70s Music Is The Prophecy In Rock Generation

Good News!  Return of Jesus Prophecy.

The 70s Rock period was chalk full of prophecy.  “TWENTY-FOUR BEFORE MY LOVE AND I’LL BE THERE!” From song “Roundabout” by band Yes.  (song decode below)  What??  Before 2024….perhaps 24hrs before the event in 2024.  

Also “twenty four before” in the Roundabout song may have a second reference made to the bible scripture “Four and twenty elders” (baked in pie).   It is a supernatural bible change. No it doesn’t say ‘baked in a pie’ that’s my sarcasm.  “They turned unto fables” scripture reference.  The fable & rhyme of “Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie”.   Is a mocking scripture pointed at the elders of God calling them blackbirds.  Also I just read now the scripture says the “fell down”.  Of course mocking.   The white wash denial says “fell down” doesn’t mean fell down & went boom.  The scripture is a typical passive aggressive insult to the elders of God.  Click on picture to enlarge.

Anyway since the word “before” is in the songs sentence “Twenty-Four before my love…”  Twenty four backwards is four and twenty.


Of course the word “roundabout” is now in the KJVB.  And multiplying on going.  Now some other youtubers like JayDreamerZ are beginning to look at the possibility of Jesus’ return in 2024.   On the day of the eclipse of the Sun April 8th, 2024.

Chris Squire Framed Art Prints | Fine Art America

Song Lyrics by “Yes”.   Album “Fragile”

My Commentary is in Pink.  Song in white.

I’ll be the roundabout the words will make you out ‘n’ out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley

Continue reading “70s Music Is The Prophecy In Rock Generation”

I Thought of You

Shooting Star. Bob Dylan. Oh Mercy 1989
Some say Bob Dylan is a prophet. Others say he traded fame for his soul.  By making a deal w/the devil.

“Oh Mercy” is one of my favorites.  Next to Van Morrison’s hymns to the silence.  Especially song “Be Thou my Vision” & “Just a Closer Walk with Thee”.  Anointed praise and worship music.

Continue reading “I Thought of You”

Each Man Has His Own “Restrainer”

The Conscience of a Man Tells him Good from Bad

The Holy Spirit who comes by way of Jesus’ name and by transference during prayers and the laying on of hands is how men receive supernatural gifts of The Spirit.

As it stands, all of mankind has a conscience except those who are sociopaths.  Sociopaths have no hindering guilt or shame to deal with.  They can murder without consequence to their mental or emotional condition.  They are the best serial killers and the best hit men no doubt.


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Wormwood Prophecy? Volcano Worming it’s Way to Babylon?

New York City =Babylon by it’s very description

Wormwood = A star falls from the Heavens causing disaster.

Revelation Chapter 8 Wormwood Prophecy, Chapter 18 Revelation Babylon Prophecy.

La Palma of the Canary Islands worming it’s way to the Atlantic.  It’s a full 3,000 plus miles away from the eastern U.S. coast.  But if it’s Wormwood prophesied in Revelation then it will create havoc and a lake of fire.

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WORMWOOD Will Fulfill Most Remaining Prophesies

By Angry Jane [still angry.]

All Has Been Revealed that Can Be Revealed to Humans

False prophet and antichrist listed below.  Popes don’t prophecy do they?

Written by Jazweeh the Scribe of God

We do not know if either the forehead mark or the Locust abomination causing the strong delusion means a soul is eternally lost.  We hope not.  We write it as we see it.  Everyone who sees the end times tribulation
have the opportunity to be Tribulation Saints making them equal by works of Faith to the 144 & 133.  Works follow Faith do not minimize the works of the Holy Spirit.  Do not minimize the greatest thing a man on earth can do...
To die so others may live is a great Love.  'Love' the eternal gift from God that parallels Faith itself.  To minimize works is to minimize works of Faith & of Love.

About the end of days of course.   I know more now than ever before.  All has been revealed and its written below.

I realized something when writing this article and listing the prophecies below that are already fulfilled...My God, its a miracle in itself that I remember all these prophesies from my in depth bible study days back in the 80s and 90s.   

