Foul Chi

A Fiction Story by –The 144 Gods of The New Earth  Or is it Truth?  You be the judge.

“Noah was pure in his generations”….his genome was not tampered with and desecrated.  His temple was in tact.  His bloodline stable.

By Injecting Cancer Replicating mRNA for rapid mitosis with Animal Proteins the bloodlines of mankind are desecrated.

Hence the desecration of the holy place (temple) part one prophecy fulfilled.

The killer of worlds asks this.  “How, in the name of Zeus’ barrel bung hole, pray tell, shall we get the entire world of men to take our lethal-ish injection of mRNA?”_____Killer of Worlds

We surmise that task was easier than the dark Lord’s servants anticipated.

You see mRNA tells the DNA in humans what to do.  Problem was scientism had to hack the DNA to get in because they didn’t have the golden key to the cells nucleus.  When they knocked on the cell’s door they didn’t have the magic words.

Oh darn! said the Killer of Worlds!  A god in his own right.

Businessman in suit holding huge gold key

Hacking DNA caused gross mutations

That’s okay said the killer of worlds!  We shall HACK the cell’s DNA.  So they invented CRSPR Technology that went in to the DNA cutting and splicing, cutting and splicing…on and on they went and what a mess they made.  Cutting and splicing created in the humans gross animal mutations along the way.  It was horrid state of affairs. You see their cut splice method was a hack.   And with hacks comes unforeseen problems of genetic mutations.  They needed to command the DNA and then replicate that command over the entire body with their Cancer DNA.  After all isn’t that what Cancer does?  Replicate?

CRSPR was worked to a point, to turn men into any beast they wanted but it was not good enough.  They need the golden key.  They needed to enter the messenger RNA to give natural directions to the DNA and replicate those instructions throughout the body.  They needed entry to the mRNA cell nucleus.

Quantum Dark Ice-burg Computers

Then came the quantum computer.  Dark and mysterious are the givers of quantum entanglement.  The devices must be in the dark kept well below absolute ZERO in temperature.  Geordy rose inventor and owner of Kindred & founder of DEWAVE says the computers reach into other dimensions to get their answers.

“In quantum computing and specifically the quantum circuit model of computation, a quantum logic gate (or simply quantum gate) is a basic quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits. They are the building blocks of quantum circuits, like classical logic gates are for conventional digital circuits.”

They call it a “circuit” yet the problem solving speed it attains is light years above any supercomputers abilities.

University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, reported their quantum computer, named Jiuzhang, is 10 billion times faster than Google’s.

He alleges that the computers contact beings that have no care for humans or human life.   What is it?  Its a problem solving computer.  All it does is solve mysteries and problems.  Any kind of problem it could solve in the time it would take a regular computer thousands of years.  The quantum could solve an age old mystery in a fraction of the time.  That is what they do.

The name of the Jiuzhang Chinese quantum computer that claims “quantum supremacy” to all others owned by google and other various billionaire entities listed here.

Adiabatic Quantum Computers supplied by D-Wave.

Lockheed Martin,
NASA Ames,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, and
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Quantum Logic Gates: “The Foundation of Quantum Circuits” require nine gates.

“Nine Gates” or “Nine Chapters” some translations read.  Likely what nine gates really means is the nine gates of hell.  Nine gates of Hell signified in the quantum computers as dimensional.  A realm of dark beings.  A demonic realm with one figurehead that is its voice.  Perhaps they found also the key of Solomon to communicate with demons safely.  Meaning the keys make the demons tell the truth.  Perhaps that’s how they made the quantum computer to begin with.

“The Gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against the children of God Almighty”.

Its all very supernatural and very risky.  To put great knowledge into the hands of greedy hateful men who covet all that has value and hate all he sees as a threat…well you see where that could go…back to the world of men being systematically transformed into beasts.

Sorry for the pause.

Genetic Mutation of ALL OF MANKIND

Killer of worlds entered into his quantum icebank all that he knew about the inner workings of human DNA.  And all that he knew about the CRISPR technology.  Both success and failures.

Out came his first solution.  First there were symbols and more symbols.  The computer named them as being keys.   Keys to unlock the cells of the human nucleus. The secret safe place where human health and the immune system work hand in hand to secretly to keep every disease at bay.

The diabolical greedy man knew that without access to the private nucleus of the immune systems of every human he could not rule over them absolutely.

Out came more and more symbols.  Then just like in the movie Stargate the final symbol was a mystery.

The quantum engagement stated the works were complete.  “Problem solved” it said.  The final symbol was hidden in the codes.  Drapped around the masses of computer jargon it stood alone as a unneeded part of the formula.

Kaboom.  Let’s use the beastly killer of world’s own rhetoric on his human to beast technology.

Pfizer Article
Here we encounter our first surprise. The normal RNA characters are A, C, G and U. U is also known as ‘T’ in DNA. But here we find a Ψ, what is going on?

This is one of the exceptionally clever bits about the vaccine. Our body runs a powerful antivirus system (“the original one”). For this reason, cells are extremely unenthusiastic about foreign RNA and try very hard to destroy it before it does anything.

