filled with entities of twisted spirits.  They need bodies to inhabit.  They were likely released from the gaseous ball they travelled in.  And are now honing the Earth for hosts.  This is just a guess by visions I saw on the image of the beast.  Where I don’t usually get any prophecy fulfillments from or visions.  As most watchmen get all their prophecy fulfillments from the news. (TV = Image of the beast)

It’s not always easy being a scribe of God.  It’s a life long calling.  Scribes are the clay in God’s hands.  People cannot take in the Truth when they are programmed by lies of TV preachers and churches they attend.  Not to mention unbelievers attitudes toward those who proclaim the supernatural.

Around the 25th of July 2024

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Will We Wait For The Savior Even If He Tarries?


Be Encouraged

Absolutely!  He said He would tarry. He goes to prepare a place for us so when He returns we can be with Him.  Is waiting easy? Not for me.  But I keep telling myself things could be much worse.  Thank God things are not worse.  “Out of the problem into the solution” is one mantra that’s a very good tool for my emotional condition.

Jacob’s trouble isn’t as bad as great tribulation.  But I tell you this, the scripture about the weeping and gnashing of teeth applies to this season of waiting.  It’s not as bad as it sounds.  Much weeping no teeth gnashing just a grinding of the jaw.  The bible was always skewed.  Are we being punished?  Are we in Hell?  Or am I in Acheron the river which runs next to Hell?

The frequencies are screaming day and night.  Something is going on in the airways of the prince of the power of the air.  And clearly God Almighty is also at work preparing the harvest we surmise.  Many miracle signs and wonders have happened in real time.  

If the waiting is getting to you just go over some of the many miracles and signs we have seen that Jesus is returning anytime.  In the link above.  I can feel a strangeness in the air.  A great peace out in nature.  And also a great disturbance in the frequencies that are so loud and getting louder every day.  Won’t be long now.  Hang in there.  Encourage yourself by reading the many miracles we have seen at that link .

The Practical Date of the Rapture (Another Prediction/Guess)

Remember the precious most valuable spiritual gifts on this Earth are Hope (the promise of salvation) Faith (in God Almighty) and Love.  To do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  Why?

Because NOW is the time we have to hold to our hearts God’s promises by Faith.  By great works of Faith we store up for ourselves treasure in Heaven.  Only mortals have the opportunity to do great works of Faith.  To take action while seeing that God Almighty is giving us a chance to be of worth in the Kingdom of God.  It is better to give than to receive because of this.

Continue reading “The Practical Date of the Rapture (Another Prediction/Guess)”

NO RAPTURE YET! But We Are in the Season of Harvest


The 144 appreciate that the MANY watchmen ARE the sign of Jonah. Just as Jonah warned the Ninevites so too today’s watchmen are warning the world of the soon coming of judgement and God Almighty.

God Almighty is the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and The End.  NO ONE ENDS THIS EARTH EXCEPT HIM.  He created the Earth and He says when it’s done!  That is why He put His symbol over Earth by the paths of totality!  And the watchmen proclaim that sign.  The Creator is the ALPHA GOD, The God of all gods.  He created Earth and mankind.  And He is the harvester who ends this stage of existence.  He is the One who finishes the work.

Continue reading “NO RAPTURE YET! But We Are in the Season of Harvest”

Our Bibles Betray Us. Purpose of the Menorah.

I saw God’s Holy Words as a scroll ascending unto the heavens.

His words forever set in Heaven.

It is by God’s permission that our once Holy Bibles are intercepted by the Beast.  The Dark Lord has authority over all bibles now.  Furthermore by God’s permission the deception is permitted.

As for the Gentiles they do still glean Truth from the Bibles of betrayal. They are blind to the blasphemy on the pages. And blind to the contradictions and insults to both God and man written in all the books.

Continue reading “Our Bibles Betray Us. Purpose of the Menorah.”