Be Encouraged
Absolutely! He said He would tarry. He goes to prepare a place for us so when He returns we can be with Him. Is waiting easy? Not for me. But I keep telling myself things could be much worse. Thank God things are not worse. “Out of the problem into the solution” is one mantra that’s a very good tool for my emotional condition.
Jacob’s trouble isn’t as bad as great tribulation. But I tell you this, the scripture about the weeping and gnashing of teeth applies to this season of waiting. It’s not as bad as it sounds. Much weeping no teeth gnashing just a grinding of the jaw. The bible was always skewed. Are we being punished? Are we in Hell? Or am I in Acheron the river which runs next to Hell?
The frequencies are screaming day and night. Something is going on in the airways of the prince of the power of the air. And clearly God Almighty is also at work preparing the harvest we surmise. Many miracle signs and wonders have happened in real time.
If the waiting is getting to you just go over some of the many miracles and signs we have seen that Jesus is returning anytime. In the link above. I can feel a strangeness in the air. A great peace out in nature. And also a great disturbance in the frequencies that are so loud and getting louder every day. Won’t be long now. Hang in there. Encourage yourself by reading the many miracles we have seen at that link .