And Gentiles are veiled from the abomination of desolation x2. Veiled from the fulfillment of the prophecy outlining the desecration of the temple of God’s words, WORDS. And the desecration of the other temple, the bodies of mankind. They drank Esau’s soup and deny it’s purpose by not researching the ingredients of the mark of the beast. This is why they need the gift of desperation by putting them into a seven year trib to strip away the walls of Jericho. The walls around the heart must come down. And with the programming only God Almighty can hand Gentiles the tools to finally get REAL with God.
Only those who are watching the prophecies fulfill in real time (not on TV the image of the beast) can understand prophetic interpretations.
Jacob’s troubles is about over. I know this because I am Jacob, I am Israel, and I have The Holy Spirit of God which came to me by prayer, by those who also have the Holy Spirit and by the laying on of hands with aloud proclamation of Jesus’ name in praise and thanks. That is how it happens usually. But we believe there is another portion of the Holy Spirit which comes when the man is truly born again by the washing of God’s words. Not many of God’s words are now left in the books we read and call holy.
Still the Gentiles look for talking statues and announcements of the antichrist’s identity on CNN nightly. We know who the anti is and the false prophet.
The False Prophet put the Antichrist into power. Those “beast, Dragon” and more words have replaced Truth in the books. Who are they? WHO indeed.
Warren Buffet is said to be the Oracle of Omaha….a prophet of financial prediction who owns about everything on this Earth so he thinks. He put Gates of Hell into power! Gates of Hell promoted Esau’s soup which steal the inheritance of those who took the chot. The back scene. The final solution.
Only Jesus is THE WORD OF GOD. Bible idolatry is rampant as the books turn to pish posh before our eyes. And yet they love not the Truth enough to be able to tell the difference. The Gent’s embrace the vile and vulgar words of the Dark Lord.
The electrified plasma mass (electrified gas) called the fake ‘sun of man’ is in the sky ruling the day. By it’s rise Earth was knocked sideways and two realities mixed. Bringing in signs and wonders, and deceptive signs and wonders as the bibles change supernaturally day by day. Some remember God’s Truth and others do not. Many Christians worship the god of the bible. The scripture is no longer Truth and so it doesn’t represent the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth or His Son Jesus the Son of God. But rather he is the Dark Lord ruling the day. The god of the iron rods of the towers of Babel has a measure of control over the masses.

The sun of man rules but The Son of God is coming very soon! And the white hot fake sun will then be put down like a rabid dog. The fake sun will ark and desist.
Yes they bought us some time. And saved the trees. But the scientist are not God. And they missed a few of creations most important factors…In doing so they created a very temporary light source that will quickly spiral into a Supernova as dwarf stars usually do after many many years. No not “billions”. Billion is the code word for pish posh.
“A supernova ( pl. : supernovae or supernovas) is a powerful and luminous explosion of a star. A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion.” NASA
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Sorry but it appears you will have to upload this file video of the sunbeam showing as a ray lazer. Until I figure out how to open it on this platform. Photo below. Video above.

I just found out that on Directv there is a Sun show “NASA’s Unexplained Files” where they admit that the real Sun of God has gone dark partly. The prophecy of the Sun of God going dim is fulfilled. “The Sun rules the day”. This scripture is why and how the beast system is ruling right now.
When the white hot plasma ‘sun of man” was hoisted like a satellite up into the magnetic orbit of space all Bibles changed to “son of man” from “Son of God” depicting Jesus as Son of God no more. Coincidence? I think not. . It’s magnetism holding it in orbit. Everything changed including our bibles which now call Jesus “the son of man”. Their white hot sun saved the Earth’s green grass and trees as prophesied.
But the Sun of God is coming to renew Earth with all the glory of the Son of God. Again –as prophesied. The Sun/Son of God will put down the sun/son of man.
The exact magnets and plasma lazer light was part of what the elite & scientists needed to save the green grass and trees as prophesied (bible tells the Angels of God to not let the vegetation on Earth die). Along with mankind I also surmise.