Fiction or Fact? A Bedtime Story of Horror.

Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables.

mundo diobolico

Diabolical World

lume diobolică

عالم ديوبوليكال

диоболический мир

diobolicheskiy mir

diobolský svet

saoghal dioblach

dibolisk värld

A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast.

What is the game which those who are in power are playing?  What if you could listen to their darkest secrets and know what plans they have for the human race?

What if…those plans were far, far, more diabolical than you thought possible for one race of men to unknowingly impart upon another?  What if those in charge of many things that are powerful & controlling were into evil sorceries and witchcraft?  What if magic is real?  What if your caught under a spell called…  Its a fairly important pre-requisite to know and see the through the strong delusion to get the big picture of the spiritual condition of our world now.  see link.


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The Fourth Angel Brings Fire to the Earth (Jazweeh Predict. Fulfilled)

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Rapture is Emanate.   Father will not suffer His children to be harmed but rather they shall be transfigured or raptured.

Sidenote: Mike from around the world also speaks of red dust problem.

Folks, fulfillment validation UPDATE this article was written 2-1-22.  I could not figure out the red dust.  I thought men would be turned to red dust.  Now Paul Begley reports "Red Dust invades middle east 5-20-22 thousands hospitalized"  Looks like Jazweeh got another one right.  She heard this "red dust" prediction straight from the angel above."  Red dust is Iron Oxide from the Red Kachina.  Planet X.  Nibaru.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina refers to the same angels as the four angels in Revelation.  There are four here now.  Only those purified (we think) can see the wings and brilliant light and color of the flying winged angels. To others they appear as a planet.  However the Red Kachina appears to the Seer as a planet most of the time.

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When is the Rapture? 144 vs. Tribulation Saints


When is the Rapture for the 144,000?

Long Story Short…Late July 2022 is the rapture date for the elect chosen few.  Who are they?  If I tried to categorize the elect I would fail.  Because some are active 144 in the spiritual army of God but others who will be raptured are 133, those who go before the throne.  These are people after God’s own heart.  He knows them and they Him.  Not all of the chosen few are long time spiritual workers.  They could be babes in Christ.

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Lies of the Church & How to Apply the Armor of God

Satan has clearly infiltrated many not all of the churches of the world since the days before the inquisition.


Please note:  The links to "Paradise for the Hellbound" below show vital scripture and topics.  However I wrote it before my grand awakening so some things will be missed like Mandela effects and end times topics, some lying wonders and vast deceptions are not listed in the book.

I am not going to list the verse numbers because these days at Blue letter bible these are easy to search.

Disclaimer:  Verses are quoted as KJV before the Mandela Effect arrived.


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The Spiritual Desecration of the Human Body by Embalming


Next in comes the status quo (programming of the masses) and government laws surrounding death itself.

To Embalm a Christian Believer is to Degrade and Desecrate the “Clay pot/Earthen Vessel” that did hold the precious Holy Spirit before their death.

By The Angry Believer

Extreme lack of dignity and of respect by following after “majority rules” in every instance of existence on this Earth is perfect evidence of mass mind control.  Yes a society can be judged by how they act toward one another including their dead.  Appearing sane in an insane society as this is INSANITY.

The utter and total desecration of a Christian body that once held the Holy Spirit and was created by Father God by His own hands is wrong.  God intended our bodies to be put into the Earth from whence it came.  Embalming is commited by faithless and unbelieving heathen men with no conscience.  Or its commited by twisted blind followers of the beast system.  The desecration is both obvious by seeing the format of the Mortician and putrid by common sense measure of those who truly Love who their loved one’s were while living.

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How do I Know If I am One of the 144 Warriors of Jesus’ Army?


Words given in a Thread on You tube:

You all seem very loving. Perhaps you have the Gift of Love and are the Bride one and all. THE BRIDE IS NOT THE 144 though there may be 144 brides. I do not think the 144 are such as outwardly cozy and Loving as the Bride.  Why?    They are warriors who war night and day. War is their nature and they are PISSED. Why? The beast system is revealed to them in a big way they see the beast and his slaughter, they see the victims how else would they war?. They pray like no others can or do because they pray in Spirit with the might and power of many weaponous gifts.

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Star of The Good Doctor is Artificial Intelligence…

We Believe.

“The Good Doctor” on NetFlix the Net.

What do Nets do?  Catch things.

I cannot find any excellent images from the show the good doctor that make OBVIOUS the actor is Artificial Intelligence but if you watch the show, watch out!  Learn of predictive programming so your mind is your own.  Also be certain that you know the motives behind TV Programming to program you.  LOOK at the images below with NEW EYES.  Don’t believe ANYTHING THE BOX SPITS OUT AS TRUTH.

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Should the Family be Granted Legal Recognition in U.S. Court Systems?

Honestly I don’t know if this is good idea or NOT.  Corporations with their huge standing and legal rights in the courts______

petitioned long ago for those rights. But long before corporations were corporations they were first, the family.  However to the courts the family does not exist therefore have no rights as a legal entity.  Nevertheless these men calling the shots of the fate of nations and family are redefining what the family is in their twisted and horrendously amoral ways. (scroll to see more of article, watch video too.)  So the U.S. Court system claims this regarding family.


