Primary Reason for Christmas Is Mind Control

Decoding of The Christmas Program.  (please read at minimum the final paragraph).

Predictive Programming- To put a movie, ad campaign, show, media, on TV (image of the beast) radio or any large public platform.  The narrative of the TV campaign is to invite a specifically geared common subconscious reaction.   They anticipate by knowledge & experience how a majority will react to the TV program of the mind.

Example- The news advertises a run on the banks and the crashing of the financial system.  The common reaction is to move our money somewhere safe.


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Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.

Mike from around the world –The Dark Knight says this.

They cannot handle the Truth! ” says the Dark Knight.  Still, the truth must be given says the scribe of God to the dark knight.  They shall employ coping skills by The Spirit.

Recipe of Jabba.   


Hell and Back. “They have come out of Great Tribulation” Revelation.

Jazweeh tells a part of her story through the words of the scribe.

Sheep Are The Children of God by Analogy

Let’s call us “children” instead of animals.  After all, I resent when the beast calls us cattle.  “heard immunity, heard mentality, etc.”

Jesus Repeated the phrase “feed my sheep” to the apostles in the gospels when they questioned, “what is Thy will?”


Continue reading “Hell and Back. “They have come out of Great Tribulation” Revelation.”

How to Survive the Great Tribulation

The Elite Have the True Prophecies of Old

And perhaps they are warning the masses of what is to come in their own Hollywood way.

What can I say?  This is a prediction not a prophecy.  It is a vision that may or may not come to pass.  If it does you would be wise to learn of the solutions I have.  For they are the only solutions and the include a priority.  Seek God with your whole heart mind and soul and you will find Him.  Choose your daddy.

Think “Bird Box” terrifying with Sandra Bullock.  Her and her children survived a great global earthly manifestation of a spiritual scourge.  They survived because they covered their eyes and did not look at it.

Truth In Plain Sight

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Persecution In The United States VIA Traitor Joe’s Grocery Store #764

Modern Day Nazi’s at Traitor Joe’s Store #764 Gainesville, FL

Incident report 9-1-2020 around 4-5pm Eastern standard time.  Traitor Joe’s. In stark violation of both HIPPA and American Disability Act.

U.S. FALLS TO MEDICAL TYRANNY while TRAITOR Joe’s employees try to hide their aggression and near violent behavior under laws protecting private domains/homes/residential areas etc.

T.J. is a public U.S. Retailer and therefore must abide by public place U.S. LAW.  They are an “accomidations” category of service and NOT STRICTLY PRIVATE.

Once again Traitor Joe’s employees and managers are complicit today(9-1-20) in breaking state & right to privacy federal laws by discrimination and other illegal acts!

For example, stores cannot make up random policies that say we are allowed to beat people up in our stores and refuse service because of the way someone looks, or not sell to people in wheelchairs, or not sell to short people, etc! This is illegal!!


Legal Action Pending while Attorney's Obtain documents & multiple video footage is examined from hidden cameras accessing numerous public/witnessed incidents in question.

Employees and manager repeatedly attack and harass a 61 year old elderly woman for not being able to wear the muzzle over her mouth and nose.

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Spiritual Reasons Behind the 6 Feet Under…I mean Apart Mandate

True Unfettered Fellowship and Caring Love Shown between Two People (not lust or fake favor given for a price) is a powerful weapon in the hands of Mankind.  Not to mention it heals the heart and binds up the tears of the Soul.

Why Is it that the evil rulers know more about spiritual power and how to bind it than the proclaimed Christians?  Simple…the knowledge is stolen and the true spiritual power is deemed “satanic”.

By Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm.

My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge.  They Send a Famine of Love/Fellowship.

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“Redeem the Time” is a Statement of the New Gospel & New Jesus

Learn to pronounce
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
“God’s plans for the redemption of his world”
saving/freeing from sin
the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

The Beast is coy.  The beast system is brilliant in mind control and the motive is to get YOU to LOSE YOUR SALVATION by sin & grave spiritual error.

What is Redemption Truly?

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Tubal Cain Represents 007 and Is now in the KJVB

This Tubal Cain figure also spoken of in Genesis 4:22 is somehow related to Queen Elizabeth and John Dee the Alchemist Magician etc. He is also related to the 007 Movies.   See Nicholson1968’s Video Blockbuster- “Cain..Tubal Cain!! Full Version produces and edited Nicholson1968 for more on this mystery before us.

Since the bible changes to the KJV I have been chewing on the name “Tubalcain”.  My spirit felt provoked by it and I am certain its a new addiction to the bible.

Graciously Thanks to Mr. Nicholson for allowing Jazweeh to post this video. Thanks from “ParadisefortheHellbound” on YT (Laura E.)

MORE will be REVEALED.  This is residual that Tubal Cain was in Isaiah…now it makes no reference to him in Isaiah that I can see.  So either its a M.E. or an error.


Tubal Cain is described in the Bible under Isaiah 2:4 –“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” And also in Joel 3:10 – Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!

“Government” defined as “Mind Control” Etymology from Latin/French

Now here is my take on what I think “Government” and its translation into Latin is. What I did was split the word into two and looked for the closest Latin matches “gubernare” for Govern and “mentis” for the suffix or ending –ment.

Here is where it gets really interesting.

“Gubernare” means to control
• conjugation: 1st conjugation
1. steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern”…

And now for the Suffix “mentis” means mind.

• declension: 3rd declension
• gender: feminine
1. courage
2. mind
3. plan, intention, frame of mind
4. reason, intellect, judgment…

I might be reaching way out there but could the word “Government” be more blat

Jazweeh Says Do Not Invest In Lettuce Crops for Fall 2019

2019 September Prediction-  Lettuce crops fail due to drought.

Maybe the prediction is only for U.S or perhaps for Spain we don’t know.  However it does mean the bulk of lettuce harvests on Earth will fail this next season.

The Yuma area, including the Imperial Valley across the California border, produces about 90 percent of all the leafy vegetables grown in the United States from November to March, when it’s too cold to grow produce in most of the rest of the country.

So what then?  This is a warning for some believer out there who is important to Father.  Reason being Jazweeh and I cannot profit financially off predictions that are spiritually based.  It would be investing in the beast we think.

In a Country where ALL “Respectable” Men Dress Like This…..

Something is VERY WRONG

I submit to you that the beast system has programmed and brainwashed the human race of men into doing ANYTHING that the rest of the heard considers normal. Like wearing ties and suits.   So if only for a moment a man can release from that system’s grip of self loathing and belittlement and briefly, if only for a moment, feel RIGHT.  The beast system paints us as ‘wrong’ then sits back and laughs as they set the “norms” for us, however ridiculous it may be…and the sheeple follow “SUIT” grasping for validation by conformity.

Thing is few sheep will ever review their true perception of self (that he HAS been programmed into by design) he is blind.  The evidence of self loathing is in his defensiveness and treatment of others.

How to Reverse the Indoctrination Process of Brainwashing that Makes us Sick and Angry


Disclaimer:  These solutions will not be as effective without God at the helm. Pray first for healing and guidance.  

In the U.S. we are programmed with the “I AM BAD AND WRONG” indoctrination first and foremost.  This is the “demoralization process” which readies us for the rest of the sick programs they shove down our throats without our knowledge.  “My people are destroyed all the day long for lack of knowledge.”  See more on how we were programmed?

It took me over 12 years sober/clean after years in addiction and near death trauma to finally realize why I did not want to feel and why I was so ashamed of who I was.   I wore an emotional mask hiding my heart for shame of me, to the point of near self-destructive annihilation.

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