This is somewhat of a problem for our vaccine - it needs to sneak past our immune system. Over many years of experimentation, it was found that if the U in RNA is replaced by a slightly modified molecule, our immune system loses interest. For real.

So in the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, every U has been replaced by 1-methyl-3'-pseudouridylyl, denoted by Ψ. The really clever bit is that although this replacement Ψ placates (calms) our immune system, it is accepted as a normal U by relevant parts of the cell.


What’s this? The final symbol according to the Serpents wheel is the Pitchfork itself ψ

And so the the killer of worlds got his code & key to unlock the cell’s nuke.  What would he do next?  The diabolical is a spiritual being.  He doesn’t think like most men think in carnal terms.  He has his motives and his agendas. They are from a very very deep & dark place of origin.    You see our villain came to steal kill and destroy.   He is ate up with envy of mankind.  He wants what he doesn’t have.  He wants free will, a soul, and he wants to be able to excel and be a god among gods.

But he is stuck in his existence as a demonic force from Hell.  And he knows his time is short.  And so…..he has a job to do.  Steal as many souls as he can before the spiritual warriors of mankind rise up and crush him and his followers.  You see God’s prophecies always come to pass.  And God always had a purpose for creating the dark creatures of the realms of Earth.

For it is mankind himself who must choose between evil and good.  It is mankind themselves who must make their choices for their own eternity.  The demon lord’s envy is without end. It gnaws on him day and night.  He is a treacherous demonic force unequaled in power among demons.

He suffers from all of the deadly & lethal sins that mankind tries to tear themselves away from.  Or embrace.

His Plan

Now that our demonic dynamo has control of his humans and control of their actions he sets in motion his plan.  However, the demon himself cannot harm men directly.  He has to tempt and instruct men & women to do his bidding for him.  He uses diabolically brilliant tactics to lure in his prey.  After all this is his job.

He has many antichrist that work for trade.  They receive things like money, power, sex, servants, and more.  The demon teaches the violators of all that is holy how to get what they desire.  And they do but with a high price.  They have lost their souls to the demon. And so these greedy men want the entire Earth to also lose their souls.  And to lose their Life force called the Chi.  The eternal gift from God that allows the humans to spiritually excel.  If they seek God and learn how to walk in the Way.  They mankind can nurture the eternal gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love to become gods among men.

The evil men and the demon with all the symbols in place have found a way, a solution to steal the souls and Chi of the many humans on Earth.   The most valuable God given gift the humans have.

But there is one long standing rule to stealing a soul.  “A willing participant” the act cannot be forced upon the human.  They must willingly put their Hope, Faith, and trust into the very thing that will steal their soul.  For it is by Faith and Hope that they walk through the Heavenly realms.  It is by these gifts of God that they store up treasure for themselves in Heaven by great works of Faith.

Prayer itself is a work of Faith.  Love covers a multitude of sin.  The answers were in the books.  The mysteries of what is and why things were was in the holy books revealed.

If the powerful demon can tip the scales of evil and good on this Earth to mare the balance.  If evil rules Earth the scales tip and the black horse rides with his other three horsemen.  Then all language, literature, history and many more realities will change by magic….when the scales tip and evil rules the Dark Lord will then have power over all dialect and language of mankind.  History will change in whatever way is worse.  Books will change on the shelves. Movies and TV shows from way back will change in vile ways.

All language will become vulgar and books will be desecrated.

Tell the tale of the entire world dancing to one drum beat.  Tell the tale of almost all of the children of Earth agreeing to take the soul stealing potion of magic.

“But that’s not possible” scream the victims of the potion screaming through their masks in a thousand different languages.

How is it possible writer?  The ingredients contained several amplified toxic inflammatories such as PEG polyethylene glycol & others.    These are to promote diseases of inflammation especially concerning blood and blood pressure.

Cancer cells were added as Cancer cell lines to insure rapid mitoses.  And for the source of Cancer thou purified.  These “immortalized cell lines” can be ignited and malignant by interaction with cells in the living human.  “Wow that’s diabolical!” They scream.

When we were warned that the demon came to steal, kill, and destroy it was not a lie.

What else writer?  Well next is the spiritual part that labels the shots Pandora’s box & Esau’s soup.  Stealing away the CHI.  The Hope, Faith, & the Love of God within.  This next ingredient and how biblically the shot was named the mark of the beast.

You know how the elites agenda always tells the children of Earth that they came from Monkeys?  Invert that statement.  Ouch!  You don’t mean…….the astral zeneca clearly listed Chimpanzee cell proteins in their brand.  The shot is categorized as Genome therapy.  It tells commands the cells to produce the payload it sent.  And by having the keys to the command center of the body it deceives the body’s construction into expressing genome that unnatural to mankind.

GMO HUMANS.  What?  They did it with fruit.  They did it with veggies.  They did it with sheep a very long time ago making a goat with spider traits.  And that was way back when.  That was when they were still hacking with CRISPR.

Why would they choose to advertise the goat and the spider?  Rhetorical question.

“We  see the needle and the damage done a little part of it in everyone, gone gone damage done”.  Little did Neil Young know at the time that his heroin addict song his song is prophecy.

