According to several news outlets people in the UK are attacking 5G cell towers by fire because of the threat they pose to health.(Article Updated see beam forming and symptoms)
JUST A THOUGHT. Personally I question weather those shark fin antennas on all of our cars don't serve as a target for the cell tower beams. Obviously a cell phone makes you a target for the beams. I was getting massive migraines during travel after they put up all those towers every. It does make sense that the car antennas attract the ray gun beams, just a theory. Unscrew the antenna and cover it with silver fabric or some other metal. You could put the silver fabric in a large gallon baggie and tape it all down. Listen to CD's instead of radio. You can always put it back on once we figure all this CV death stuff out. 5G was implemented in Wuhan by the way.
These firey anarchists in the UK claim that 5g is the cause for the Corona Virus.