Dearest Readers


This website is full of articles which are listed in the sitemap link.

Link is here and in the sidebar.  I am moving the new important articles to a new site that doesn’t have so many pages filled up.  When websites get full they tend to slow down some.  So a new site will accommodate bunches of new Truth.  I will be using first and then for the more unconventional articles for the coming Revelation prophecy fulfillment articles.  Both sites are “https” which means secured/encrypted.  Browsers now may make you put that in yourself.  And the homepages always have what they scare people away with…”insecure content”.  So if you fear viruses add in the https so you get the secure version of the site.  As opposed to just http insecure version.


The Deterrents (detourants) to Finding Your Holy Grail Scroll

All things work together for the good to those who Love God.

The Holy Grail is one’s spiritual purpose in life.  Not just your calling because God grants several callings during human life.  But rather once the prodigal son comes home he can walk in the will of God continually.  Finding purpose in each day.  And spiritual fulfillment is attained.  When the man gets toward the end of his mortal road God will likely show him his coming immortal pathway.  And even show him his next calling after mortality puts on immortality and the corrupt puts on incorruption.

From those who came to Earth to help the lost and blind humans.  We came to Earth ignorant of the lessons we had to learn.  We came to try to prompt men to save their souls by seeking out The Savior. Being subject, now, to the same rules as Earth dwellers we barely got our own souls saved  in the process.  Even for reincarnated lighted beings being on Earth is risky, due to the treachery and lethal traps of this current Earth & system of deception.  We are the Children of God Almighty.  Here is what we learned by following our own hearts.

Continue reading “The Deterrents (detourants) to Finding Your Holy Grail Scroll”

You Probably Have The Forehead Mark of the Beast

Already.  Few will repent in these end of days.  This article is written for me not the Gentiles who are swimming is delusion.

The mark

This article is written so the lost will be without excuse.  And so I show obedience by warning the lost.

Regarding other people I say “Live and let live”.  I also say “they have a God and I am not it.”  I do not believe in the Christians creed of getting others saved.  Each man must seek God with their own heart in Truth.  Otherwise all that man has is intellectual belief in a God they do not know.  Nor does Jesus know them.  The man must be born again.

Continue reading “You Probably Have The Forehead Mark of the Beast”

Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture

The “Israel” The Scribe Refers to Are A People Not a Country/Nation/or Geo-Location.

Israel is the bloodline that goes all the way back to Jesus.  So obviously all of Israel is saved by God’s plan of salvation.  The plan which includes “seek God and you shall find God.” And “Jesus is The Truth, The Light, and The Way”.  He lights our paths to God.  By His sacrifice we learned God’s words unto man.  And by Him we have entry way into the Kingdom of God at hand.

Continue reading “Israel’s Blood Line Purpose Through Generations & Rapture”

The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

Continue reading “The Scribes Letter to the Churches That Split”

Who Is The Woman of Revelation Twelve?

“Master! Master! Your promised me eternal life, and you give it to the pretty woman!”

Play the sound clip to hear original Dracula movie line by Renfield.

But what does this fun movie clip really have to do with eternal life? What does Revelation 12 really mean? Who is The Woman of Revelation 12? Why is she so special? Who is the “man child”? It’s all a mystery which can only be revealed by those who know God.  The only ones who know just who the Revelation 12 woman really is has to be the Revelation 12 woman herself.

Continue reading “Who Is The Woman of Revelation Twelve?”

Have you Experienced Jacob’s Troubles?


Jacob has CRUSHED the head of the serpent.  Not “bruised” its head.  Genesis 3:15 the lie from the wicked sitting in the once holy bible.  Or do you remember it as always being “bruise & bruise”?  “Jesus shall crush the head of the serpent and bruise His heel in the process.”  (please realize this should say crush and bruise if it magically changes after I type it….unfortunately that’s what hapened to much scripture, it changed magically on the book shelves.)

Today-I will not “curse God and die”.  Troubles have come and gone through the last six years.

By Jazweeh.

If you too have been enduring Jacob’s troubles know that we are in God’s hands.  He will not let us go.  But for me, I have need of patience, and other good character.  Trials of fire are upon me.  I want out of them.  Every trial which Jacob experiences in this time he goes to God with.