After I received The Baptism of the Holy Spirit at age 30 and God gave me several out of body dreams that all pertained to this time, NOW.  So I was led in the late 80s to 90s to study study study with my paper 'Strong's Exhaustive Concordance' (yes a paper book from the 80s before Strong's was a thing) and my trusty Thayer Lexicon in Greek.  And my interlinear Greek New Testament.  And my mainstay The leather bound, name engraved, Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible in King James Version OF COURSE!  I was what you call today a "King James Only" reader.  Though I dabbled in the NIV for old testament helps.   Genesis was spelled different back then.  Genesess is how I remember it.   Makes sense that the word "gene" is in it.  The English language is changing dramatically everywhere.  ALL Books have change with the Mandela effect.

Now I have a Hebrew Lexicon of the old testament as well.   Back then there was NO GREEK OLD TESTEMENT WRITINGS NOR DID STRONG'S OVERLAP THE CODED NUMBERS.  THERE WAS NO HEBREW NEW TESTEMENT TRANSLATIONS.  However I am pretty certain that history has now changed.

We know of the many prophecies that have come to pass in the last 5 years. Here are some of the prophesies fulfilled.  Wormwood is the Blue Star/Kachina

We know about the dividing of time and that God has set apart in a different reality structure those who believe & know Jesus.

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Authentic Deliverance Preacher on The Gifts of The Spirit

This Preacher Shaun Campbell Was Mightily Used of God for My Own Healings, Deliverances, & Enlightenment.

Know this -Gifts of The Holy Spirit are vital however they are not as important as the condition of a man’s heart.

God is the only One who can make our hearts clean. We must become the clay in His hands if we are to grow toward Him spiritually.  Character is more important than Spiritual Gifts but nevertheless both are vital.  If you need deliverance from demons or want The Baptism of The Holy Spirit, a healing, seek out Shawn Campbell’s church in Florida I think Branford.  He’s on FB.

Continue reading “Authentic Deliverance Preacher on The Gifts of The Spirit”

The Fire Purification Prediction Then The New Earth

Volcano Map the Apocalypse

Map is from website.

"Map of the world showing locations of volcanoes, many surrounding the Pacific Rim and along boundaries of other tectonic plates. Image courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/find_regions.cfm.) For a more detailed map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters and tectonic plates, see Simkin et al. (2006). Image prepared by Paul Kimberly, Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program."

Jazweeh saw these visions in the sky today at sunset 04-29-2021  They pertain to the purification of Earth.

Continue reading “The Fire Purification Prediction Then The New Earth”

Main Reasons I Know Jesus Is Really Returning Soon

Please Read this Urgent Message to All God’s Children*

My name is Jazweeh and this is my recent testimony of the soon return of our Savior Jesus.

Read Testimony (optional)-Jesus is The One who repeatedly answered my cries for help throughout my life.  Jesus shows His children that He Loves them by imparting to them, comfort, healing, deliverance, forgiveness, and on-going helps.  We are valuable to Him.  Salvation is a matter of the heart not the intellect.  The flesh is at emnity with the things of The Spirit.  The intellect cannot be trusted for salvation.  We must approach God with our whole heart and become transparent and authentic before Him courageous, as little children are toward a Loving Father.  By lifting up the name of Jesus in Faith, Hope, and Truth God works in us miracles. Raise your hands in praise. Speak His name aloud.   Do not follow the new Jesus of "saved by Grace" and the changed corrupt KJVB be not a book worshipper.  It is our Faith in Jesus that produces a foundation for our relationship with God.  By no other name have I ever been healed, delivered, enlightened, changed, filled with joy, Hope, understanding, wisdom, and by no other name have I ever been given the courage to become who I really am except the name of Jesus.  Without Jesus I would still be very sick, and continue in the foundation of the lie, wearing the mask of the beast system because the beast demoralized me into the "I am bad & wrong" programming.  Prefer not the lie.