All “family law” is about divorce therefore not about family at all and surely not geared toward the protection of the family

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Absolute Proof the KJVB is Hijacked by Evil

If your new to the bible changes and a believer. Do not think that I cover the changes because I want to discredit God or Jesus. On the contrary, the book WAS Holy and had many truths before the Mandela effect changes.  The security seal of Daniel is off the book.  If the book is honored now or viewed as worthy to teach us or instruct us we advocate lies and put the book above Jesus who IS TRUTH and IS THE WORD OF GOD.   _____________Jazweeh

Now the book is idolatrous and must be viewed as corrupt.

  2. Satan is the father of lies

Now, given those two bible precepts that are Truth and were in the Bible written just like that before but are now becoming vague and changes. With that, read this:

Eze 14:9

“And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.”

Other translations say “and if that prophet gave a false prophecy


God’s Unchangeable Promise
17  So when God wanted to make the unchanging nature of His purpose very clear to the heirs of the promise, He guaranteed it with an oath. 18Thus by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be strongly encouraged. 19We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and steadfast. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,…

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“The Wearing Out of The Saints” IS A LIE


The Bible Change is this.  Use to say (pretty certain) “attempt” to wear out not “wear out”.  Furthermore The Saints are the Elect and The Elect cannot be deceived according to God it is not possible.  The New M.E. Bible preaches not a defeated serpent of evil but rather defeated saints.  Is this the KJVB you remember?

Dan 7:25

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”


Today I listened to a girl on YT who says she sees the Bible changes.  Folks let’s just face it censorship is so hard now against True Christians on YT most are shill channels with Actors.  Check their faces they wear fake noses and skull wigs from forehead up.  Some of the channels have a new actor with similar looks playing the same part over and over.  The voice is always the same but they look different from day to day.  If the voice sounds allot like your favorite beloved actor from Hollywood, its a red flag.  They synthesize voices just for that beloved purpose.

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How To Know if You are the 144

I am not going to show scripture here.  We know scripture is corrupt and changing dramatically every week.  Well some of us know.

Image result for blue and silver warriors with/swords

I follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in my writing.  I am a scribe of God.  My Father is The Creator of The Heaven’s and The Earth and His Son is Jesus.  I do not know any Yashoe-a therefore I do not call HIm Yashoe-a.  Why would I?  When I was delivered and healed in The Mighty Name of Jesus, WHY WOULD I CALL HIM BY ANOTHER NAME?  Are you kidding me?

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Jesus’ Bloodline Vexed by KJV Bibles

1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judah and his brethren; 3 and Judah begat Perez and Zerah of Tamar; and Perez begat Hezron; and Hezron begat Ram; 4 and Ram begat Amminadab; and Amminadab begat Nahshon; and Nahshon begat Salmon; 5 and Salmon begat Boaz of Rahab; and Boaz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; 6 and Jesse begat David the king to Solomon.

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Fairwell Chuck Missler

I am reluctant to post this as its a calling out of deception and lies told by a man well loved by the masses of Christians.  Even I once thought he was the greatest preacher I had ever seen.  I was blind.

Many shall Miss you Mr. Missler.

If you deeply Love and believe in Chuck M. you may not want to read this.

How is it that probably one of the absolute greatest most forthright preachers on TV ever was strone under the strong delusion.  He was blind to the Bible changes and he admonished those who see.

His words paraphrased:  “The KJV Bible is a document, documents are used in courtrooms because they testify in a way that a human does not, being that they are unchangeable.”   Furthermore, says Missler, “this why documents are entered as evidence in a courtroom because they ARE (emphasis) unchangeable. ”  So he said and so he thought.

Who Was Chuck Missler?

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Revelation 12 Prophecy Decoded. Mandela Effect Exposed.

Please also see the Astrological Decode of Revelation 12 on Youtube

(Updated Oct. 26, 2020)

When Jupitor was in gestation in the womb of The Virgin for literally nine months. While Virgo was crowned with Leo of 12 stars. This movement of stars never occurred in that way before it astrologically fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah and the Prophet John the Revelator about the woman giving birth and the beast waiting to destroy her child and so on.  The astrological fulfillment of that scripture happened for all to see September 23rd, 2017.

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The Mark of the Beast “GrandSupremeNewsChannel”on YT

Do Not Underestimate the coming of The Mighty Rushing Wind. It will knock you over if you submit to be blessed by The Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and prayers by the people.  Luis’s website.

Proof the KJVB is changing:

“Let him who is unjust be unjust still”.  If this scripture is not contrary to the teachings of Jesus for you, then you never knew Him.  However, unfortunately, the age of Grace is over, the age of judgement is here.  Meaning, those who are “unjust” in their heart will remain that way until the one day/the one year/ the last day when the gift of repentance is again poured out upon the Earth and the unwise virgins then have their chance to be with their Lord & Savior or to at least make it to a good place in the hereafter rather than Hell and void.

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Prophetic Dream Jazweeh, October 27, 2019: Wedding Supper

Hi Everyone!

First I want to say I have been witnessing that many people are having dreams of the wedding supper.  Jazweeh says she is not one of “The Bride” persay because she and the 144 were with Jesus before the Earth was populated by humans.  Moreover, the scripture in KJV where Jesus states, “I call you friends” is absolutely a changed verse because Jesus called us “BREATHREN” (we are of His Breath) and it was spelled with the “A” pretty sure.   The “A” gives the word a deeper meaning and value as the breath of Life.   To be His family is to Live.   And now He calls us “friends” are YOU kidding me?  This “friends” is SHALLOW and corrupt.

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