Continue reading “Have you Experienced Jacob’s Troubles?”

Cure for Electrical Imbalance Tremor Diseases, Parkinsons etc.

Best to read all of this.  However primary solutions are numbered at bottom of page.

Use Prayers to finally see Truth.  Keep an open mind.  This article requires emotional processing.  Looking into the face of evil is not easy.  Admitting that we have a lethal enemy afoot is not something easily dealt with emotionally.  Denial is the go to solution for Truth we cannot handle.  Anger is the failsafe.  Blame is dysfunctional.

Disclaimer medical.  The authors ARE NOT DOCTORS OR OTHERWISE medically trained in any way.  We do not claim medical advice here.  We claim we had a dream that gave us an alleged non-medical, non-chemical treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.

An uncommon sense article.

Remember this mantra.  “OUT OF THE PROBLEM INTO THE SOLUTION”.

“All things work together for the good to those who Love God.  God makes a way where there seems no way.”

Why They Don’t Teach Us About the Dangers of long term exposure to Electrical Currents in School.  Same reason the lie about the Earth we live on.

Continue reading “Cure for Electrical Imbalance Tremor Diseases, Parkinsons etc.”

Fake Sun or Fresnel Lense?

UPDATE VIDEO BY JeffSnyder2 Youtube Channel  Thanks Jeff this video gave me the missing puzzle piece to my theory of the Sun.

  1. Sun Went Dim as prophesied.
  2. Mankind used Fresnel lenses and maybe parabolic mirrors & fractaled lenses.
  3. The chem trails to balance light sun energy so it doesn’t fry Earth like a magnifying glass does.  See video.


A Fresnel Lense is a magnifying glass shaped a certain way.  Onion style for instance so it intensifies the magnification.

Related Article

Continue reading “Fake Sun or Fresnel Lense?”

Way Over Yonder That’s Where I’m Bound

I met a man once who told me wisdom.  He said by Truth “Jazweeh, God & the here after are not so much about what you can get from it and from Him or Them, but rather it’s about what you take & add to the kingdom itself.”

I knew the moment he said this to me that it was not only Truth but profound Truth that was stolen by the ages of men.  I also knew what I take to the

Continue reading “Way Over Yonder That’s Where I’m Bound”

Slavery Young Girls & Young Boys

Wrath of God Event in Turkey fulfilled Article 2019 Prediction by Jazweeh Here

Fulfillment of the wrath of God event in Turkey as retribution financially unto the bloodlines of those who slaughtered God’s people the Armenians shows us that God is not tolerating any more slaughter by evil men. Why? End of days is here. New Earth is on its way. All evil strongholds are being put down now. God’s children will soon be safe from greedy evil bloodlines which hold no reverance for God. Those days rampant evil with no consequences are ending now.  And the earthquake is to show us this.  That is why God gave Jazweeh the prediction in 2019.  As confirmation. Jesus is here but He is coming in a way they think not.  Many will die.


STOCKS & BONDS.  Judgement is Here.

When Joseph was thrown into slavery by his own family because of the brothers fear of losing power he rose up in power because of the fearful actions of his brothers.  God’s irony is unequalled.

The Oracle Proclaims

Babylon the baby-lawn.   The people who hold up slaveries stocks and bonds will fall into the very chains they forged for the innocent.  The slave owner the false prophet & antichrist who stamp the minds of men with their unclean labels at birth shall burn in the lake of fire.  Just as those black & red labels are being seared and cleansed away from God’s children.

The Dead Cry to God Almighty

The dead cry out from their graves.  By years of bondage & slavery unto death.  Enslaved by powerful money men in New York & on Wall Street.   New York is the hub of White and every other color of kidnapping & slavery.

What of the milk cartons.  For so long the truth was right in front of the many.  millions stolen away.

Oh sure google writes, that slavery was started “stocks & bonds” in New York/Babylon using black innocents for muscle slaves.  But that’s not the modern billion dollar slave market.  That slave story is the lie to cover the Truth.

Come now, we who think with a clear mind know the real money for the wicked is in young pretty virgins and young pretty virgin boys.  The price of young women will always trump the price of boys.  In most cases men prefer pretty girls.  God help them all.  Their karma is coming for them.   The blood of slaves cries out as a testimony.  Straight from the dirt from the soil of ages and ages of slavery to bondage.