Born Again Experience

(Please know, I am no better than anyone else, of sin I was chief until Jesus molded me as clay).
Continue reading “Main Reasons I Know Jesus Is Really Returning Soon”

Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge

Prediction Given by The Holy Spirit Inspiration Concerning Rocky Mountain Splitting at the Twin Owls Formation

Could the new space weapon “rod of god” split a mountain?

Project Thor kinetic space weapon

Watch approx 50 seconds video for wrath of God topic of article.


This is Jazweeh’s most serious prediction because its already been confirmed by the way it came to her in stages.   I would even call it a prophecy.  This came to her first by a vision of what looked to her like twin peaks side by side one taller than the other.  She then saw it split straight down the center in here mind.  She saw also a huge angel with a grand silver speak set to separate the owls one from another as if separating a pair of attached twins.

Prediction received on 1-13-2020 fulfillment of prediction will be during the great tribulation in the next four years my guess.  Father did not give me a date.

Update 9-2020-Come to find out there is already a split rock on Mt. Horeb said to be split by Moses’s Staff when he brought forth water for the Israelites.  Amazing.

Continue reading “Prediction Concerning The Twin Owls Formation at Lumpy Ridge”

Russian Backed Iran is Coming to the U.S. Prophecy of Demise

The warring enemy comes to our homeland by permission of our greatest leaders to hewn down with extreme prejudice the Christians and global agenda dissidents and freedom fighters.

How will this lopping off of Christian heads begin in America the home of the free allegedly?  One it’s coming this month if not this week.  Two the 144 are out of here, sorry but the restrainers are leaving.  The warnings will be quieted, no more watchmen on the wall, not real one’s anyway.  Times up for the first rapture.

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Know this

The Word tile of this article (that by the way can’t be written for reasons you can guess) is being pushed so hard in all forms of media non stop.   You can bet the words are being formed, baked, invented, and primed for a reason.  And that reason is future are rests, mind control, speech control, and oppression of free speech.

The Auntie Seam at tis em’ is being pushed and invented to tackle the truth movement and free speech in America.

Know this Nobody gives a shit about these who are playing the victims of the opposite of “love speech”.  They are playing the hollow cost to the hilt.  The hollow cost was invented for this purpose.  Note I doubt Isarael was ever in the book to begin with.

I don’t believe for a minute that Jesus is concerned with politics but you can bet the controllers are.



The Youtube Channel “ExtremeRealityCheck”

The Paradigm Shift… break free of the mainstream propaganda machine. Now is the “revealing” (revelation) and the Truth is available for those who truly want to know the secrets and answers to the Mysteries of the Universe.


Youtube took the videos down from this website.  Either because the author requested it after giving me permission.  Or some alleged copyright violations.

Continue reading “THE BLACK AWAKENING SERIES BY “ExtremeRealityCheck””

October 2021 is the Date of the U.S. Financial Crash

I said this failed.  I was wrong.  After Trump left office the economy did go to shit.  My own income was cut in half and worse since 2021.  The prediction was right on I just had not seen it yet when I wrote “failed prediction”.

The prediction has not failed but THE RAPTURE DATE DID FAIL.  I apologize, it was an educated guess/feeling.  I thought it would happen.__________Angry Jane admits a failed prediction.   Remember we do not prophecy “thus sayeth The Lord” we only use informed guesswork.

Angry Jane’s failed financial collapse guessing game.


Expect a financial Crash in October yea October two thousand and twenty one.

Think mayhem from starving people.  Think total change of currency and international bailout under certain conditions.  Think loss of sovereignty.  Think new rulers.

Jazweeh heard “once you see the fall of Turkey (that is predicted on this website) in two posts part 1 and 2

The return of Christ prediction is for 2024 April 8th.  This date was off by probably just a few months.  I am guessing by the end of June the harvest will be full. This Earth will soon be empty of people.

Why do I still believe Jesus is returning?  Because The Spirit says so.  And because of four out of body dream/visions I had back in the early 90s.  The intercessors are commissioned to announce His Soon Return in Spirit to all the world.  What they pray goes out in Spirit and manifests in the natural.  Plus we see the prophecies of Jesus coming to pass.

