A VISION-What We Would Feel Like if We Take the Mark of the Beast

I will have to tell you a story of what happened to me to show you how I know what is to come___________________Jazweeh

Imhotep loses immortality

The Speeding White Magic Train

There was a scene in the Mummy movie when the supernaturally empowered  Imhotep stood on the steps in a pyramid ready to battle O’Connell.  Suddenly a ghostly group of horses pulling a chariot came not only toward Imhotep but went straight through his body taking with the chariot, Imhotep’s immortality.

Keep that powerful picture of the chariot & horses riding through Imhotep in mind. I will get back to its point.


I seldom and now I never smoke pot, period since my last experience with a strong THC oil.

I took only two or three puffs of what my friend said was “1/2 strength somewhat like CBD oil made for health only purposes.”  Perhaps my usually ingenuous friend was mistaken in what he said to me.  The oil was stronger than anything I have ever smoked.

Paranoia & Hopelessness Set In

I immediately felt fear.  Then great fear.  Deep in my heart was a creeping feeling of spiritual vulnerability being naked to that which is evil and should be avoided at all costs.  Nevertheless it all happened for a reason.  “All things work together for the good to those who Love Jesus.”

I laid down on my bed hoping the feeling would pass quickly as I knew THC wears off.  Who made the pungent recipe I wondered.  Had it come from the elite and dripped down into the masses of pot smokers as the kool way to smoke pot-ish?  Why wasn’t my friend affected as I was.

My heart grew darker and darker while my head hoped for relief.  Suddenly the vision of a speeding white train coming toward me in a flash.  I saw it clear as day people.  I lay there in the dark and in a 1/2 of second the train, just as the chariot & horses whipped through Imhotep the WHITE train sped through my chest that should have been guarded by the breastplate of righteousness.

The THC Apparently & Somehow Stripped Me of My Shield of Faith

At first I felt no different…..”what the h**l was that?” I thought to myself.  I was so surprised, never have I seen such as that!

Then the dark fear I felt turned to hopelessness and aimless despair, utter and unremovable hopelessness.

“Had I lost God’s Precious Holy Spirit”? I thought to myself.  No I still had The Holy Spirit I know this because I confirmed it right then and there. The Comforter, The gifts and the languages all remained in me.  Thank God, I gasped!  God forbid I cannot say what would have happened if I ever lost God’s Holy Spirit.  I used to fear this early on in my walk with God.

I did not lose Faith in God all together know that.   My helmet of salvation and The Holy Spirit were in place.  I still had “the knowledge of the Truth of God”.  I still had a measure of peace, and knew the power scriptures given by God.  I did not lost faith.   But the great fear that I felt stripped me of the protective Faith that supplies the shield, I surmise.  And the great fear buried my hope deep under a requite tower of fear and distain.  Hope was blocked from me not lost all together.

Because of fear and a waning Faith my breastplate was jarred loose if only for a time.  The White Train sped through my body in just an instance.

“God’s gifts are without repentance (return, take back, Indian give, renege) He will not take them back.  His Divine Presence is not a gift per say.  It is part of our human make up.  Yet it is spirit therefore separate from the flesh/body.

My greatest fear is to lose the Divine presence of God.

I now know how that feels.  I assure you had the feeling lasted I would not be able to live that way.  It was that bad people.

I Temporarily Lost The Divine Presence of God (Bimbah) But it was held safe for me on the white train & soon returned.

The white train was real.  It took my Hope from me and the spark of intention, it took from me my confidence in Jesus and especially my confidence in myself that I have worked so hard to finally unveil.

The train took from me most of what is good in humans.

I prayed I sat in the dark, until after about 30 minutes my Hope returned, I was restored.  The White Train kept safe my precious God given divine presence that ALL, MIND YOU ALL PEOPLE HAVE.

How Do We Know We Have The Divine Presence of God Himself

When God breathed into Adam He breathed the divine presence from Himself into mankind.  It is life giving.  By feeding hope and faith to our mind body and soul His Divine presence keeps us alive.  It makes life worth living.  Without it Love, Hope, and Faith will fade over time.  In such darkness a human cannot fan the blue flame of life.  Without God’s blue flame we lose the incentive to go on.  This is what will happen to those who take the mark.  This is what will happen to those who choose the beast system as their god in whom they trust.

“Men Will Break Out in Grievous Sores and Wish for Death”

I promise you this, you will not be able to pinpoint the feeling of the divine presence in you until it is gone.  It is the heart of me.  It is the good in me.  It is the only thing on this earth in this human life that makes life worth living.  I witness to you that I sought God after the experience.

“Why Father?  Why did this thing come upon me as it did”  By deception I took what I thought was basically ‘CDB oil’.  This was not some great sin that I was punished for.   Father just does not take His divine presence from us wherein lies our Divine Hope, it must be surrendered by choice.  Hope is listed in 2Corinthians with Love, and Faith, as being “eternal”.  They remain with us after we leave this body.  Grace if for the flesh to repent and be forgiven. It is not listed as eternal as far as I know.  Nor is it the substance of our salvation.  Faith is the substance of things Hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  Love is everlasting, kind, compassionate, and does no harm to others.  It is eternal as well.

Pray to Put All your Hope and Faith in Jesus

We must not underestimate “HOPE” it is a component of Faith.  Where there is Faith there is also doubt that is IF one is human.  For us Hope includes some measure of doubt that is why its called Hope.  If it were fulfilled then we would know as well as we are known.

The Chaff Will Be Burned Up

Better to be annihilated than to live in hell eternally. That’s my take on the matter.  But some will prefer Hell over Heaven.  They won’t be comfortable in a place of light where all Truth is revealed and Love Rules.

Once The Holy Spirit is Taken from Earth

All Hell will break loose.

Father Showed me what those who take the mark of the beast will feel like once the divine presence of God is blocked or edited out of their genome by the mark of the beast that is likely the back scene.  Made up of a liquid that has to be kept 96 degrees below zero to maintain its potency during storage.  The mRNA messenger RNA that tells the DNA in our bodies what to do will likely also become a third strand of DNA called mRNA.

Triple Helix DNA

This triple Helix DNA is being pushed by the new age religion and something desirable to humans to make them complete.  That third strand that we were allegedly denied was stolen from us.  And that now comes the great event when we gain back what was ours.  That is the new age narrative.  To desire the third Helix.  In truth the third helix is a control measure that lies to our own DNA pretending to be a friendly.

The monster has the golden key.  CRISPR tech cut the lock into the DNA writing mutations all the while by its abrupt style.

Messenger RNA with the help of the lie Inosine will lie to our very immune system & DNA telling it “he’s with me, let him direct you, no need to fear this foreign mRNA, take it in, he is one of us” says the Inosine to the nucleus and immune system.

I wonder, what will be the beast’s first prime directive to the children of God’s DNA.  First the knowledge of God and the hunger to seek Him will be erased.  After that all bets are off.  In such a hopeless horrid state of emptiness how will the human race go on?

I asked “why doesn’t my friend and others like him feel the great fear when smoking the same thing I smoked?”

One reason is this, they are not sensitive to the Spirit.  When they lost the divine presence perhaps they won’t be as emotionally & spiritually desolate as I was. I do not know.  I would not want to find out.  I am not them.  All I know is this

God will take His Holy Spirit from the earth.  So those who have the Holy Spirt will be raptured. If they take the mark of the beast they will lose the divine presence of God.  Then they WILL lose The Holy Spirit (I surmise).

I believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast.  See my proof.

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