Strippers Are Often Targeted

Strippers who are not under the protection of their employers are prime candidates for falling into the slave market.  The market.  Stocks/Bonds.  Why trade lettuce when you can prosper off of the lives of the helpless who cannot defend themselves? ($arcasm).  Just hand cuff, throw into a transport and put into conditioning camps.

Payback is a Mother Fucker

What is coming for the evil men and women who play a knowledgeable part & prosper from the slavery of the innocent?  They say “what can I do against the beast of ages?  I cannot help these slaves I am only one person”.   “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

And so not even a prayer to God is uttered by those who take part in slavery stocks and bonds.  Death bed confessions are too little too late.  He’s coming for you.  He is gathering his armies now.  And no science, no weapons, no deception, no lies, no coin, no mask, no covering, no irony, can save the strong  man. The straw man is burned.  Nothing can hide them from the judgement of the Sun & Son.  Ban de sol ley.  The army of Sun rises.  The Ark of the Covenant approaches.  The towers of time fall to nothing.  Water does not lie.

Field Stocks

How does all this “stocks & Bonds” equate to legal stocks etc?  The false prophet who put gates of hell into power makes false financial predictions and has for years.  That part of bonds & stocks is all fixed by inside info.  [War on Chinese Buffet] is the false prophet figurehead.  And Gates of hell is his puppet.  He gave the foundation all his money.  And yet he still has his billions.  Odd.  Enter mark of the beast right arm.  False prophets MAKE PREDICTIONS.

Continue reading “Slavery Young Girls & Young Boys”

Apostle Paul’s Curse. Thorn In His Side

What Was It The Thorn in Paul’s Side?

Ever have ingrown toenails that grow into your toe naturally? (big toe)  Paul likely did. Inevitable the doctors always make it the patients fault by blame.  “never trim sideways” they will ignorantly proclaim by their med. books.  They were never taught in their school of drugs how to cure the thorn in the side of the toes.  The sideways growing toenail grows directly into the flesh.

Continue reading “Apostle Paul’s Curse. Thorn In His Side”

We Laughed At Death and then We Met Him

Friends readers I am a real person. I call myself “Jazweeh” the Seer.

May I tell you a story of what it is to die?  And how to escape Death itself.  Death bows before me for one reason.  I have the keys to Death and to Hell.  I can go in and out as I please in Spirit.  Jesus Himself gave me these keys.

Pearls of Wisdom

The first time I died I did not know Jesus.  That’s right, the big bad “J” word that religion/Legion WILL DETOUR YOU FROM if you let it.  The church has one purpose, no two.  To show you how hypocritical they are and to make sure YOU don’t find the keys to Death and to Hell yourself.

Continue reading “We Laughed At Death and then We Met Him”

To The 144,000 One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand

To The Chosen of God & The Tribulation Saints

What is written in your Bibles about the Lion who lies with the Lamb?  Isaiah 11:6 now reflects that it is the wolf who abides with the lamb, no longer the Lion.  Jesus is a Lion.  “Out like a Lamb, in like a Lion” was once prophecy written (removed from all bibles by deceptive signs and wonders.. Covered up by the strong delusion).

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

NO! The Lion of Judah CRUSHES the head of the serpent. Yes.  What’s this “bruise, bruise” B.S.?  The evil one attempting to put the serpent on equal footing with he Lion.  It ain’t happening. Not in my heart!

Jesus was crucified as The Lamb of God but His return is something quite different.  He returns as a roaring Lion.  Evil is the serpent but Jesus & His Lions CRUSH (NOT BRUISE) CRUSH the head of the serpent.  These bible changes are unacceptable.  They are supernatural and few remember.  Few see the blasphemy of the desecrated bibles.

At the second coming of Jesus He is no Lamb.  And neither is His army on Earth as a lamb, anymore.  The children of God are now Lions.  Just as Jesus left the lamb in the bible to the wolf (because of their choices by free will they chose the beast weather aware or unaware.)  So too the Lions who walk as Jesus did on Earth are leaving Earth to the wolves.

