Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture

The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.

Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus.  So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation.  The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”.  He lights our paths to God.  By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man.  And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.

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Cast Pearls Before Swine

You know who you are in Christ by now.

We have ever tried to share The Love of God with unbelievers who are Loved ones close to us.  And often we hoped that they were not unbelievers at heart.

But it seems many are somewhat righteous people with no desire whatsoever of seeking God.  They have no motivation to know Our Heavenly Father or to find the greatest spiritual gifts in life given by The Holy Spirit in The Name of Jesus.

(The YT EYA video below is not for the faint of heart.  Its a paradigm changer.)

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Understanding Power & Spiritual Gifts

To Read the Article click the link. I do usually post the articles in duplicate on both sites but I though I would just add the link this time. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you do have or want spiritual gifts and power from God you may want to read this apropos article. Thank you________Laura E.

Spiritual Gifts & Powers

“Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus

Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

The Beast is coy.  The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.

What is Redemption Truly?

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Let Those Who Love the Lie Have their Life of Lies

“Let the unrighteous be unrighteous still”?

Okay yes the verse is changed and it blatantly contradicts the godly precepts of repentance but is this change demonic?  Perhaps not.

I say this because we are in the age of judgement the intercessory prayer for souls in bulk anyway is over.  Things have changed, intercessors are ushering in the return of Jesus not catching burdens for souls….anymore.   And I don’t think anybody else will be newly saved until the great tribulation begins around January 2021 approximately.

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Holy Scripture King James Version by Memory Pre Strong Delusion

I am going to start listing a log of authentic King James Version scripture here intermittently  in no particular order.

When I say “strong delusion” I mean those who do not see the horrible blasphemous changes to the King James Version  These are all those whom do not know the Father.  If they knew Our Father who art in Heaven they would KNOW His precepts of Love.  And if they knew His Love and Loved Truth they would be appalled by the heresy that is now in the book.

Him who The Son has set free is free indeed. Commentary.

Relative Scripture, Corinthians 15:55-57 King James Version (KJV)
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Commentary

Mandela Effect and Bible Changes ARE two Different Phenomena


I remember it this way:

“And may the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ & the Peace that surpasses ALL EARTHLY UNDERSTANDING guide your hearts and minds into ALL TRUTH.”

Maybe I am misremembering eh?  Now the google go to definition of Mandela  effect is “False Memories”.  Yep just like that we are all considered dumb-asses who can’t remember much of anything in the Beast System’s attempts to explain away the “End Times Signs and Wonders” put forth by God Himself that men will wake up and be saved when they see history changed supernaturally.

Well Philippians 4:7 has lost much of its power whereas now it just says

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

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Bible Change….Now according to 1st Peter The Earth was created of water and by water.”

1st Peter 3:5

“But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water”

The KJV does not cosign this “earth created by water” agenda however they have removed some of the scripture that should say “by His word” God spoke the Earth into existence.

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The Age of Grace is OVER

What does this mean that the age of grace is over?

We are in end days.  The strong delusion is upon the many.  If you are one who sees the Bible changes you are a rarity and must protect yourself.  If you see the blasphemous scripture changes that change “bread” to “meat” in most places biblically and has changed Truth to lies as scriptures promoting us to stay in our sin by “let him who is unjust be unjust still” and so on, if you see it means you have Loved Truth and kept your belt of Truth ON most of the time anyway. Continue reading “The Age of Grace is OVER”

The Earth is now The Lord’s Threshing Floor

I Jazweeh received a song today from The Spirit of The Lord in both English and in a Higher tone and language.  The song’s interpretation was present as well as the mystery of God and His threshing floor.

“Protect us Father from thy threshing floor.  Deliver us Father from thy threshing floor.”

End Times Destruction, Locust, Spiders, and The Seal of God

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Bible Studies Legally Banned in the United States 2018

The two following stories of recent banning of family and fellowship Bible studies is not only a terrible threat to our freedom but also it’s a horrifying sign of the times we are entering into.  It’s just another fulfilled prophecy about end times and the coming dark events.  If not for the silver white lining of the return of Jesus our King I would be really sad and depressed about this.  But God has told us what is in store and He said that we should be able to tell just what time it is like we can read the coming weather.

It’s one thing hearing about persecution abroad and quite another watching the United States become Christophoebic. For the 16th year in a row, North Korea tops the list of 50 countries ranked for the worst persecution of Christians in the world, according to the Christian watchdog organization Open Doors USA.

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Scriptural Proof that Satan Has Taken Control of The Bible

Proof that the Bible changes are scriptural

for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

2 Thessalonians 2:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

Surely Satan IS and HAS set himself up in our Holy Bible’s especially the most accurate of eloquent of all translations The King James Version. Is this not our Holy Book of God?  It says right here “He (the lawless one) will exalt himself over EVERYTHING that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God!  

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