According to several news outlets people in the UK are attacking 5G cell towers by fire because of the threat they pose to health.(Article Updated see beam forming and symptoms)
JUST A THOUGHT. Personally I question weather those shark fin antennas on all of our cars don't serve as a target for the cell tower beams. Obviously a cell phone makes you a target for the beams. I was getting massive migraines during travel after they put up all those towers every. It does make sense that the car antennas attract the ray gun beams, just a theory. Unscrew the antenna and cover it with silver fabric or some other metal. You could put the silver fabric in a large gallon baggie and tape it all down. Listen to CD's instead of radio. You can always put it back on once we figure all this CV death stuff out. 5G was implemented in Wuhan by the way.
These firey anarchists in the UK claim that 5g is the cause for the Corona Virus.
And from my studies they are probably right but not exactly in those terms. EMF is not only non ionizing radiation it consists also of very high unnatural frequencies in the gighertz ranges that do not occur on a safe earth naturally. Moreover the Shuman Resonance Earth’s frequency is around 8 hertz. One Billion hertz = One Gigahertz. So when you say 5ghz your talking 5 BILLION hertz.
What you will find when studying the EMF that is not taught in school but is used as directed energy weaponry crowd control weaponry is set at around 695ghz to burn and stop a man in his tracks. Active denial systems invisible EMF Crowd Control weapons
Below are two solutions to EMF articles I found from my own research.
First of all What is 5g?
For the last two years 5g was defined as 5th generation wifi internet 5 gigahertz this is computed to 5 billion hertz. I have “5th gerneration” wifi but no longer turn it on. Earth resonates at around 8.3 hertz.
Now suddenly over night I might add the definition of 5g has been redefined to include only the 60ghz frequency rather than 5ghz frequency. There are hundreds of new articles on the topic saying “we don’t have 5g in this country YET”. Well read on and see what we DO have in this country now.
Not sure if the internet has been bombarded with new info or if the Mandela effect has struck YET AGAIN. Does it not make sense that since I do have a 5th generation satellite internet router in my home that runs on 5 gigarhertz and 2.4ghz frequencies both or either one that it is technically 5G? Well it was but not anymore. Now 60ghz is labelled 5g…talk about dis info. So they say 5ghz is no longer 5g. Whatever.
At this point if beam forming is added to any of it in the microwave range frequencies from 300mhz to 300ghz its a weapon. Its all bad especially when they turn it into a beam forming weapon (more info on beam forming in next article).
Characteristics of the application and its use
There are a number of differences between 5G and previous wireless standards. One of these is that, in addition to the EMF frequencies that are used for 3G and 4G standards, some 5G communication technologies utilise higher EMF frequencies (e.g. 28 GHz is currently used in the USA). EMFs at higher frequencies produce relatively superficial exposure, with less power penetrating deep into the body; the restrictions in the ICNIRP guidelines account for this to ensure that exposure does not cause any harm. Different EMF frequencies also behave differently in the environment, and as a result additional antennas are required to utilise the higher frequencies. These are not expected to affect the exposure scenario appreciably, and initial measurement studies suggest that exposure from 5G antennas will be approximately similar to that from 3G and 4G antennas.
3 types of beam forming means 3g, 4g, 5g generation beam forming by use of a thing called gyrotron….aim and shoot.
A key feature of the 5G wireless standard is that it will use beam-forming technology, which allows for the RF EMFs to be focused to the region where it is needed (e.g. to a person using a mobile phone), rather than being spread out over a large area. This will allow, for example, the same RF EMF frequencies to be sent to different users concurrently without interfering with one another, which increases communication rates because the frequency band does not need to be ‚shared‘ between the users. This also reduces exposure in regions where communication is not needed.
RF effects on the body and health implications
RF EMFs have the ability to penetrate the human body, with the main effect of this being a rise in temperature in the exposed tissue.
The human body can adjust to small temperature increases in the same way as it does when undertaking exercise and performing sporting activities. This is because the body can regulate its internal temperature. However, above a certain level (referred to as the threshold), RF exposure and the accompanying temperature rise can provoke serious health effects, such as heatstroke and tissue damage (burns).