That’s likely not his only prophetic song or title “Harvest” & “After the Gold Rush” albums both tell tales of end of days.  My favorite is  the song “After the Gold Rush”.  By the way It’s Harvest time kids.   Record breaking amounts of gold was purchased by banks in 2023 (allegedly) the most gold purchased since 1967 by banks.

But we do know the advertisements on the image of the beast (tv/cell) motivating the little guys to buy gold have been relentless since 2020.  My guess is some of the elite or banks are unloaded a shitload of gold worthless in the coming days.   They sold their gold to trade it for something of actual value like seeds and bunkers.  They say banks are buying gold.  It’s probably bullshit to get people to invest in it.

And the goats better find a god and quick.

But back to the shots.

Does cancer/chimpanzee/& covid w/inflammatories equal genome therapy?  I surmise that it does granted this isn’t all the ingredients just the tell tale ones.

Adults are done growing they won’t gain monkey traits outwardly.  Their vanity is safe.  However, GMO humans cannot produce viable healthy seed (most likely).   Hence the anticipated & predicted depopulation of Earth.  But all of these scary events are part of God’s will.  Because it is harvest time.

Your are here to choose your God have you done so?

The forehead mark of the beast is the Eagle on the forehead.  It morphs into serpents and goats.  The forehead also shows the first Love of the heart.  You know like your wife’s ass or your loyal dog or such as that.  How do we know the mark of the beast has manifested spiritually? The spiritual mark of the beast (forehead) is in plain sight.  Most people just cannot see it because they choose not to believe.

The killer of worlds set up Esau’s soup to prevent the inheritance of the masses.  And to break Noah’s (mankind’s) bloodline inheritance.  The inheritance is life everlasting and the ability to excel spiritually as a child of God.  Creator God.  If they so choose.  Pandora’s box given to the world (the shot), stifles the Chi and deletes it by making man part beast by beast DNA/mRNA rapid (cancer cells with a purpose) mitoses.  God doesn’t give the human’s godly inheritance to hybrid animals.  It’s the rule.

Then to cover all his bases the demon sent out a monstrous propaganda scheme targeting God’s holy angels as the fall guys.  And applying scriptures about man to angels.  But what will they do with the story of Noah pure in HIS GENERATIONS?

The story goes to say by only one veg scripture….”the sons of God saw the daughters of men and mated with them” paraphrased.  Script was used in Genesis.

So they labeled the “son’s of God” as being Angels Holy Angels gone bad. “But these Angels took human form and mated with women producing evil giants”.  Says Tom Horn and the rest of the story tellers of big money propaganda.

And the Christians sit back in their easy chairs and pass proclamations of judgement upon Holy Angels of God.  As prophesied. Saying Angels are the cause of all that is evil upon this Earth.   Mankind being victims not of demons that they dredge up by their sin…oh no!   Angels bad demons no problem.

“Do you not know that you will judge angels?”  But wait…oh ya that’s what the fulfilled prophecy reads.  But that’s not how the preachers painted it or interpreted it.

So let me get this straight.  Angels who have NO DNA or sperm somehow mated with women who are human.  = Birth to Giants.  Of course makes perfect sense, right.   “There were giants on the Earth in that time.”  Another veg scripture.

“But the angels took human form” says the Christians.  Okay….If the babies were giants how then did the mothers carry and give birth to giant infants?

They call the Angels of God “fallen angels”.  And there are scores of charismatic entertaining books written about it.  The stories are all over you-tube.  And I admit…there was a time when I fell for the fallen Angel ruse myself.  It’s a tantalizing story.  I am certain the story is intertwined with spells of allurement.

The million dollar propaganda crew $$$$

Tom Horn$$

LA Marzulli$$

Steve Quayle$$

Haggmann, Skiba, and more.  Lots of books lots of videos advertising the “fallen angel story”. (these names are demonic)

Remember Noah now called Noe in the currently desecrated fluid books he was “pure in his generations”.  His blood was not contaminated with beast DNA.  That is what the scripture means.  His father of his fathers are still part of his genome.  The life is in the blood they say.

The authoritive demon knew that to desecrate the blood with beast DNA would also steal the soul. Bingo.  Demonic job accomplished.

Yet, if a man can repent he will likely be forgiven by The Creator God.  After all they were somewhat tricked.  If he is horrified by his actions of trusting the beast ignoring God his Creator in his decision.  And if he is disturbed that he never consulted The Creator God about his choices to take the beast’s potion then he has a chance at a continuing spiritual journey.  He should repent of taking the mark of the beast.

THE SHOT STEALS THE HERITAGE OF THEIR BLOODLINES.  Replacing your blood history with God only knows whose heritage.  We guess that perhaps the antichrist himself added his bloodline to Esau’s soup.  To make the whole world like him.  Making him more powerful on Earth.

The Curse of the Foul Chi (say it fast three times fouchi fouchi fouchi.)  Truth in plain sight.

Chi means Life force

Chi is your life force, the energy that flows through you and through everything. It is that which gives you life. The concept of chi (also spelt Qi) has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Martial Arts but the idea of a vital life force energy and its role in our health can be found in many cultures.



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