Strong Men Called of God?

Are JeffSnyder2 and FullertonInformer Truther Youtube channels both called of God by High calling? They both do claim Jesus as Lord and they both give testimony instead of copy and past redundant instructions and rules when they share their God.   We overcome by the word of our testimony.

I randomly found this number of page views next to both their articles/videos at the same time.

Click to see.  I apologize the photo is too small.  Both names have 144 page views next to each article I posted of theirs at that time. So sorry its illegible.  Not o mention my page view counter plugin (an app) had to be deleted and with it all page views now read “0”unfortunately.

Joe Imbriano & Jeff Snyder article videos on

To see videos of these pages go to

Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer/EMF SAFETY Article Links

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