Continue reading “October 2021 is the Date of the U.S. Financial Crash”

Jeff Snyder- “The Father of Lies Vs. The Spirit of Truth”

Spinning lies or proclaiming truth?


See Jeff Snyder’s Video Channel on YouTube at

R u upside down in your loan received upon entry into this world that is payable on death? The cover charge to get in this club isn’t cheap so I think I’ll use my gifts a while longer to pay back the interest to the loan giver, then the rest of my life experience here on Earth is paid for free and clear.


It would seem that my friends and family have forged an alliance, a united front to enact sanctions against Jeff and enforce a truth embargo to contain and prevent dissemination of his recent discoveries. This type of group

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Jazweeh was shown Various After Life, After Death Dwelling Places


The Land of shadows.

The Land of Shadows is for the worshipers of Baal.  You may say “oh, nobody worships Baal these days”.  First let me define Baal worship.  Any God that is NOT either The Most High God The Father or The Son Jesus Christ who is worshiped by humans is considered “Baal”.  It is a “strange god”.  If you reject Jesus and are not born again, yet you consider yourself spiritual and maybe you call God “the universe” or “the great spirit” or “higher power” or anything along those lines and are not given to The Word of God who is Jesus Christ then you are a Baal worshiper.

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Goldman Sachs Has Crashed January 2019

Goldman Sachs has Crashed Financially.

They are done, crushed by The Lord who has made their institution His threshing floor.

Whatever that means to them that is what has happened. I am not an economist but I think that means they have lost their footing financially and are broke.  NO BAIL OUT THIS TIME!   They are covering it up now but IT WILL come out and they cannot hide it much longer.   I do not know what this means for our country.  It is a global financial institution. Their investors will all pull out and that is what they probably are fearing right now.

This is straight from the dream and vision of Jazweeh.  Let’s see how it goes down people.

Get out while you can if your infested I mean invested with these elite globalists financially.  The reason this has happened is to make way for the antichrist who must come to power just as Judas had to take the bribe.



The Return of Christ Prediction 2024 April 8th – 15th.

See all my FAILED GUESS DATES BELOW.  I made clear these were guesses on this on-going scroll page.  I still say 2024 is the year of His coming!  As I have said since 2018.   Though my April 8th 2024 date did fail.  Ya that sucks!  STILL we know we are in the season. 


(Written on 7-3-24)  My date now is July 25th 2024 for either the redeeming from the Earth for the 144,000.  Or its the date for the redemption of all of mankind from this fallen Earth.

I based the 7-25-24 date on an out of body dream I had in the 90s.  I had four visions of which three have already come to pass.  The fourth vision yet to be fulfilled is me in the upper room with God.  I saw her as a black old women in a rocking chair who represented God the Father.  Hundreds of balloons fell from the ceiling and it was my birthday.  The other three visions- Jacob’s troubles seen by a skeleton on Jacob’s ladder.  #2 Reprobate minds of the many which is fulfilled.  #3 I watched the sleeping church unaware of the supernatural bible changes that are so rampant today.   These visions were from God.  Technically I saw only myself in the upper room but I assume that means big spiritual changes for all believers such as rapture and taking up.

My back up dates are September 23, 2024 Seven years after the Revelation 12 sign.  Also back up date August 21, 2024 seven years from the Great American eclipse date of 2017.

Best guess-The Sun will explode and deliver all God’s children to Him.  Some are chosen to walk the New Earth and seed it.  Either way the New Earth is coming.  Redemption from these bodies is coming.


“Jesus will return at a time”… when somebody “thinks not” This scripture makes me think that the April 2024 eclipse will pass uneventful.  Everyone will say “SEE WHERE IS YOUR SAVIOR NOW? HE DID NOT COME WHEN YOU THOUGHT.  Very few will venture to call more dates of His return after He doesn’t show on the eclipse.  It will be the time when they “think not”.  I am sure now it will be a passover event!  Jesus I Hope will return this YEAR 2024.  I like July 25th 2024 for the collecting of God’s elect.

Continue reading “The Return of Christ Prediction 2024 April 8th – 15th.”