Jesus Holds the Keys to Death and Hell
Excuse the horrible lighting and quality of the video. However it’s vital that it be shared as an end times prophecy.
Topics: sleep paralysis dream, & interpretation. Experience w/”dark orbs”, end times occurrences, the thinning veil between spirit and carnal realms. Dark spirits entering our realm.
Jazweeh is a prophetess who gives me her dreams and visions. But this dream “keys to death and hell” is my own. Jazweeh my friend says she IS NOT a prophetess but here predictions are many and she spends alot of time in Christ meditation.
Jazweeh has predicted the dates for the rapture and the battle of Armageddon. See at
You can see where I got the phrase “Death is my Servant” during a vision of death the entity (he was scary but neither evil or good) literally kneeling at my feet due to Christ having the keys of death and hell for us. I added the vision to my book “Paradise for the Hellbound” in the menu.