Another general characteristic of RF EMFs is that the higher the frequency, the lower the depth of penetration of the EMFs into the body. As 5G technologies can utilise higher EMF frequencies (>24 GHz) in addition to those currently used (<4 GHz), power from those higher frequencies will be primarily absorbed more superficially than that from previous mobile telecommunications technologies. However, although the proportion of power that is absorbed superficially (as opposed to deeper in the body) is larger for the higher frequencies, the ICNIRP (2020) restrictions have been set to ensure that the resultant peak spatial power will remain far lower than that required to adversely affect health. Accordingly, 5G exposures will not cause any harm providing that they adhere to the ICNIRP (2020) guidelines.
Your microwave is a box with wattage amping it up. Frequencies run at 2.4ghz same as your wifi network which by the way IS the same range frequency range as the water molecule in your body. Otherwise it would not cook food. Therefore it causes the water molecules in your body to bounce and flip unless you get into the microwave oven then you cook. Not good.
The problem is I have been teaching from my in depth research for two years that 5ghz is the frequency that effects (resonates at an absorption rate of..) same as the oxygen molecule apparently now the many new articles say 5g is the 60ghz that attacks the oxygen and is the silent killer.
So then we are covered with 5ghz frequencies along with the 2.4 in the U.S. so if 5ghz doesn’t resonate with the oxygen molecule pray-tell what does it resonate with? More info on that later. Strange times. History itself is being tampered with but that is another story.
I wondered why since I started running 2.4ghz & 5ghz wifi in the house years back my skin was drying out and I could not drink enough water to hydrate. My skin began peeling like a snake shedding in pieces and to add insult to injury. I took college courses in class rooms with 50 more or less other students all with live cell phones sending out millimeter waves over and over again (2.4ghz same as your microwave) until I couldn’t stand up due to the vertigo I experienced and my skin was peeling from dryness.
It was horrible. Thank God I learned how to log into my wifi routers system control page and turn off the wifi leaving the internet on hard wired to my computer and all devices in the house using ethernet wire. And I keep the cell phone in another room and seldom use it. I quit the school, no more vertigo.
Know this, my cell phone received a text and accidentally set off my microwave leakage meter a $25 meter available on Amazon to test your microwave oven for emf radiation leakage. When emoticons are sent by text the microwave leakage meter signal is much stronger and reads even higher radiation with frequencies far above safe limits emitting from the android 6 phone. Also I threw out the microwave oven because its reading was 7 times above safe limits. I read this THEY ALL LEAK but I proved mine leaked with the meter.
I am telling you the same meter that measures the microwave leakage was set off beyond safe limits by my cell phone an android Samsung 6 Galaxy phone.
You might say the cell phone is the bullets and the towers are the gun. Your microwave is cooking you unknowingly.
Burning Cell Towers
I can’t say that I blame them. However I have a sneaking suspicion they are burning their own towers so they can pass laws against humans and protecting their precious cell tower weapons. Also the false flag burning towers will put in place a ban on free speech. They do not like us researching their coveted weapon. DEW DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ARE REAL. Most of the articles about burning cell towers are showing the corporate point of view.
History repeats itself we are in some kind of holocaust again. Seems every time they break out new emf a new illness surfaces. Spanish flu roll out lined up with massive power line roll outs, same with swine flu and now corona. These are the latest observations.
As for the burning tower articles they are all over the internet. Seems every time a great flu pandemic happens they are rolling out the latest emf and radiation on the unsuspecting population. However ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
From the Horses Mouth
I found this new organization link about EMF safety
RF effects on the body and health implications
RF EMFs have the ability to penetrate the human body, with the main effect of this being a rise in temperature in the exposed tissue.
The human body can adjust to small temperature increases in the same way as it does when undertaking exercise and performing sporting activities. This is because the body can regulate its internal temperature. However, above a certain level (referred to as the threshold), RF exposure and the accompanying temperature rise can provoke serious health effects, such as heatstroke and tissue damage (burns).
Another general characteristic of RF EMFs is that the higher the frequency, the lower the depth of penetration of the EMFs into the body. As 5G technologies can utilise higher EMF frequencies (>24 GHz) in addition to those currently used (<4 GHz), power from those higher frequencies will be primarily absorbed more superficially than that from previous mobile telecommunications technologies. However, although the proportion of power that is absorbed superficially (as opposed to deeper in the body) is larger for the higher frequencies, the ICNIRP (2020) restrictions have been set to ensure that the resultant peak spatial power will remain far lower than that required to adversely affect health. Accordingly, 5G exposures will not cause any harm providing that they adhere to the ICNIRP (2020) guidelines.
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