Shall I write to you as one who is writing to a brother or sister who has already been through the end of days processes for the chosen few?  Or shall I write to you as someone who may have gone through the process unaware?  Or am I writing to those believers who are left behind?

Who are the 144?  Who are “those who go before the throne of God”?  God’s army are the 144.  His human army on Earth who battle in Spirit by His words.

They sing the new song that others cannot learn.  How?  They have the higher languages of God abiding in them.  By the baptism of The Holy Spirit gifts were given unto men.  So as to accommodate mere humans with the spiritual weaponry of God Almighty.  Of course the powerful and mighty gift of tongues is the most desecrated and mocked gift of all.  But without it, God’s words do not flow as perfect from human lips.

This gift of tongues is fluent and not to be confused with utterances that are very good but limited to words of praise & worship.  The full gift of tongues allows the calling out of angels.  Both warring angels and end of days tasked angels who have one purpose.  Just as the angels pouring the viles upon Earth.

Those who call out the angels also can see them in the sky.  The Angels of God came with the viles pour out the end of days events.  The 144 can communicate with them.  And God trusts these 144 with His work on Earth.  Mankind is included in God’s plan but if a man cannot fathom the supernatural how then can he carry out God’s miracles on Earth?

The Revelations from Jesus to us, are so powerful for those who believe we can barely contain the knowledge He pours out in the days of the great revealing.  The 133 are those who go before the throne.  They have The gift of eternal Love.   That Love plays out in ways they are lead to engage in.  Love toward God and His children means gifts of charity toward the needy.

The personality of a warrior who must also be as a child before God is quite a balance. We do not know if all those with the eternal gift of Love are also warriors by supernatural gifts.  But often these titles 133 & 144 are both on the child of God.

Many religious people proclaim their belief in a supernatural God.  Yet, when confronted with the prospect of true miracles of God in real time, they run.  They run as if these miracles only occur remotely to….perhaps Mother Theresa and the Saints of old.   If someone in real life talks of miracles happening they are usually called crazy and dismissed as being mentally touched or worse.

As Ostrich they bury their heads in the ground.  They cover their ears for they lack the emotional stamina it requires to walk in two worlds at once.  Zion & Carmel.

God gave men spiritual gifts.  For instance crushing free flowing demons in real time….Some see demons and other dark entities.  Seeing spirits would be considered insane in todays society.

I have yet to see a woman cast a demon out of another human.  Of course a woman can resist some sins and demons will leave after a while.  Such as lust, sloth.  These can be expelled by resistance. Other demons of oppression require deliverance prayer from the preacher.  Men are one’s who receive this gift of casting out demons.  They also receive the gift of healing.

Prayer and the laying on of hands is how supernatural gifts are received.

Bible Worship

Idolatry.  Why on Earth Did God Mention it So Often in the Bible

Some Christians worship the Bible itself without realizing it.  Often they worship and praise the bible over God Himself.  The Bible is now competing in idol status along with Hollywood movie stars or sportsmen icons.  Father showed me back in the early 90s that the bible would be a juggernaut of idolatry to many proclaiming Christians in the end of days.  They call the bible by God’s name.  The bible now proclaims itself to be God as prophesied.

Jesus is filling His children and transforming them.

Many shall be purified and made white, clean. 

This prophecy is happening now as a natural process.  Once 2017 came the chosen few began a lifestyle change.  They stopped eating dead animals.  They stopped many processed foods.  They began using purifying essential oils.  They went from start to finish cleaning up emotional wreckage of the past.  That means forgiving and addressing their trauma issues.  It means some behavioral changes and sin eradication.  They are not who they were 5 years ago.

In the twinkling of an eye

The chosen now see the twinkling of the eye prophecy within their own eyes.  The prophecy is literal.  With visions of a star white and bright twinkling from time to time in their inner eye meaning only they can see it.

The Mark of the Beast

The chosen see the forehead mark.  It’s likely obvious to all if they look.

The Seal of God

The chosen also see the seal of God on themselves or others.  Few others.  It’s either Jesus or a cross.

Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed

This is our Hope.

The dividing of time a time and two times.

