We who feel led can follow this instruction, fast and pray for the final lost souls that are the last to be saved and ushered into the fold of salvation. Fasting is a powerful weapon for Christian warfare that we should familiarize ourselves with in these last days.
I have fasted before for three days. On the third day all I could think abut was food. Nevertheless….I proclaim a 24 hour fast. The prayer will be for the lost who are Gods people to be ushered in now.
Every child of God’s Spirit is precious. I see that in you. The indoctrination of us ALL in the U.S. and abroad is that we are inherently and shamefully “BAD”. Write down all guilt and shame, confess it, and let it go. There is a voice in all heads that will kick your ass if you allow it to. Do not believe the lie telling you that if you punish yourself mentally you will be good THEN. Don’t believe the lie telling you that your inferior to anyone.
Or that what you like, feel, think, believe in, is WRONG. NO! Every feeling that comes from our heart is truth and comes from a valid place of origin. Our hearts above all things need to be expressed and heard by someone who shows understanding and empathy. Never allow intellect to dominate your hearts voice or take charge over your self image. “you should have done this or you SHOULD have done that”, the voice never ends and it puts us in emotional defense or into self condemnation or into blame. What your doing on You tube is good. You are helping others more than you could ever know. I have put away the ruler that slaps my own hand because it’s counter productive and whipping myself IS NOT how I become better. That crime and punishment mentality has been indoctrinated into us all. Meditate every day on the good things you are doing. Go over them in your mind in prayer and meditation. There is good in you seeing yourself as good. Do one thing every day to feed your precious and godly Spirit. Don’t stop reminding yourself that your good because you are a child of the king and GOD DON’T MAKE JUNK. We DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONDEMN OURSELVES. THAT IS SIN and a deception that usually requires years of therapy to recognize. Why am I saying this? I see me in you also I wish someone would have told me this. If it don’t apply let it fly. True Christians tend to be VERY hard on themselves to the point of people pleasing. I had to learn how to say “no” without fear. This is encouragement not a spanking. I am sure you have had enough spanking in the name of “Love” as most of us have. Then when you turn 18 spanking suddenly turns from “Love” into “abuse” and a crime called assault.