How Religion/LEGION Molds Men’s Hearts & Minds by trauma.
Narrator-Twas another night before Christmas and the children did say
“Our hearts have been broken, NO SANTA THIS DAY!
We trusted our loved ones we believed in their drool when they told us the stories of glad tidings and yule.”
“”we meant it not, it was a game, a ruse we say, for fun proclaim!
Liars cont.
No longer are you a babe in arms to believe any lie to swallow any charm.
Believing in the lies of a sweet savory dream is cut out for the innocent the full (not fool) hearted for our scheme.
Did we not give you presents to accompany the lie? Did we not show you fun and lights in the sky..with images of Prancer, and dancer, and doom, sure we lied to babes but what’s all this gloom?”
“And so the stage was set for the one greatest scheme. For the lie of all time, there was another lurking dream. A story on high remained in their in their bag of sad lost fictions and treasures they once had. A happy ending story of timeless living hope, loomed in their spirits by just one thread of silver rope.”(silver cord)
“We could no longer trust any baby’s, psycho dreams …of present or of old surely all were slippery schemes!
Once we were deceived, down hearted, and taxed by the fable they sold/and stoled. Again, our hearts attacked.
For If Santa was a lie then Jesus was too a ruse a tactful story a false truth for me an you”.
And So begins the plot that thickens as its told, the stories to the children are lies that must be sold. For, the children of Earth would not seek God from their heart. They would turn from Him due to a program that hurt deep in their heart.
“”Trauma, trauma, lies for gist, we won’t fall for it again. Hurt us once shame on us hurt us twice we deserve the dim…. but still we cry please, please, do begin the tale again.”
Narrator’s Conclusions
The last passage another effect of the Christmas story looms-A Program of emotional Trauma by pieces of heartfelt ruins.
WHAT IS LOVE? We ask from tales of woe and bliss.
Spinner of Lies finally speaks
Your hearts desire for our time we want your final kiss. Your soul before us dances so innocent and bliss. By consuming it we take your understanding of what is Love so deep.
Love is hurt love is betrayal the more you Love the more you weep.
Truth is lies and love is pain we sing the song of dross. Deeper and deeper into the dark we take your soul by loss.