Fate of Mankind & Earth

The Original Sin “All things work together for good to those who Love God and walk according to His will.” Mankind committed the mortal sin of eating and killing kind animals.  Taught from birth we thought it was normal to slaughter defenseless beasts.  And as God is the God of irony, the downfall of mankind …

Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture

The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location. Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus.  So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation.  The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, …

200 Million Man Army? Pale Horse Rides Video

  Video not for sensitive people or children.  Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations.  So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations. Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. …

Fiction or Fact? A Bedtime Story of Horror.

Eat Not Their Dainties While Sitting at the King’s Dinner Table eat not their delectables. mundo diobolico Diabolical World lume diobolică عالم ديوبوليكال диоболический мир diobolicheskiy mir diobolský svet saoghal dioblach dibolisk värld A Frankenstein Story of Re-Creating Mankind In the Image of the Beast. What is the game which those who are in power …