The few now see two realities due to the Mandela effects and the sign and wonders with the deceptive signs and wonders.  This means some see the M.E. and other say they are crazy.  Those who see the M.E. have a greater chance of seeking God in Truth.

Jacob’s trouble

The five years since 2017 have been troubling for Jacob (Israel) the chosen few.  This is NOT about geography.  God looks upon the heart.  By our choices we step into one of the templates that God prepared for all people on Earth.  Goats, wolves, and serpents.  Lambs, Sheep, & Lions.  All people will choose one of these templates by their choices in life.

Israel-Is as corrupt as the rest of political entities.  

However “Israel” stands for the chosen few.

Those who go before the THRONE

Are the 133

Some have gone through great tribulation in life.

Many lessons had to be learned by the 144/133.  All the 144 have died at least once already.  Hence the second death.  There lives have included the walk of the prodigal son.  With much seeking and sin.  Love covers a multitude of sin.  He who sinneth much Loveth much.  To him who much is forgiven is all the more grateful to God.  To seek God early in life due to the feeling of separation from God manifests in ways you would not expect.   The 144 have suffered attacks all their lives.  Emotional pain means alot of self destruction was likely.

Desperation prompts seeking of solutions.  God is the solution.

The simple shall not understand the prophecy but the wise shall know.

Christians just do not see the fulfillment of prophecy.  “A greedy & adulterous generation shall seek a sign but the only sign God will give them is the sign of Jonah.”  And He gave it.  In June 2021 a man was swallowed up by a whale…not all the way into the stomach but yes in the mouth of the whale.  AND SURVIVED.   The Revelation 12 sign is only understood by the woman herself of Rev. 12.

Who is she?  She is the intercessor.  Who did she birth?  She travailed in deep groaning prayer to birth God’s army on Earth for end of days.   She knows the burden of travail by supernatural prayer of intercession.  Years on end.  Deep gray groaning prayers.  All the 144 are both the child and the warrior. Hence “man-child”.

Signs in the skies

We see the angels.  We see the sun change to white.  It is changing so drastically that it will create an electrical ark and go black we think.  Clouds have changed.  Stars have changed.  Moon on its side.  Smiley face moon.  Many of the signs are covered by the strong delusion.

The four Angels

Are here and pouring pouring pouring the viles.

Trials of Jesus

The chosen are the woman at the well.  They are the woman who grabbed Jesus’ hem of garment.  They are the many who saw His miracle of the fish.  They experience in real time what Jesus taught.  And His walk they walk.

What I do ye shall do also and greater shall those who follow me also do.

dreams and visions

They are now many.

The prophecies, the last trump, the abomination of desolation, the strong delusion.

Repentance Life’s realizations, All things work together for the good to those who Love God.

Amos 8:11 &12

Zion & Carmel

The Revelations of Jesus are so powerful for those who believe we can barely contain the knowledge He pours out in the days of the great revealing.

Continue reading “To The 144,000 One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand”

200 Million Man Army? Pale Horse Rides Video


Video not for sensitive people or children.  Graphic medical researcher shows cremator’s discoveries of lethal blood clots and vascular & arterial malignant tumors unlike any ever seen during cremations.  So much so that fluids can’t be pumped into the bodies for funeral preparations.

Pale Horse Rides
Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.  We at Jazweeh than Mr. Stew Peters for leaving the embed codes on the vital video below from Rumble to freely post and share here.

Population Numbers?

Who knows how many people are REALLY on this Earth.  The beast lies like hell.

The Beast system 200 million man army prophecy interpretation theory is to control the minds and actions of the many people on Earth.   It’s likely there are only a chosen few number of people over 200 million on all the Earth.  They say billions because they want us all in fear or dead, or in the hospital as a kash kow.

If each person on Earth doesn’t have one child each with two children per couple then the population can’t be maintained. It decreases.  And these days many people don’t want children.

Supernatural Bible Changes to All Bibles

Revelation 9 depicts the huge army as one in the same as the Locusts from the pit.  That’s new.  Revelation 9 is neither written directly, correctly, or articulately.  The book is erroneous at best & lies like hell, it is as unstable as a broken toy race car. Bibles were holy until the Lord God Almighty took His seal of Daniel security off the book before 2016. Now it changes daily on the shelves. But the strong delusion covers the supernatural bible changes. And the passive blasphemy is disguised quite well for readers who already have preconceived notions of what the book should be.

