The Chosen Few are going through a severe cleansing that involves a sort of…emotional purge of sorts. Where we are going we cannot take such life long issues of pain and fear. This process is a hard one. Its different for many. It requires emotional triggers for processing by groans that are too strong for tears or words to harness.
It’s not easy but I think the worst has passed. It is the final trial of those who will be guardians of the New Earth.
What’s coming is supernatural, powerful, and nothing like we have ever experienced. But first the tribulation. The process may include great loss. Insecurity due to loss of worldly things or people we depend on. Devices we depend on greatly like running water or our transportation. These are the type of things that may be threatened. There could be longer than normal health trials that drive us to cry for healing or death.
I am afraid that those with The Holy Spirit may be targeted with the C.V. And that on going illness unlike anything we have experienced may have to be endured. It absolutely SUCKS.
But the blessings we are about to walk into are above earthly and will be eternal. Hold on. Hold on to God with all your might.
All things work together for the good for those who Love Jesus.
We may have fear of death experiences. Near death trials. etc that would by their very nature drive us to total dependency on God alone. The chosen don’t run to the beast. We feel no security, anymore in the beast’s system.
If we are sick God shall heal us or we will die. We shall see. How long oh Lord HOW LONG must we suffer the trials of fire. The chosen are becoming one. More and more we will notice that when we pray we feel each other afar off.
Of course for the spiritually opposed a firey trial may lead them in an entirely alternate direction. Tending toward blame, attack, & codependent dysfunction whenever things go wrong.
However for the elect, the final trial will not compare to the great tribulation that was our long standing process of growing up in God. Namely the disaster we call our young life. The chosen few have already come out of a great tribulation. The final trial is far shorter and far easier.
Remember it’s okay to get mad at God, however that anger must be transparent. We tell God when we are pissed at Him. We never disrespect Him. And through the trial we know that it’s for our own good.
It’s not a punishment. Its a chance to cleanse emotionally and draw nigh unto God. Every tear toward Jesus is sacred. Every faith toward God grows our home in Heaven.
Is not Satan making men in His image now? Yes by genetic folly. And so is God finishing our creation process on Earth.
The meek shall inherit the Earth.
If not us then who? If not you then who?
Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.