Locust from the Pit

The only reason I am now connecting the Locust to the 200 million man army is because of the prior chapter Rev. 9:16 describes an un-named “army” out of the blue.  With no explanation or prior context.  The only connection is the prior chapter with it’s references to “horses & Locust”.    The bibles were holy & articulate.  Now the bibles are for those who cannot see and who use preconceived notions to interpret them.

Jazweeh’s Vision & Experience

However I had a revelation that the beast does have such an army…Granted the Locust have already ridden on the backs of the wing of abomination to arrive at their destination. Men’s faces.  While the winged rat perches on their heads.

As I said before I heard the creatures wings and I felt it’s suction cups.  I felt it’s vile attempt to infest my head.  And I slaughtered it as God taught me to do.  He also supplied all the weapons.  And God Almighty provided me armor.

The Locust is painless as I have said before.  But it connects to the mark of the beast in those who do not have the seal of God.  Just like the book said it would.  “Face of a man hair of woman”.  Is not its appearance but rather that is wear it lands and sets up residence.

Seeing these creatures is not a pretty sight.  And God will deliver those who repent.



Dearest Readers The Scribe Bids Thee Farewell!

My Faithful and Loving Readers

You are no average people.  To say one believes in God and to really know God are two very different events.  Those who crave the supernatural have God in them fuller than most.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.”

Father says “Will I bring unto labor, travail, and pain without bringing forth the birth?”

No He is neither done with us or this Earth.  Why did God allow this evil Earth to endure?

So the children of Earth could choose their eternal God and eternal Homes.

“We are saved from death and hell by Faith.  Faith is the substance of things Hoped for and the evidence of things not seen with the eyes.”

“Store up for yourselves treasure in Heaven where moth doesn’t eat and rust doesn’t corrupt.”  Nurture your Faith with Hope.  Visualize your paradise and it will be so.

So much I didn’t write.  So much I could have shown you but didn’t.  Some were not ready.

With God all things are possible.

Be not restrained by the confines of status quo shaming and notions of what is kool.  Imagination is your canvas.  Freedom of thought is your power.  Paint it.  Paint it.  Hope and Faith with Love are eternal supernatural greatest gifts.  Gifts given so you can form your next life’s canvas.

Process your emotional issues then let them Go.  The things that we do not express and let out have a way of consuming us.  Binding us up in chains to compare our insides with the outsides of others.  Shame, guilt, remorse, resentment, and fear if not released by TRUTH in writing, speaking, screaming, sharing, crying, moaning, groaning if necessary.     If not overcome these poisons will affect our perceptions throughout our lives.

Clear the wreckage of the past and it clears the way for the canvas to paint the afterlife with color and with Love.  By Truth & expression of Truth we are set free to Create.

In meditation one finds self.  By meditation the issues will surface so they can be remitted to dust.  By the hearts voice.

Guard over your heart for out of it flow the wellsprings of Life.

My job on this Earth is nearly finished.  All secrets & mysteries that I am given are revealed.  My calling is nearly fulfilled.  I have shown you the enemy the beast.  I have shared the solutions of God, Truth, and of Faith & Love.  The rest is up to you.

I have work on The New Earth.  But not before the old earth burns.  I will leave Earth very soon.  The words I leave behind will endure but perhaps under a different name.  The scribes words will endure.  But I do not know how God will play that out.

God makes a way where there seemeth no way.

Farewell my Job is finished

Why Watchmen (YouTube) Can’t See That The Great Tribulation Is Now

What Three Statements Are Said Most on Youtube by Watchmen on the Wall?

  1. “It’s Not the Mark!”  (they took it therefore they must proclaim its not the mark).
  2.  AND…”We are NOT IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION!”   They insist on pre trib rapture therefore they cannot look at the great trib, the beast, the pale horse.
  3. There is a Rapture and lets argue about WHEN.  Pretrib-Posttrib, pre-post, pre-post!  The rapture debate is the Christians distraction giving them someone to hate.

Continue reading “Why Watchmen (YouTube) Can’t See That The Great Tribulation Is Now”